The Battle - Defeating The Enemy Of Your Soul Part 7

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The crowd could hear the rising chant of the Satan wors.h.i.+pers. Everyone turned to see them moving with determination down the aisles, past the ushers who were working to restrain them. They were causing a considerable disturbance by that time. I continued addressing the crowd. "I'm going to ask you Christian young people to surround these Satan wors.h.i.+pers," I exhorted. "Love them. Pray for them. Sing to them. And gradually ease them back toward the entrances through which they have come."

I will never forget that moment! Hundreds of young Christians stood to their feet and did exactly as I had asked. Some grabbed hands and began to sing. Others put their arms around the Satan wors.h.i.+pers and began to pray for them. Others calmly shared their faith with them. Everyone else at McCormick Place sat praying as G.o.d's Spirit moved through His people to confound the work of Satan in our midst. I stood watching in silence. I waited and prayed until peace was restored and the service could resume.19 Billy Graham, the people of Nuremberg, and these youth in Chicago saw firsthand how the power of prayer and a demonstration of the love of G.o.d can force the enemy back.

How can we consistently pray in ways that will defeat the enemy? G.o.d wants us to understand that we are all able to succeed in prayer and to resist the enemy. Several principles are unfolded consistently throughout the pages of Scripture: 1. We should understand that we are not in a conflict in the physical realm of flesh and blood but with spiritual forces and powers of evil (Eph. 6:12). Prayer is spiritual, and there is a spiritual world around us that constantly tries to induce us to compromise our faith or become discouraged. Reading, studying the Bible, and praying will keep us on the winning side when the spiritual forces that are against G.o.d attempt to throw us off track.

Years ago, I asked the Lord to put me on a schedule of rising early in the morning so I could read my Bible and pray. Since my college days I have had a devotional life, but I wanted to spend more time with the Lord every day. G.o.d answered my prayer, and it seemed that I naturally started waking up around 5:00 A.M. Since that day, my habit is to go to my study and read my Bible, study the Word, pray about what I have read, and pray through my prayer list. Even though my schedule, like most peoples, seems very full, this two-hour devotional time is the most important appointment of my day.

I spend this time with the Author of Life-the One who knows me better than I know myself and the One who understands every person and situation I will face during the day. He can keep me calm when in my flesh I would become nervous. He can give me peace when a situation would normally bring great concern. He can give me the words to say when my natural intellect isn't sufficient. He knows the tricks of the devil and will be my rearguard against the enemy's attempts to deceive, distort, or distract.20 Our prayer life is critical. Through it G.o.d will help us to be sensitive to the princ.i.p.alities and powers that would injure us and those we love.

2. We should pray that we will live a life before G.o.d, fervently committed to His truth and righteousness (Rom. 12:1-2; Eph. 6:14). Every day we need to die to our flesh and decide to live for G.o.d in everything we do and say. Paul said that "I die every day" (1 Cor. 15:31). We shouldn't worry about tomorrow, next week, or next year. If we live one day at a time, we will develop G.o.dly habits that will help us be victorious over the enemy or the challenges of life tomorrow.

3. We should pray in faith, knowing that Satan's power can be broken in any specific area of his domain (Acts 26:18; Eph. 6:16; 1 Thess. 5:8). In Christ we can do all things. There is no habit, addiction, or wrong lifestyle that with G.o.d's help we cannot overcome. There is no painful experience from which we cannot receive G.o.d's supernatural healing. With G.o.d's help we can forgive anyone who has hurt us and thereby become free from that injury. Even when we do not feel free, we can pray by faith and G.o.d will help us, either supernaturally or through a G.o.dly friend. Jesus came to give us an abundant life.

4. We should realize that as believers in Jesus Christ we have been given powerful spiritual weapons for the destruction of Satan's strongholds (2 Cor. 10:4). Our prayer life is one of those powerful weapons. When we pray, the enemy cowers. When we pray, we are communicating with the Creator G.o.d, our Heavenly Father, who loves us and will respond to our prayers.

