For Research Purposes Only Part 4

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She watched, spellbound, as the woman screamed out in o.r.g.a.s.m, trembling and shuddering while herpartner thrust home again and again, finally shouting his own release.They collapsed in a heap on the carpet.Dear heavens. What would it be like to have s.e.x that...that...intense?

Unthinkingly, she turned her head and looked at Jack.

He stared back at her, eyelids heavy and pupils darkly shadowed in the green of his eyes.

Daphne's heart lurched. Her body ached, her panties were soaked and she wanted one thing and one

thing only.She blinked, and let this new awareness seep into her soul. Shewanted .She wanted Jack like she'd never wanted anything in her life before.And he knew.* * * * *Jack groaned as Daphne flung herself on him and plastered her mouth to his. She was all fire and need in his arms and he couldn't get enough.

Her hands slipped to his s.h.i.+rt and she fumbled with the b.u.t.tons, finally losing patience and ripping the last

couple free. He gasped as her mouth traced a line from his throat down to his nipples and found one, tasting it and playing with it with enthusiasm.

His own hands were busy sliding her soft s.h.i.+rt up and pulling it free of her arms, and she nearly fought him

until she realized what he was doing, then she quickly whipped it off over her head. Her serviceable cotton bra was gone in two seconds flat, and with a mutual sigh of pleasure their skin touched.

She was all softness and warmth, rubbing herself against him like a cat in heat.

And her lips were everywhere. Just when she'd found one particular spot to explore, something else caught her attention and she moved, a hot, naked quicksilver woman writhing on top of him.

His heart was pounding as he tried to keep up with her. His c.o.c.k was about to explode through his pants

and he was burning every bit as much as she was. But it was too quick.

He wanted to savor this. To show her how good it could be, not shove himself into her and come in ten seconds flat. Well, okay, that was a lie. He did want to shove himself into her and it wouldn't even take ten seconds for him to come either.

There was something about her that lit a few fires Jack never knew still existed. Fires that seared his b.a.l.l.s, stopped his heart in his throat somewhere and made him want to hold her so tight she'd be forever imprinted on his skin.

Her hair tickled his nose and he fought a sneeze, the momentary distraction helping him drag his mind out of his c.o.c.k.

" down."It was a groan rather than the seductive whisper he'd intended, and for a moment he wasn't sure she'dheard.

But she had. She pulled back and gasped. "Oh my G.o.d. What am I doing? I'm...I'm... OhG.o.d !"Jack wasn't about to let her lose the moment. His hands slid up her waist and cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "You're doing just fine. I want to touch you too." He moved their bodies into a more comfortable position onthe couch and lowered his head to her breast, finding the pebbled nipple and sucking it gently into his mouth."You taste wonderful."She sighed. "So do you."Her hands smoothed across his shoulders as he bent his head to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s once again, and she arched her back encouragingly.

Jack answered her invitation with every bit of skill he possessed.

He suckled and licked and tongued her nipples, first one then the other, letting his hand take over when

his mouth slicked free. She felt like spice and sweetness on his tongue, unique and delicate


He let his hand slip behind her as he rasped the edges of his teeth over the hard bud he was currently loving. Carefully he slid his palm beneath her pants and underwear, finding the smooth softness of her bottom. It filled his hand to perfection, and he gently squeezed.

She moaned and her hips s.h.i.+fted beneath him.

He d.a.m.n near came in his jeans just from the brush of her p.u.s.s.y against the fabric stretched taut over the biggest hard-on he'd had in years.

He pulled his face from her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and stretched out full-length, half on top of her. As his hand went to

the fastenings on her pants, he kissed her once more, deeply, thrusting his tongue into her mouth and

demanding she do the same.

Within seconds what was left of her clothes tangled around her knees and she kicked herself free of them.

He couldn't wait.

Still eating her mouth fiercely, his hand found her belly and moved lower-lower, slipping over hersoftness to the thatch of curls on her p.u.s.s.y.His fingers threaded through the hairs, seeking...searching...and finally finding-paradise.* * * * *Daphne's heart thudded as she felt Jack's fingers between her legs.Their breaths mingled, their tongues tangled and her body was on fire. Daphne the librarian had long since vanished, leaving Daphne the overs.e.xed wild woman in her place.

And there was something digging into the wild woman's hip. Something long and hard and she wanted to touch it, feel it against her, skin to skin.

As Jack moved his hand around, sending s.h.i.+vers of electricity deep into her body, she reached for his fly

and snapped it open.

He growled into her mouth and wriggled his hips, helping her free him of the tight clothing. Andthen...thereit was.His...hisc.o.c.k .

Daringly, she curled her fingers around it, exploring the hot velvety feel of it, the solid muscle lyingbeneath the skin and the irregular ridges that marked it."Daph..." He groaned as she tightened her grasp. "Daph...""I'm sorry..." She pulled her head back slightly. "Am I hurting you?" She let go in concern."G.o.dno." He pulled her hand back to him roughly. "Touch me, Daph. feels...wonderful."She took him into her hand again. "Yes, it does."

This was...amazing.Her thighs were parting at his touch, his c.o.c.k lying hot and throbbing in her hand and she was starknaked beneath the most gorgeous man she'd ever seen. And he wantedher with just about the sameamount of need she was feeling.

