Perry Rhodan - Friend To Mankind Part 1

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William Voltz.


A man reached the end of Orion Avenue where a wide lawn began to stretch out behind a border of blooming bushes and flowers. Mildly astonished, he looked back down the magnificent street. Only a few minutes earlier the heavy traffic of a sprawling metropolis had flowed around him.

Terrania, hub of the Solar Imperium, was an immense city full of contrasts. Supermodern stratosc.r.a.pers flowed into the quiet and relaxation of beautiful parks. For those who sought leisure and recreation, the parks spread lazily in all directions.

The man walked along the edge of one such park. In the shadow of three trees stood a statue which had been erected as a memorial only a short while ago. It was none too conspicuous and a person in a hurry could have pa.s.sed it by without noticing it. But the man paused. He gazed at the pedestal hewn from a pale natural stone. On the pedestal stood the figure of a man sculptured by a gifted artist. A sunbeam penetrated the foliage of the trees and touched the chiselled face. The spectator unconsciously took a step back, for the statue almost looked alive. It represented a tall slim man of advanced age whose body was cloaked in a cape. His right arm was stretched out in a protective gesture.

The man in front of the memorial smiled a gentle, sad smile at the face of stone that exuded frankness and intelligence on the rigid features.

Four simple words were cut into the pedestal and the man read them slowly and repeated them several times: A FRIEND TO MANKIND That was all. There was no name, no date and no record of heroic deeds. Only the one sentence. Everybody knew the name of the man to whom the monument was dedicated and what he had done for Earth.

The quiet witness turned slowly away. He walked across the lawn, paying no attention to the taxi circling overhead. His thoughts dwelled on the man of stone and his lips formed his name as if he wanted to engrave it indelibly in his mind for all times.



Rhodan's boots left a deep imprint in the moist sand. A gentle breeze stirred the surface of the big lake and raised foamy crests. and colourful stones covered the sh.o.r.e.

On a steep incline behind Rhodan rested the mighty Solar System on its landing struts. Even to the Imperium's Administrator who was accustomed to the sight, the 200 meter heavy cruiser looked like a menacing prehistoric monster in these surroundings.

Rhodan stopped and deeply inhaled the clear air. The cargo hatch of the Solar System opened and a loading beam swung out. The wiry figure of Lt. Chad Tuncher emerged in the opening as he gave his instructions.

For the firstime Rhodan looked at the man who stood a few steps away at the sh.o.r.e. "Where would you like to have the house set up, Khrest?" he inquired.

There must have been a special sound in his voice that made the old Arkonide come over and put his hand on Rhodan's shoulder. "You don't agree wholeheartedly with my wish to live the last days of my life in this place, do you, Perry?"

"It goes against my grain to leave a friend all alone," Rhodan replied quietly. His face betrayed no emotion but even a less observant man than Khrest would have noticed Rhodan's tightly clenched fists.

"I know what meaning the word 'friend' has for you," Khrest said. His voice sounded clear, belying his old body. However there was no denying that the life of the Arkonide scientist neared its end. Neither Khrest nor Thora, the late wife of Perry Rhodan, had received the cell shower on the planet Wanderer and were not granted the gift of eternal life. The skill and medical knowledge of the Arkonide physicians enabled them to prolong Khrest's life but they could not perform miracles beyond the limit of biological science. Khrest had attained a philosophic att.i.tude in which he adequately faced reality. He felt that his death was imminent. He went to Rhodan and requested his transfer to this planet. He was already too far alienated from the world of Arkon to return to his homeworld. Neither did he wish to die on Earth. With grim irony he had explained to Rhodan that he did not want to end his life in a bed surrounded by 'mourning barbarians'.

The Arkonide told Rhodan of a small solar system, 6381 light-years from Earth and heretofore unknown to the inhabitants of Terra. Its yellow sun Soltyp was...o...b..ted by 5 planets and had been discovered many thousands of years ago by the Arkonide Ufgar after whom the system was named. The second planet was a little larger than Mars and contained an abundance of water and oxygen. Its gravity measured 0.84 G. Primeval forests and oceans covered the planet but there were no intelligent beings present.

Khrest had chosen this world on which to live out the waning days of his life and Rhodan finally acquiesced to the urgent plea of the scientist and left Terrania with him aboard the Solar System. Now they had arrived to select a suitable location.

"Look out down there!" Lt. Tuncher bellowed. At the same moment he recognized that it was Rhodan who was in his way. "I beg your pardon, sir," he shouted, more subdued.

The house suspended on the hook of the crane began to sway. Tuncher yelled angrily, waving his arms. "Are you guys trying to wreck the house?"

Several hara.s.sed men appeared at the hatch to see why he bawled them out and the lieutenant growled in disgust.

"Is this the right place, sir?" Tuncher inquired.

"Yes," Rhodan confirmed. "You can put it down here."

Suspended on a steel cable, the prefabricated building was slowly lowered to the beach, accompanied by a constant stream of threats and epithets by Tuncher. Finally it touched the sand in perfect condition.

"How do you like it?" Rhodan asked Khrest.