5. We should pray that G.o.d will give us daily opportunities to share the gospel with someone. There is tremendous spiritual victory when we proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom in the power of the Holy Spirit (Matt. 4:23; Luke 1:15-17; Acts 1:8; 2:4; 8:12; Rom. 1:16; Eph. 6:15). When we witness, give our Christian tes- timony, or teach about Jesus Christ, spiritual seeds are planted that the Holy Spirit will cause to grow in that other person's life. In doing this we are directly challenging the enemy that would like to keep people blind to the truth.

6. We should challenge Satan and his power directly by praying in Jesus' name (Acts 16:16-18), by using the Word of G.o.d (Eph. 6:17), by praying in the Spirit (Acts 6:14; Eph. 6:18), by fasting (Matt. 6:16; Mark 9:29), by casting out demons (Matt. 10:1; 12:28; 17:17-21; Mark 16:17; Luke 10:17; Acts 5:16; 8:7; 16:18; 19:12). These activities are to be normal for the Christian, just as they were in the early church. This is aggressive praying and aggressive living.

7. We should pray that the Holy Spirit will produce conviction in the lost in regard to sin, righteousness, and the coming judgment (John 16:7-11). Often G.o.d will bring people to us who are struggling with a lifestyle or lack peace, and we should view these occasions as opportunities offered by the Holy Spirit for us to give G.o.dly counsel, pray for them, introduce them to Christ, or give scriptural guidance.

8. We should pray that we will be used of G.o.d in the supernatural gifts (Acts 4:29-33; 10:38; 1 Cor. 12:7-11). There is no question that the early church experienced signs and wonders. We believe that we will see G.o.d move in similar ways in our day.21 There is a renewed prayer movement going on around the world today. It seems that the Christian church has come alive with the pa.s.sion to pray. In our book Back to the Word, we write, The evangelical scholar J. Edwin Orr summarized, into one statement, his sixty years of historical study on great prayer movements preceding spiritual awakenings. He says, "Whenever G.o.d is ready to do something new with his people, he always sets them to praying." If this is true and foundational to G.o.d's agenda, when revival is on the horizon, then a worldwide revival is coming. The most hopeful sign of our times is the prayer movement.

David Barrett, a noted demographer of the Christian movement in the world today, has gathered the following statistics: 1. Worldwide there are about 170 million Christians who are committed to praying daily for world evangelization and spiritual awakening (revival).

2. Of this group, twenty million believe that praying for world revival is the primary calling that G.o.d has given them. They are what we call "prayer warriors."

3. Around the world are at least ten million prayer groups that have a common focus in prayer each time they meet. They continually ask G.o.d to bring worldwide revival.

4. Worldwide there are an estimated thirteen hundred prayer mobilization networks endeavoring to persuade the church to pray more for world revival.

David Bryant, an evangelical prayer movement leader, commented on this modern-day phenomenon respecting prayer: "If we know historically, as Dr. Orr suggests, this groundswell of prayer is a gift of G.o.d; if it is biblically accurate to teach that G.o.d has not only ordained the end but also the means (the end being world revival, the means being the prayers of his people); if this ma.s.sive chorus of prayer is increasingly focused on nothing less than national and world revival; and if, when G.o.d stirs us up to this type of praying he does so because he is actually ready to answer us-how can we believe otherwise than that world revival is bearing down on top of us."22 The renewal and revival that all kinds of people are experiencing is a result of prayer. This revival in not within one denomination or fellows.h.i.+p. It is a revival that ranges across the body of Christ to pray, wors.h.i.+p, and win this world for G.o.d's kingdom.




Satan's Present-day Strategies.

The Red Cross supervisor for the region of Ogaline, Croatia, I was eager to meet with an American who had studied psychology and human behavior. His a.s.signment was to help the refugees in his sector as much as possible with the resources available to the Red Cross. He had witnessed the bombing of the hospital in his community the week before. Fighting was going on all around him, and he wondered whether his refugee camps might be bombed next.

