That Woman Part 9

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88 'such an extravagance': HHR p. 174 88 'imitations but effective': W to AB, n.d., Bloch, Letters, p. 35 88 'the women look ghastly': HHR p. 175 89 'can never marry her': MKR diary, private archive 89 'can't help me': W to AB, 16 April 1931, Bloch, Letters, p. 31 89 '"out of danger, Buckie"': NLD

Chapter 6: Wallis in Control.

91 'went very well': HHR p. 190 91 'an unsavoury nature': Nancy Dugdale diary 92 'billhook and whistling': HHR p. 201 92 'ping pong b.a.l.l.s': ibid., p. 183 92 'to say what': W to AB, 4 Feb. 1932, Bloch, Letters, p. 50 93 'could not resist': W to AB, 26 Feb. 1932, Bloch, Letters, p. 60 93 'next six months': W to AB, 11 Dec. 1932, Bloch, Letters, p. 62 93 'to a friends.h.i.+p': HHR p. 191 94 'Thelma handed me': NLD 94 'you need me': W to AB, 17 May 1933, Bloch, Letters, p. 68 95 'to my figure': ibid.

95 'Princess of Wales': W to AB, 30 May 1933, Bloch, Letters, p. 70 95 'have refused her': ibid.

95 'selfish old pig': W to AB, 29 Oct. 1933, Bloch, Letters, p. 76 96 'look after him?': HHR p. 192 96 'to be lonely': Vanderbilt and Furness, Double Exposure, p. 291 96 'cheer him up': W to AB, 26 Jan. 1934, Bloch, Letters, p. 84 96 'am the latest': W to AB, 12 Feb. 1934, Bloch, Letters, p. 87 96 'with his papers': HHR p. 193 96 'man is exhausting': W to AB, 12 Feb. 1934, Bloch, Letters, p. 87 96 'during the dancing': HHR p. 193 96 'all is safe': W to AB, 18 Feb. 1934, Bloch, Letters, p. 89 97 'with him alone': (Wallis italics) W to AB, 25 April 1934, Bloch, Letters, p. 93 97 'swansong before 40': ibid.

97 'loved it all?': W to AB, postmarked 21 April 1934, Bloch, Letters, p. 93 97 'time will show': W to AB, 18 Nov. 1935, Bloch, Letters, p. 143 97 'all the time': W to AB, 27 Oct. 1934, Bloch, Letters, p. 101 98 'as a Mason': JCCD/d Feb. 1936, JCCD Papers 26, The Parliamentary Archive, House of Lords Record Office 98 'into sponsoring him': Thomas Papers, quoted in Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 278,/blockquan> 98 'from him again': Sarah Bradford, Sunday Times cutting 1998 n.d., private archive 99 'him exceedingly well': Vanderbilt and Furness, Double Exposure, p. 298 99 '"is definitely no"': HHR p. 194 100 'them more often': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 229 100 'not the second': Aird Papers quoted in ibid.

100 'join the party': HHR p. 195 100 'coward at heart': Aird Papers quoted in Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 230 100 'cash in best': ibid.

100 'like a dog': ibid.

101 'friends.h.i.+p and love': HHR p. 197 101 'keep them both': W to AB, 5 Nov. 1934, Bloch, Letters, p. 101 102 'my own house!': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 231; Kenneth Rose, King George V, Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1983, p. 392 102 enclosure at Ascot: Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 231, citing memo from Wigram, 12 April 1935, KEVIII Ab, box 4, Royal Archives 102 'of meaningless pleasantries': HHR p. 205 102 'in the world': HRH Prince Christopher of Greece, Memoirs of HRH Prince Christopher of Greece, Hurst & Blackett 1938, p. 62 102 'and especially me': W to AB, 30 Dec. 1934, Bloch, Letters, p. 105 103 'awfully nice stones': W to AB, 29 April 1935, Bloch, Letters, p. 117 103 'jewels and clothes': Channon, Diaries, 7 Oct. 1935, p. 43 103 'the New Year': Marie Belloc Lowndes, Diaries and Letters of Marie Belloc Lowndes, ed. Susan Lowndes, Chatto & Windus 1971, pp. 145 6 103 'doing splendidly, Wallis?': Daily Telegraph obituary of Dudley Forwood, 27 Jan. 2001 104 'at the end': W to E, n.d., Bloch, Letters, p. 118 104 'easier for me?': ibid.

104 'from your youthfulness': ibid.

104 6,000 per annum: Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 238 105 'Prince of Wales': Channon, Diaries, p. 41 105 'her company, ourselves': Helen Hardinge, Loyal to Three Kings, William Kimber 1967, p. 55 106 'to find it': ibid., p. 54 106 'enter Royal society': ibid.

106 'half an hour': Channon, Diaries, p. 47 106 'charming, cultivated woman': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 232 107 'has admitted this': 25 June 1935, marked 'Secret', MEPO 10/35, NA PRO 107 'is not clear': S. M. Cretney, 'The Divorce Law and the 1936 Abdication Crisis: A Supplemental Note', Law Quarterly Review, 2004, pp. 163 71 107 'trouble with POW': MEPO 10/35, NA PRO 107 when in drink': 25 June 1935, signed Superintendent, marked 'Secret', MEPO 10/35, NA PRO 108 'but not Wallie': Amanda Smith (ed.), Hostage to Fortune: The Letters of Joseph P. Kennedy, Viking 2001, p. 263 108 'lived with her': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 233 108 'and no mistake': ibid.

