The Blue Dragon's Geas: Bloodmines Part 18

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"After the first natural snowfall," Alador answered. "It is easier to cast, and will last longer after I am no longer present, if the natural conditions favor the spell."

"That should be soon, if it has not already occurred." Luthian sat the goblet down and leaned forward with obvious excitement.

"I foresee a problem, Uncle." Alador set his own goblet aside and looked over at Luthian.

Luthian did not wish to hear of problems; he wanted solutions. "And, what is that?" he demanded.

"How will you explain my two and three day absences from the guard?" Alador studied his uncle.

Luthian had not considered that. The lad had not been in the guard a full turn yet. He was hardly going to be considered for an a.s.signment. 'Unless...' he thought, 'the boy tested out as a mage.' "I will lift the ban on testing half-Daezun. You declared yourself a master of the blue sphere. I hope you weren't bragging. If you can pa.s.s a fourth or fifth tier test, then I can have you a.s.signed to me," Luthian declared. "I will just need to get it past the Council."

"Why, Uncle," Alador looked over in feigned surprise. "I would never have thought of that. You continue to amaze me." Alador met Luthian's calculating gaze evenly. They both were silent for a long moment.

"Liar," Luthian chuckled. "I am going to regret teaching you the way of Lerdenian politics, I can see that already."

Alador just smiled. "By your leave, Uncle. I have been in the wilderness with no one but Henrick, who is quite full of himself. I would love a pretty woman on my arm for a few hours before I report to the guard."

Luthian nodded as his gaze swung to Henrick. "Alador, do you have a use for him? - your father?"

Alador stood and turned to look Luthian directly in the eyes. "Any use that I had for Henrick is long since past." He glanced over at his father. "He is a stuffed dandy with hardly a thought beyond his own pleasures. He withholds critical knowledge and... I suspect he works against you." Alador's tone took on a bitter edge as he looked back to Luthian.

"I am sure there is some long mission I can set him to complete that will take him out of our way. Perhaps some amba.s.sadorial position on the mainland..." Luthian smiled and waved Alador off. "Go! Enjoy yourself. After tonight, you and I have much work to do." Luthian dismissed his nephew with the hint of a smile.

After the boy had wandered off to walk the edges of the dance floor, Luthian sent for Sordith. It did not take long before he had the Trench Lord sitting beside him.

Sordith slid into the indicated chair. "You have need of me, my Lord?"

"Do you remember that matter we spoke of, the problem I needed... removed?" Luthian's eyes found Henrick swirling another matron around the floor.

"Indeed, you had bid me wait," Sordith acknowledged, having followed Luthian's gaze and swiftly looked away.

"Do not stay your hand any longer. I would see it done within a fortnight." Luthian picked up his goblet, which had been filled by attentive servants when he was not looking. He took a sip as he glanced at Sordith.

"I will arrange it as soon as possible," Sordith answered with a nod. "It will take some time to find an arrangement that will not seem too premeditated."

"I do not care about the details, just see the matter closed." Luthian was watching his nephew. The boy had led some shy wallflower onto the floor. He had to admit that it did not take the boy long before he had the young woman gazing at him with an admiring smile on her lips. Alador was gaining his father's way with women and Luthian's skill at politics. He knew that could be dangerous in the longer term.

"Is there anything else, High Minister?" Sordith asked politely.

"No, no. Go enjoy yourself." Luthian waved dismissively. His mind was racing with the facts he had learned and the swift changes he would need to make. He did not even register the shallowness of Sordith's bow as his mind leaped ahead.

Alador declaring himself in the way that he had could be used in Luthian's favor. As High Minister it behoved him to be seen as the kind benefactor, slowly uniting the isle. Allowing half-breeds to test would be a first step into showing an increased acceptance of Daezun with magical capabilities. Yes, he could use this to his advantage. He sat mulling the situation over for some time before he realized the second set was done. There would be others who craved the privilege of being seen in the High Minister's corner. He had social duties to complete.