"It looks much too luxurious," Khrest observed with a smile. "I imagine you didn't try to economize."

Rhodan replied sadly. "It's a tiny house and we can never compensate you for what you have done for my people."

"Whatever I have done I did gladly and of my own free will," Khrest answered with a fleeting sparkle in his reddish eyes. "Only few beings are fortunate enough to further the advance of a great race. The Earthlings were always like children to me who had to be protected and guided. But this phase has ended. Humanity has outgrown its infantile stage and taken its place among the stars. I am confident that a great future awaits this race if it acts as in the past and there are always men like you, Perry."

"Let's take a look at your new home," Rhodan suggested, changing the subject. "You have a modern s.p.a.cejet with hyper-propulsion system and hyperradio at your disposal. You will be left here without physicians to help you in case you need medical care. So you have the possibility of returning to Earth at any time or call for help. In addition I'm going to leave 2 combat robots with you. The probability that intelligent aliens would land here is extremely slight but I don't want to neglect taking it into consideration. However, in case this should happen, you must try to keep the s.p.a.cejet from falling into the wrong hands. It contains the latest propulsion system and electronic equipment which are vital to the Solar Fleet and must be kept secret from hostile alien powers at all cost."

"I promise you I will guard the flying disk with my life," Khrest a.s.sured him. "You won't have to worry about it."

They went together to the house. Khrest walked with a slight stoop, breathing rather heavily. His white hair flowed down to his shoulders. Despite his age he was still a very impressive figure.

When they reached the building, Rhodan explained with an inviting gesture: "The door opens automatically as soon as you approach it."

They entered the building and were immediately surrounded by its cozy warmth.

"Here I will sit in the evening and look out at the lake," Khrest said quietly as he stepped to the large window. "My eyes will be here but my thoughts will be elsewhere."

"Are there any thoughts on which you haven't pondered?" Rhodan asked in the same quiet tone.

Khrest put his hands on the windowsill. Although the gla.s.s of the window was non-reflective, Rhodan believed he could see the face of the Arkonide in it.

"I'm an old man," Khrest said. "At my age many things look different. One gains a certain detachment."

"You will be lonely," the Administrator took another tack. "The robots will wait on you, prepare your meals and guard the house but perhaps you would like to talk to a human being now and then."

Khrest turned around and looked into Rhodan's eyes.

"I'm looking forward to being alone," he replied unemotionally. "You still see in me the active Arkonide scientist." He shook his head and his long hair undulated on his shoulders. "You must accept me for what I am, a tired old man."

Before Rhodan could make a reply, Lt. Tuncher rushed in with a red face. "Excuse me, sir," he panted. "These clumsy bunglers didn't set the house down right-it stands c.o.c.keyed."

"It's not straight?" Khrest wondered. "I didn't notice it."

"I've just measured it," Tuncher reported excitedly. "The floor on which we stand is slanted 1 away from the sh.o.r.e."

"One degree?" Rhodan was astounded. "Really, Lieutenant, how could you let this happen?"

Tuncher swallowed nervously and looked questioningly at Rhodan. "What shall I do, sir?"

"Take your men and unload the s.p.a.cejet and the robots," Rhodan ordered.

Tuncher snapped to attention and was about to rush out again when he was called back by the voice of the Administrator. "Tuncher!"


"Watch it that the s.p.a.cedisk is set down properly. I don't want you to tell me that it is 2 off."

"Yes sir," Tuncher stammered in confusion.

Khrest laughed in amus.e.m.e.nt as the lieutenant trotted off. "If he runs into a horned burrower, he will really flip his mind."

"These animals are supposed to be very dangerous," Rhodan commented with arched brows. "You'd better be careful where you walk, Khrest."

"Of course," the Arkonide agreed. "I'll also look out that none of the acidthrowers gets close to me. These beasts are much too excitable. I wouldn't care to be a target of their streams of concentrated acid. Ufgar has described these two animals very thoroughly in his report on this planet."

The tall lanky man with the almost haggard face gazed at his old friend. "We will mark this world on our stellar maps as Khrest's Planet," he declared. Before the Arkonide could protest, he continued: "The s.p.a.cejet which we leave for you will be protected by an energy screen. When you want to board the little s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p you will have to transmit the code signal to deactivate the protective screen."

"You don't take any chances with an old man like me, do you, Perry?"

"No," Rhodan replied. "Tuncher also brought a little motorboat for you which you can use to fish on the lake. Please tell me if there is anything else I can do for you."

They left Khrest's new home and watched Tuncher and his crew unload the s.p.a.cejet. The disk-shaped s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p had been constructed in secrecy and measured 35 meters in diameter. The sleek lines of its dome merged into the even surface. The bubble accommodated a small crew and the most modern equipment of the Solar Fleet. The design of the s.h.i.+p enabled a single pilot to operate it by himself.

Khrest, who was familiar with the gigantic battles.h.i.+ps of the Arkonide fleet, did not conceal his admiration. After the machine had been moored on the ground, he remarked approvingly: "This is another proof that I'm no longer needed. People who can build such fine products are able to take care of themselves. The Earthlings have achieved so much in a relatively shortime. Perry, regard me as a symbol of an epoch which has run its course. Youth will take my place and I will soon be forgotten."

