That Woman Part 33

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In 1941 Lord Sefton married Wallis's divorced friend, Josephine 'Foxy' Gwynne.


Queen Victoria's faithful servant, with whom she was rumoured to have had an affair.


Years later, inexplicably taking his only son to show him the hotel, Ernest still refused to divulge the ident.i.ty of b.u.t.tercup Kennedy, who was probably the boy's mother.


Wallis, presumably funded by the King, later paid back these costs to Ernest under an agreement they had between them, according to Michael Bloch. This is further evidence of collusion. Wallis herself refers to some IOUs in a letter to Ernest (Wallis and Edward: Letters 1931 37: The Intimate Correspondence of the Duke and d.u.c.h.ess of Windsor, ed. Michael Bloch (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1986), p. 206, and private archive).


Nancy Dugdale has a more circ.u.mspect version of Baldwin's suggestion to which the King is supposed to have responded, 'Mrs S is a lady' (Nancy Dugdale diary, Crathorne Papers).


Nancy Dugdale later added that Baldwin, on reading this diary in February 1939, maintained that the exchange had occurred at Fort Belvedere on the occasion of his last meeting with the King. 'TLD [Tommy Dugdale] says he is quite certain SB is mistaken and that the exchange is rightly placed in this interview at Buckingham Palace (Nancy Dugdale diary).


At least two kings in the eighth century, Ine and Ceolwulf, gave up their thrones voluntarily and embraced religion.


The only organization working openly for the Duke's return was an obscure group called the Society of Octavians, members.h.i.+p of which was never more than a few hundreds, the majority of whom were Fascists. According to the police, 'no person of any prominence has so far identified with them other than [the novelist] Compton Mackenzie, who is a member ... generally speaking they are innocuous' (HO 144/22448, Special Branch, 5 Jan. 1939, Note to Commissioner marked 'secret', NA PRO).


After the war, the new French government investigated Bedaux's wartime activities and, on evidence that he had in fact sabotaged German factory production and protected Jewish property, awarded him a posthumous knighthood of the Legion d'Honneur. Fern lived on at Cande until 1974.


By early June 1941 most of the Balkans had fallen into Axis hands, culminating in the capture of Crete by German and Italian forces on 1 June 1941.


Henry was for a second time bundled off to America and did not see his father again until he was eight, by which time Ernest had married for the fourth time, a deeply happy marriage at last to the widowed Avril Leveson-Gower. Henry was sent to Harrow, an unhappy experience where he was teased for being the son of Ernest Simpson. Shortly after he left school Ernest also died. Henry was never really to know his father. In what he perceived to be a final ao bg tct of vindictiveness against her younger brother, knowing how hard Ernest had tried to conceal it, Maud decided after Ernest's death to share some family secrets with Henry, that his grandfather was born Jewish and had changed his name from Solomon(s). This knowledge persuaded Henry to change his own name by deed poll to Aaron (or Aharon) Solomons in 1962 and emigrate to Israel, where he lived for many years, brought up a family and served in the Israeli army.


The Fort was eventually leased to the Hon. Gerald Lascelles, a nephew of the Duke, who had been imprisoned in Colditz and was a distant relation of his former Private Secretary.


Kathleen Kennedy married William 'Billy' Cavendish, Marquess of Hartington, in May 1944. He was killed in combat three months later. Although widowed, she was at the heart of British society.


Gone with the Windsors was such a good t.i.tle that it was used again in 2005 by Laurie Graham for a work of fiction about the couple.

THAT WOMAN. Copyright 2011 by Anne Sebba.

All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. For information, address

St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010. First published in Great Britain by Weidenfeld & Nicolson,

Orion Publis.h.i.+ng Group Ltd, an Hachette UK Company

eISBN 9781429962452 First eBook Edition : January 2012 First U.S. Edition: March 2012 Table of Contents t.i.tle Page


1 - Becoming Wallis 2 - Understanding Wallis 3 - Wallis in Wonderland 4 - Wallis on the Lookout 5 - Wallis on the Sidelines 6 - Wallis in Control 7 - Wallis Out of Control 8 - Wallis in the Witness Box 9 - Wallis on the Run 10 - Wallis in Exile 11 - Wallis at War 12 - Wallis Grits her Teeth 13 - Best-Dressed Wallis 14 - Wallis Alone List of Ill.u.s.trations Acknowledgements By the same author:


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