Then his fingers slid over a particular fold of flesh and she choked. "Oh myG.o.d ..."He touched her, pressed her, pulled and tugged her skin in ways that made her eyeb.a.l.l.s roll back in her head and her hips writhe against the sofa. He'd found her c.l.i.t and played it like a maestro with aStradivarius.A small part of her mind stood there, mouth agape, in amazement. Welldarn . Eyeb.a.l.l.s reallydid roll.

Who knew?

She lost her focus completely, letting her instincts drive her. Her legs parted, slipping over his thigh,

brus.h.i.+ng herself against him, always moving, squirming, fighting to get the right part of him nearer the rightpart of her."OhJesus , Daph..." His breath hissed between his teeth as her p.u.s.s.y slid slickly over his c.o.c.k. "You're so f.u.c.king hot..."

Words caught in her throat as his body covered hers. She felt him move, reaching, tearing...grabbingsomething ... "Whaa...""Protection, sweetheart. Relax..."Protection. Ah, yes. Right. Safe s.e.x and all that. The h.e.l.l with safe s.e.x. All she wanted was the s.e.x.

Thank G.o.d he had the presence of mind to remember, since she had no mind left at all, let alone any with presence in it.

She only had one goal. To get him inside her.


Chapter Six.

Jack struggled with the condom as a bead of sweat rolled down his nose and dropped onto Daphne's flesh. He was almost amazed it didn't sizzle and pop when it landed.

She was hotter than fire beneath him, and he fought with himself against the need to come. He, Jack Foster, aka "Big John Johnson". The man who'd filmed men and women f.u.c.king in every position known to the human race and even invented a few, was reduced to hanging on to his own control by the skin of

his teeth.

One more slide of that silky skin against his and he was going to lose it all over his hands like a G.o.dd.a.m.ned f.u.c.king teenager.

Part of him was astounded that this librarian-turned-wanton-s.e.x-fiend had all but pushed him over the edge of control.

The rest of him wanted in.Now .His senses were swimming in a sea of her scent...fresh, clean and all Daphne. Her juices flooded hisfingers and seared his c.o.c.k as he rubbed the head against her c.l.i.t, loving her panting breaths and the littlethroaty moans that she couldn't hold back.

She wasn't holding anything back, Jack realized. Nothing was forced, nothing was faked...this was asreal as it got.She wanted Jack Foster's c.o.c.k f.u.c.king her. That was all. And to Jack, it was everything.

He braced his weight on his hands. " your eyes. Look at me, Daph..."She slowly raised her lids and he stared into her shadowed brown eyes. "Watch me, sweetheart. Watchme. I'm going to slide my c.o.c.k into you. I'm going to feel you around me. I want your heat...I want tobe in your me, Daph..."

Watchme .

She did. She held his gaze as he pushed himself into her body. She was tight, oh-so-tight, but he felt her body opening for his penetration as her moisture smoothed his way inside.

She was trembling, and G.o.ddammit-so was he.

He sank deep into her c.u.n.t, sighing with pleasure as she welcomed him, parting her thighs wide and

letting him finally come to rest against her p.u.s.s.y. His b.a.l.l.s brushed her skin and he s.h.i.+vered. Honest-toG.o.d s.h.i.+vered.He'd never feltanything quite like this.

Never shared anything quite like this.

Wide-eyed, she watched him, teeth biting down on her lower lip as he stilled, his c.o.c.k deep within her.

He couldn't look away from her face, even when his body forced him to move, to pull back and free of her, only to plunge down into heaven once again.

"Jack..." It was a whisper of sound and yet he heard it and it rocketed through his gut like lightning.

His hips pounded into her, beyond his control, and her c.u.n.t clung to him, releasing only to tighten aroundhim once more.They found a natural rhythm, a dancea deux that was older than time but seemed brand new to both of them. It certainly was for Jack.His b.a.l.l.s had tightened to rocks between his legs, slapping against Daphne as he thrust again and again.He knew he was going to come, knew hehad to come, and yet he wanted to explore these new sensations...this new feeling of...what?It was a losing battle. Nature was about to triumph.s.h.i.+fting his weight, Jack slipped one hand between their bodies and found Daphne's c.l.i.t. All it took was a slight caress and she was choking, gasping for air and a scream boiling up in her throat."Jaaaack..."She came around him, through him, clamping down on him ferociously and with such a total lack of control that he surrendered and fell with her.Life, as he'd known it up to that moment, had ended.Something new had begun.* * * * *Daphne heard music.At first she wondered if it was the aftereffects of the most incredibly gut-clenching o.r.g.a.s.m she'd ever had. Then she realized it was the soundtrack to the movie they'd never watched.She snorted to herself. Who needed towatch it when you coulddo it?And, darn it, they'd done it. Ohboy had they done it.Jack eased himself away from her, and she repressed the urge to hold him tight and beg him not to move for a couple of thousand years.

She sighed. It was over. A fabulous...f.u.c.k...yes. That was the word. Four letters, social unacceptabilityand all. They'd f.u.c.ked. Like minks or whatever rodent it was that apparently f.u.c.ked its little brains out.She cast a glance around her in case there were any bits of her brain that had shaken loose during the whole experience.

Nope. Nothing but a tumbled pile of clothes.

Jack disappeared through a doorway and she heard water running. Stiffly, she reached for her

For Research Purposes Only Part 4

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