Marked - Eve Of Destruction Part 19

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Archangels are brilliant actors.

Startled by the new voice, Eve's gaze darted to find the source. A deep bark brought her attention to the Great Dane leaping from the pa.s.senger seat of the red pickup. A pretty redhead exited from the driver's side and called out, "Don't bark at the neighbors, Freddy."

Freddy rolled his eyes, then dipped his large head in a bow to Gadara.

"You have a dog," Eve said.

"Yeah." Roger snapped his fingers, and Freddy padded over. "Animals have keener senses. When the viewers see that Freddy is bored, they know nothing paranormal is at work."

Obviously, I'm a brilliant actor, too.

Eve winked at him.

Gadara cleared his throat and looked suitably regretful. "We are utilizing Anytown at the moment."

"No worries," Roger a.s.sured. "The commandant warned us. We film at night, so we won't get in your way."

Curious to see how he would maneuver his way through this new curve, Eve watched the archangel closely.

"Hang on." Linda pulled away from Roger and ran back to the van. She dug into a duffel bag resting on the threshold of the open sliding rear door, then returned with a DVD case that she extended to Gadara. "Here's the episode of Paranormal Territory that was filmed here at McCroskey. Take a look at it. We won't start filming until midnight. Hopefully that will give you plenty of time to consider it."

Gadara accepted the video, then made their excuses. Eve waved to Freddy before falling into step beside the archangel.

"We can't leave them here alone," she said.

"Clean-up is progressing as we speak, and I will speak with the lieutenant colonel again."

"Going to put the persuasive whammy on her?"

"I will simply suggest that she delay them until we are completely cleared out."

"Shouldn't we catch whoever killed Molenaar before we say we're done here? We can clean up and go, but that doesn't mean the killer won't be left behind."

"You no longer believe the culprit is one of your cla.s.smates, Ms. Hollis? Or me?"

She also had concerns about the Infernals working for him, but she'd keep that to herself for now. "I never said it was any of you."

"Not directly, but the implication-the suspicion-is there."

"Okay. That mind-pillaging thing is just plain creepy. If I have something to say to you, I'll say it. Please don't dig around in my brain."

"It is concern for you that motivates me."

"Really? And that's why you decided to ignore the Novium that's tearing me up?"

Stopping by the Porsche, the archangel faced her with narrowed eyes. "Tell me how you think I can best help you."

Eve's fingers touched the trunk, seeking a connection with the vehicle in lieu of Reed. The car was sleek, expensive, and dangerously fast. Just like the man who drove it. "They invited us to go with them. I think we should. We could protect them."

The archangel shook his head and handed her the DVD. "Let me speak with the colonel before we consider that. In the interim, go inside with the others and help them pack. Make sure that we are prepared to go."

She took the video. "The girls' side is done and ready to load."

"Excellent. Now concentrate on the provisions and equipment."

With two guards still in Anytown and two always on point with Gadara, that left only the Marks to do the grunt work. "All right, I'll play along," she said, disgruntled. "For now."

"And stay away from Abel," he added. "He needs to cool down some, as do you."

Eve shot him a wry glance. "So you finally admit I'm running a fever?"

His mouth thinned, briefly reminding her of her dad's style of silent chastising. She shrugged it off and headed toward the house.

Reed stood in the shade of an oak tree and watched as Eve ran her fingers over his car as if it were a lover. Her mind followed suit, returning to musings of him and her confusion over her attraction. She loved his brother but she wanted him, too. In ways she had never wanted anyone else. His jaw clenched so tightly it ached.

I covet you.

The words should have been his, not hers. And if she settled into her fate as a Mark, he would have numerous years with her. A blessing, if he was able to head a new firm and snag her for his team. Or a curse, if she remained in love with Cain even after their mentoring relations.h.i.+p was over. I want to f.u.c.k you, not carry your baggage.

The truth mixed with a lie. He wanted everything, which p.i.s.sed him off to no end. If his brain hadn't been scrambled by her Heat, he would have pulled her into an abandoned home and pinned her to a crumbling wall. He would have pounded himself into her until neither of them could breathe, think, or walk. He would have spilled every drop of his l.u.s.t into her writhing body, thereby deepening the ethereal connection between them. He also would have irrefutably checkmated Cain by severing their connection before it had a chance to fully form. Eve might have hated him afterward and hated herself for giving in to the desire she didn't understand, but he would've had her in every way that mattered.