The supervisor, whom we'll call John, felt great compa.s.sion for the many women and children in desperate need. Daily he heard their pleas for help in finding their husbands and fathers, some of whom had been missing for up to two years. He really had no way of knowing these men's whereabouts, but feared that if they had not been heard from in several months, they were probably dead or, at best, in a prisoner-of-war camp. All he could offer these families was words of hope, but inside he had little hope himself.

When I arrived,1 John quickly a.s.sembled his leaders.h.i.+p team around the large oak table in the dimly lit room. He asked his a.s.sistant to bring some cookies and coffee. He apologized to me that he didn't have more to offer, then hurriedly got to his point: "I am wondering if you could offer me some advice about how to help the children in the refugee camps. A high percentage of them are suffering depression, and some are exhibiting some behavior that is not normal."

The Red Cross workers with him added, "Many of the children have not seen or heard from their fathers for several months and some, for over a year. Their mothers are depressed, too. They have lost their homes and all of their belongings other than what they could carry to the camp. They seem to be in shock."

"Do you have any type of educational program going on?" I asked. "Are there activities that the children can become involved in every day? What do the women in the camps do every day?"

John responded, "We do not have the books or materials to provide any educational a.s.sistance to the children, and we have very little activities for the women. Our resources are limited."

After more than an hour of discussion, I offered to get some curriculum and writing materials to John within the next few weeks for a school program for the children. I encouraged him to start some kind of activities for the women that would help them pa.s.s the time. He was grateful.

The sun was going down, and John warned, "I need to get you to the refugee camp soon, as you shouldn't drive in this area after dark."

We drove past military personnel and equipment-buildings that had been bombed within the last few days-and as we approached the refugee camp, I felt concerned that I might be there if someone decided to attack the camp. Then I thought ashamedly, These people have these kinds of concerns every day. At least I can leave the country in a few days-they can't.

As I lay in the bed provided for me, I wondered, Why are these innocent people suffering so much? Why is this war going on? I was half-awake most of the night to listen for any nearby bombing.

In the morning, hundreds of women and children gathered in a makes.h.i.+ft auditorium after breakfast to listen to the Christian music group that was traveling with me. We pa.s.sed out candy and some small gifts, sang Christian songs, and then talked to them about the love of G.o.d and His concern for them. As I spoke, I saw tears falling from mother's faces and children beginning to smile, and for a brief moment in their lives, I saw some hope. I thought, This moment is worth the trip.

At the conclusion of the message I gave an invitation to come to Christ. The front of the room became full of people who wanted to become Christians. I was overwhelmed with their response. Over and over again, I heard the comment, "Thank you for coining. Can you come back again?" Others said, "This is a wonderful gift you have given us. We haven't had this much joy since we have been here."

In a few hours we were driving through northern Croatia to visit another refugee camp. My heart was heavy with concern for the children that I had bonded with. I wondered about their future. How many of them would never see their fathers again? I fought back the tears. I pondered what Jesus had said about the last days: "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom" (Matt. 24:6-7). The thought didn't elevate the sorrow I felt for those innocent refugees, but it did remind me that we are very possibly in those final days that Jesus warned us about, when Satan will increase his activity as never before. The women and children in Ogaline were suffering because the enemy does not care whom he hurts in trying to distract people from a loving G.o.d.

The Battle Has Intensified.

SCRIPTURE TELLS us THAT in the last days wickedness will increase and demonic influence will become more evident. "The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons" (1 Tim. 4:1). "But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days" (2 Tim. 3:1).

Jesus Christ warned that there would be an outbreak of satanic counterfeit miracles in the epoch of time preceding His return. "For false Christ's and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect-if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time" (Matt. 24:24-25).

Similarly, Paul writes, "The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are peris.h.i.+ng. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved" (2 Thess. 2:9-10).

Never in human history have the evil events of the end time, as described in the Bible, been more in evidence than they are now. In this day of technology it seems that Satan is accelerating and intensifying his strategy to control the world.

Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway, former U.S. Army Chief of Staff, wrote in his autobiography, Soldier, "There are two kinds of information that no commander can do without-information pertaining to the enemy which we call 'combat intelligence' and information on the terrain. Both are vital."2 It is critical in wartime to discern where the enemy will attack. Accurate, pertinent, and timely intelligence on the enemy is necessary for making an adequate defense. It is fundamental to have sure knowledge of the strength of the enemy. What is his plan of attack? What is his timing? What is his next move? What weapons will he likely use? This information is needed if we would win battle.

Scripture offers much prophetic information as to how Satan will attempt to influence and control the terminal generation before the second coming of Jesus Christ. We could be that last generation.

Satan is not stupid. We need to a.s.sume that he knows our weak points and where to target us with his temptations. Where one person might be strong, another will be weak. The devil's modus operandi is different with every person. This generation has seen occult practices spread worldwide, through television programs, New Age teaching, alleged abductions by unidentified flying objects (UFOs), witchcraft, and psychic phone lines.

New cults and false religions emerge and grow rapidly, because Satan seeks to divert people from the Truth.

For many, human life is demeaned through legalized abortion that results in about one and a half million babies being killed each year. Arguments rage over the "quality of life" and the morality of euthanasia and physician-a.s.sisted suicide. It is reported that a new computer program, used in the first legally a.s.sisted death in Australia, will soon be available on the internet. Philip Nitschke, a doctor and the author of the book Self-Deliverance, states that the program is only a small part of a death package that includes a machine for delivering lethal injections.3 We should realize that this hideous crime of euthanasia will only escalate. Its victims will extend from the terminally ill, to the depressed, the physically weak, the person with a death wish, the elderly, and perhaps anyone who a particular group of people feel are not contributors to society. It is a frightening thought! If the n.a.z.i party could convince their people of a right to exterminate certain kinds of people because of their religious beliefs or ethnic culture or physical condition, we should a.s.sume that this type of ethnic cleansing and murder can be repeated. History often repeats itself. The enemy of our souls would like us to think that after physical, conscious life ends, there is nothingness. This devastating lie has persuaded countless people to end their lives prematurely or to take someone else's life unnaturally.

In her book Power, Pathology, Paradox: The Dynamics of Good and Evil, Marguerite Shuster insightfully comments, The Fallen Angel would say that there is no heaven, no other hope, and therefore no h.e.l.l; the Prince of the world would say that there is no other world, and therefore no G.o.d or Satan; the Tempter, that there is no judge, and hence no offense or Author of Evil; the Liar, that there is no reality, thus no lie or Liar; Legion, that there is no person so he cannot exist; and the Accuser, that there is no pardon.4 There is no question that evil has escalated in our generation and that the enemy has heightened his attack on mankind in myriad ways as he prepares for the final battle. Shuster accurately portrays a part of Satan's strategy to deceive people: To characterize the Devil as essentially "anti" is to say that his intent and procedure is to isolate, to deceive, and to destroy; to break down the integrity of relations.h.i.+ps and of mind and body-it matters little which comes first, as any one of them can easily bring the others in its train. If he is finally to succeed, however, he cannot remain a force wholly external to persons but, as we have seen, must snare them as willing followers. Thus we must see his "anti" stance as extending even to his own appearance: he masquerades as good, as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14). His very nature is to lie: "He is a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44; the Greek implies him to be the father of his own lies, such that even a standard of truth is denied, which is the most absolute lie possible). He wishes to persuade us that all is relative, that contraries are indifferent, that white is really gray is really black. He would represent things to us as he chooses; he would make all appearances lie and make faith itself heretical and G.o.dless (1 Tim. 4:1). To take him seriously is to expect him where we do not expect him. From his subtlety in the Garden to his signs and lying wonders in the Apocalypse, he presents evil as good. He counterfeits G.o.d. Thus human "goodness" or innocence cannot itself prevail.5 Signs of the Last Days.

THE BIBLE GIVES MANY details about the last days, when Satan will subtly attempt to keep as many people in his kingdom as possible. There are many false G.o.ds extant in the world.