108 'married except David': Rose, King George V, p. 390 108 'and the throne': Mabell, Countess of Airlie, Thatched with Gold, Hutchinson 1962, p. 197 109 'of her friends': Hardinge, Loyal to Three Kings, p. 57 109 'such as me': HHR p. 216 109 'Silly Jubilee': W to AB, 9 April 1935, Bloch, Letters, p. 115 109 'from royal lips': Diary of Rev. Alan Don, ms 2863, Lambeth Palace Archives [herafter Don diary]

110 'significance had increased': Philip Williamson, 'The Monarchy and Public Values, 1910 1953', in Andrzej Olechnowicz (ed.), The Monarchy and the British Nation, 1780 to the Present, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2007, p. 223 110 'the upper': Frank Prochaska, Republic of Britain, Penguin Books 2000, pp. 207 9 110 'the younger generation': ibid.

110 'air about it': ibid.

111 'of my dreams': W to AB, 31 July 1935, Bloch, Letters, p. 130 111 'angelic Ernest again': W to AB, 14 Oct. 1935, Bloch, Letters, p. 141 111 'this eanum body': EP to W, n.d., Bloch, Letters, p. 139

Chapter 7: Wallis Out of Control.

112 'feel like a cigar': Dr Catherine Blackledge, The Story of V: Opening Pandora's Box, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, p. 182 112 'delay the genitals': Higham, Mrs Simpson, p. 40 114 'your hair etc': Diana Cooper diary, DUFC 2/17, Churchill Archives 115 '"care of that, Sir"': Alfred Shaughnessy, Both Ends of the Candle: An Autobiography, Peter Owen 1976, p. 44 115 'reduced to tears': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 237, quoting Alfred Amos 115 'the offending nail': Cooper, The Light of Common Day, p. 163 116 'possible, even likely': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 236 116 '"likes of me"': W to AB, 30 Jan. 1936, Bloch, Letters, p. 158 116 returning for more: I am grateful to Dr Domenico di Ceglie, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at the London Tavistock Centre, for explaining to me how this theory would fit the known characteristics of Wallis's behaviour and personality. For further clarification of this personality type see Domenico di Ceglie and David Freedman, A Stranger in my Own Body: Atypical Gender Ident.i.ty Development and Mental Health, Karnac Books 1998 117 'than marrying her': 2nd Earl of Birkenhead, Walter Monckton: The Life of Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1969, p. 126 117 'and hara.s.sed soul': Martin Gilbert, Winston S. Churchill, vol. 5: The Prophet of Truth 1922 1939, Minerva 1990, p. 810 117 'of divorcing another': marked 'personal and very secret', October 1936 December 1937, Char 2/264, Churchill Archives 118 'marriage was impossible': letter to Princess Royal, quoted in Francis Watson, Dawson of Penn, Chatto & Windus 1950, p. 296 118 'in twelve months': Keith Middlemas and John Barnes, Baldwin: A Biography, Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1969, p. 976 118 'other so tight': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 240 118 'have been weak': W to EP, early Feb., Bloch, Letters, p. 156 118 'you have pa.s.sed': Ernest Simpson (hereafter EAS) to EP, 21 Jan. 1936, Bloch, Letters, p. 156 118 'silly little affairs': Watson, Dawson of Penn, p. 285 119 'whence she came': Channon, Diaries, p. 71 119 'without an e!!': W to AB, 1 Feb. 1936, Bloch, Letters, p. 159 119 '1066 families here': ibid.

120 'difficult to imagine': Papers of Sir Edward Spears 6/4, Churchill Archives 120 'I don't mind': ibid.

120 'leave this about!': Alan Lascelles to Joan Lascelles, Lascelles Paper, Lasl 11/01/15, Churchill Archives 120 'very clever woman': ibid.

121 'who reads Balzac': Brian Masters, Great Hostesses, Constable 1982, p. 140 121 'she has done': Queen Mary to Prince Paul, quoted in Forbes, TLS, 4 Jan. 1980 121 'and Mrs Simpson': Masters, Great Hostesses, p. 141 121 'at the Palace': W to AB, 9 Feb. 1936, Bloch, Letters, p. 159 122 'up the Can Can': Channon, Diaries, p. 76 122 'but not profound': ibid.

