That Woman Part 28

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Shanghai Race Club

Shaughnessy, Alfred ('Freddy')

Shawcross, William

Simon, Sir John

Simpson, Audrey

Simpson, Dorothea Parsons (nee Dechert)

Simpson, Ernest Aldrich: Wallis meets; qualities; code of behaviour; Jewishness; service in First World War; marriage to Wallis; interests; and Rickatson-Hatt; at Melton Mowbray; and Wallis's presentation at Court; holiday in Cannes with Wallis; entertains Edward to dinner; visits to Fort Belvedere; business problems and financial difficulties; Tunis holiday; tours France and Italy; marriage difficulties; and Independence Day dinner for Edward; New Year's Eve celebrations with Edward (1933 4); and Wallis's relations with Edward; admitted to Masonic Lodge; Edward gives present of cloth to; and Wallis's stay in Biarritz; presented to King and Queen at Buckingham Palace; and Wallis's skiing holiday with Edward; hopes of high honours; attempts to bring daughter to England; Wallis's affection for; and George V's death; confronts Edward about Wallis; relations.h.i.+p with Mary Raffray; and dinner in Edward's honour; buys flat for Mary; and divorce from Wallis; cast by press as guilty party; and objection to decree nisi; correspondence with Wallis; marriage to Mary; attempts to visit Baldwin; letter to Edward before abdication; alleged payment for keeping quiet; watches George VI's coronation; loses possessions in fire; arranges flight for Mary; Churchill respects; marries Avril Leveson-Gower; death

Simpson, Ernest Henry Child (Ernest Aldrich's son)

Simpson, Ernest Louis (Ernest Aldrich's father)

Simpson, Mary (nee Kirk; later Raffray): background and friends.h.i.+p with Wallis in USA; as Wallis's bridesmaid; appearance; on Win Spencer's brutality; letter from Wallis in China; and Wallis's anger at Uncle Sol's will; manages boutique; introduces Ernest Simpson to Wallis; meets Wallis on return to USA; Wallis invites to England; in London; injured in accident; on Wallis's relations with Edward; cares for mother; returns to London from New York; and Ribbentrop's courting of Wallis; falls for Ernest Simpson; Ernest buys flat for; as supposed co-respondent in divorce ('Elizabeth b.u.t.tercup Kennedy'); marriage to Ernest; Wallis attacks; watches George VI's coronation; admits to pleasure at Wallis's humiliations; diary attacks Wallis; on Edward's broadcast in USA; death

Simpson, Maud see Kerr-Smiley, Maud

Simpson and Spence (later Simpson, Spence and Young)

Simpson, Wallis see Windsor, Wallis, d.u.c.h.ess of

Sinclair, Sir Archibald (later 1st Viscount Thurso)

Sitwell, Sir Osbert: and 'Rat Week' poem


Smiley, Sir Hugh Houston

Smiley, Sir John

Smiley, Peter

Smith, Dr C. Ernest

Solomon family

Solomon, Leon and Rose

Solomons, Solomon

Sotheby's (auction house)

South Africa

South Wales

Southern Cross (yacht)

Spanish Civil War

Special Branch (police)

Spencer family

Spencer, Dumaresq

Spencer, Lieut. Commander Earl Winfield, Jr ('Win'): Wallis falls for; bitter streak; marriage to Wallis; in World War I; ill-treats Wallis; marriage breaks down; a.s.signed to Bureau of Aeronautics, Was.h.i.+ngton; divorce from Wallis; and Wallis's return to USA from j.a.pan

Spencer, Earl Winfield, Sr

That Woman Part 28

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