Humanism is a common religion in the world. Humanism is the wors.h.i.+p of self instead of G.o.d. People will be interested in their own welfare, values, and interests without taking G.o.d into consideration. In their selfishness to satisfy their desires, they will forget G.o.d and wors.h.i.+p the creature rather than the Creator (Rom. 1:22-23, 25; 2 Tim. 3:2). Even more pernicious than this egocentric way of living are religions that teach that people can actually become G.o.ds. This false concept is common in New Age teaching. Also, Mormonism teaches, "As man is, G.o.d once was, and as G.o.d is, man may become." The founder of the Mormon church said, "G.o.d was once a man like us and dwelt on an earth, the same as Jesus Christ did, and you have got to learn to be G.o.ds yourselves the same as all G.o.ds before you."6 The spirit of humanism began with the prideful Lucifer. He thought only of himself, and this lurid thought turned into the idea that he could be as powerful as G.o.d. Satan himself has promoted self-centered humanism.

Materialism is a common false G.o.d. People want more and more material belongings and money. Greed will increase worldwide (Rom. 1:29).

Not long after the Iron Curtain came down in Eastern Europe, I had the opportunity to visit many Christian leaders in Timisoara, Romania. I found the churches in that country full of faith, power, and a deep love for G.o.d. Yet, the people were poor and had few material possessions. They couldn't be sure they would have enough food to get their families through another winter. Most of their clothing was worn, old, and tattered-but clean. What few automobiles could be seen on the roads were usually old and plain. I thought, These people have suffered for over thirty years, and have so few earthly possessions-yet they are full of faith in G.o.d, have a deep love for one another, and are happy. I concluded that the church in Eastern Europe has become stronger in spite of their great persecution and lack of material blessings.

I asked a leading pastor from Timisoara what he felt was the greatest threat to the church of Romania now that the walls of tyranny had fallen. Without hesitation, he said, "Teachings that say you only have to name it, and claim it, then you will have it. When people start looking to material things to obtain happiness, rather than to their G.o.d, then their faith will begin to decrease."

I had to agree with him. Because of their lack, they wholly depended on G.o.d to supply their every need. Day by day, hour by hour, moment by moment, they trusted the One who would care for them.

Satan wants us to think that our happiness, peace, contentment, and feelings of security come from what we own. In the last days this lie will deceive many into looking to material gain as the mark of success. There is no question that G.o.d often blesses His people materially and will supply their needs. But our joy and peace come from the Lord and not from what we own. All over the world there are dynamic, committed believers in Jesus Christ who have very little in earthly possessions, but give a wonderful demonstration of the blessing of G.o.d on their lives.

Hedonism is a common lifestyle. The devotion to pleasure and self-gratification, accompanied by a disregard for conventional morality, is rapidly becoming a way of life. The achievement of pleasure, no matter what the cost, is the goal of many today. The Bible states that people will be lovers of self more than lovers of G.o.d or His will (2 Tim. 3:2-4). People will try to suppress the truth about G.o.d (Rom. 1:18-22, 30). Many would like to put an end to G.o.ds Word and His truth. People will give themselves over to s.e.xual impurity (Rom. 1:24) and become more open about h.o.m.os.e.xual behavior (vv. 26-27).

Television, movies, videos, gimmicks, and games continually promote a hedonistic att.i.tude. They try to communicate that Christian values and principles are old-fas.h.i.+oned. Their message, whether promoting immorality or denigrating religious faith, becomes bolder and bolder as we approach the end of the age.

Nihilism-despair-is a common condition. As people alienate themselves from a holy G.o.d, love will grow cold (Matt. 24:12). People will become more and more out of control because of their abuse of morality (Rom. 1:28-32). When people ignore G.o.d and His will, difficult times come (2 Tim. 3:2-4). There will be more and more violence and lawlessness. People will become more arrogant and even brag about their unG.o.dly behavior. Mocking G.o.d and even blaspheming Him will be common (see Rom. 1:30; 2 Tim. 3:2-4). Paul warned Timothy that these days would be difficult (2 Tim. 3:1).

