The Town Of Pearl: Badge Of Honor Part 10

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"I've always been a go-getter. Give me a challenge and I face it head-on. New York City was a constant adrenaline rush. The people, the activities, you know, the city that never sleeps. That appealed to me. You know, just like the movies with all the criminals running amuck and the typical New York beat cops going in and kicking b.u.t.t," she told them and Galvin stared at her. He admired her beauty, her ability to act so tough and capable yet appear feminine and s.e.xy. He didn't like imagining her rolling around on the ground with a bunch of thugs, or having to scale fences and tackle thieves. It was a bit concerning. He never saw himself as a chauvinist, not with all the females he had worked alongside in the military. But Galvin had this sensation and concern about Lauren. It was strange.

"I can understand that. To have a calling for a specific profession and duty. But without coming off as some chauvinist d.i.c.k, you're a gorgeous woman. Why would you want to roll around on the ground with thugs and thieves?" Galvin asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Lauren gave him such an annoyed, yet almost defeated expression. It was quick. Like a glimpse of her guard down, but she quickly recovered.

"Well, Galvin, some women are good for more than just looking pretty on a man's arm or a roll in bed."

He shouldn't have been shocked by her reaction to his question, but for some strange reason he felt guilty and kind of upset that he insulted her. It was like he didn't want her to not like him. Which was strange and it p.i.s.sed him off. She was so different from other women. She was more than just tough and beautiful. The woman had an appeal he just hadn't expected.

"Why did your family move from upstate New York to the city? Especially with three young girls?" Gus asked, changing the subject before Galvin said something else to make Lauren cause a scene.

She looked at him and then cleared her throat.

"Well, I'm done. Enough with twenty questions. Let me just pay for this and be on my way," she said and reached into her backpack.

Gus moved closer and she jumped as if he touched her under the table, perhaps placed his hand on her thigh to stop her from moving.

"Remove your hand," she said, holding Gus's gaze.

"I wouldn't hurt you. What's the deal? What happened upstate to make your parents move you to the city?" he pushed.

Galvin knew that Mace was working on going back pretty far into Lauren's past. But he hadn't heard anything from him yet.

"What is this? What do you want from me?" she snapped at Gus.

Gus looked her over and stared at her lips.

"Before we sat down in this place and started talking, I wanted to know who you were and what the h.e.l.l happened to you back in New York. But now, well now I'm curious."

She looked at Gus and seemed at a loss for words.

"Well entertain your curiosity elsewhere. I'm of nothing important. I'm just trying to survive and hide out a while. I don't need your help or your protection, as you call it."

Gus squinted his eyes at her then looked over her lips. She lost her focus and then Galvin spoke.

"Darlin', about those rules I mentioned earlier? They're inevitable. We are going to watch over you and ensure your safety. In fact, we can discuss where you're going to store that gun of yours as we leave."

Galvin stood up and tossed the money on the table to pay the bill. Then Gus and Harper got up and Harper offered Lauren his hand to a.s.sist her from the booth but she ignored him.

They headed out of the restaurant and then Galvin held out his hand.

"Give me your gun and I'll place it in safe keeping."

She crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"The f.u.c.k you will. It's my gun and it stays with me."

"You're too on edge. You drew it on Harper without a thought. The sheriff and the rest of us want it in safe keeping," Galvin added.

She ran her palm along her back and smiled at Galvin. Well it was more like a smirk. Men got their heads blown off for less.

"It's quite safe right here on me. Thanks anyway."

She started to walk away when Galvin grabbed her upper arm and pulled her close. Her chest pressed up against his chest and he felt the feminine curves of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and the scent of her shampoo.

"This is not up for discussion, Lauren. You're our responsibility now, so hand over the gun."

"Kiss my a.s.s."

She went to pull back and he gripped her tighter, wrapped an arm around her waist, and hoisted her closer.

Galvin just stared into her eyes as his nostrils absorbed the scent of her perfume and the fragrance of her hair. The soft golden locks whipped around and against him. He took her words as a future invitation to kiss her intimate parts, and boy, did it arouse him. He was nearly entranced by her beauty and the attraction he felt.

He took a breath and gripped her a little firmer to get his point across.

"Oh, we may take you up on that offer real soon. But for now, why don't you cooperate, so we can make sure that Pearl is a safer place."

She struggled a moment to get free and then she practically snarled her words.

"I'm not giving you my firearm. I don't give a s.h.i.+t who told you to take it from me or who appointed you to protect me. I can take care of myself. "

"Trust is earned, Lauren. You've got to earn our trust before we give you any privileges," Gus warned her.

"Privileges? I think it's you guys who need to earn my trust. I don't know you. I don't need your protection and I'm certainly not handing over the only weapon I have to protect myself, Mary, and Beth. Not happening."

"There's no use in fighting it. The order's been issued and you're our responsibility," Harper told her.

She swung her head around to look at him.

Harper pressed closer, placed his hands on her hips, and spoke firmly. "I would listen to Galvin if I were you. He's our leader, and what he says goes."

Galvin watched the fire ignite in her blue eyes. She was bullheaded, resistant to authority, and a typical street cop. Why did that fact arouse him even more?