"Mankind will never forget you," Rhodan a.s.sured him. "Your departure will leave a gap that cannot be closed for a long time. Looking at it in this light, you are only too right when you speak of the end of an epoch."

They spent the next few hours walking along the sh.o.r.e while the crew of the Solar System was busy putting the last touches on Khrest's abode. In their conversation long forgotten events were brought back to life. Rhodan continued in his attempts to make the scientist return to Earth with him but Khrest's decision remained unshakable.

Finally Lt. Tuncher appeared to report that the work was completed and the Solar System was ready to take off again.

"The crew wants to say goodbye to you," Rhodan said.

They were about 600 meters from the heavy cruiser. Khrest gravely shook his head. "Give the men my regards and convey my best wishes to them," he said.

Rhodan stood still. His hand touched the Arkonide's arm and Khrest, who had shared Rhodan's company for years and years, felt that the Terranian had trouble finding the right words. "Don't say anything," Khrest begged softly. "Just go."

Perry Rhodan took the hand of the old man. They looked once more into each others' eyes. For a moment the pressure of their hands intensified. "Thank you, my friend," Rhodan whispered hoa.r.s.ely. Then he turned abruptly around and followed Lt. Tuncher.

Khrest stood motionless, following them with his eyes. Rhodan and Tuncher ascended the steep incline without turning around. Khrest squinted into the low sun behind the Solar System. Next to the mighty vessel the two men looked like ants. Then they disappeared altogether.

Minutes later the sphere lifted off, borne by its powerful engines and propelled by the thunderous forces of atomic heat. The ground began to tremble and Khrest's ears felt a pain.

At the alt.i.tude of 2000 meters the s.h.i.+p's crew chose its own way of saying goodbye to Khrest. A flaming beam shot from a gun turret and coloured the sky blood-red. A last salute to a great friend of mankind!

"Famal Gosner!" Khrest whispered. It was an Arkonide expression meaning "Farewell!"

Soon the Solar System vanished in s.p.a.ce. Khrest slowly walked to his little house at the sh.o.r.e of the lake. He was in no hurry. An old man waiting for his death.

Khrest had no inkling that his solitude was destined to be disturbed with sinister intent.


You'll come up against Blockade: Lepso


Golath was seriously worried. The air purification system was on the verge of breaking down. Although there were some oxygen tanks aboard the Kaszill, not Golath, Liszog nor Zerft had been able to discover them.

The Kaszill was already no more than a wreck when they were locked up in the s.h.i.+p and chased out into s.p.a.ce. It was utterly incomprehensible to Golath why this creaking container-for which the designation 's.p.a.ces.h.i.+p' was a fatal misnomer-was not already ruptured by the first blast. Zerft was kept busy plugging constant new leaks. His work had become such a skilful routine that Golath still nourished a spark of hope for their survival.

The only machine which still functioned faultlessly aboard the Kaszill was the automatic trunk-cleaner. Thus the three Unithers were still able to clean their trunk regularly of the residue of food deposits. After such a rejuvenating treatment even the foul air seemed a little more bearable to Golath.

Liszog, who had been sitting in front of the rangefinder in deep thought, reached over to Golath with his trunk and gave him a little shove. "It's time for you to take your turn," he said.

Golath, who fancied himself as the captain of the s.h.i.+p, complied with Liszog's request with considerable displeasure. Especially since he was convinced that they could sit before the rangefinder for the next 100 years without detecting anything significant. Not that the three Unithers could expect to live that long. The life expectancy of the Kaszill was zero even in the most optimistic estimation.

The three Unithers were the same height as Terrans but their bodies were much more ma.s.sive and bulky. In addition to arms and legs-they possessed a trunk as long as an arm which served as a tool as well as for the intake of food. Their heads were semi-spherical and had two large eyes which sat directly on their shoulders and were barely movable. A smooth tough hide of light-brown hue covered their bodies.

After Golath took Liszog's place, the latter reclined on the trunk-cleaner. Zerft, who had remained in a state of relaxation since repairing the latest leak, rose awkwardly. He stepped behind Golath and looked over his shoulder at the instruments.

"Do you think you can see more than I?" Golath asked, irritated.

Zerft took his time before he answered in a conciliatory tone: "I believe I see the same as you do-nothing."

Liszog's trunk was stuffed by the rinsing appendage which made him difficult to understand when he said: "We will have to resign ourselves to the fact that we will never be able to return to Unith. It's impossible to perform a heroic deed with this dilapidated s.h.i.+p which could grant us a rehabilitation. It would be better to look for a suitable planet where we can land as long as there is still time."

"Liszog is right," Zerft agreed. "Our history has never reported a case when an expelled member has met the conditions for a return home. Even if we were to detect a s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p of another race-how could we capture it?"

Golath slid his hand across the rangefinder screen. "Are you ready to give up then?" he asked.

"Yes," Zerft replied firmly. "Right now."

Liszog gurgled his agreement from under the ma.s.saging brush.

Perry Rhodan - Friend To Mankind Part 1

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