122 'a dangerous attribute': Philip Ziegler, Conversation with author, 19 Jan. 2010 122 '"it quite soon"': Philip Ziegler, Diana Cooper, Collins 1987, p. 176 123 'none at all': Philip Williamson and Edward Baldwin (eds), The Baldwin Papers: A Conservative Statesman 1908 47, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2004 (hereafter Baldwin Papers), Monica Baldwin, Conversation with Uncle, p. 419 123 'is still there': Michael Thornton, Royal Feud: The Queen Mother and the d.u.c.h.ess of Windsor, Michael Joseph 1985, p. 99, quoting James Lees-Milne's biography of Harold Nicolson 123 'Ernest and H.M.': Wallis to AB, 4 May 1936, Bloch, Letters, p. 173 123 'violent infatuation': Airlie, Thatched with Gold, p. 198 124 great war in Europe: FO 371/19892, NA PRO, quoting Baldwin 124 'for doing so': Memorandum of the Foreign Secretary, Anthony Eden, 8 March 1936, quoted in W. N. Medlicott, Douglas Dakin and M. E. Lambert (eds), Doc.u.ments on British Foreign Policy, 1919 1939, vol. XVI: The Rhineland Crisis and the Ending of Sanctions March July 1936, HMSO 1977, pp. 60 6 125 look after Wallis: all the above from Birkenhead, Walter Monckton, pp. 128 and 157 125 'and Cabinet papers!!!!!': JCCD/d Feb. 1936, JCCD Papers 26, The Parliamentary Archive, House of Lords Record Office 126 'an extravagant basis': Birkenhead, Walter Monckton, p. 128 126 'the d.u.c.h.ess's loyalty': George VI to Winston Churchill (hereafter WSC), 9 Dec. 1942, Churchill War Papers 20/52 126 'without appearing discourteous': Sir Roderick Jones to G. W. D. Tennant, 15 June 1933, Thomson Reuters Archive 126 'genial and friendly': Don diary, 5 June 1935 126 'most glorious flowers': E. B. Kirk, NLD 127 'for n.a.z.i Germans': 26 Nov. 1936, the Hon. Lady Murray Papers 127 'state of collapse': W to AB, 14 April 1936, Bloch, Letters, p. 171 127 'old nervous indigestion': W to AB, 4 May 1936, Bloch, Letters, p. 174 127 'by this prospect': HHR p. 222 128 'get a divorce': MKR diary, private archive 128 'the previous year': NLD 128 'to by everyone': MKR to Anne Kirk, 23 April 1936, TOMS, p. 22 128 'Wallis' life forever': NLD 129 'ventured nothing gained': W to AB, 16 March 1936, Bloch, Letters, p. 169 129 'slightly second rate': Harold Nicolson, Diaries and Letters 1930 39, ed. Nigel Nicolson, Athenaeum 1966, p. 255 129 '"Master of the Mistress"': d.u.c.h.ess of Devons.h.i.+re to Lady Airlie, 25 Feb. 1936, British Library Add. Mss 82766 130 '"my future wife"': HHR p. 225 130 'without its good side': Middlemas and Barnes, Stanley Baldwin, p. 981 130 'sad beyond calculation': Lord Reith, The Reith Diaries, ed. Charles Stuart, Collins 1975, p. 188 131 'much, Mr Rubinstein': Masters, Great Hostesses, pp. 182 4 132 'heard of Mrs Simpson?': 30 April 1936, Lascelles Papers, Lasl 11/o1/15, Churchill Archives 132 'judge public opinion': Conclusions of meetings of the Cabinet, 28 October 16 December 1936, CAB 23/86, Addendum to Cabinet Conclusions, NA PRO 132 'was highly evident': HHR p. 225 132 'other American interest': ibid.

132 'account for much': Lady Mosley to d.u.c.h.ess of Devons.h.i.+re, 5 June 1972, in Charlotte Mosley (ed.), The Mitfords: Letters between Six Sisters, Fourth Estate 2007, p. 582 133 'became her implacable enemy': Thornton, Royal Feud, p. 75, citing private information, letters to author, 30 May, 12 June 1983 133 'more and more': EP to W, n.d., Sotheby's The Jewels 1987 catalogue, pp. 86 7 133 'he won't move': EP to W, 5 June 1936, Bloch, Letters, p. 180 133 'starting divorce proceedings': HHR p. 226 134 'pain for a month': W to AB, 22 June 1936, Bloch, Letters, p. 182 134 'here with me': TS 22/1/2, NA PRO 134 'this stupid manner': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 282 134 'amount to 100': ibid.

135 with other men's wives: ibid.

135 'nicest man here': 4 Sept. 1936, Lascelles Papers, Lasl 11/001/016, Churchill Archives 135 'yak milk diet': DUFC 2/17, Churchill Archives ockquote>136 'on her wrist': ibid.

136 'as a King': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 284 136 'were looking for': Diana Cooper, DUFC 2/17, Churchill Archives 137 'folie a deux': Forbes, TLS, 1 Nov. 1974, quoting Frances Donaldson biography of Edward VIII 137 'be dropped all night': DUFC 2/17, Churchill Archives 137 'in old days': Alan Lascelles to Joan Lascelles, 30 August 1936, Lascelles Papers, Lasl 11/01/15, Churchill Archives

Chapter 8: Wallis in the Witness Box.

