Let The Storm Break Part 41

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Everything is spinning too fast and I . . .

"So, we're not bonded anymore?" I ask as Solana helps me sit on the sand.

"She isn't."

"What does that mean?"

G.o.d-for once could she just answer a question completely?

"It means that you're no longer a part of her. But she's still a part of you. Unless you decide to let go. . . ."

She rubs the skin on her wrist, where her bracelet used to be.

Her link.

I always thought it was sad the way Arella clung to her connection to her husband, despite the fact that he was gone.

Now it gives me hope.

I'll be holding on to Audra with every ounce of strength I have left.

I close my eyes, taking slow breaths.

I will get Audra back. And I'm going to bring Gus back too.

But to do that we have to move fast.

Every second counts.



t's cold in the tower.

Chilled air seeping through the bars of my narrow window. Thick frost coating everything I touch.

Raiden offered me a blanket when he tossed me onto the rough stone floor and barred the heavy iron door. But the only thing I want is my freedom, and since he's not willing to give that, I'll find a way to take it.

I've combed the walls for the guide Aston mentioned, but he must've carved it into a different cell. Maybe the one Gus is locked in. Wherever it is, I'll find it.

In the meantime I keep my back to the wall, never sleeping- barely breathing. Listening to the mournful wails of the broken Northerlies and promising myself that when Raiden comes for me, I'll be ready.

He doesn't believe the secret is lost.

It's why he's kept me alive.

Why he's kept Gus alive.

Waiting for the right time to break me.

But it's gone.

Everything is gone.

Everything except the gentle breeze I can still feel brus.h.i.+ng my skin. Wrapping around me. Still determined to s.h.i.+eld me. I don't deserve its loyalty.

But in this dark, frozen place, far away from the warmth and peace and things that hurt too much to think about, it helps to have something to hold on to.

And even though I can't understand the words it sings, I have a feeling I know the theme of its melody.




he Gales are declaring a victory, but it feels like a defeat. The rescue workers are still pulling people from the rubble, and the entire valley is in a state of emergency.

Only seven guardians remained after Os eliminated the last Living Storm, and three had serious injuries. But it's enough to hold down the base while they call for reinforcements.

I told them I don't have time to wait.

Arella and Solana popped my elbow back into place-which sucked a whole lot more without Audra there to distract me.

But thinking about her hurts more. Way more.

Gus too.

I have no way of knowing if they're okay, but I have to believe Raiden won't do anything to them.

They don't have the power he wants.

All he can use them for is bait to try and trap me.

And I'm heading out tonight.

I wanted to go alone, but with my arm down for the count, that probably wouldn't be a good idea. So I'm bringing Solana and Arella.

Arella, because of her gift-and because every time I let her out of my sight, she manages to betray us.

And Solana to guide us to Raiden's city-and because I need someone I can trust.

Os wanted to come too, but someone needs to stay here and figure out what to do about all the destruction in the valley. The people in the desert deserve our help and protection. We can't make up for what they've lost, but we can make sure it never happens again.

It was the first real order I've given. The first time Os obeyed without question. First time it made sense to be called Your Highness.

It still felt weird.

But I think I'm ready.

I've bandaged my arm.

Texted my parents a quick update, followed by about fifty more texts answering all my mom's questions-she wonders why I never text her.

All I have left to do is change.

The uniform the Gales gave me has gathered dust for too many weeks. It's time to step into my role.

The pants aren't so bad-but the jacket is just as itchy as I thought it would be, and it hurt like h.e.l.l slipping it over my arm.


And I'm not growing out my hair so it can be in some ugly braid. But I'm a Gale.

A guardian.

And I'm getting Audra back.



Also by Shannon Messenger.

Let the Sky Fall.

Keeper of the Lost Cities.

Keeper of the Lost Cities, Book 2: Exile.

Let The Storm Break Part 41

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