The Town Of Pearl: Badge Of Honor Part 14

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Harper knew something was up the moment he saw Gus and Lauren enter the house holding hands. They didn't say a word and she looked emotional. Gus gave him a quick nod with his head indicating for Harper to follow them. Harper did immediately. His heart raced, his mind wondering what had happened in the woods on their run and why he felt like Gus had the opportunity to kiss Lauren.

The moment they were in Lauren's room, and Gus led her to the large bathroom with the walk-in shower, Harper knew things were about to change.

He watched as Gus pressed Lauren against the counter and kissed her softly. He felt his chest tighten and the concern that she might push him away overpower all thoughts. But then Lauren reached up and ran her hands up Gus's chest and kissed him back.

His c.o.c.k hardened in his jeans.

"Let's take care of our woman," Gus whispered after pulling slowly from her lips.

Harper stepped closer. Lauren turned to look at him shyly.

"Don't be afraid. We'll never hurt you," he told her and then ran his fingers along her jaw, gripped her chin, and leaned forward to kiss her.

Gus removed his s.h.i.+rt.

She tasted so sweet. Her lips full from Gus's kisses, and the thought aroused Harper more.

"You're okay? You want this?" he found himself asking and prayed profusely she didn't say no.

"Yes, Harper. I don't want to be afraid anymore. I don't want to worry about the price on my head or anything that might happen. I just want to feel safe and protected. I'm tired, Harper. Tired of being scared and feeling out of control and unsafe."

"But you are safe. Here with all of us is the safest place you could be." They all turned to the sound of Galvin's voice. He stepped through the large open doorway. Orin and Mace followed.

"We've got you. Let go and let us take care of you, baby," Gus told her then reached for the hem of her s.h.i.+rt. "Arms up, doll," he whispered and Harper licked his lips as Gus removed her s.h.i.+rt. She stood in her shorts and sports bra, her abundant b.r.e.a.s.t.s stuffed into the spandex, causing a deep cleavage. Then Harper's eyes went to the scars from the gunshot wounds.

Gus ran a finger over the one by her collarbone and shoulder. He leaned forward and kissed the uneven skin.

She closed her eyes and gripped the counter behind her.

Harper reached for her shorts and slowly pushed them down.

The others gathered around her. They all seemed to absorb her body, her beauty, and the remnants of her profession. A scar by her rib, long, light pink, and older. Her file said she had been attacked, along with her partner, but survived the knife attack. They saw the bullet wound to her ribs and the one to her thigh. Orin stepped up, knelt down before her naked body, and licked along her thigh and over the wound.

She gripped his hair and head then held onto Harper's gaze.

"You're gorgeous, Lauren. Scars and all."

Her cheeks changed to a rosy red color, indicating his words touched her. Galvin stepped closer and cupped her cheek.

"I can't wait to explore every inch of this body. You're stunning and s.e.xy. We're going to make you officially ours, right now." He leaned closer and kissed her lips. She stepped into his embrace and hugged him.

"Harper, start the shower for us," Gus said as he undressed the rest of the way. Mace walked behind Lauren and kissed her shoulder then unclipped the bra she wore. Galvin stepped back and looked at her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Harper started the shower and then looked at his team. They all appeared hungry, wanton, but also controlled. They were all hard, rough men, but it seemed they understood that Lauren needed them to be compa.s.sionate and to take their time.

"You enjoy your time with Harper and Gus. Orin, Mace, and I will be waiting in the bedroom. Waiting to make love to you next. Waiting to get a closer look at that s.e.xy tattoo. Okay?" Galvin asked her and she nodded her head. He gave her lips another sweet, soft kiss and then they walked out of the bathroom, leaving Lauren with Gus and Harper.

Lauren accepted Gus's hand as he helped her into the shower. Behind her Harper finished undressing and she couldn't seem to wait for him to be in there with her, too. It was so strange how comfortable she felt with all five men. They were all nearly fully clothed and there she was naked and aroused before them like some offering and feast.

The thought made her p.u.s.s.y spasm as Gus turned her around to face the water, and to let the multiple showerheads cascade over and around her. The heads of the shower were everywhere hitting her most intimate parts and arousing her even more.

She moaned softly as Gus spread her thighs and stepped against her, his long, thick c.o.c.k between her a.s.s cheeks.

"You're gorgeous, Lauren. So f.u.c.king beautiful," he said and then began to wash her hair and ma.s.sage her scalp. It felt wonderful.

She closed her eyes and allowed the soap to rinse from her hair when she felt the washcloth, soft and soapy against her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and Harper squatting down in front of her. His lips touched her belly, her ribs, and the scarring she had. His hands, combined with Gus's as they explored her body, lathering up soap and ma.s.saging it into her aroused skin, was overwhelming.

"Oh G.o.d I can't take it. I need more."

"We'll give you more. We'll give you all of us," Harper said as he stroked a finger between her p.u.s.s.y lips and then pressed upward.

