Marked - Eve Of Destruction Part 29

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"Quite the opposite actually." Reed smiled. "My entire reason for being here is Eve."

"Don't you have something to tell me about your trip to Australia?" Cain asked with narrowed eyes. That was the only sign that he was affected at all by Eve's departure and Reed's offer of accompaniment. Reed watched Eve reach the other side of the street, then glanced around to ensure privacy. "We think the Infernal grows with every attack," he said in a low tone. "The one in Australia was considerably larger than the one Mariel first saw and the one that attacked Raguel was even larger than that."

"You don't think it could be more than one?"

"Maybe, but Les-the Australian handler-watched the creature increase in size after it destroyed his Mark."

"All right. Thank you." Cain looked away, dismissing Reed altogether.

Shock threw Reed for a loop for a half minute. He almost told Cain about the Infernal's suspected ability to absorb its target's thread of awareness and connection to the handler. But in the end, he wanted to join Eve more than he wanted to give his brother any advantage in the upcoming conference with the other archangels.

Heading across the street, Reed reached the front door of the Ghoul School duplex and knocked. One dog bark and a minute later, the door opened and revealed a pretty redhead in a pink and purple sundress.

"Hi." She grinned, checking him out.

"Hi. I'm looking for Eve."

"He's with me," Eve called out.

The redhead held out her hand. "I'm Mich.e.l.le."

"Mich.e.l.le." Reed lifted her hand to his lips. "Reed Abel."

She stepped back and waved him in. He entered a dormlike s.p.a.ce filled with an inflatable sofa, a few folding lawn chairs, lots of cardboard boxes, and a couple of air mattresses. The air was redolent of insecticide and nacho tortilla chips.

Reed offered an all-encompa.s.sing wave and took note of the various occupants in the living room-a brunette in shared the couch with a goateed guy in corduroy slacks. Another guy in jeans and white T-s.h.i.+rt was snoring from his spot on a nearby bed. A brown Great Dane paced the perimeter of the room, while Mich.e.l.le pulled up a lawn chair and offered it to him. He declined the hospitality with a shake of his head and a grateful smile.

Eve made the introductions, then continued with her interrupted conversation. "So there you have it. We're really sorry about the inconvenience."

"Hey," Roger grinned, "We're not going to get upset about a shot at Alcatraz at night. We've been signing up for the lottery there for two years now, but never get in. And even if we did, there's no guarantee we'd be allowed to film there."

"I'm not sure," Linda said. "We were asked specifically to come out here to McCroskey. I hate to burn that bridge."

"I'm certain the invitation will be reextended," Reed rea.s.sured smoothly, celestial persuasion resonating through his tone. "Gadara simply wants to make some small rest.i.tution for imposing on you. He hadn't expected that we'd be using the area in the evening, too."

"That's very nice of him," Mich.e.l.le said, her eyes dazed.

"What the heck can you all do at night, anyway?" Linda asked.

Reed's brows rose. The brunette seemed unaffected.

"Lighting," Eve improvised. "Exterior and interior."

"Linda doesn't like spontaneity," Roger explained, "but I'm excited. Alcatraz at night isn't an inconvenience."

Linda frowned. "We'll have to talk it over and let you know."

Reed looked at Eve. Tough cookie, he thought.

Her mouth curved. I like her. Aloud she said, "Well, let me know what you decide. But don't wait too long. It's a two-hour drive from here, without rush-hour traffic."

"I really want you to partic.i.p.ate in an investigation."

Reed was taken aback by the fervor with which Linda made her p.r.o.nouncement. He had a.s.sumed Eve was pus.h.i.+ng herself to go along with them. He hadn't realized she was facing pressure from the "ghost hunters."

"I'll take a rain check." Eve smiled. "I promise."

A few minutes later, Reed was standing on the sidewalk next to Eve and they were both staring at the Mark duplex across the street. From the outside view, the place was still and quiet. Everyone was inside, all the vehicle doors were closed, all the equipment packed away.

"I'm going to Anytown," she said. "Coming with me?"

He looked down at her, noting her stubborn chin and challenging gaze. "I can stop you."

Her lips pursed. "Why?"


"Right now, there are three of Gadara's Infernals, two guards, and two investigators working in Anytown. If you come, I'll have a guardian angel, too. A veritable army."

Reed seized the opportunity. "You'll owe me."

Eve paused, then crossed her arms. "Owe you what?"

He looked at her hands with their slender fingers. Certain she'd had a camera in hand when she set off toward the Ghoul School house, he asked, "Where's your camera?"

"I left it inside."

"Want to go back and get it?"

"Want to stop changing the subject? What will I owe you? It can't be s.e.x."

"Why not? Maybe that's exactly what I'll want." Might as well lay it all out there. He didn't want her saying later that she had no idea what she was getting into.

She snorted. "You didn't want it from me a short while ago."

"And you didn't hesitate to get it on the phone with Cain," he countered. "We both found subst.i.tutions for what we really wanted."

"You can't even compare the two. They're not even in the same ballpark. I care about Alec. You-"

"And that makes you better than me?" he challenged, cutting her off. "I'm an a.s.shole for blowing off steam with someone who doesn't give a s.h.i.+t about what I do, but you're on the high road for using a guy who cares about you?"

"I wasn't using him!"

"Bulls.h.i.+t." Reed scrubbed a hand over his face. "This is all jealous bulls.h.i.+t."

