Rogue Angel - Footprints Part 70

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Annja eyed him. "Not even going to attempt to lie to me about the possibility of getting out of this with my life, are you?"

"Nope. Call it a sign of respect. You don't buy my bulls.h.i.+t, anyway. No sense in pretending about tonight's outcome."

Annja nodded. "I suppose I should thank you for that."

"Yeah, why's that?"

Annja smiled. "It just makes everything that much clearer. That's all."

Tom nodded toward the pine trees. "You've still got a lot of carrying to do. Let's get back."

"How will you know where to meet these people that you do business with?"

Tom patted his s.h.i.+rt pocket. "Got the map and directions right here. It's just a short skip down the old interstate. It's always nice driving into the city, anyway. We do the drop and then Sheila and I continue on to our new home."

"So you say." Annja started walking away from the truck. She stumbled once on some loose rock.

She heard Tom snicker behind her. "Careful there. Wouldn't want you to get hurt and have to struggle through the pain."

Annja closed her eyes and saw the sword hanging there, ready to draw out at a moment's notice. She wanted to wrap her hands around it right now, but the time wasn't right.

Not yet.

She continued walking down the trail. The rain had increased and now the steady shower coated everything. The ground grew muddy underfoot. Annja would have to remember to watch her footing or she'd risk a fall in the mud.

"I'm going to miss this place," Tom said suddenly from behind her.

"So why don't you stay and turn yourself in?"

He laughed. "Prison's not an option for me."

Annja nodded. "Yeah, I think that way about death, too."

"Death's inevitable," Tom said. "The only question is when we're all going to go."

"Don't tell me you're philosophical about the murders you commit."

"Whatever helps keep the demons at bay," Tom said.

"I suppose you're right," Annja said. "It is all just a big question of when, isn't it?"


She glanced back at him. "And if we knew the when of it all, I wonder if we'd live our lives any differently than we have to this point?"

Tom shook his head. "I wouldn't. I'm pretty happy with how things have turned out so far."

"You should see it from my perspective," Annja said.

"No, thanks. I prefer my viewpoint. You know, it's the one with the big nasty shotgun and all. The view's much nicer back here."

Annja shrugged. "Oh, I don't know about that."


Annja dropped suddenly to one knee and pivoted, sweeping one of her legs out and back at Tom's legs.

She caught him at just the right moment as his full body weight was coming down onto his right leg. She swept the leg and he toppled backward, falling into the mud.

Annja was up instantly. She summoned the sword and charged.

Tom saw the sword coming for him and swept the shotgun up, trying to get a shot at Annja.

He was too slow and Annja cut across the barrel and heard the sharp clang as the sword blade bit through the barrel and the stock. The force of the impact knocked the shotgun out of Tom's hands and sent it skittering across the rocks and gravel until it came to rest under a tree.

But Tom didn't stop moving and Annja marveled at his speed as he rolled off the ground and came up, kicking out at her face.

Annja ducked under the kick and tried to cut at Tom's leg but he retracted it quickly and retreated some distance away.

Annja charged again, leaping into the air. She brought the sword high overhead, trying to cleave Tom in two as she came down.

But Tom threw a handful of gravel into her face and she swore as the tiny stones and dirt clouded her vision and stung her eyes.

She swung the sword wildly but missed. Then she felt a thundering side kick explode into her rib cage. She heard a snap and then her lung heaved as she fought to grab a breath. Tom's kick must have broken several ribs.

Annja swung the sword back, trying to catch Tom's leg. She felt the blade bite into something but then the sensation was gone.

Annja wiped her free hand across her face, desperate to get the gravel out of her eyes. Tears streamed down her face, clouding her vision. If she didn't clear her eyesight, Tom would go for his gun and shoot her before she could finish the job.

Another kick thundered into her opposite side and this time it was all Annja could do to keep from dropping the sword and collapsing in pain.

I hope Jenny's having better luck with Sheila, she thought.

Annja cut back again, trying to find a target. She heard Tom laugh. "Can't hit what you can't see."

Annja held the blade in front of her. The blindness worked against her and she couldn't find Tom in the rain and darkness.

A sound reached her ears.

He's going to the gun.

She had one chance.

She flipped the sword over and heaved it like a javelin. She heard the blade hiss through the air.

At the same time, a single gunshot tore through the night.

Rogue Angel - Footprints Part 70

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Rogue Angel - Footprints Part 70 summary

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