138 'they loathe adultery': Lees-Milne, Harold Nicolson, vol. II, pp. 77 8 138 'the British public': Dugdale diary 139 'with unremitting enjoyment': A. G. Gardiner, Certain People of Importance, J. M. Dent 1929, pp. 107 8 140 'of social tyranny': DoW, A King's Story, p. 258 141 'without reference [to him]': Memo, 9 Oct. 1936, Press a.s.sociation/Thomson Reuters Archive 141 'create disaster together': W to E, 16 Sept. 1936, Bloch, Letters, p. 94 141 take his life: William Shawcross, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother: The Official Biography, Macmillan 2009, p. 366; Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 287 142 'cannot live with': EAS to Mrs E. L. Simpson, 17 March 1937, private archive 142 'out at once': Baldwin Papers, Monica Baldwin, p. 423 142 'along so well': W to EAS, 16 Feb. 1937, private archive 143 'performance as Sovereign': Helen Hardinge diary, pp. 101 3, Hon. Lady Murray Papers, quoted in Shawcross, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, p. 365 143 'myself against her': 'secret' memo by WSC, Char 2/300, Churchill Archives 144 'from the throne': J. G. Lockhart, Cosmo Gordon Lang, Hodder & Stoughton 1949, p. 397 144 'with the King': Thornton, Royal Feud, p. 393, citing private information 144 'woman he loved': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 172 145 'about it sometimes': d.u.c.h.ess of York to Queen Mary, 11 Oct. 1936, Royal Archives QM/PRIV/CC12/34A, quoted in Shawcross, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, p. 368 145 'with the American harlot': TS 22, NA PRO 145 'never forgive him': Channon, Diaries, 11 Nov. 1936, p. 101 146 'I am so lonely': W to EAS, 25 Oct.o Eam so lon 1936, private archive 146 'education and maintenance': TS 221/2, NA PRO 147 'Prince of Wales': Time, 26 Oct. 1936 148 'Queen Mary's place': Nancy Dugdale diary 148 'but no heart': Stanley Baldwin quoted in Baldwin Papers, p. 423 148 'hard bitten b.i.t.c.h': Walter Monckton (hereafter WM) quoted in Tom Jones diary, November 1936, Baldwin Papers, p. 388 149 'the public view': Duff Cooper diary, Jan. 1936, Baldwin Papers, p. 387; Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 248 149 'hated the idea': Lucy Baldwin, 17 Nov. 1936, Baldwin Papers, p. 390, SB additional papers 149 'courteous and nicest': ibid.

149 'was a lie': Stanley Bruce to Stanley Baldwin, 16 Nov. 1936, series M104, Australian Archives 149 'it all intensely': Lucy Baldwin, Baldwin Papers, p. 390 149 'to marry her': Monica Baldwin account of conversation, Baldwin Papers, p. 421 150 cloth to advocate: 1 Nov. 1936, Lang Papers, vol. 318, Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 293 150 'short of life': Violet Bonham-Carter to WSC, Char 2 264, Churchill Archives 151 their final decree: I am most grateful to Dr Stephen Cretney for supplying me with this information from the Civil Judicial Statistics 1935 8 151 'its highest standards': New York World Telegram, 21 Nov. 1936 152 'been indirectly involved': TS 22 1/1, NA PRO 152 'marriage was intended': diary of Hilda Runciman, Nov. 1936, Newcastle Library Ref. WR ADD. A/11. By kind permission of the librarian, Robinson Library 153 'his responsibility acutely': Don diary, 16 Nov. 1936 153 'and Wallis Simpson': Thursday 19 Nov. 1936, Runicman Papers, Newcastle Library Ref. WR 282/8 153 'to do so': Lockhart, Cosmo Gordon Lang, pp. 395 8 153 'he quite normal?': Don diary, 28 Oct. 1936 154 'could be certified': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 275, citing memo by Wigram, 15 Feb. 1936, KEVIII Ab. Box 4, Royal Archives 154 'happy Prince Charming': Channon, Diaries, 3 Nov. 1936, p. 96 154 'upon your deliberoitions': Harold Nicolson diary, quoted in Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 265 154 'of the divorce': Don diary, 4 Nov. 1936 154 '"Yes Mrs Simpson"': Channon, Diaries, 10 Nov.spapon 1936, p. 100 154 Queen Mary acknowledged: Sir Robert Bruce Lockhart, The Diaries of Robert Bruce Lockhart 1915 38, ed. Kenneth Young, Macmillan 1973, 13 Nov. 1936, p. 357 154 'and complete person': Herman Rogers to W, 28 Oct. 1936, Bloch, Letters, p. 209 155 'has become irretrievable': Hardinge, Loyal to Three Kings, p. 133 155 'him to Gallipoli?': 27 Nov. 1936, Statement at Cabinet Meeting, Baldwin Papers, p. 394 156 'an alternative government': Bruce to Baldwin, 16 Nov. 1936, series M104 item 4, Australian Archives 156 'marry Mrs Simpson': Lucy Baldwin diary, Baldwin Papers, p. 390 156 'he said good-bye': ibid., p. 391 156 '"kettle of fis.h.!.+"': Monica Baldwin, Baldwin Papers, p. 425 157 'of all concerned': E to Queen Mary, 20 Nov. 1936, quoted in Shawcross, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, p. 373 157 'was so divergent': Nancy Dugdale diary 157 'temporarily gone into': W to Sybil Colefax, n.d., Colefax Papers, Ms eng c 3272 ff. 1 15, Bodleian Library (hereafter Bodl. Lib.) 158 'getting it now': Nicolson, Diaries and Letters, 18 Nov. 1936, p. 279 158 'man she loves': HHR p. 247 158 'catastrophe for me': ibid., p. 246 159 'disgustingly conceited fellow': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 303 159 '"a Queen Cutie"': Cole Lesley, The Life of Noel Coward, Jonathan Cape 1976, p. 187 159 'support the Government': Nancy Dugdale diary 160 'most formidable kind': 27 Nov. 1936, Zetland Papers, Mss Eur D 609/7 160 'by my Government': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 306 160 'UK Parliament legislating': Doc.u.ments on Irish Foreign Policy, 1932 36, National Archives of Ireland 161 and other nations: 28 Nov. 1936, 161 'seem to be alive': W to EAS, 11 Jan. 1937, private archive 161 'to them all': ibid.