Snorting, she said, "Jealous? You flatter yourself."

But her mind filled with images of him with the blonde-some were memories and some were made up in her head. She was torturing herself by imagining him doing things he hadn't done. He couldn't appreciate her possessiveness because it was driving her crazy. Some women could live with sharing. Eve wasn't one of them. Remorse slithered inside him, then fury.

His arm shot out and caught her nape, yanking her closer. With his nose touching hers, he whispered, "Your jealousy has got nothing on mine. I feel it every time you come. Every time. Think about that for a minute."

Reed licked across her lips, then released her. "So maybe I'll want you to wash my car in a bikini," he bit out, "or cook me dinner. Maybe I'll want you to answer my phone for a week or wear a particular outfit. Or maybe I'll want to f.u.c.k you senseless. I'm not sure. But whatever it is, you have to do it willingly."

Her shoulders went back. "You're a pig."

He grinned wolfishly. "You love it. And Cain just kicked you to the curb so you have no obligation there."

"He did not!"

"Okay, if he didn't-nothing s.e.xual. If he did, all bets are off." His confidence rattled her further, he could tell. But he knew a Dear John speech when he heard one and he had no problem using it to get back in her pants.

"You're asking for a h.e.l.l of a lot for a quick look around an abandoned town," she complained. He stepped one foot into the street as if to cross over. "Take it or leave it."

"If I leave it and go anyway?"

"Try it. I dare you."

A wicked light lit up her brown eyes. "Fine. But I want more."

"Babe," he drawled, "you could barely handle what I gave you last time."

"I need you to track down a European Mark for me."


"Never mind who. Will you do it?"

Reed held out his hand, "Deal."

Eve shook on it, then took off without him. "Come on, then."

He quickly fell into step beside her. "Do you know what you're looking for?"

"Not really." She glanced aside at him. "But I'll know it when I see it."

He reached out and caught her hand, linking their fingers together. "I want you to tell me what you think about the new Cain."

Her grip tightened. "I liked the old Cain better."

"That's it?"

"I've got bigger things on my mind at the moment, Reed."

He sifted through her thoughts, trying to see if there was more she wasn't telling him. There wasn't. So he pressed on, hoping to milk the situation for all it was worth. "You can only be truly in love with one thing, Eve. Cain is so focused on Jehovah he doesn't have room for you now, and look how much happier he seems to be."

Reed didn't tell her that he longed for advancement even more, thirsted for it like a vampire thirsted for blood. What a relief it would be to lose his fascination for her. How much easier his life would be if he weren't thinking about her all the d.a.m.n time. But he thought about the ramifications as they related to Cain, not to himself. If Eve was in his head, she would misunderstand his thoughts on the matter.

"That's a lie," she said, her gaze trained straight ahead.

"Excuse me?" She couldn't be that good at reading his mind . . .

"The only-loving-one-thing part. And Alec doesn't look happy, he looks brainwashed. Lifeless."

He almost asked her if she'd ever loved two people at once, but he bit back the urge. d.a.m.ned if he'd get hopeful over something that was temporary by necessity.

"How are you feeling physically?" he asked, noting that she was still sans the sweater jacket she'd discarded earlier. It was probably a balmy day for the locals, but for a Southern California gal it had to be chilly. The air moved briskly around them, smelling of salt and sea.

"I'm trying not to think about me either."

"How's that working out for you?"

"Not as great as I'd hoped." She looked at him with a rueful smile. "How about you?"

While Reed really wanted to address her issues, he was willing to go first . . . and pick her brain through their connection in the interim. "I'm worried about Raguel. It's easier on us to believe that he knew what he was doing when he went after that Infernal, but we're just guessing. If he's truly gone, we are in deep s.h.i.+t."

"You don't think your brother will be a good firm leader?"

"I . . . I doubt it. He's been a loner a long time and he's been disconnected from the mark system since its inception."

"You've been antic.i.p.ating the creation of a new archangel for a while," she noted, rifling through his brain in his moment of weakness. "You wanted the job."

"No," he lied, training his thoughts to follow as if he were speaking the truth. "I think a new archangel should be familiar with all aspects of the system, like I am. You misread me."

"Hmm . . . but you do think there should more than the seven archangels? Did I get that part right?"

"The world has exploded from a population of two to a population of billions, yet the number of archangels hasn't increased."

"Makes sense. So even if Raguel comes back, Alec could stay the way he is."


"I would need a new mentor, then."

"Yes. You could also, possibly, be rea.s.signed to a different firm."

Eve didn't say anything to that, but then she didn't have to. He felt her distress as if it were his own. He squeezed her hand.

They reached Anytown. Reed took in the view he had missed in his first visit to the training area. The mannequins in various states of disrepair were especially effective in creating an atmosphere guaranteed to set trainees on edge.

"Once a coveted community," he intoned in mimicry of an announcer's voice, "Anytown has suffered a steady decline in recent years and is now in dire need of revitalization."

"Totally." Her nose wrinkled. "This place creeps me out."

"That's the point. Every time I come here, it's deteriorated further, but it's been a mess as long as I've known of it."

She slowed, then stopped. Facing him, she asked, "McCroskey isn't considered an international tourist destination, is it?"

Reed laughed. "No. Unlike Alcatraz, which has tours almost daily, the McCroskey tour is an annual one."

Marked - Eve Of Destruction Part 29

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