Many will suffer because of this rejection of G.o.ds principles. There will be a rebellious spirit among children (2 Tim. 3:2), maliciousness (gossip, slander, envy, malice, vv. 2-4), deceit (Rom. 1:29, 31), betrayal by family members (Mark 13:12), stress to the point that "men will faint from terror" (Luke 21:26), and people will hate good (Rom. 1:29; 2 Tim. 2:3). The day will be full of despair.

More specifically, as we move into a new millennium, there are major fronts that the enemy has in focus. These include marriage, church unity and church attendance, evangelism, prayer, morality, and G.o.d's Word.

The Attack on Marriage.

THERE is A DEMON-INSPIRED attack on the divine inst.i.tution of marriage and on individual marriages. Among Paul's warnings about the doctrines that deceiving spirits will promote is the curious idea of "forbidding to marry" (1 Tim. 4:3 KJV). Although it is impossible to say to how much demonic influence is affecting the inst.i.tution of marriage today, it is obvious that marriage is different from what G.o.d created it to be.

This attack on marriage has even affected the Christian community. The Barna Research Group made the following report based on interviews with 3,142 randomly selected adults in the United States, including 1,220 born-again Christians.7 * Consistent with our earlier findings, we discovered that one out of every four adults (24 percent) who has been married has experienced a divorce.8 * Born-again Christians are slightly more likely than non-Christians to go through a divorce. Twenty-seven percent of Christians have seen their marriage break up, compared with 23 percent of non-Christians.

* Adults who describe themselves as Christian fundamentalists are more likely than others to get divorced: 30 percent have experienced divorce.

* Data comparing the ages at which people were married and at which they accepted Christ as their Savior show that accepting Christ does not reduce the incidence of divorce. Eighty-seven percent of adult Christians who said they had been divorced at one time or another got divorced while they were Christians.

Satan seeks to destroy marriages, not only for the havoc divorce wreaks on adults and children, but for the discredit divorce brings on Christianity.

G. H. Pember speaks of some of the demonic doctrines about marriage prevailing today.

Spiritualists of the school with which we have now to deal teach that the marriage of male and female is the great inst.i.tution of the next life and that every person has an affinity who will be his or her spouse for eternity, but that in this present time there were frequent mistakes, and that consequently those who are not spiritual affinities being joined together are unable to agree and live in union. This they affirm to be the cause of all misfortune in wedded life.

Many Spiritualists, however, go much further, and declare that marriage should last only so long as the contracting parties may be disposed to live together, in short that G.o.d's first ordinance, like every other restraint, is to be snapped asunder as soon as it becomes wearisome."

Prime-time television constantly challenges traditional marriage, even mocking the idea that marriage is to last a lifetime. Don Wildmon reports that 88 percent of s.e.xual activity in prime-time television is between people who are not married, thus making "l.u.s.t more attractive than love."10 Many of the daily talk shows seem to exalt s.e.xual perversion. For example, one of the guests on a recent daytime talk show was a woman who claimed to have had s.e.x with 250 men in the span often hours.11 Wildmon wrote about the moral content of one calendar quarter in television.

The fall season, with the exception of Christmas specials, saw the continuance of network television's "politically correct" (PC) programming in almost every imaginable area-the denigration of religion, particularly the Christian faith; the advocacy of h.o.m.os.e.xuality, mercy killing, promiscuity and teen s.e.x; and the redefining of the concept of family to diminish traditional ideas.12 It should be no wonder to us that television programmers promote so much of the activity that disgusts those in the Christian faith. Linda and S. Robert Lichter of the Center for Media and Public Affairs in Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C., along with Stanley Roth-man of Smith College have written a well-doc.u.mented report on the "media elite." They did an important survey of 104 of the "most influential television writers, producers, and executives."13 Following are some of their findings: * Ninety-three percent "say they seldom or never attend religious services."

* Ninety-seven percent "believe that a woman has the right to decide for herself whether to have an abortion."

