That Woman Part 31

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Warfield, Teackle Wallis (Wallis's father)

Warrenton, Virginia


Was.h.i.+ngton Herald

Was.h.i.+ngton Post

Wa.s.serleonburg, Schloss

Weaver, Aubrey

Wenner-Gren, Axel

Wheeler, Sir Peter

Wheeler-Bennett, Sir John

White Heather Club (women's cricket)

White Sulphur Springs, W. Virginia

Wigram, Clive, 1st Baron: questions Edward's mental state; confronts Edward over relations with Wallis; on Wallis at Fort Belvedere; on Wallis's power over Edward; attends film show at Windsor; Lord Davidson consults; dines with Edward; on Ernest's readiness to admit to collusion in divorce; acts out of sense of duty; and absence of royals at Windsors' wedding; and denial of HRH t.i.tle to Wallis

Wiley, John Cooper

Williamson, Philip

Wilson, Edwina H.

Wilson, Sir Horace

Wilson, Woodrow

Wilton Place, London

Windsor: Royal Lodge

Windsor Castle

Windsor, Edward, Duke of (earlier Prince of Wales; then King Edward VIII; 'David'): refers to Wallis as Mrs Warfield; poker playing; supposed first meeting with Wallis in San Diego; relations with Thelma Furness; birth; character; education; meets Wallis at Melton Mowbray; popularity; with Grenadier Guards; resentment towards parents; eating disorder; fitness regime; and Freda Dudley Ward; and s.e.x; tour of Australia and New Zealand; and mother figures; personality defect; behaviour on foreign tours; and father's illness; Americanization and modernization; appearance; bored by conventional society; household alienated from father's Court; sympathy for unemployed; awareness of duty to marry and produce heir; loathing of ceremony; and teddy bears; African safari; home at Fort Belvedere; and Wallis's presentation at Court; Simpsons entertain to dinner; Simpsons visit at Fort Belvedere; sends radiogram to Wallis; attends Wallis's Independence Day dinner; birthday celebrations with Wallis; New Year celebrations with Simpsons (1933/4); developing relations with Wallis; and Thelma Furness's absence in USA ; gives dog to Wallis; and Wallis's stay at Fort Belvedere for Ascot; gives bolt of cloth to Ernest Simpson; courage; infatuation with Wallis; gives jewellery to Wallis; Austrian skiing holiday with Wallis; berated by Wallis; conversation with father on Wallis; question of pre-marital s.e.x with Wallis; Wallis's power over; and father's death; and father's will; as King Edward VIII; lack of reading and intellectual curiosity; desire to marry Wallis; neglects state papers; Ernest confronts about Wallis; pro-German sentiments; guests at Fort Belvedere; proposes marriage to Wallis; and Rubinstein recital; visit to Yorks; cruise along Dalmatioan coast; and press; popular antipathy to marriage to Wallis; Wallis attempts to leave; coronation preparations; and Wallis's visit to Balmoral; rents Regent's Park house for Wallis; takes up residence in Buckingham Palace; Baldwin told of intention to marry Wallis; not named in Simpson divorce; at state opening of Parliament (1936); government concerns about relations.h.i.+p with Wallis; Australia's view of behaviour; abdication considered; reconhy tsolved to marry Wallis; tour of South Wales; morganatic marriage proposed; efforts to shelter Wallis; concern for Wallis's security; plea to church people; secret meetings with Baldwin and Dugdale; and Wallis's leaving Fort Belvedere; considers radio broadcast; prepares for abdication; telephone calls with Wallis; and Wallis's possible divorce problems; Wallis urges not to abdicate; abdication; fortune before abdication; loneliness; financial settlement; meets family for last time; abdication speech; signs Instrument of Abdication; driven to Portsmouth; given t.i.tle Duke of Windsor; leaves country; and sense of duty; depicted in fiction; obsession with money; denounced by Archbishop Lang; on embarra.s.sment of return to London; in Austria; psychological state after abdication; letters of advice to George VI; and Wallis's decree absolute; wedding arrangements; marriage to Wallis; sense of family betrayal; and Wallis's being denied HRH t.i.tle; self-abas.e.m.e.nt; honeymoon; settles in Paris; sources of advice; visit to n.a.z.i Germany; meeting with Hitler; planned trip to North America; Gloucesters visit; personal wealth; dogs; rents villa in Cap d'Antibes; hopes to return to Britain; invited by NBC to make speech on world situation; married life; telegrams to Hitler pleading for peace; visit to England in war; post at British Military Mission in France; requests publicity for Wallis's war work; flees Paris for Spain; behaviour at beginning of war; German plans to capture; as governor of Bahamas; wartime visits to North America; and need for press secretary; Wallis dominates; and death of Duke of Kent; and murder of Sir Harry Oakes; interview for Liberty magazine; campaign to have Wallis restored to royal rank; correspondence with Churchill; and Wenner-Gren; and FBI; post-war jobs proposed; first post-war trip to England; and Wallis's resolve to settle in France; attends George VI's funeral; decides to live in France; portrait; status unchanged on death of George VI, ; writes article for Life magazine; twentieth wedding anniversary; attends mother's funeral; gardening; and mother's failure to accept Wallis as daughter-in-law; life in exile; and Donahue; sails on Queen Mary; death and funeral; meets Elizabeth II; will; love letters sold; biography; and lying; A King's Story