Lauren gasped and then began to lift and lower over his fingers, riding them.

Behind her Gus ma.s.saged her a.s.s cheeks and then licked and nibbled against her skin from her neck, down her back to between her a.s.s cheeks.

"I love this tattoo. It's feminine and s.e.xy, just like you." He said then kissed along her lower back and hip.

"Are you on the pill or do we need protection?"

"I'm on the pill." She moaned and then gasped as Gus licked along her a.n.u.s.

"Oh, Gus, that feels so good."

He leaned against her.

"That's great, because I'm going to explore this a.s.s while Harper f.u.c.ks that tight, wet p.u.s.s.y, baby. Tonight you're all ours." She felt the tip of his finger push against her puckered hole and she widened her thighs and gave him access to her a.s.s. Harper pulled his fingers from her c.u.n.t and then she felt Gus's fingers thrust over her cream and up into her p.u.s.s.y then back over the puckered hole and into her a.s.s.

"Gus!" she yelled out and Harper cupped her cheeks and kissed her as Gus used his finger to f.u.c.k her a.s.s. Harper lifted her up and against him. She used her leg muscles to lock around him and then suddenly Harper was lifting her higher. She felt the thick, bulbous head of his c.o.c.k against her leaking p.u.s.s.y and she took him in. Inch by inch she moaned and gasped, instantly full with his c.o.c.k halfway in her c.u.n.t and Gus's finger stroking into her a.s.s.

It was wild and erotic.

"That's it, baby. f.u.c.k you're a wild one aren't you? You like a c.o.c.k in your p.u.s.s.y and one in your a.s.s?" Harper asked her.

"Yes. Oh G.o.d I never, but d.a.m.n, Gus, it feels so strange and wild," she confessed as she gripped Harper's shoulders and began to ride him, lifting up and down.

She was losing control and shaking as Harper f.u.c.ked her harder, faster, and behind her Gus thrust his finger in and out of her a.s.s as he suckled her skin and talked dirty to her.

"I'm going to f.u.c.k this a.s.s good tonight. We're all going to have a chance to f.u.c.k this a.s.s and this s.e.xy c.u.n.t of yours. We've been waiting, baby. Watching this tight a.s.s in those s.e.xy spandex pants of yours, never mind the short shorts. You're toned, muscular, and f.u.c.king hot. You ready to get f.u.c.ked in every hole? You ready for a c.o.c.k in that s.e.xy mouth?" Gus chanted then used his other hand to cup her cheek and then press his finger into her mouth. She was so aroused, so turned on by the picture he was describing that she sucked his finger like it was a c.o.c.k. She thrust up and down onto Harper's c.o.c.k and then moaned as she came.

Harper thrust upward and moaned aloud as he shot his seed into her womb and then Gus pulled his finger from her a.s.s and slapped it hard, the water making it sting and causing more juice to flow from her c.u.n.t.

She hugged Harper and both men kissed her everywhere.

"I need her. I f.u.c.king need her right now," Gus expressed and Harper slowly pulled from her c.u.n.t and then set her feet down on the tiled shower floor.

He kissed her lips and then stepped aside.

Lauren went to turn around to face Gus but he pressed her palms against the wall and tapped them indicating for her to keep them there. She understood as she moaned his name and then widened her thighs and spread her legs a little wider.

Gus wrapped an arm around her waist, cupping her breast and kneading the flesh.

"You've got me so f.u.c.king hard, woman. I hope you can take it."

"I want you. Get inside of me, Gus. Take me."

She didn't have to ask him twice. Gus gripped her hips and lowered down slightly to align his hard c.o.c.k with her p.u.s.s.y from behind and then thrust up into her. She tightened up and screamed aloud as he held himself deep within her. He ran his hands up her feminine, toned arms to her hands and covered them. He was pressed against her. The curve of her a.s.s against his belly, his c.o.c.k deep into her wet c.u.n.t. She pushed back and he didn't move.

"Just one second, baby, and then I'll ease that ache."

He closed his eyes and relished in the feel of her body. The sensation of being deep within her, part of her, and connecting them as one. He was overwhelmed with emotions, with a possessive and protective feeling.

"Gus," she begged. He eased out and then thrust back into her. He couldn't believe how deeply he felt for Lauren and he hardly knew her. He wanted to be like this, feel like this forever. Gus began a series of deep, long strokes into her c.u.n.t from behind, and then he wrapped an arm around her waist, felt her feminine body, and inhaled the scent of her skin, and he lost all capability to go slow.

"f.u.c.k, baby, you make me so hard. f.u.c.k, I can't hold back."

"Don't hold back, Gus. Make me yours," she said and that was it. He thrust into her, rocked his hips, and moved so quickly he nearly lost his focus as he came inside of her. He shook and she screamed her own release, making her p.u.s.s.y tighten around his shaft and him moan in agony and pleasure.

"Mine, baby. You're mine now and forever." He kissed along her neck and let the hot water continue to flow over them and then between them as he pulled out, turned her around, and held her in his arms.