161 'agony for him': HHR p. 247 162 'might shoot her': Baldwin Papers, p. 423 162 'and to myself': W to EAS, n.d. but postmarked 30 Nov. 1936, private archive 162 'was hurtin >160 g the K': ibid.

163 'concerned, won't it?': ibid.

163 'I fold my tent': W to Sybil Colefax, n.d., Monday, Colefax Papers, Ms eng c 3272 ff. 1 15, Bodl. Lib.

163 'straight with his country': W to Sybil Colefax, 18 Dec. 1936, Colefax Papers, Ms eng c 3272 ff. 1 15, Bodl. Lib.

Chapter 9: Wallis on the Run.

164 'for the first time': Brownlow diary, Brownlow Papers, BNLW 4/4/9, Lincolns.h.i.+re Archives 164 'of this need': Lang Papers 1936, Lambeth Palace Archives 165 'in the wilderness': Nancy Dugdale diary 165 'just SB's luck!': ibid.

165 'to advise him': 4 Dec. 1936, Lang Papers, Lambeth Palace Archives 165 'and his ministers': ibid.

166 'a great deal': Nancy Dugdale diary 166 '"will be happy"': ibid.

166 'wished me happiness': ibid.

166 'de la douleur': ibid.

166 'you, my darling': Brownlow diary 167 'knife into them': Shawcross, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, p. 364 167 'our fingers crossed': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 310 167 'deportee or exile': Brownlow diary 167 'to winter conditions': ibid.

167 'difficult to recapture': HHR p. 265 167 she had reached Cannes: Thomson Reuters Archive 167 'Tell the country': W to EP, n.d., Bloch, Letters, p. 216 168 'Roosevelt's "fireside chats"': HHR p. 253 168 'crown and throne': TS 221, NA PRO 168 'a married woman': Baldwin Papers, p. 402 169 'tack was hopeless': Sir Edward Peac.o.c.k notes, Dep. Monckton Trustees 22, fol. 277, Bodl. Lib.

169 'for all time': Humphrey Keenlyside, Allen & Overy: The Firm, vol. I: 1930 1998, Allen & Overy 1999 170 'could not interfere': Nancy Dugdale diary 170 'unhappy and untenable': HHR p. 273 170 'for the best': ibid.

170 'pet.i.tion for divorce': Zetland Papers, Mss Eur D 609/7 170 'turn against me': Susan Williams, The People's King: The True Story of the Abdication, Penguin Books 2003, p. 191 171 'it would be', 'WM typed account of events October to Dec 1936 with postscripts and additional comments from others', Dep. Monckton Trustees 22, fols. 1 103, Bodl. Lib.

171 'her magnanimous gesture': Nancy Dugdale diary 171 'wicket was determined': Sir Horace Wilson to WM, 5 Feb. 1949, Dep. Monckton Trustees 20, fol. 37, Bodl. Lib.

172 'eventually marry her': 13 Aug. 1949, Dep. Monckton Trustees 20, fol. 74 TG statement, Bodl. Lib.

172 'into her confidence!': Sir Horace Wilson to WM, 5 Feb. 1949, Dep. Monckton Trustees 20, fol. 37, Bodl. Lib.

172 'curious little doc.u.ment': Lascelles to WM on Buckingham Palace notepaper, 6 Jan. 1949, Dep. Monckton Trustees 22, fol. 30, Bodl. Lib.

172 'to do anything': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 313, citing Thomas Dugdale diary, 9 Dec. 1936, Crathorne Papers 173 speaking to him: 10 Dec. 1936, MEPO, NA PRO 173 'most painful degree': Gilbert, Winston S. Churchill, vol. V, pp. 814 17 173 'it appalled me': Monica Baldwin, Baldwin Papers, p. 422 173 '"in the world"': ibid.

174 'reason with him': ibid.

174 not the least: Conclusions of Meetings of the Cabinet 28 Oct. 16 Dec. 1936, vol. LIII, CAB 23/86, NA PRO 174 'been in Bedlam': Baldwin Papers, p. 411 174 'with That Woman': Thomas Dugdale diary, 8 Dec. 1936, Cranthorne Papers 174 'earn her contempt': Ziegler, Edward VIII, p. 327 174 'invective from Cannes': Thomas Dugdale diary, 8 Dec. 1936, Cranthorne Papers 174 'day he died': Ziegler, Edward VIII, p. 327 175 'Sir Horace Wilson ... ': 13 June 1938, Smith, Hostage to Fortune: The Letters of Joseph P. Kennedy, p. 262 175 '5,000 a year': Ziegler, Edward VIII, p. 326 175 'all over world': Nancy Dugdale diary 176 'up in Parliament': Smith, Hostage to Fortune: The Letters of Joseph P. Kennedy, p. 262 176 'I was completely misled': Ziegler, Edward VIII, p. 327 176 'I have written': ibid., p. 324 176 'of Mrs Simpson': Lt Col Tweed to Lloyd George, 15 Dec. 1936, J. G. Jones, 'Lloyd George and the Abdication of Edward VIII', National Library of Wales Journal, vol. 30, 1997, pp. 89 105 177 King Charles I: DoW, A King's Story, p. 409 177 'thing he disliked': Virginia Woolf, Selected Diaries, ed. Anne Olivier Bell, Vintage 2008, 10 Dec. 1936, p. 401 178 'hide my tears': HHR p. 278 178 'he had chosen': Lang Papers, Lambeth Palace Archives 178 'a faint reality': Nancy Dugdale diary 179 'when he needs': draft letter to Queen Mary, Dep. Monckton Trustees 14, fols. 64 65, Bodl. Lib.

