That Woman Part 22

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Lothian, Philip Henry Kerr, 11th Marquess of

Lou Viei villa see Cannes

Lowndes, Marie Adelaide Belloc

Lutyens, Eva (dress designer)

Lyons, Joseph

McAuliffe, Nichola

MacColl, Rene

McCulloh, Anna ('Miss Nan')

MacDonald, Malcolm

MacDonald, Ramsay

McGovern, John

Mackenzie, (Sir) Compton

McLemore, Henry

McNamee, Dorothy

Madrid: British; Ritz Hotel

Mainbocher (i.e. Main Rousseau Bocher; fas.h.i.+on house)

Margaret Rose, Princess

Marias, Javier: Your Face Tomorrow

Marigny, Alfred

Marlborough family

Marlborough House, London

Marlborough, Rosita, d.u.c.h.ess of

Martin, Ralph

Martin, Senora

Marvell, Andrew

Mary, Princess Royal

Mary, Queen of George V: and rumoured 'China Dossier' on Wallis; and Edward's birth; cold behaviour to Edward; and Edward's social conscience; Wallis curtseys to; teaches needlepoint to sons; Simpsons presented to; and Silver Jubilee; and death of George V; blames Lady Cunard for mischief; on Edward's infatuation with Wallis; on Edward's craving for personal happiness; on Wallis's controlling drinking; and Edward's determination to marry Wallis; and abdication; post-abdication letter; jewellery; and Windsors' German trip; and possible return of Windsors; correspondence with Wallis; memorial plaque; and death of George VI, ; death

Mason, Mrs (royal housekeeper)

Ma.s.sey, Charles Vincent and Alice

Matrimonial Causes Act (1937)

Maugham, Syrie (nee Barnardo)

Maugham, William Somerset

Maurice, Sir Frederick

That Woman Part 22

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