Sugar Creek: Marigold's Werewolf Mates Part 7

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"I knew you were smart." Michael lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it. Mari gasped when he gave a long, slow lick over her skin, and Taylor nearly groaned when the scent of her arousal grew stronger.

"Why cant you get drunk?" she asked breathlessly.

"We just cant."

"Okay." She s.h.i.+fted on his lap and stilled for a moment when her a.s.s squished his aching d.i.c.k, and then the little minx wriggled some more.

Taylor was about to tell her she was playing with fire, but her question halted his carnal thoughts.

"Can I see your wolves?"

"Are you sure, honey?" Sin asked as he stood and took a couple of steps away from the bed.

"Yes, I want to see."

Taylor nodded at Sin and Michael, and then he lifted and placed Mari on the mattress beside him before he, too, got to his feet. Michael stood and came to stand beside him, and then they all started removing their clothes.

He kept a close eye on Mari to make sure she wasnt scared, but she didnt look frightened at all. Her eyes were roving over their naked chests, going from one to the other as if she couldnt decide who she wanted to look at, but when the tip of her little pink tongue peeked out and swiped over her lower lip, he nearly lost it. Hed already taken a step toward her when Sin grabbed hold of his shoulder. She looked from him to Sin and back again but didnt say anything.

Taylor toed his shoes off, unb.u.t.toned his jeans, and then pushed them down. He went commando, so there was no underwear barring her view of his body, not that he ever wanted to hide from her. He loved being naked, but nothing beat being naked in front of his mate. He kicked his jeans aside and stood up straight and tall, letting her look her fill. Sin and Michael stood proudly next to him and let her do the same to them.

"Oh. My. G.o.d," Mari whispered, her cheeks tinted pink, and the scent of her arousal grew even stronger as she took in their bodies. "Ive never...II...s.h.i.+t!"

"Like what you see, s.e.xy?" Michael asked, but the s.h.i.+t-eating grin on his face was infectious and Taylor found himself smiling, too. He glanced at Sin and chuckled when he saw his smile.


"We what, baby?" Taylor asked, hoping she wasnt intimidated by their sizes. They were all tall and muscular and big all over. He didnt want her to be scared of them. They would never hurt her. Ever.

"Youre huge," Mari blurted and then covered her mouth when she giggled.

Taylor loved hearing that sound, but what would be better was hearing her moaning again. Moaning and groaning as they made love to her.

"Were a little bigger than average." Michael laughed. "But were in proportion."

Mari giggled again and then waved her hand in the air as if to say, "Well, get on with it."

"Just remember that we would never hurt you, baby. Not in our human, or our wolf forms. Okay?" Taylor asked.

She gulped audibly before saying, "Okay."

Taylor moved back from Sin and Michael as they each stepped to the side, giving them all ample room to get down onto all fours and s.h.i.+ft. He called to his wolf, letting the change take over while continuing to watch his mate. Bones cracked, shortened, and reshaped. Muscles moved, claws elongated, and fur sprouted. He kept watch over Mari, and although her heart rate and breathing increased, she looked more fascinated than scared.

When the change was complete, he took a tentative step toward her, and since she didnt move or try to scramble away from him, he took another step, and another, until he was within touching distance.

"I cant believe this," Mari whispered as she slowly lifted her arms and reached for him. Her fingers sank into his fur, and he chuffed with joy. He tilted his head this way and that, giving her access to his neck and body. When she scratched behind his ears, he groaned and she giggled.

The next sound out of his mouth was a moan of frustration because she removed her hands from him, but he couldnt deny his friends the chance to feel her hands and fingers on their wolf bodies, so he stepped back and s.h.i.+fted to his human form once more. He watched her touch first Sin and then Michael, debating with himself on whether he should put his clothes back on, but his mate needed to get used to them being naked around her often. They stripped and changed at the drop of a hat, plus he hated the way clothes felt on his skin. The added advantage of being naked was having Mari ogling him. He could definitely get used to that. He just hoped that she would let them make love to her and claim her, too.

Chapter Eight.

"I love how soft you all feel." She sighed as her fingers sank into the silky coat.

Mari couldnt get over how soft their wolf fur was. She had expected it to feel coa.r.s.e and rough, but that was far from the truth. It was silky and cool but warmed as she pushed through the thickness closer to their bodies.

She was totally aware of Taylor when he moved away and changed back to his manly form as she petted Sin and Michael. Then they, too, stepped back and changed to their human forms. It was really hard to breathe when she saw their naked bodies. Her heart was hammering in her chest, and she was so d.a.m.n h.o.r.n.y she was panting. She licked her dry lips, and after forcing herself to tear her eyes away from their impressive erections, she met Taylors gaze. The heat in his eyes seared her to the bone, and another wave of l.u.s.t washed over her, causing more cream to drip out onto her already soaked panties.

When he stepped forward and held his hand out to her, she didnt need clarification on what he wanted. If she placed her hand in his there would be no turning back. She hesitated for a second, not because she was indecisive, but because she was a little nervous. Shed had one lover in her life. Had only had s.e.x twice and her ex hadnt been built like these men. But there was no way she was walking away. Shed spent the better half of the afternoon and night crying over them when she didnt think they wanted her anymore.

She did want them and not just because of l.u.s.t. Her heart was already engaged, and even though she knew she should be questioning the feelings roiling around inside her, she knew it was pointless.

They wanted her, and she wanted them. What was there to deny?

Mari lifted her arm and reached out, but before she met Taylors palm with her own, Sins voice drew her attention and she paused.

"Just remember that if you agree to make love with us, you are also agreeing to mate with us. Mating with a wolf is permanent. There is no separation or divorce if things get tough."