But his brain had fried when she laid her feelings on the line. Without a driver behind the wheel, his gut had taken over and f.u.c.ked it all up.

I want to f.u.c.k you, not carry your baggage.

He was such a d.i.c.k. He'd felt how deeply the words cut her and had relished her pain because it mirrored his.

He could have had her body, but taking her while under duress wasn't enough. He wanted her sober, cognizant, and fully willing. No remorse, no regrets.


Pulled from his thoughts by the greeting, Reed dragged his gaze away from Eve to find the pretty blonde with the dark fas.h.i.+on sense approaching. Her wrists and throat were hugged by spikes and leather, her palms were covered in fingerless gloves, and her legs were wrapped in black-and-white-striped knee-high socks.

He used to seek out women like her-light-haired women with harder-than-usual edges. He'd considered them his type.

His head tilted slightly in silent acknowledgment.

The blonde's gaze followed his previous line of sight and came to rest on Eve, who stood talking with Raguel.

"If it's any consolation," she said, "she's not accessible to your brother either. He has been ringing her cell phone all morning."

"It's not," he said gruffly. Another lie. If there had to be a gulf between him and Eve, he wanted the same distance between her and Cain.

Then why did you let her go?

"Perhaps I can help you."

He turned, leaning his shoulder into the tree. "In what way, Miss . . . ?"

"Call me Izzie." Her stained lips curved in a come-hither smile. "In any way."

Reed knew the invitation had as much to do with Eve as it did with him. Rivalry, perhaps. Or jealousy. Catty girl c.r.a.p. He wanted to shut her down just for that, just to choose Eve's side. He didn't. Eve wasn't celibate, why should he be?

His gaze dropped to the blonde's lips. "You have a pretty mouth, Izzie."

She nodded, comprehending what he wanted. She turned around and led the way. He followed. Once he dealt with his raging hard-on, he might manage to hold himself together until Eve was safe and he could once again put distance between them. They couldn't keep b.u.t.ting heads. He'd gambled a great deal in order to help Cain resurrect her. He couldn't afford to wreck all of his plans by alienating her beyond repair. Sparing one last look over his shoulder at the driveway, Reed found that both Raguel and Eve were gone. The Marks would be clearing out soon. Eve would be squired away to safety. Cla.s.s would end, the blonde would be a.s.signed to a mentor, and he would never see her again. No harm, no foul, no complications. That didn't stop him from feeling like s.h.i.+t.


"Don't leave me like this! What if the maid comes in?"

Alec smiled down at Giselle, who wrestled futilely against the handcuffs that secured her to the pipe beneath the hotel room sink. "I'll put the Do Not Disturb sign up."

"Cain! I'll scream, I swear. They'll call the cops."

He bent down and tugged the handkerchief off her head.

"No!" she protested. "I was just kidding. I didn't- Mmphfff . . . !"

He secured the gag with a tug and stood, stepping clear of her kicking legs. "Don't wear yourself out. When I get back I'll need some blood from you, so you should save your strength."

The metal links of the cuffs were m.u.f.fled by the pipe insulation used to protect the legs of wheelchairbound guests. Still, Alec shut the bathroom door and turned on the television as added camouflage. Then, he grabbed his black leather messenger bag and crossed into the adjoining room. He shut both connecting doors, then moved to the desk set against the opposite wall. He withdrew the various components of his satellite videophone, but paused to hit redial on his cell phone before a.s.sembling them. The line rang three times. He was about to hang up when Eve's voice, breathy and filled with relief, answered. "Alec!"

"Angel." Concern straightened his spine and canceled his plans to chastise her for not answering his other calls. "Is everything all right?"


"Are you okay?"

"Yes, but-"

"Are you hurt?"

"No, but Molenaar-the Stoner-is dead."

"What? How?"

He listened to her explanation with a growing sense of urgency. "I want you out of there," he said when she finished. "Right now."

"That's Gadara's plan. We're packing up as we speak."

He knew her well enough to pick up the stubbornness underlying her tone. "Don't fight him on this, angel, although I can't imagine why you would. Sounds like just the sort of thing you would want to avoid."