"He may be your leader but he's not mine. Who do we need to call to resolve this? To get you out of this so I can be left alone?" She pulled from them and stepped back. Lauren looked at them as if they were out of their minds and could hurt her.

"No one to call. No changing the order. You're just going to have to get used to us being around. In fact, I think it would be a good idea if you stayed with us," Galvin told her.

"Ha! Are you out of your f.u.c.king mind? Is this how this town works? You just take control of a woman's life and demand her to move in with you so you can have your way with her body? You're f.u.c.king crazy!" she yelled the last part.

"Let's discuss this." Gus walked toward her.

She put her hand up. Galvin and Harper stood there with their arms crossed and feet slightly spread apart. Galvin felt ready to react and teach this woman about taking orders.

"I think we've discussed enough. f.u.c.k off," she stated and began walking away from them.

"You've got one h.e.l.l of a mouth on you, woman. Seems to me you need some discipline and maybe a bit of soap," Galvin threatened her.

She swung around and flipped him the bird.

Gus chuckled and so did Harper.

She looked both ways before she crossed the street and then continued on her way to the store.

"Follow her," Galvin ordered toward Harper then Galvin pulled out his cell phone and indicated for Gus to follow him.

"Mace, I want you and Orin to dig deeper. I want everything on her, and I mean everything. Every f.u.c.king boyfriend, her G.o.dd.a.m.n grocery list, you name it. I want it yesterday." Galvin closed up the phone and continued down the street toward their SUV.

"What do you think?" Gus asked him.

"I think she's got secrets, and I think she doesn't want anyone coming close enough to figure those secrets out. In fact, text Harper. Have him keep Lauren busy for an hour or so. You and I are going to visit Mary Higgins."

"Do you think that's a good idea?" Orin asked as Galvin's cell phone rang.

He answered it on speaker as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"There's someone here at the house to see us. Are you on your way?" Orin asked.

"Who?" Galvin replied.

"Mary Higgins," Orin told him.

Galvin gripped the steering wheel and glanced at Gus.

"We'll be there in ten minutes."

Chapter 9.

"Stephan, what do you want me to do? These little b.a.s.t.a.r.ds want to make an arrangement," Vladimir told his boss, Stephan Koldovic.

"What arrangement?"

"These three men from Tenth Street gang. Orlando, Miklos, and Rafael want in on the territory that Dmitri has money invested in. The avenues along the river and East Harlem? They say they can make more money for us. They can tap in on what Dmitri is ignoring."

"Are you out of your f.u.c.king mind? You even having a conversation with these s.h.i.+ts could get us killed. No one double-crosses Dmitri Sanclare. He's part of the heads of the families. These f.u.c.king lowlife border rats don't know who they're messing around with."

"I hear ya, boss. How do you want us to handle it?"

Stephan thought about it a moment, his mind whirling with a few different ideas.

"Tell them we'll be in touch."


"Just do it, then get back here."

Stephan ended the call and then took a deep breath before he walked back into the office. He made eye contact with the man waiting for him in a three-piece suit. The man had a cigar between thick fingers resting on the arm of the chair. Maxwell Ortega was an extremely wealthy Columbian businessman who had ties to everything black market.

His resources came in handy and Ortega was a good man to have access to, but today it seemed Ortega wanted something from Stephan.

"Sorry about that. Now, what can I do for you, Maxwell?" Stephan asked.

Maxwell nodded his head and then took a puff from his cigar. "It seems I've come across some information you may find interesting."


"I've heard that the Tenth Street gang are looking to expand their territory, and in doing so they've already placed men into positions at various key locations in Harlem, and the waterfront."

"They can't do much. That's part of my territory as well as Sanclare's. They wouldn't be so stupid as to step on our toes and push us to take some power away from them."

"I believe they're trying to send a message."

"What message would that be?"

"That they're not afraid to start a blood war."

"A blood war? Like they would have a chance against the Russians?"

"Word is, they're looking for this woman. A detective who took out Aces and eight of his best men. Rafael, Miklos, and Orlando want revenge. They want you to give up the location of this woman. Otherwise they're set to take further action."

"So you come here for them to threaten me and to push for a location on some woman I know nothing about? This isn't good business, Maxwell. It makes me question your loyalty to me."

Maxwell took another puff from his cigar then leaned forward to make full eye contact with Stephan.

"You have thirty minutes to give up her location or they're going to make a move that changes everything."

"What move would that be?"

"They're putting a price on this woman's head. She'll be fair game to anyone and everyone out there. Dead or alive, they want the detective responsible for killing their brother Aces and s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g up their plans. They're willing to take you down as well."

"Take me down? Like that would ever happen. These dumb f.u.c.ks have let the little bit of power they have go completely to their heads. They'll never survive a blood war. They can go to h.e.l.l."

Maxwell smirked.

"I figured you would say that."

He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small envelope.

"This is the group of men they got to hunt this woman down and kill her."

He handed over the envelope and Stephan looked at the contents inside.

The Town Of Pearl: Badge Of Honor Part 10

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The Town Of Pearl: Badge Of Honor Part 10 summary

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