Windsor, Wallis, d.u.c.h.ess of (earlier Simpson; nee Warfield): birth and background; name; ambitions; character; appearance; childhood; education; basketball-playing; as horsewoman; boyfriends; and Kirk family; flirtatiousness and s.e.xuality; as debutante; and fas.h.i.+on; in Pensacola; courts.h.i.+p and marriage to Win Spencer; and cooking; as hostess; marriage relations with Win; suspected s.e.xual disorders and syndromes; childlessness; abused by Win; in San Diego; supposed first meeting with Edward; marriage with Win collapses; in Was.h.i.+ngton; divorce from Win; lives with mother after separation from Win; makes friends in high places; and Felipe Espil; in China ('Lotus Year'); poses for postcards; and Harold Robinson; poker playing; attempts to learn Chinese; and Da Zara; illnesses and operations; returns to USA; in Virginia; Mediterranean trip; and Uncle Sol's will; attempts to find work; New York trips; begins relations.h.i.+p with Ernest Simpson; life in London; marriage to Ernest Simpson; and Court Circulars; and mother's death; determined to meet Edward; and Mary Raffray's visits to London; jewellery; presented at Court; repartee; Cannes holiday; entertains Edward to dinner; and servants; visits to Fort Belvedere; Tunis holiday; tours France and Austria; marriage differences with Ernest; trip to USA; Edward gives 37th birthday dinner for; financial difficulties; gives Edward 39th birthday present; Independence Day dinner for Edward; New Year's Eve celebrations with Edward (1933/4); developing relations with Edward; and Thelma Furness's absence in USA; dogs; on Biarritz trip with Etz Nedward; Edward's infatuation with; voyage on Rosaura; Austrian skiing holiday with Edward; allowance from Edward; rebukes Edward; found unacceptable by society; Special Branch report on; question of pre-marital s.e.xual relations with Edward; at Jubilee Ball; affection for Ernest; correspondence with Aunt Bessie; power over Edward; reputation as seductress; s.e.xual experience; personality; and George V's death; and Edward's accession; and Lady Cunard; Edward's desire to marry; loyalty questioned; and von Ribbentrop; at dinner in Edward's honour; Edward proposes marriage; visit to Yorks; impersonates d.u.c.h.ess of York; pet.i.tions Ernest for divorce; holiday with Edward; and the press; attends Ascot; seen as unacceptable as Edward's wife; attempts to leave Edward; regrets over losing Ernest; visits Balmoral; snubbed by d.u.c.h.ess of York; Edward rents house for; Baldwin told of Edward's intention to marry; Nancy Dugdale on; and objection to decree nisi; morganatic marriage proposed; fear for security; self-pity; correspondence with Ernest; plans to go away alone; leaves Fort Belvedere; at Cannes villa; suggests Edward make radio broadcast; divorce settlement problems; telephone calls with Edward; offers to withdraw; urges Edward not to abdicate; rumour of pregnancy; Edward sets up trust for; and Edward's abdication; on being potential queen; view of abdication; financial demands; divorce from Ernest settled; and Brownlow; at Christmas 1936; books on; believes to be target for royal fanatics; considers return to China; dieting; account of emotions; concern that divorce be disallowed; at Chateau de Cande; decree absolute granted; takes Warfield name again; wedding with Edward; and George VI and Queen Elizabeth; denied t.i.tle of HRH; hate mail; honeymoon; dental problems; settles in Paris; sources of advice; visits n.a.z.i Germany; meeting with Hitler; plans trip to North America; Gloucesters visit; referred to as HRH; rents villa in Cap d'Antibes; hopes to return to Britain.; married life with Edward; named as one of ten best-dressed women; fear of flying; wartime visit to England; joins Colis de Trianon relief organization; works with Red Cross; flees Paris for Spain; in Bahamas; correspondence with Monckton; adverse propaganda in USA; visits to North America; favours press secretary proposal; on US entering war; Baltimore visit; dominates Edward; founds clinic in Bahamas; and Duke of Kent's death; and murder of Sir Harry Oakes; snubbed by Canadians; Edward campaigns to have royal rank restored; Queen Elizabeth refers to as 'that woman'; and FBI; money worries; leaves Bahamas; first post-war trip to England; plans for Edward in France; jewellery stolen; legal opinion on HRH t.i.tle; attends unveiling of memorial to Queen Mary; health problems; and decor of French house; settles in France; status unchanged after George VI's death; and Maxine Sandberg; and Monckton; twentieth wedding anniversary; and Aunt Bessie's death; and Marilyn Monroe headlines; and food; fastidiousness; routine and rules for living; facelift rumours; Edward's devotion to; wit not appreciated; flirtation with Donahue; pleasure in gay men; on Queen Mary; view of women; and Edward's death and funeral; meets Elizabeth II, ; stays at Buckingham Palace; decline and death; last visit to England; in widowhood; and alcohol; suffers fall; funeral; jewellery sold; love letters sold; depicted in plays and fiction; effect on others' lives; The Heart Has its Reasons

Wood, Rosa

Woolf, Virginia

World War I (1914 18)

World War II (1939 45)

Wright, Frank Lloyd

York, d.u.c.h.ess of see Elizabeth, Queen of George VI

York, Duke of see George VI, King

York House, London

Yule, Annie Henrietta, Lady

Zara, Lt (later Admiral) Alberto da

That Woman Part 31

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