179 'could turn in': Shaughnessy, Both Ends of the Candle, p. 45 179 'all one's heart': Lucy Baldwin to Nancy Dugdale, reproduced in Nancy Dugdale diary 180 'Elizabeth R': Don diary, 12 Dec. 1936 180 'wonderfully self controlled': 10 Dec. 1936, Lang Papers, Lambeth Palace Archives 180 'display of power': Thornton, Royal Feud, p. 112, citing private information 180 'in many respects': Hardinge, Loyal to Three Kings, p. 114 180 'away from visitors': Channon, Diaries, 29 Nov. 1936, p. 111 180 'somebody in authority': Memorandum by Sir Thomas Barnes, 22 Feb. 1937, TS 22/1/4, NA PRO 181 'and Mrs S': Ziegler, Edward VIII, p. 330, citing Memorandum by Wigram, 7 Dec. 1936, KEVIII Ab. box 4, Royal Archives 181 'love with him': Cecil Beaton, Self-Portrait with Friends: The Selected Diaries of Cecil Beaton 1926 74, Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1979, p. 305 181 'to meet Ernest': Baldwin Papers, p. 410 181 'by blind prejudice': HHR p. 276 181 'never repay today': quoted in Jones, 'Lloyd George and the Abdication of Edward VIII', p. 92 182 'ministers and parliament': HHR p. 247 182 'as their means': Nancy Dugdale diary, citing 'letter that came into my hands' from W to Mrs George (Kitty) Hunter, postmarked 3 January 1937 182 'was prepared to pay': 'Lloyd George and the Abdication of Edward VIII', National Library of Wales Journal, vol. 30, 1997, p. 95 183 'the little man': Lloyd George to Megan Lloyd George, 9 Dec. 1936, MS 20 475C no. 3150, National Library of Wales 183 'thought the same': Duff Hart-Davis (ed.), The King's Counsellor: Abdication and War The Diaries of 'Tommy' Lascelles, Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2006, p. 50 183 'He will abdicate': Ziegler, Edward VIII, p. 199 184 'few vital days': MEPO 10/35, NA PRO 185 'wherever I went': Martin, The Woman He Loved, p. 12 185 Mrs Fitzherbert: Beaverbrook Papers, series G 25, memo of 9 Sept. 1949 185 'with you throughout!': Ziegler, Edward VIII, p. 330, citing Royal Archives DW 3059 185 'so sit all day': W to EAS, postmarked 22 Dec. 1936, private archive 185 'that have been': EAS to W, Oct. 1936, letter sold at auction widely quoted in UK press and Vickers, p. 417 186 'counted his royalties': Forbes, TLS, 1 Nov. 1974 186 'sacrifice to himself': Sarah Bradford to Piers Brendon, Brendon Papers 2/2/1, Churchill Archives 186 'lowest of the low': letter to Lord Lloyd, 6 July 1940, marked 'Windsor Castle copy', Papers of Lord Lloyd of Dolobran, GLLD 21/7, Churchill Archives

Chapter 10: Wallis in Exile.

187 'loved King Edward': speech widely reported this version Daily Telegraph, Monday 14 Dec. 1936, Amel 1/5/25, Churchill Archives 187 'been the medium': Reith to Lang, 14 Dec. 1936, Lang Papers, 192 FO 380 187 'and pathetic figure': Rev. Dr A. C. Bouquet, quoted in G. Machin, 'Marriage and the Churches in the 1930s', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, vol. 42, 1991, 68 81 188 'intolerance and obscurantism': New Statesman, 19 Dec. 1936 188 'of normal love': Lang Papers, vol. 318, Lambeth Palace Archives 188 'a sincere response': 21 Dec. 1936, Lang Papers, Notes on the Abdication, Lambeth Palace Archives 188 'Royal Family again': quoted in letter from 'A Scout' to A. J. Sylvester, 5 Jan. 1936 [recte 1937], Jones, 'Lloyd George and the Abdication of Edward VIII', p. 104 189 leave the country: Hansard, House of Commons, vol. 318, col. 2216 189 form a government: Francis Beckett, The Rebel Who Lost his Cause: The Tragedy of John Beckett MP, Allison & Busby 2000, p. 141 190 'his own ends': Woolf, Selected Diaries, 7 Dec. 1936, p. 400 190 'c.o.c.k crew thrice': quoted in Masters, Great Hostesses, p. 186 191 'shown to me': Brownlow to Cromer, 23 Dec. 1936, Brownlow Papers, BNLW 4/4/9/6/11, Lincolns.h.i.+re Archives 191 'row to hoe': Baldwin to Brownlow, 12 Jan. 1937, Brownlow Papers, BNLW 4/4/9/5/7/a, Lincolns.h.i.+re Archives 191 'it long ago': W to Brownlow, 'Friday 19th' [either Feb. or March 1937], Brownlow Papers, BNLW 4/4/9/5/9, Lincolns.h.i.+re Archives 191 soon as possible: 15 Dec. 1936, Legh to Thomas, quoted in Ziegler, King Edpanidth="-20ward VIII, p. 339 191 'anything might happen': Don diary 191 'a monarch's service': Daily Telegraph obituary of Dudley Forwood, 27 Jan. 2001 192 'shun the game': Wilson, Her Name was Wallis Warfield, Dec. 1936 192 'am very sad': W to EAS, n.d., private archive 193 'be there anyway': 22 Dec. 1936, Dep. Monckton Trustees 14, fol. 77, Bodl. Lib.

