That Woman Part 18

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Galbraith, William

Gallipoli: Edward calls at with Wallis on cruise

Game, Sir Philip

George II, King of the h.e.l.lenes

George IV, King

George V, King: and Edward's birth; as disciplinarian; Edward accuses of ignorance; illness; Lascelles serves; discusses Edward's marriage plans; Wallis presented to; Simpsons presented onsWillto; conversation with Edward on Wallis; Jubilee celebrations; death; will

George VI, King (earlier Duke of York; 'Bertie'): marriage; skating; acquaintance with Wallis; writes to Prime Minister questioning Wallis's loyalty; Edward sees little of; and Edward's refusal to attend Aberdeen hospital dedication; Edward complains of financial difficulties to; Elizabeth pleads with Edward for consideration for; financial support for Edward; regard for traditional morality; strains; Edward sends letter of advice to; coronation; and Windsors' wedding; and Wallis's rank and t.i.tle; vulnerability in relation to Edward; visit to North America; appoints Edward governor of Bahamas; death

George Street: 5 Bryanston Court, London



Gif-sur-Yvette: the Mill

Giles, Frank

Givenchy (fas.h.i.+on house)

Gloucester, Princess Alice, d.u.c.h.ess of

Gloucester, Prince Henry, Duke of

G.o.ddard, John Theodore

Goebbels, Josef

Graham, Laurie

Green Gang

Green, Gerry

Grosvenor Hotel, London

Guards' Club, London

Gull, Sir William

Gustaf, Crown Prince of Sweden (later King Gustaf VI Adolf )

Gwyer, Sir Maurice Linford

Gwynne, 'Foxy' see Sefton, Countess of

Halifax, Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, 1st Earl of

Halsey, Admiral Sir Lionel


Harding, Warren G.

Hardinge, Alexander, 2nd Baron Hardinge of Penshurst: on George V's treatment of children; meets Wallis; and Edward's infatuation with Wallis; as Private Secretary to Edward; warns Edward of press hostility to Wallis; disbelieves Wallis's offer to withdraw; policy on Edward's future; and Queen Mary on Wallis's unsuitability; and Windsors' wedding; George VI retains; and Edward's return to England in war; reprimands Foreign Office for using 'Royal Highness' as term

Hardinge, Helen, Lady (nee Cecil)

Hardoon family

Harewood, Henry Lascelles, 6th Earl and Mary, Countess of

That Woman Part 18

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