The Town Of Pearl: Badge Of Honor Part 16

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She raised her own voice. "Is this how the whole guardians.h.i.+p and menage works? You all f.u.c.k me and then take over my life and take all my rights away from me? You think I'm going to stand here and do as you say and not have any opinion or control over my destiny?"

Mace grabbed her hand and pulled her close.

"First of all we all didn't just f.u.c.k you, we made love to you and marked you our woman."

"That means our responsibility, our priority," Orin told her.

"This is not a power trip or a control game. This is real. The threat against your life still stands until we can make the Tenth Street gang's attention move onto something else. Until we know for certain that you're safe and secure, you're not leaving Pearl," Galvin told her.

"You're not leaving this house," Gus added.

"You're not alone, Lauren. Remember we've got your back, and we're a team," Harper reminded her.

Mace cupped her cheeks and held her gaze.

"I can understand your shock. To believe that your partner set you up and wasn't the man, the partner you thought he was and relied on is f.u.c.ked up. But our sources are the best. It's true. He set you up, and tried to help get you killed. He's not the man you thought he was. But we're not him. We're in this for the long haul, and will give our lives for you, Lauren. Our lives."

Her eyes filled with tears as Galvin watched her hug Mace and bury her face in the crook of his neck and shoulder.

"I just can't believe Frankie would do that to me. I'm sorry about my reaction," she told them.

Mace caressed her back and Orin joined him rubbing his hand along her shoulder.

"It's understandable. The best thing we can do now is go over the information we have and go over what you know and what happened from the time the agents asked you to go undercover until the night the Frankie set you up," Orin said.

"Okay. Let's go over it. Maybe there were signs, indicators that might help," she said and Mace walked her over to the kitchen and pulled a chair out for her to sit in. They all gathered around and Galvin felt a mix of emotions. He was touched by how they all were here together and ready to protect Lauren with their lives, and he was scared that they all seemed to find happiness, but some a.s.sholes could have the power and the ability to take that happiness away and end Lauren's life. Galvin needed to ensure that never happened.

Orin was having a hard time listening to Lauren describe what she had gone through and how the agents and detectives working the case engaged her.

"It was strange because Frankie didn't want me to go undercover. He had fought me on it and them, but seeing what Aces and his crew did to the other agents and detectives angered me. I had gone undercover before when I was a rookie. It wasn't as dangerous as this situation but I felt confident I could handle it."

"Who was present in that room besides you, Frankie, and your commander?" Galvin asked and she rambled off the names.

"Do you think one of them could also be involved?" she asked with concern.

"Dmitri and Storm found out that there were some corrupt cops involved that night you and Frankie raided the Tenth Street gang at the crack house," Orin told her.

"It had been weeks since Aces and his brothers disappeared and were in hiding from the cops. When Frankie got that call from his informant, Jasper, he seemed desperate to act fast and before the commander and Hercules and his team could get there to back us up."

"Jasper was the informant?" Mace asked.

"If Frankie used his phone then Storm has that in his possession. They could trace the calls, get in touch with Jasper, and hunt him down," Gus told them.

"Do it. Send a message to Storm," Galvin told Orin and Orin texted the message.

Orin's heart was racing. They needed to know all the players. They needed to find a way to take attention away from Lauren and put it on Maxwell and the gang members.

Lauren continued to describe what happened next, how the gang members didn't even react to her and Frankie pointing guns at them and asking them to freeze. They listened as she described watching Frankie get shot, his shocked expression, and how he fell to the ground.

"They didn't seem concerned or respectful at all by you and Frankie drawing guns on them?" Harper asked her.

"No. But these men have no respect for the law. They make their own rules and laws. The police mean nothing. That's why I wanted to wait for backup," Lauren told them.

"Frankie went down right away. Did you know that his wounds weren't life threatening? That he wore a bulletproof vest and took the hits to his chest and abdomen?" Orin asked her. "He was also shot in both arms, but that was it." She seemed shocked.

"I saw his head go back. I saw the blood and then his body jerk multiple times before he fell to the ground. He looked like he was dead."

"He was in better condition than you were, from what I read in the reports. Dmitri rescued him as well and got him to a secure location," Gus told her.

"Where is that?" she asked.

"Suburbs of New York. Dmitri and Storm have men questioning him now. They'll get more out of him. But I don't think it will matter. He helped Maxwell and set you up to save his own a.s.s. You need to understand that," Mace told her firmly. She nodded her head and then Orin asked her to continue talking. With every detail of her escape, and the fear as she was shot and thought she would die, he felt compelled to never let her leave their side again. But as she gave more details and mentioned the attempt on her life in the hospital, Orin had more questions.