193 'simply haven't understood': W to Kitty Rothschild, 18 Dec. 1936, Bloch, Letters, p. 235 193 'that fatal charm!': W to EP, n.d., Bloch, Letters, p. 253 193 '(I suspect that)': ibid.; also quoted in Williams, The People's King, p. 268 194 'my morning tray': HHR p. 280 194 'he should pay': all the above from CAB 21/4100/2 index to secret file, NA PRO 194 'take her in': HHR p. 277 194 'in English law': Stephen Cretney, 'The King and the King's Proctor', Law Quarterly Review, vol. 16, 2000, 583 620 194 'on six pounds': Higham, Mrs Simpson, p. 210 195 'must be stopped': EAS to Mrs E. L. Simpson, 1 Jan. 1937, private archive 195 'against their intentions': W to EAS, 16 Feb. 1937, private archive 195 'it is now': ibid.

196 'them torn up': W to E, 16 Feb. 1937, private archive 196 'Katherine by now ... !': ibid.

196 'is no longer King': MKR to Annie Kirk, 7 Jan. 1937, TOMS, p. 50 197 'jewels at all': Constance Coolidge Atherton, Comtesse de Jumilhac, to 'Crownie', 28 May 1937, Maryland Historical Society (hereafter MHS) MS 1772 Windsor Collection 197 'only formal routine': Alan Lascelles to Joan Lascelles, 5 March 1937, Lascelles Papers, Lasl 11/001/16a, Churchill Archives 197 'him in turn': ibid.

197 'from such servants': TS 22/1/A, NA PRO 198 'does in fact exist': ibid.

198 to give evidence: ibid.

199 'my business career': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 363 200 'up from Fortnums': MKR to Jacques Raffray, 18 May 1937, TOMS, pp. 53 5 200 'practically killed me': W to EAS, 12 May 1937, private archive 200 'in this way': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 356 200 'at the ceremony': ibid.

200 'with stoical dignity': ibid.

201 to the Duke: Sarah Bradford, Brendon Papers, Bren 2/2/1, Churchill Archives 201 'such a thing': Alec Sergeant's notes marked 'Private and Confidential', Lang Papers, Lambeth Palace Archives 202 'such monstrous suggestions': Wigram to Lang, 5 April 1937, Lang Papers, vol. 318, Lambeth Palace Archives 202 'thousand times harder': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 348 202 'do anything else': ibid., p. 355 202 finish his breakfast: Owen Chadwick, Hensley Henson, Oxford University Press 1983, p. 232 203 'his Parish Church': 5 May 1937, Crawford Papers, John Vincent (ed.), The Journals of David Lindsay, 27th Earl of Crawford and 10th Earl of Balcarres 1871 1940, Manchester University Press 1984, p. 579 203 'be doubly bigamous': ibid.

203 '"told this before?"': ibid.

204 'him by death': cutting in TS 221/8, NA PRO 204 'hates us both': W to DoW, 7 Feb. 1937, Bloch, Letters, p. 258 204 'off the throne': Higham, Mrs Simpson, p. 220 204 'for exceptional treatment': Stamfordham to Davidson, 29 July 1922, Archbishop Davidson Papers, 6/76 204 'I can't see': W to DoW, 6 Feb. 1937, Bloch, Letters, p. 256 204 'has no jurisdiction': Chadwick, Hensley Henson, p. 231 205 'silent and loyal': Sue Shephard, The Surprising Life of Constance Spry, Macmillan 2010, p. 204 205 'would see them': ibid., p. 207 205 'and good taste': Brownlow to W, 26 April 1937, Brownlow Papers, BNLW 4/4/9/5/17, Lincolns.h.i.+re Archives 205 'become very difficult': Nugent Hicks to Brownlow, 18 May 1937, Brownlow Papers, BNLW 4/4/9/5/21, Lincolns.h.i.+re Archives 206 '"ex-King of England"': Shephard, The Surprising Life of Constance Spry, p. 207 206 'a broad grin': ibid., p. 205 206 'this for me': Chadwick, Hensley Henson, p. 232 207 'the worst blow': private diaries of Lady Alexandra Metcalfe (hereafter LAM), with thanks to David Metcalfe for permission to quote from them 207 'her American friends': MKR to Buckie Kirk, 30 May 1937, Radcliffe/Schlesinger collection 208 't.i.tle being conferred': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 358 208 'to become Royal': ibid., p. 359 208 'a nice wedding present': ibid., p. 360 208 'weakness in everything': LAM diary 208 'heaped on her': ibid.