Chapter Twenty-Four.

Alador moved away from Luthian with a self-satisfied smirk. He knew that he had caught Luthian off guard and that, short of provoking a round of even greater gossip, Alador had fairly tied his hands. Things had gone exactly as he had hoped. He had freed up testing for half-Daezun, and he had no doubt he could test at least to the fourth tier. His magic was only getting stronger with each pa.s.sing day: gifts from Renamaum as the two were slowly merging.

He made his way around the dance floor, stopping at the far side. He was not surprised to see that Sordith had already been beckoned to his uncle's side. The last few words that they had spoken were almost certain to incite the attack on his father. They would have to coordinate with Sordith to make the attack appear solid, or Sordith would lose positioning. He and Sordith had most of the details worked out as to how this attack would occur. They just had not bothered to fill in Henrick yet. He smiled at what Henrick would think when they did share this minor element of the grand plan.

He spied the young woman that he had nodded to earlier. She still had not taken to the dance floor, so he moved his way closer. The musicians were starting a number whose movements he recognized, so he approached her carefully. She reminded him of frightened fawn. As he approached, a woman who could only be her mother, abruptly stepped in front of the young woman.

"Lord Guldalian, how pleasant to meet you..." Her voice filled with ingratiating charm. "I am Lady Muntain and this is my daughter, Lisvette." She pulled the shy and clearly horrified young lady forward.

"A pleasure to meet you both..." He bowed low. "I came to ask Miss Lisvette if she would take the floor with me."

"She would be delighted." Lady Muntain literally shoved her reluctant daughter into his arms.

Alador caught her and helped her regain her balance. He offered his arm which she hesitantly took, and he led her on to the floor. As they began to dance, he smiled at her, murmuring: "Charming woman..."

"I apologize for my mother," she began with obvious embarra.s.sment.

"Think nothing of it." Alador interrupted. "I am quite familiar with the embarra.s.sing situations an overbearing mother can create for their reluctant offspring." He regaled her with some of his mother's more embarra.s.sing moves and statements. At first, the young lady laughed demurely while remaining on her guard; but before the dance was half over, she was contributing her own little quips mimicked from her mother. Alador enjoyed the dance thoroughly, and was thankful it was one that had allowed them to talk.

When the music ended, he kissed her hand gallantly and noted the flush of color that filled her cheeks. "I regret, M'Lady, that I must return you to the dragon that guards your virtue," he teased as he took her arm gently to guide her from the dance floor. He noted her immediate frown and felt a moment of regret that he must return her. Despite her preference not to return, she let him guide her and properly whispered her thank you for the dance. Alador just smiled as they approached her brash mother.

"Thank you for the honor, Lord Guldalian..." Lady Muntain began.

Alador gave her a withering look. "Your daughter would fare better in this gathering if you allowed her own charming personality to win admirers, rather than thrusting her upon men in hopes of a profitable match."

He faced the dumbfounded Lady Muntain squarely. "Try loving the child you raised, and stop treating her as a commodity expected to bring you a rich return. I found her quite delightful." He smiled at Lisvette before turning to glare at her mother. "Her mother, rather less so if I'm honest." Before she could sputter a response, Alador turned away, winking at Lisvette as he did so. She mouthed him a silent thank you.

As if his attentions had raised Lisvette's profile in the eyes of the other men, Alador noticed a flock of other young mages approaching the young woman. Well, at least he had maybe helped one person here tonight. He felt the dragon's amus.e.m.e.nt as well and smiled with genuine pleasure.

He made his way to a table where his father was regaling his small court with tales designed to cause gales of laughter. He unfortunately chose the moment when his father was explaining a certain explosion of apple mead all over the tavern keep in Old Meadow. He blushed with embarra.s.sment as he realized that Henrick had not left out the fact that he had implied that Alador was his lover rather than his son to the Oldmeadow villagers.

