Sullivan Brothers: Resisting Destiny Part 9

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She retreated back into her room before he noticed her on the patio. She quickly dug through her suitcase and pulled out two swimsuits. One was a, white one-piece with a cut-out on the left side. The other was a red bikini, which surprisingly, Phaedra had pushed her to order online last week. Her exact words were, 'Flaunt it while ya got it.' At thirty-five, Phaedra still looked like she had "It." She was the cla.s.siest woman Destiny had ever met.

Destiny appraised herself in the bathroom mirror. The bikini left little to the imagination. The halter-top style cupped her large b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Her nipples puckered through the thin material as a salt-water breeze brushed over her. The bikini bottom barely covered her a.s.s. No matter. She would wear a cover-up to the beach anyway. She smiled as she patted her new 'do. She'd taken her braids out and now she was rocking a short relaxer. Each day, she grew more fond of the stylish bob. She sported a new manicure too. With her nails clipped short and painted fuchsia, she felt like a new woman.

She grabbed her towel and slipped into a pair of flip flops. This was the perfect day for lounging beneath the shade of one of the huge umbrellas on the tempting, white sands. Already, she felt her troubles were lifting away. She knew they weren't gone forever. But for the next three days, they'd be put on hold.

On TV the beaches were overcrowded with noisy teenagers, loud music, and the inevitable pasty, fat guy smearing tanning lotion all over himself. In contrast, The Maldives was a tranquil paradise of deep blue waters and white sandy beaches. Located in the Indian Ocean, The Maldives were a chain of over a thousand coral islands. Each island had its own colorful reef encircling the island lagoon. Those reefs were jam-packed with all kinds of underwater sea life and vibrant corals. Destiny had plenty of time to read about the islands and the resort's amenities on the plane ride. It was no wonder Dane and Charly had chosen to get married here.

As she chilled on the oversized resort towel, the ocean called to her. She wasn't the best swimmer, but she wanted to dip her toes in that magnificent water.

You only live once!

She padded to the sh.o.r.e, and held her breath as the crystal waters lapped at her feet. The ocean was surprisingly warm. Unable to resist, she waded deeper, feeling the warmth against her thighs. Delicious. Like being in an outdoor bath. She stood, thigh-deep, with her toes sunk into the satiny sand.

She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling.

It should be a federal law for all U.S. citizens to do this at least once a year.

As she tilted her chin up to bask in the sun's glow, a strong current made her wobble. She flicked her eyes open in time to see a wave coming at her. She took a step back, feeling like she was walking in slow-motion as she treaded backwards. The wave playfully smacked her in the face. She gasped, and then spit out the salt-water that filled her open mouth. Good thing she'd taken her weave out. This would have definitely ruined it!

She stumbled backwards, and her arms flailed at her sides, splas.h.i.+ng water everywhere. This crystal clear water was a lot deeper than she'd antic.i.p.ated, and with only a few swim lessons at the YMCA, her inexperience showed.

Lord, please don't let me drown in paradiseor anywhere else for that matter!

Seconds later, she felt a rea.s.suring pair of biceps wrapped around her. Her rescuer lifted her as though she were no more than a wet rag, and hauled her back to sh.o.r.e. When he fell upon the sand, he pulled her down with him. Their chests heaved together from the effort. The combination of water and the heat of their bodies sent an electric shock through her.

The dark eyes that stared back were filled with desire. Rivulets of water poured from his bronze body. Destiny resisted the urge to lick a lone bead of moisture from Cayson's collarbone. If the growing bulge in his swim trunks was any indication, he felt the s.e.xual tension too. Did he think he could simply whistle and then she'd fall back into his arms again? She was not a lapdog waiting for his favors.

She tried to roll away, but he held her wrists tight. His strength only increased her frustration. "Are you happy?" she snapped. "You rescued me again. Add that to the list of things I owe you."

His full lips eased into a frown. "Woman, what's your problem?"

"You're my problem. Why am I here?"

Understanding dawned on his handsome features. "I thought we'd been through this."

"Yeah, you want me here because your neck is on the line with the judge." She tried to wriggle from his embrace, but succeeded only in creating an erotic friction where the tops of her thighs rubbed against his.

"No, Destiny. I brought you here because I want you with me."

"Why?" she huffed.

He brought her hands to his mouth and tenderly kissed the insides of her wrists. The smoldering look he gave her could melt all the snow in Downtown St. Louis. "Because I care about you."

She paused, not sure she heard him right. "You have a funny way of showing it."

"Me doing all this stuff isn't enough to prove I care?"

"Not if it's court-ordered."

He rolled onto his side, deftly laying her on her back. The smooth sand coated her body as he gazed down at her. "The court didn't order my pulse to race when I see you. Or me to smile whenever I think of you. The court didn't order me to have sleepless nights wis.h.i.+ng I could have you next to me in bed."

His bold words stunned her. He was openly admitting his desire for her. "Cayson, I..."