"How does Mary fit into all of this? I mean I understand that she's friends with your Aunt May and that she is close with Dmitri, but why bring you to Pearl and to her own home?" Orin asked.

"I think there's a connection to Mary and Lauren's parents besides being close friends with her Aunt May. Storm said Dmitri wasn't willing to divulge that information because it wasn't relevant to this situation, however, it could help us," Galvin said.

"Then call her. Ask her to come here and explain it," Lauren said and Harper pulled out his cell phone and called Mary. In the meantime, Storm called Galvin.

Galvin listened as Storm explained where they were in the investigation and that they located the informant Jasper.

"He's not an informant. He's one of Maxwell's main guys. Winter picked him up an hour ago. Seems you guys are not far behind in your questioning Lauren," Storm told Galvin.

"So what did Winter get out of the guy?"

"It took some manipulating but it seems Jasper is more fearful of Dmitri than of Maxwell. Jasper gave up a lot of information. Maxwell not only wants to take over the company Dmitri and others have investments in, but he also planned on falsifying doc.u.ments to state that Lauren's father gave over all his shares in her father's company to Maxwell. He would own a monopoly in New York and wipe out Dmitri and our own investments. Apparently he had made plans with Aces to be partners. Aces would provide the muscle, the guns and protection. That's what the talk was from Miklos and his brothers in regards to asking Stephan to join them in taking over the locations in New York."

"d.a.m.n, it sounds so complicated. But how did they find out about Lauren and her sisters owning the shares?" Galvin asked.

"Unfortunately someone made a call asking about having the funds transferred to Lauren's account and making her and her sisters aware of their inheritance. Maxwell still has people working on the inside and he is a shareholder in the company so they made him aware of the call and the person. A little digging and there you go. We also believe that Frankie set Lauren up to be used as bait and go undercover at Phaze that night."

"Why do you believe that, Storm?" Galvin asked.

"Frankie wasn't the only dirty cop. Roach and Federal Agent Burk were on Maxwell's payroll as well,"

"s.h.i.+t. So when Lauren went in undercover and the operation, which was legit as far as the detectives from her department and the state police knew, Frankie's plan worked. He knew she would do a great job undercover and that she would wind up wanted by Ace and his crew," Galvin said aloud as the others listened in.

"It sure did work out as planned except Frankie didn't give Lauren enough credit. He probably never expected her to take out eight guys and Aces, plus live. Throw in her being rescued by Dmitri and Mary, and Frankie's and Maxwell's plan failed. But these men marked Lauren for death. How the h.e.l.l are we going to put a stop to all of this?" Galvin asked.

"Dmitri is issuing a family protection over Lauren. No one can touch her. Frankie is being charged with the murders of the agents and detectives working the case, and all other corrupt officers will be arrested and charged as well. Roach was the only other detective we found to be dirty. We're working on bringing down Maxwell with Stephan's help as we speak. The Tenth Street gang will be handled by myself and my team."

"Can we be of a.s.sistance?" Galvin asked. "Lauren is our woman and we'd like to ensure her safety."

"Let us handle this part. Lauren will more than likely need to head back to New York to claim her and her sisters' inheritance by selling off the shares of the company to someone."

"And who would that someone be?" Galvin asked.

"Need I say?"

Galvin chuckled. "Dmitri. Of course he was going to make everything he did worthwhile for himself."

"He did save your woman."

"Yes, he did. I'll explain everything to Lauren and the others," Galvin said and then disconnected the call.

Just as he explained it all to his family and Lauren, the doorbell rang.

Lauren covered her mouth as Mary explained that it was her who made the call and caused Maxwell to come after Lauren and her sisters.

"I was just trying to help the three of you and May. May was so worried about you and the dangerous job you have, Lauren. She was so upset at the emergency room visits, the bruises and black eyes you sustained working, and she wanted a better, safer life for all of you. I agreed. When I made that call I had no idea that my contact was under Maxwell Ortega's thumb. I caused the mess and so it was a no-brainer when I called Dmitri and asked for help. We worked out a deal and he ensured that you, your sisters, and May survived," Mary told Lauren and the men.

"Is the deal you made the one where my sisters and I sell our shares to Dmitri?" Lauren asked.

Mary shook her head. "No. It's a private deal between Dmitri and I and no one needs to know about it. What matters is that those who tried to frame you and get you killed will be punished, arrested, and tried for their crimes. I can have your sisters and May brought here and you all can make your dreams of living in safety and happiness a reality."

Lauren stood up and walked closer to Mary.

"You've always been there for us, Mary. That call you made was a mistake, but it also helped to expose my parents' killer, and the men who want me and my sisters dead. Don't think twice about it. I love you and thank you for everything you've done for us." Lauren hugged her and Mary smiled at the men.