Henrick did not seem to notice his son until those listening to his tale were looking behind him. He saw the glare in Alador's eyes. "Speak of the serpent, and thus, he appears." He toasted Alador with a hint of mischief in his eyes.

"Telling stories again, Father? You know, eventually you will lose track of what was real and what makes for a better telling," Alador said to mitigate the impact. Those about the table chuckled softly. "Why, one might think you are getting old, and soon we will all hear how you had to trudge your way to Daezun lands uphill, in a snowstorm, both directions." Alador picked up a fresh goblet and saluted his father as those about them laughed with delight.

"Your son is quick of wit as yourself, Henrick. Better watch out, or soon you might find your son has gained the higher ground," quipped one man at the table with a chuckle.

"The day the boy bests me, I will give him my manor," Henrick declared boldly.

"Ah, then I shall begin packing my things to move in," Alador challenged with a grin.

"If the women can't bring me before the bondsman, I doubt you will find your way to best me in a battle of wits, BOY..." Henrick drew out the last word for effect. The gales of laughter drew Luthian's gaze, and Alador toasted him from across the room.

The musicians moved to take a short break, ending the set of dances. Servants were bringing out new rounds of food and restocking the small tables around the room. Conversation was loud and laughter sounded here and there as people mingled and gossiped, telling their own tales...

Alador spotted a woman who drew his eyes. Her manner was elegant, and her silver gown glistened in the lights as she moved. In appearance she was almost his female equivalent: her dress trimmed in blue filigree and thread. He tugged on his father's sleeve and indicated the woman. "Who is that?" He had not seen her at any of Luthian's dinners that he had been forced to attend.

Henrick followed his gaze and smiled. "That is the elusive head of the Healing Sphere. Her name is Lady Aldemar. Many a man has gazed on her with longing, but to be honest, I have never seen her leave with a single one." Henrick took a slow, calculating drink.

"I think I shall try my hand." Alador knew without a doubt that if he could get that woman on the dance floor, they would make a striking pair. Her hair was as white as snow, and she had woven into it threads of silver that made her hair seem to glisten as she moved. She was a striking woman by any standard, regardless of her more advanced age. If Alador had to guess, he would say she was more his father's age.

Alador moved through the crowds milling about. He was forced to stop and give polite acknowledgments, but given that the musicians were just now returning to the dais, he had time. When he finally made it to her side, a cl.u.s.ter of men and women were gathered about her. Unlike other groups he had pa.s.sed, this one held a more serious tone. He was not going to be able to mimic his father's charming ways with this lady.

The circle fell silent as Alador approached and he could feel immediately that this was a group of mages who held his family name in disdain. He bowed very low. "I apologize for being forward, Lady Aldemar. I wished to introduce myself."

"I think you made sure, Lord Guldalian, that we all know who you are." Her obvious cool tones created a frigid tension in the circle.

"Yes, a fact that displeases my uncle, you can be sure." Alador let a small warm smile grace his lips. "I fear he did not know such an announcement was coming." He glanced over at Luthian who was now watching him closely. Had he stumbled into a circle that Luthian feared?

The lady followed his gaze and looked back at him. "He did not know?"

"I fear not. I know how much he dislikes rumours that he hasn't started himself, so he will shortly be hard at work undoing what I chose to do this night. You, however, do not strike me as a rumour-monger. I wondered if you would dance with me, that we might speak?" He looked apologetically at those about him.

"I think... I would be delighted." Lady Aldemar quietly answered. "If you all will excuse us, I will return shortly. What is said at this table is not to leave it." Her look was not lost on Alador and her words made it clear that this was an order of some sort.

The musicians were just starting up a tune, so Alador offered her his hand, which she gracefully took. The two were the first to the floor and, fortunately for Alador, the steps were ones he had learned. He managed to keep up with her graceful movements. The dance had many moments when they were apart, but there were also moments when they turned with hands held palm to palm. It was in these moments that they spoke.