"No s.h.i.+t. Where's my scaredy-cat sense of self-preservation when I need it?" She sighed. "I've been told I'm going through the Novium. It's making me b.i.t.c.hy."

Alec stilled. It was impossible. It was years too soon.

"I would take that with a grain of salt," he said gruffly. "Raguel doesn't have enough experience with the Heat to make that diagnosis."

"Well, your brother agrees with him."

"Abel is there?" His concern for her safety turned into something baser, an emotion that was darker and more selfish.

"Yes. He has something going on with Gadara. I don't know what it is."

Alec was more concerned with his brother having something going on with Eve. She shouldn't be so susceptible to the Heat so quickly. By design, the Novium helped train Marks to overcome their lingering fears so they could achieve successful independence. Eve hadn't been marked long enough to be affected, plus they hadn't attained the sort of bond he'd seen in other mentor/Mark pairings. If she went through the Novium now, not only would he lack a vital part of the experience he hoped would help him advance to firm leader, but he would also miss the opportunity to bind Eve more tightly to him. With a growl, Alec moved to the bed and sat. It was time for another argument with G.o.d about the return of his mal'akh powers. Eve, bless her, was somewhat of a disaster magnet. "Are any of the other students showing signs?"

"I have no idea." Her tone was weary. "They're argumentative, and Romeo and the princess are still s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g like rabbits, but other than that . . . ? I don't know what to look for."

"They're not important. Just take care of yourself." If it was only Eve, he would have to seriously consider if her acclimation was being manipulated. And if so, who was responsible.

"Take care of myself how? I feel like s.h.i.+t, Alec. As if I have the flu. Isn't the mark bad enough? Why does my process have to be so out of whack with the norm?"

"Angel . . ." f.u.c.k, he should be with her now. She shouldn't be alone. And she d.a.m.n well shouldn't be anywhere near Abel, whose connection with her would strengthen while his waned. "I'm guessing the Stoner's death triggered your Heat early. Maybe you're being affected so strongly because you've already been on a hunt."

"That's what I told Reed. This sucks. I'm not a dog; I shouldn't feel like a b.i.t.c.h in heat."

"It's not like that."

"You're not the one going through it, Alec," she argued. "Trade places with me, then tell me how it feels."

Inhaling sharply, he forced himself to remain seated and not break speed limits back to Monterey. Not for the first time, he d.a.m.ned the fact that he was as untrained in his role as she was in hers.

"I hate being clueless," he growled, shoving a rough hand through his hair. "This whole situation is f.u.c.ked all to h.e.l.l. Everyone's got their thumb in the pie and we're stuck cleaning up the mess."

"No one's finger is in my pie," she said dryly. "And sadly, I'm disappointed about that. The Novium is making me h.o.r.n.y. How insane is that?"

Alec stilled, considering. He'd come across all types of mentor/Mark pairs over the years. Romantically linked teams were rare, but they did happen. One Mark had sworn that the best s.e.x of her life had come during the Novium. She'd wondered whether it was melancholy over the end of her mentor relations.h.i.+p that had made the s.e.x so hot or whether it was due to the Heat itself. Either way, the Mark had said her emotional attachment had strengthened during that time despite the imminent end to the training bond. And Abel was there with Eve . . . d.a.m.n it.

"I wish you were here," she said in a small voice. "I don't know what to do with myself. I feel like a stranger in my own skin."

There was something he could do for her from this distance, one way to ensure that she didn't fall into Abel's greedy hands like a ripe, juicy apple. "I don't have to be with you to help you."

"Talking helps. But honestly, that's the last thing I want to do with you right now."

"All action. My kind of girl." Alec piled the pillows against the headboard and made himself comfortable. He pictured Eve in the grip of l.u.s.t-her eyes with need, her lips red and parted on gasping breaths as he pumped hard, fast, and deep into her.

With his voice low and thick, he asked, "Are you alone?"

Her hesitation told him that she registered the change in his mood. "No. I'm with the others, helping them pack up the equipment."

"Can you find someplace where you will be within a safe distance but far enough away to prevent anyone from overhearing you?"

Marked - Eve Of Destruction Part 19

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