His lips claimed hers. She wasn't sure which intensity was strongerthe fire from his kiss or the scorching heat from the sun. Liquid fire raced through her veins as Cayson threaded his hands through her wet hair. When he s.h.i.+fted his body so he laid directly on top of her, she purred against his mouth. Her legs parted, and she felt his erection straining against her c.l.i.toris.

She gasped from the sheer pleasure of it. He grinded his hips against hers. For moments, she was lost in the feeling. He felt so good. He dragged his lips from hers and lavished kisses along the column of her throat. He unleashed his pa.s.sion, licking and sucking her neck.

"Destiny," he said through ragged breaths. "I want you so bad. I've always wanted you."

They were in paradise. She had the freedom to do as she pleased. Right here on the sands. Cayson could have any woman he wanted, and he chose her. He chose her!

As his fingers tugged on her bikini bottom, a sickening fear came over her. He wanted her now, but how about later when he got tired of her? How many women had he casually tossed away? Rumors were rampant at work about his voracious s.e.xual appet.i.te. He flirted. He charmed. He s.e.xed. He dumped. Was she merely another challenge for him? If she was going to give herself to him, she wanted more. She needed time to think. She couldn't do that with his mouth ravaging her. She slapped his hands away. "I can't do this."

"I have protection in my bungalow."

"No!" She pounded his bare chest with her fists. "Let me up, Cayson."

He backed off immediately. Confusion and regret battled in his dark eyes. "Is there someone else, Destiny? I promise, I can make you forget all about him."

That was the problem. Cayson Sullivan had ruined her for any other man. She would never be able to think of anyone else without using him as a comparison. "There's no one else. There's never been anyone else."

He stood and then helped her to her feet. "Then what is it? h.e.l.l, I know you're attracted to me."

She shook her head. "I am, but I won't be another one of your conquests."

"Will you stop saying that? I don't have conquests. Those women I slept with knew what they wanted. And so do you, Destiny. You're just afraid to admit it. In fact," he crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm starting to think you're playing games with me, woman. You enjoy being a tease."

The mention of the word tease struck a nerve. Porter had accused her of the same thing. She wanted to scream. Just because a woman wasn't sure if she wanted to f.u.c.k a guy, didn't make her a tease! There were so many complications involved in being intimate. It wasn't simply a matter of following a trail of l.u.s.t. Men might be able to do that, but she couldn't. Instead of telling Cayson how she really felt, her frustration took the form of anger.

"For a guy who graduated at the top of his cla.s.s, you can be pretty dense sometimes. You're used to women who bend over backward trying to please you. I'm not doing that. I don't care how much you think I owe you. The fact is, you're not ready for a woman like me."

His penetrating gaze held her captive. "You'll never know if you don't let me try."

"I bet you used that phony line with all of the other women too."

That shut him up. She turned on her heel and stomped as gracefully away as she could through the thick sand.

Cayson stared at the lobster tail on his plate. Usually, his discerning palate never pa.s.sed up an opportunity to indulge in fine dining. But tonight, his mind was somewhere else. Or rather on someone else. He was still reeling after Destiny dismissed him on the beach earlier this afternoon. The last image he had was of her shapely behind growing further and further from him as she flounced away. One moment she was in his arms. The next she was chewing him out. She was the most complicated woman he'd ever met.

"Sweetie, where is Destiny? I hate to start without her."

Cayson tried to ignore his mother's question. She had her bloodhound nose on again, sniffing out the details. He'd left a note under Destiny's bungalow door reminding her about the dinner. He didn't want to admit to his mother that Destiny wasn't speaking to him.

Mark joined the fun. "What did you do to her, Cayson?"

"Yeah," Dane agreed. "We haven't got to meet her yet, and you've already chased her away."

Cayson made a threatening gesture by pounding his fist into his open palm. "You two best calm down or your women might see a side of me they've never seen."

Kendra and Charly, who shared seats at the large table both giggled. He would laugh too if this weren't so embarra.s.sing. Charly's kids were here too. Everyone was meeting each other for the first time. Without Destiny he felt like the odd man out. When had she become such an integral part of his life?

"Here she is," his father announced.

All heads turned to see the mystery guest. Cayson's breath caught. Destiny looked amazing in a pale yellow sundress that contrasted beautifully against her cocoa brown skin. Her short bob showed off her graceful neck. He loved her new hairstyle. It added to her s.e.xiness and her confidence. The spark of attraction inside him felt like it had been doused with gasoline. His eyes dropped to her modest cleavage hidden by eyelet lace. He remembered brus.h.i.+ng his thumbs across her nipples. He s.h.i.+fted in his seat. He got a woody just looking at her.

"d.a.m.n," Mark nudged him. "You picked a winner this time, boy."

"It's not like that," Cayson answered.

"Yeah, right."

Destiny took an empty seat next to Cayson's mother. He watched as everyone descended upon Destiny, introducing themselves and asking her questions.

Everyone loved her. She bestowed dazzling smiles on each person. But when her gaze landed on him, she rolled her eyes.


He decided to lay low and not make a scene. After all, this trip was about Dane and Charly. He wouldn't be the one to ruin their wedding. He would have his chance to talk to Destiny, and when he did, he'd make d.a.m.n sure she listened to what he had to say.