"You made a bold move to declare yourself, a half-Daezun, Luthian's heir," she stated.

"Bold moves make visible what others do not see. They also make quiet disappearances harder to arrange," Alador explained.

She smiled as they parted. When their hands touched again, she asked. "What is it you want of me, Lord Guldalian?"

"Well to be honest, when I first saw you, I merely thought how striking your appearance with me would be. Tonight, for me, is about making a statement. But as I approached, I found the seriousness of your table far more interesting," Alador admitted.

"Are you always so honest?" she asked as they parted.

The response had to be delayed while the number called for a changing of partners and it took a few moments before he had her back again. "No," he answered. "This city does not allow a man the luxury of complete honesty. I can tell by your manner, however, that you hold my uncle somewhat in disdain, and that in itself is refres.h.i.+ng."

"I a.s.sure you, I bear the High Minister no ill will," she replied cautiously.

"I would think one of a healing order would find it hard to bear anyone ill will. It does not mean you have to like an individual, or agree with the methods he employs to gain his ends," Alador countered. He was frustrated as the dance parted them again. Alador could feel the many eyes upon them and smiled. He had chosen his dance partner well. The dance would end soon, so he pushed to make his point.

"I could use a friend in this city, my lady. I do not ask to be a paramour. I need a friend I can trust. I sense in you someone who would give sound advice and keep a confidence," he pressed. He hoped he was right, but there was something about her.

"I might just be better at being false than the rest," she pointed out.

"You might. Then my uncle will be very interested in the content of this conversation. I guess, by the end of tomorrow, I will know if you are a skilled Lerdenian player or a person of real merit." The music ended and Alador bowed low. He offered her his arm to escort her back to the table that he had stolen her from.

"I find your candor refres.h.i.+ng," she admitted.

"That would be new. I am often scolded for my outspoken tongue." He flashed her a charming smile. "May I call upon you?"

"You do not know where to call," she pointed out.

They reached the table and Alador kissed her hand gallantly. "I am quite sure that if you truly wished to grant me this boon, you could send me word within the Blackguard." His eyes met hers over her hand. "Enjoy your evening, Lady Aldemar."

The lady sank into a deep curtsy, making those about them draw in a surprised breath. Alador smiled, realizing he had just won a few more moves within the court of his uncle's little empire.

He took his time returning to his father's side, taking the opportunity to acknowledge the many who stopped him, curious to know more. He was careful to give no indication of any word that might compromise Lady Aldemar's standing or honor. His main goal had been achieved: the two had commanded attention. Not only had they made a striking couple, the fact that she did not take to the floor often featured in conversation as Alador pa.s.sed through the differing groups.

Henrick handed him a goblet when he returned to his father's side. "Well played. Whatever did you say to her to get her to dance with you?"

Alador murmured softly to his father. "I used a tactic foreign to this court." He sipped the goblet as he looked around.

"What is that?" Henrick was truly curious as he turned to face Alador.

"The truth," Alador answered, grinning into his goblet.

Henrick looked a bit puzzled by that, but just nodded in response. Alador looked across the room and saw that the lady in question was watching him, so he ever so slightly toasted her, bringing a smile to her lips. "Doesn't Luthian dance?" he asked.

"Oh, I think he will now." Henrick chuckled.

Alador looked at where Henrick pointed with his goblet. Sure enough, Luthian was moving his way through the crowd to Lady Aldemar's side. "I guess I will find out tonight how well the truth worked," he muttered into his gla.s.s.

When Luthian reached Lady Aldemar, Alador could tell by her expression that she was shocked. His soft whisper brought a concerned look to her face, but then she nodded and offered him her hand. All eyes were on these two, more so than when Alador had danced with her. Luthian led her on to the dance floor and nodded to the musicians who started up a slower tune. Soon the floor filled around them, but Alador's eyes were on the couple.

