The Pickup Part 17

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21 Too long a sacrifice W. B. Yeats, 'Easter 1916', Michael Robartes and the Dancer (Churchtown: The Cuala Press, 1920).

28 Whoever embraces a woman Jorge Luis Borges, 'Happiness', Jorge Luis Borges: Selected Poems (New York: Viking).

35 I decided to postpone our future Feodor Dostoievsky, 'The Meek One', The Diary of a Writer*Feodor Dostoievsky, trans.

Boris Brasol (New York: George Braziller, 1954).

66 Rose thou art sick William Blake, 'The Sick Rose': 0 Rose thou art sick.

The invisible worm That flies in the night In the howling storm: Has found out thy bed Of crimson joy: And his dark secret love Does thy life destroy.

'Songs of Experience', Songs of Innocence and Experience with Other Poems (London: Basil Montagu Pickering, 1866).

88 Let us go to another country William Plomer, 'Another Country', Visiting the Caves (London: Jonathan Cape, 1936). In his Collected Poems (London: Jonathan Cape, 1960), Plomer published a slightly different version of this poem.

144 And remember Job ' The Prophets', Sura XXI, The Koran, trans. Rev. J. M. Rodwell, with an introduction by Rev. G.

Margoliouth (New York: Everyman's Library, 1948), p. 156.


145 And make mention in the Book of Mary ' Mary', Sura XIX, The Koran, p. 118.

146 The G.o.d of Mercy hath taught ' The Merciful', Sura LV, The Koran, p. 74.

173 And she conceived ' Mary', Sura XIX, The Koran, p. 118.

178 alKitab wa-l-Qur'an: Qira'a mu'asira The views expressed by the young men are based on quotations from this book by Shahrur Muhammad Shahrur, as cited by Nilufer Gole in her article 'Snapshots of Islamic Modernities', Daedalus ( Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences) (Winter 2000).

245 I was occupied in picturing him Rainer Maria Rilke, The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge, trans. John Linton (London: The Hogarth Press).

Grateful thanks to my generous mentor, Philip J. Stewart of the University of Oxford.

Also by Nadine Gordimer.



The Soft Voice of the Serpent.

The Lying Days Six Feet of the Country.

World of Strangers Friday's Footprint.

Occasion for Loving Not for Publication The Late Bourgeois World Livingstone's Companions A Guest of Honor A Soldier's Embrace The Conservationist Selected Stories.

Burger's Daughter Something Out There July's People.

Jump and Other Stories A Sport of Nature My Son's Story.

None to Accompany Ate The House Gun.


The Black Interpreters.

The Essential Gesture*Writing, Politics and Places (edited by Stephen Clingman) Writing and Being.

Living in Hope and History: Notes from Our Century OTHER WORKS.

On the Mines (with David Goldblatt) Lifetimes Under Apartheid (with David Goldblatt) The Pickup.

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