209 'most disastrous results': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 358 209 'king of England': LAM diary 210 'birth or connections': HHR p. 280 210 'happiness much love': Dep. Monckton Trustees 15, fol. 176, Bodl. Lib.

210 'a younger man': LAM diary 210 '"make him happy"': Birkenhead, Walter Monckton, p. 362

Chapter 11: Wallis at War.

211 'have given up': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 351 211 'see her suffering': DoW to WM, 31 Oct. 1938, Dep. Monckton Trustees 16, fol. 176, Bodl. Lib.

212 '"the Duke down"': Daily Telegraph obituary of Dudley Forwood, 27 Jan. 2001 212 'recognised with incredulity': HHR p. 282 212 'try not to': W to EAS, Monday 30 Aug. 1937, private archive 212 'courage for that': ibid.

212 'knew you would': ibid.

213 'for a dentist': ibid.

213 'book in it': Mary Simpson diary, 1938, private archive 213 'With love, Wallis': W to EAS, n.d., private archive 214 'the other way': WM to Tommy Dugdale, 23 Dec. 1936, Dep. Monckton Trustees 14, Bodl. Lib.

214 'with good publicity': DoW to Bernard Rickatson-Hatt, 18 May 1938, Thomson Reuters Archive 214 'old Palace enemies': ibid.

215 'and the': quoted in Rose, King George V, citing Mensdorff Papers, 11 Nov. 1933, State Archives, Vienna 216 'him a lot': Brendon Papers, Bren 2/2/7, Churchill Archives 216 'England in December': DoW to WM, 16 July 1937, Dep. Monckton Trustees 15, fol. 237, Bodl. Lib.

216 'British working man': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 390, quoting Phipps 216 'German mining industry': Brendon Papers, Bren 2/2/6, Churchill Archives 216 'are much nicer': W to EAS, n.d., private archive 217 'his bombastic pretensions': DoW, A King's Story, p. 277 217 'of Hun origin': Higham, Mrs Simpson, p. 259 217 'discussion with him!': HHR p. 308 217 'not a crime': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 386 218 'for his security': Brendon Papers, Bren 2/2/7, Churchill Archives 218 'for "That Woman"': Crawford Papers, Vincent, Journals of David Lindsay, pp. 616 21 219 'his eyes now?': Sir Robert Bruce Lockhart, The Diaries of Robert Bruce Lockhart 1915 38, ed. Kenneth Young, Macmillan 1973, 10 Dec. 1938, p. 413 219 'pray to G.o.d. Wallis': W to EAS, 30 October 1937, private archive 219 'or racial doctrine': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 396 220 'score for us': Mary Simpson diary, private archive 220 'back of it': Shawcross, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, pp. 423 4 220 'controversy about it': ibid., p. 446 221 'between us impossible': ibid.

221 'distinction and success': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 393 221 'List is considered': WSC to Clementine Churchill, 7 Jan. 1937, Mary Soames (ed.), Speaking for Themselves: The Personal Letters of Winston and Clementine Churchill, Doubleday 1998, pp. 422 3 222 'a devoted servant': WSC to Maxine Elliott, 30 Dec. 1937, Char 1/300/86, Churchill Archives 222 'most happy marriage': WSC to Clementine Churchill, 10 Jan. 1938, Soames, Speaking for Themselves, p. 433 223 'life in exile': Nicolson, Diaries and Letters 1930 39, p. 351 223 'were probably r.e.t.a.r.ded': Colin Davidson to WM, 5 Sept. 1938, Dep. Monckton Trustees 16, fol. 134, Bodl. Lib.

223 'to stop him': WSC to Clementine Churchill, 18 Jan. 1939, Soames, Speaking for Themselves, p. 449 223 'just a reminder': W to WM, 2 Feb. 1938, Dep. Monckton Trustees 16, fols. 31 32, Bodl. Lib.

224 'brother of the King': ibid.

224 'not kicked out': Colin Davidson to WM, 5 Sept. 1938, Dep. Monckton Trustees 16, fol. 134, Bodl. Lib.

224 'older I realise it': Sunday Dispatch, 12 March 1939 225 'all to subdue': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 399 225 'fools and rogues': Mary Simpson diary, private archive 226 'remains the same': copies of both telegrams, 27 Aug. 1939, Dep. Monckton Trustees 17, fol. 93, Bodl. Lib.

226 'were our guests': LAM uesing fdiary 226 'still at Antibes': Dep. Monckton Trustees 22, fols. 1 103, WM typed account of events October to December 1936 with postscript, Bodl. Lib.

226 'jumping out, etc': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 403 227 'only a grip': DoW to British Amba.s.sador in Paris, 3 Sept. 1939, relayed to WM, Dep. Monckton Trustees 17, fol. 122, Bodl. Lib.

227 'of your PRIDE': Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p. 403, quoting Metcalfe Papers 228 'of his departure': LAM diary 228 'have skated on': ibid.

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