Unlike in his own company, the lady's posture was rigid. Her body language, as she moved perfectly through the steps, spoke volumes. He could tell that she had no desire to be on the floor with his uncle. He doubted anyone ever denied the High Minister a dance, especially if, as Henrick said, the man rarely took to the floor. 'Well, this will be interesting,' he thought.

It was then that the doorman's staff hit the floor to announce a late arrival. Alador's eyes casually swept over the doorway and swiftly returned to it. His eyes widened and his face paled, as there standing in the doorway, was the woman on Jon's walls.

Her black dress showed more skin than it covered. It fell in waving strips of black, a veiled s.h.i.+mmering shadow of movement. Her gleaming complexion was in sharp contrast with the deep, s.h.i.+mmering black against flawless alabaster skin. Her face s.h.i.+ned with a beauty he had never seen. The lady's eyes were darkened and her lips reddened to draw the observer's gaze.

"Lady Morana, Mistress of the Black Sphere and Guardian of the Rites"

Alador felt Renamaum recoil within him. He had never felt anything like what happened within him at that moment. Alador trembled and clutched his goblet tightly as emotions boiled through him. He forced a barrier of magic between him and the dragon within. The wine in his goblet began to steam and bubble. It was as if Renamaum was attempting to burst free from his internal confines. Despite the s.h.i.+eld, rage poured through Alador as he fought to contain the blue dragon. The hand gripping his goblet turned white.

Beside him, Henrick cursed softly. "We have to leave," he whispered. "Meet me at the manor as soon as you can extract yourself." Henrick grabbed his arm. Alador barely noticed the grasp as his vision swam, still attempting to gain the upper hand over Renamaum. "Alador, I mean it. Get out of here quickly. She might be able to sense Renamaum," he hissed.

"He can sure sense her," Alador managed to squeak out.

"Then you know who that is?" Henrick pressed.

Alador nodded. It was Dethara, the G.o.ddess of Death. How was it that she was here? How was it possible? He turned to ask Henrick, but the man was gone. He took a deep drink trying to keep Renamaum in check.

'Stop it, d.a.m.nit,' he thought quietly.

"Betrayer...! Vile, lying, poisonous snake...," came the returned, snarled thought.

"You will give us away. Go to wherever you hide within me. Go deep, Renamaum, very deep," he commanded desperately.

Alador watched the woman as she glided into the room as if she were the High Minister, herself. She made her way across the dance floor, dancers parting as she moved. It was then that Alador's eyes found his uncle. His uncle stood still, Lady Aldemar at his side. Luthian's face was pale and his eyes were wide. At that moment, Alador knew that his uncle also knew who this was.

Renamaum must have listened, because Alador was able to find some semblance of a center. He watched as Lady Morana moved through the dancers to Luthian. The music faltered to a stop. Silence descended on the room at this strange entrance and the High Minister's response. The only sound was the tapping of her shoes, the heels on them higher than any lady's slipper he had ever seen.

"Ah Luthian, it has been too long. When I heard you were hosting a ball, I decided I must come for a visit." Her voice was silken and pitched so all could hear her words. "I was MOST disappointed not to receive an invitation..." Though her words held a husky sense of chastis.e.m.e.nt, her movements were all sensual. She rubbed her arms then her bare sides as if she were cold. "The mountain cities are so cold this time of season." Lady Morana looked around, fully aware that everything had come to a complete stop. As if she had not meant to, she waved to the musicians in a soft command. "Please, do not stop on my account." She took his hand, effectively cutting Lady Aldemar off his arm.

Morana flashed Lady Aldemar a look of clear dismissal. Alador noted that the woman did not take offense. In fact, Lady Aldemar escaped swiftly to her table. His eyes switched back to Luthian to watch as Lady Morana whispered something in his ear.

The Blue Dragon's Geas: Bloodmines Part 18

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The Blue Dragon's Geas: Bloodmines Part 18 summary

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