Chapter 15.

Lauren was impressed when she finally had the opportunity to meet Dmitri. She shook his hand and thanked him for his a.s.sistance and helping her and her sisters. He was a very attractive man, with dark, dark eyes and a look about him that emitted superiority and success. He was a made man, and standing here as a retired detective, she felt like she was committing a crime. But that was silly. In life she had to do what she could to survive. Sometimes the choices were forced upon her and it was either die or live. She knew that firsthand.

"So, how does it feel being back in New York for a visit?" Dmitri asked her as he looked her over. She insisted upon wearing her Glock despite her men's insistence that they had her covered. They were all here with her, and they would accompany her to get her sisters and Aunt May on their return to Pearl later today.

"It feels different. I kind of forgot how busy and loud it is," she said.

"The city that never sleeps. I love visiting here. But Chicago is home right now," he said as he stood up and his guard gathered the doc.u.ments.

"All the money has been transferred into three separate accounts for you and your sisters. It was a pleasure doing business with you, Lauren. You keep these guys in line. They never seem to be able to stay out of trouble," he joked as he shook her hand.

Mace placed his hand on her hip and pulled her close.

"She's the one that can't seem to stay out of trouble," he teased and they chuckled. Dmitri left the office and Lauren looked at her men.

"I can't wait to see my sisters and Aunt May," she confessed.

"We know you can't. Let's head out the back entrance just as a precaution," Galvin told her.

"We'll bring the SUV around to the back. I'll text you when we're there," Gus told them.

"Why can't we go out the front? I love seeing the water fountain outside of the building and all the traffic out front," Lauren said.

Mace rolled his eyes.

"Lauren, we have to take precautions. Orlando, Rafael, and Miklos disappeared and until we know that they're dead or locked up, we can't take the chance. Plus this investigation basically destroyed Maxwell and his operation. He's out there still. We love you, baby. We'll never stop watching over you," Galvin told her.

"I love all of you as well. It just seems they were a step ahead of Dmitri's investigation and the police department's, to be able to evade capture. But at least there's no chance for the Tenth Street Gang to exist anymore. Their whole operation turned to s.h.i.+t," Lauren said.

"And instantly cancelled the hit on Lauren. That's most important," Gus added then winked at her.

"They'll get caught. There are enough people looking for them besides the police. As far as Maxwell is concerned, he'll hide out somewhere and run his black market. He's probably out of the country by now. So precautions in this city are necessary, Lauren," Galvin told her in a serious tone.

"Okay fine. We'll heed caution. But I really hope this is over. I just want to go back to Pearl with the five men I love and feel safe and happy once and for all," Lauren said, and her, Mace, and Galvin headed out the door as Gus, Harper, and Orin headed to get the SUV.

"That's the plan, sweetheart," Galvin said as they headed out.

As they exited the back door on the side street a few minutes later, Lauren smiled up at Mace and Galvin as she saw their firm expressions and how they moved so military-like.

"Have I told you how turned on I am watching you guys in action?" she asked, holding onto Mace's arm. Mace and Galvin looked at her very seriously.

"Turned on huh? Maybe we should take advantage of those tinted windows in the SUV and fill you with c.o.c.k, baby," Mace teased. Galvin chuckled.

"Get her across the sidewalk and into the vehicle," Galvin ordered as he smiled and looked around the streets.

Lauren stepped forward and saw a van skid around the corner.

Several men popped out of the side door and she caught sight of Miklos as he jumped forward.

The bullets whizzed by her and her men, hitting the SUV and the concrete around them and they all pulled their weapons and fired.

"Die, b.i.t.c.h!"

She heard the man yell and she pulled the trigger as Miklos charged her, gun firing.

He fell backward and everything went quiet as her men took out the guys in the van and she killed Miklos. She was in shock and wondered how they knew where she was and that she would be in the city today. Was this really over, or were there others out there aiding men like Miklos in succeeding in killing a cop like her? Or maybe they were working for Maxwell. He had the major connections despite the Russian mafia wanting Maxwell for questioning.

"Baby, are you okay? You weren't hit were you?" Mace asked her as he and Galvin put away their weapons and reached for her.

She shook her head. "Oh G.o.d that was crazy," she whispered and put her gun back into her holster.

"Lauren, are you okay?" Orin yelled from by the van and she nodded her head.

"I thought this was over. How did they know we were here? What about Orlando and Rafael? Please tell me they didn't get away this time."

The Town Of Pearl: Badge Of Honor Part 16

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The Town Of Pearl: Badge Of Honor Part 16 summary

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