* Eighty percent "do not regard h.o.m.os.e.xual relations as wrong."

* Only 5 percent "agree strongly that h.o.m.os.e.xuality is wrong," compared with 49 percent who "disagree strongly."

* Eighty-six percent "support the rights of h.o.m.os.e.xuals to teach in public schools."

* Fifty-one percent "do not regard adultery as wrong."

* Only 17 percent "strongly agree that extramarital affairs are wrong."14 It can no longer be a.s.sumed that when a man and a woman become married, they are making a lifetime commitment. More and more people are allowing for the possibility that "if this one doesn't work out, I'll just get out of the marriage and find someone else."

Premarital s.e.x appears to be a norm in our society. A majority of people who marry this year will have cohabited with someone already, even though statistics show that cohabitation greatly increases the likelihood of divorce.15 Extramarital affairs are on the increase. One-third of Americans believe it is acceptable for two people to have an affair as long as both of them want the affair to happen.16 Several states are considering legalizing marriages between two people of the same s.e.x. In some places in America, h.o.m.os.e.xual couples are permitted to adopt children.

When we look at what has happened to the family in our generation, we should not doubt that Satan has declared war on the home. Why? Because the home that operates according to G.o.dly principles is the second greatest inst.i.tution on earth, second only to the church.

The Attack on Morality.

LARRY POLAND WRITES IN a newsletter of the battle being waged by Hollywood film, video, and television producers to influence the minds of anyone who watches their creations: Seventy-five years of films, fifty years of TV, and decades of recorded music have evidenced increasing control from the "dark side." Occult images fill even children's films, cartoons, and video games.

Music videos have turned increasingly p.o.r.nographic and rap musicians spew forth obscenities and blasphemies.

More than fifty "black metal" and "death metal" rock/rap groups preach satanic messages and even call for the wors.h.i.+p of the Prince of Darkness.17 In his weekly pastor's briefing, H. B. London of Focus on the Family reported, "The third most popular alb.u.m in America this week is Marilyn Manson's 'Antichrist Superstar,' featuring the following messages for teens: 'I will bury your G.o.d in my warm spit' and 'Let's just kill everyone and let your G.o.d sort them out.'"18 This kind of hideous, degrading, blasphemous verbiage leaves no doubt that the enemy is targeting our young people's morals and Christian beliefs through popular music, MTV, telvision programming, movies, videos, and online services.19 Even the popular Disney corporation, which for years has promoted clean family entertainment, has compromised its positive message. An upcoming Disney alb.u.m, t.i.tled "Blackacidevil," by the extremely satanic rock group, Danzig, was released the day before Halloween 1996. Growing Up Gay, a book for teenagers published by Disney-owned Hyperion Press, encourages readers to explore the h.o.m.os.e.xual lifestyle. Disney's acquisition of Miramax and the subsequent production of the movie Priest, a film about a h.o.m.os.e.xual cleric, demonstrate that this organization has changed from its positive family message. An annual Gay and Lesbian Day celebration has been held at Disney World for several years as families innocently visited the park seeking wholesome entertainment. Roseanne Arnold, star of the popular TV situation comedy Roseanne, has commented about pro-life proponents, many of whom are Christians, this way: You know who else I can't stand is them [sic] people that are anti-abortion. [Expletive deleted] them, I hate them.. . . They're horrible, they're hideous people. They're ugly, old, geeky, hideous men.... They just don't want n.o.body [sic] to have an abortion 'cause they want you to keep spitting out kids so they can [expletive deleted] molest them.20 Before a typical American child finishes elementary school, he or she will have seen an average of eight thousand murders and one hundred thousand acts of violence portrayed on television.21 George Barna said, "America is headed for either anarchy or revival in five to ten years___The church has not prevented a ma.s.sive moral and ethical decline in America." Barna cites these statistics: "A majority of people who marry this year will have cohabited with someone before getting married; one-third of Americans believe it is acceptable to two people to have and affair with each other; and half of the people marrying this year believe they will divorce. Also, 71% of American adults believe there is no such thing as absolute truth, a view shared by 64% of born-again Christians and 40% of evangelical Christians."22 Barna adds, "Ninety-six percent of American adults believe in G.o.d, but 45 percent believe Jesus committed sins while on earth. A majority of Americans believe salvation may be found in either of two ways: through relation with Jesus Christ or through good works. Americans aren't keeping the 10 Commandments because they don't know them; 58 percent of American adults cannot name half of the commandments."23 This attack on G.o.dly morals is hardly surprising, because Satan promotes darkness and evil behavior while G.o.d is a G.o.d of light and holiness.