Cayson took a final swig of his beer. After a belly stuffing dinner, his father had made a celebratory toast, which was followed by more toasts. Soon, dinner had turned into a drink fest. His parents and the ladies had gone to bed hours ago. The Sullivan Brothers stayed up drinking beers and reminiscing. Cayson had outdrank them, but he wondered if their hearts were ever in it. Mark had thrown in the towel an hour ago. The fool wanted to be with Kendra anyway. And Dane couldn't hold his liquor as well as he used to. Since Charly didn't drink, he'd been abstaining too.

"Can we go now?" Mark groaned. He laid on his elbows across the table looking like he'd pa.s.s out any minute.

"Aw, quit your b.i.t.c.hin'," Cayson goaded. "There was a time when both of you could drink me under the table."

"Yeah, that was about two hours ago, but you don't have the good sense to know when to give up."

Dane added, "Don't be too hard on Cayson, bro. We've got warm bodies to cozy up to. He's got his hand."

Cayson gave a sad shake of his head as his brothers howled with drunken laughter. "What happened to your sense of adventure?"

Mark stood. "I left it in my bedroomwith my wife."

Dane joined him. "Mine grew up, like you need to do. See ya, dude."

Cayson sat alone pondering his next move. He wasn't the least bit sleepy. In fact, his senses were on high alert. He knew he should head to his bungalow, but he didn't want to sleep alone tonight. Plenty of women had thrown flirtatious glances his way, but he wasn't looking for just any woman. He had a specific one in mind, and he wouldn't be satisfied until he was deep inside her. He made his way to Destiny's bungalow and knocked softly.

She opened the door weary a short robe that stopped just above her kneecaps. d.a.m.n, she had fantastic legs. He wondered how the smooth skin would feel beneath his fingertips. His gaze dropped to her bare feet. Her toes were painted a vibrant red that matched her personality. He must have stared so long, she finally spoke. "Well?"

His eyes met hers. He tried to suppress the ache he felt for her. He'd never wanted her more badly than at this moment. "Destiny, I'm sorry."

She sniffed the air. "Have you been drinking?"

He nodded. "It was the only way I could forget about you."

"Did it work?"

"No. No matter what I do, I can't forget about you. You dominate my thoughts day and night." He hoped he didn't sound like an idiot groveling at her door in the middle of the night. He'd tried every other strategy. Now, only the truth would suffice.

Her expression softened. "What do you want from me, Cayson?"


His heart palpitated, waiting for her response. Their attraction to each other was undeniable. He felt it every time she looked at him.

"I'll give you credit. You always say what's on your mind."

"Yes, I do. And right now, what's on my mind is what color panties you're wearing."

Her pretty lips curved into a slight smile. "I'm not wearing any."

The knowledge made his d.i.c.k hard as granite. He stepped inside her bungalow and closed the door behind him.

Chapter 11.

Cayson barely made it through the door before he pushed Destiny against a nearby wall. "Spread your legs," he ordered.

Destiny did as she was told, feeling the warm rush of heat between her legs. When Cayson's fingers slipped past her robe and trailed down her pubic hair, she bit her lip in antic.i.p.ation. She'd lain in bed half the night, burning at her core, feverish for his touch. And now he was here to rescue her from herself. He never disappointed her.

As his mouth slanted across hers, she eagerly offered him full access. She clawed at his back as he grinded against her. She craved his kisses. Longed to feel the liquid heat that snaked straight to her coochie when he touched her. She could deny it until she was blue in the face, but the facts were the factsshe wanted Cayson Sullivan. Right now, she didn't care if he thought of her as just another conquest.

His long fingers pushed inside her slick wetness. She heard her own whimper of surrender. There was no turning back now. Pleasure spiraled through her as he repeatedly thrust two fingers back and forth between the sensitive lips of her p.u.s.s.y. She bucked against his hand.

"Ooh. Feels so good," she cooed.

He dropped to one knee and began licking her c.l.i.toris. His slow, tortuous strokes nearly drove her over the edge. He hooked one of her knees over his shoulder for better access. If not for the support of the wall behind her, there was no way in h.e.l.l she could have performed a one-legged balancing act.

Her legs shook as she felt the first wave of her o.r.g.a.s.m. Cayson didn't let up. His tongue moved faster, flicking across the sensitive nub. All the while, his fingers were stroking her, building up a fast-paced rhythm that made her clutch fistfuls of his hair.

"Oh G.o.d. Oh G.o.d!" her voice shattered the air. A flash of heat consumed her as the throbbing between her legs burst into a full-blown explosion.

She sagged against him. She barely registered the fact that he'd picked her up and carried her to her bed. She lay, exhausted looking up at him. He hovered above her, pulling at her lips with tender kisses. Still in a daze from his trek downtown, she tasted her salty essence on his lips.

He dragged his mouth from hers and then lavished her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with kisses. He alternated between sucking her nipples and nipping the hard buds with the edges of his teeth. She cried out in ecstasy.

His dark gaze captured hers. "I need you, Destiny."

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