Orin was so hard and aroused he could hardly wrap Lauren up in the towel. He wanted to suckle her large b.r.e.a.s.t.s, feast on her delicious well-trimmed p.u.s.s.y, and just get lost in her body. When she reached out and ran her hand down his pectoral muscles, he actually s.h.i.+vered. He gripped her hand.

"I want to give you some time to recover."

She shook her head.

"I want you now, Orin. I need to make love to all of you today to make this real. I want to feel safe and cared for. I only seem to feel that way when the five of you are close to me."

He lifted her up, towel and all, and carried her into the bedroom.

She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth as she took in the sight of Galvin and Mace. Orin set her down and removed the towel.

"We'll go slow. If you're not ready to let us take you at once."

"No. I want to try it. I want all three of you."

Gus stepped up next to her and ran his hand along her a.s.s and to her puckered hole.

"She likes a finger in her a.s.s when a c.o.c.k's in her p.u.s.s.y. She'll love a c.o.c.k in this a.s.s even better." Gus kissed her on the mouth and Lauren moaned.

He smirked and winked and then Orin smiled at her.

"Turn around, baby. Give Galvin some loving." He tapped her hips and gently helped her turn and Lauren took a deep breath and released it before she climbed on top of Galvin.

"Hot d.a.m.n, baby, you make scars look so f.u.c.king s.e.xy," Galvin told her as he cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s then pulled her lower so he could suckle them.

"Me? What about all of you. You've all seemed to gone through numerous battles."

"And we can tell you stories about every one of them. But right now, we're going to make this relations.h.i.+p official. We're going to take you together and mark you as our woman. How do you feel about that?"

"I don't know why, but incredibly turned on."

Orin took that moment to lick along her a.s.s cheeks and then to her a.n.u.s as Galvin pulled Lauren lower to seal her statement with a deep, sensual kiss.

Orin ran one hand along his shaft as he licked and fingered Lauren's hole. He ran a finger over her p.u.s.s.y lips, the dripping cream lubricating his fingers. But then Harper appeared.

"Use some of this. We don't want to hurt her."

He turned to see a tube of lube.

"Where did you get this?" Orin asked and Mace joined them.

"I got it for this moment. For when the five of us would finally let down our guards and share a woman, making her ours and part of this team."

Orin realized how deeply Harper had thought about such a relations.h.i.+p occurring. He realized Harper had been right. They were all missing this connection, the strength and power they only seemed to share and have together as a team. Taking Lauren, claiming her as their woman, would bind them together for life in a whole other way, and permanently.

"Glad you did," Orin said and then Mace squirted the liquid against Lauren's puckered hole just as Galvin aligned his c.o.c.k with her p.u.s.s.y and shoved upward.

"Oh." Lauren moaned aloud, tilting back her head.

Mace reached under and cupped her breast, tweaked her nipple, and made her moan and say his name.

"Mace. Oh G.o.d, Mace, your fingers are so thick and hard."

"So is my c.o.c.k, doll. As soon as Orin gets his c.o.c.k in your a.s.s, I'm going to fill this s.e.xy mouth with my c.o.c.k. How does that sound?" he teased as he ran a finger along her lips.

"Oh." She moaned and then suckled a finger into her mouth as she rode Galvin.

The sight of Galvin's hands on her hips and her thrusting up and down on him made Orin thrust his lubricated fingers faster into her a.s.s. He couldn't take it. She was wet and ready as he pulled his fingers from her a.n.u.s.

"Orin, please. Please don't stop," she said aloud, letting go of Mace's finger. Now Mace was on the bed stroking his c.o.c.k and Lauren was moving up and down on Galvin.

"I got something better for you, sugar." He eased the tip of his c.o.c.k against her puckered hole and she tightened up. Mace ran his fingers through her hair and made her look toward him.

"Let him in, baby. Let us love you together. I promise it will be amazing. I've never felt so out of control. Let us help one another to feel good and safe."

Mace leaned forward and kissed her as Orin began to slowly push into her a.s.s. As he slid deeper while Galvin held still in her c.u.n.t, Orin realized in that moment how connected they all were. Harper and Gus stood by the bed watching over them. One unit, one team, and hopefully one family.

The thought aroused Orin fully as he thrust into her the rest of the way. He grabbed her a.s.s and she screamed aloud, pulling from Mace's mouth as they began to f.u.c.k her together.

Mace's heart was racing. He never imagined he would ever feel like this. To have such strong and deep emptions for a woman. Lauren was everything and then some. Not weak, fragile, or b.i.t.c.hy. She was capable, strong, empowered, and skilled in her profession. A profession a lot like theirs as soldiers. He was overstimulated watching his team members f.u.c.k her and claim her. This barbaric, natural, age-old sensation of protectiveness and possessiveness overruled all thoughts. He wanted to claim her, too.

The Town Of Pearl: Badge Of Honor Part 14

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