But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. You are all sons of the light and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be alert and self-controlled. For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night. But since we belong to the day, let us be self-controlled, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet. For G.o.d did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thess. 5:4-9).

The Attack on Evangelism.

CONCURRENT WITH THE CULTURAL a.s.sault on morality, this day in the life of the church has become a great period of evangelism, which const.i.tutes a powerful threat to Satan's kingdom.

Ralph Reed, executive director of the Christian Coalition, writes, "How will our times be viewed by history? I believe these days will be remembered as a time of remarkable spiritual awakening. The greatest revival of religion in modern times is breaking across the globe."24 Bill Bright, president of Campus Crusade for Christ, says, "Lately I have sensed that the body of Christ is on the verge of the greatest spiritual breakthrough in the history of Christianity."25 D. James Kennedy, the founder and president of Evangelism Explosion, comments that when Peter preached his first sermon there were three-thousand who believed. Shortly thereafter, five thousand more were added to the number, followed by a great mult.i.tude of Jews and priests! Next came a time of persecution, and when it ended in A.D. 313 with the Edict of Toleration, there were about ten million professing Christians alive. By the year 1000, this number had grown to fifty million. By the end of the 1700s, most of the missionary impetus had stalled, yet the number had grown to 215 million professing Christians. That is an increase of 165 million in eight hundred years.

In 1795 the modern missionary movement began in earnest with William Carey. By the year 1900, the number had grown to five hundred million professing Christians. That is an increase of 285 million in one century. And then by 1980, just eighty short years later, that number had grown to 1.3 billion professing Christians. Then by 1990, that number had grown to roughly 1.8 billion-an increase of 1.3 billion people in the twentieth century alone! There is nothing even vaguely approaching this accomplishment in the annals of human history.26 Remember that these numbers include all professing believers in every Christian denomination-Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox. But even though how many of these are evangelical, "Bible-believing Christians" is unknown, their number grows larger every day.

David Barrett, a church demographer, compared the estimated number of evangelical Christians with the number of non-Christian people in the world at different points in history: One to ninety-nine by 1430 One to forty-nine by 1790 One to thirty-two by 1940 One to twenty-four by 1960 One to nineteen by 1970 One to sixteen by 1980 One to thirteen by 1983 One to eleven by 1986 One to ten by 1989 One to nine by 199327 Barrett further states, "The Kingdom of Christ is expanding even faster, at over three times the rate of world population."28 Most of this church growth is occurring outside the United States, though there are signs of a new growth trend in America. One church in Pensacola, Florida, has seen more than 60,000 decisions for Christ in just over eighteen months. A church in Urbana, Illinois, has had more than 500 converts in just a few months. The pastor of a church in Grand Rapids, Michigan, that had been experiencing much growth felt that G.o.d wanted him to begin a prayer meeting on Friday nights. The pastor wondered whether anyone would come to church on a Friday night, but now more than 2,000 people turn out week after week.

A unique stirring has been going on throughout America on public and Christian college campuses, in men's and women's groups, among the youth, and in churches of many denominations. It seems that G.o.d is "pouring out His Spirit" like no other time in history.

The prophet Joel writes, "I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy,

your old men will dream dreams,

your young men will see visions, Even on my servants, both men and women,

I will pour out my Spirit in those days. I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth,

blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness

The Battle - Defeating The Enemy Of Your Soul Part 7

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