Michael took over. "You wont want to be apart from us for more than a few hours."

Taylor took another step, his hand inches from hers. "If you ever leave us, we will all die a long, slow, painful death. Including you."

Mari breached the gap between their hands and wrapped her fingers around his skin. Her hand looked so small and pale against his much larger, tanned appendage, and that made her feel pet.i.te and feminine.

"Thank G.o.d," Michael said on an exhalation.

Mari cleared her throat and rose to her feet when Taylor tugged her up. "What happens now?"

"Its up to you, honey," Sin said as he came up behind her, pressing the front of his body to her back.

Mari swallowed down a whimper when she felt his engorged c.o.c.k push into the small of her back.

Taylor cupped her cheek with his free hand, and she tilted her head back to meet his eyes. "We are going to make love with you and claim you, baby. Well bite into the crook of your neck and shoulder. Our DNA will pa.s.s into your blood and youll carry some of our genes in your system. Youll be stronger and faster, and your senses will be more."

"Are you all going to..."

Michael came up to her side and stroked a finger down her cheek. "Going to what, sugar?"

"Mmake love at the same ttime?"

"Not the first time, honey," Sin replied before brus.h.i.+ng her hair aside and nibbling on her earlobe.

"Well all be touching and kissing you, though," Taylor said in a deep, raspy voice. "But only one of us will be f.u.c.king you."

Mari s.h.i.+vered as goose b.u.mps raced over her skin. Taylor slowly leaned down and forward, and then his lips were on hers. She reached up and gripped his shoulders as he devoured her. His tongue swept across her lips and then pushed into her mouth to slide along hers. He tasted so good. So right. So masculine. There was no way she would ever get enough. She wanted to go on kissing him for eternity.

He broke the kiss before licking and nibbling down her neck. When he lifted his mouth from her skin it was all she could do not to growl out with frustration, but she exhaled raggedly when his hands brushed against the skin of her stomach then grabbed at her sweats.h.i.+rt. His eyes were pinned to her as he tugged it up and over her head.

Warmth at her back had her biting back a moan, and then hands from behind cupped her braless b.r.e.a.s.t.s and lifted them in offering. She didnt need to look back over her shoulder to know Michael was standing behind her. Even though all three men and their wolves emitted that delicious piney-musky aroma, it didnt conceal their unique manly scents in any way.

Mari watched Taylor with antic.i.p.ation as he bent at the waist and then slowly lowered his mouth toward her chest. Her breath hitched in her throat, and when his lips closed around one of her hard, sensitive peaks, she whimpered with the pleasure of it. Her lids fluttered down as she arched her chest, pus.h.i.+ng her b.r.e.a.s.t.s forward, silently begging for more of the exquisite sensations. He suckled strongly and caused electric sparks to shoot straight down to her p.u.s.s.y.

She moaned when Michael pinched and plucked at her other nipple, and her knees nearly buckled out from under her. But thank goodness Michael had an arm wrapped around her waist and stopped her from falling to a puddle at their feet.

She felt hot, moist breath on her trimmed mound, but when she looked down all she could see was the top of Taylors head. She didnt really need the visual to know that Sin was on his knees at her side. Large, warm hands tugged at one of her legs, and she widened her stance unconsciously.

A hot, wet tongue slid through her folds, and this time her knees did buckle. She squeaked when she was swept off her feet and opened the eyes she hadnt realized shed closed. Michaels gaze was so hot and hungry she s.h.i.+vered in reaction. When he lowered her to the bed and started to move away she reached up and gripped his large, muscular shoulders.

"Dont worry, sugar, well take good care of you." Michael s.h.i.+fted away and then got up onto the bed beside her.

Mari wanted to roll over and crawl up over and into him. The compulsion to have the three men buried inside her body was such an intense, yearning ache she could barely breathe. She was panting so fast and hard and her heart was pounding so quickly inside her chest she wondered if it was about to burst out. Their musky-piney scents were so strong and affected her to the point where she almost felt delirious, yet she was completely cognizant.

The three men were so large, and she couldnt help but keep looking at their hard c.o.c.ks. Sin and Taylor were standing at the end of the bed, perusing her body as if she were a tasty morsel, and she supposed in a way she was. Saliva pooled in her mouth and she swallowed convulsively and a little nervously when the two men moved at the same time. Shed been aware of Michael standing at the side, but shed been too entranced to look at him as she, too, let her eyes rove over Sin and Taylors magnificent bodies. She finally managed to turn her head and gulped when she saw that Michael had fisted his erect p.e.n.i.s and was stroking the length of it.

A low rumble sounded from him, and she met his eyes to find him looking at her wildly, as if he were barely hanging on to his control. She knew exactly how he felt because she was feeling more than a little wild herself, but because she was also trepidatious, she didnt move toward any of them the way she craved.

The mattress dipped at her feet and her left side, but she was so mesmerized by the action of Michaels pumping hand she found her gaze once more locked onto his s.e.xy, carnal movements. However, when he released his c.o.c.k and stepped toward her, she held her breath in antic.i.p.ation as her skin tingled with oversensitivity and the heat inside her built higher. Michael gripped her upper arms and helped her into a sitting position. She was about to ask him what he was doing but didnt need to when he moved in behind her and pulled her back against his chest.

She mewled as her naked skin came in contact with his and his long legs s.h.i.+fted down her sides. The heat and scent enveloping her was so good, she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply before sighing. The aroma of their mating musk was calming as well as arousing, but the skin-on-skin contact made her thirst for more.

Michael tugged on her hair, and when she tilted her head back to meet his gaze, he leaned to the side, bent down, and devoured her mouth. Mari s.h.i.+vered, and then she cried out, the sound m.u.f.fled by Michael's mouth, as one of her nipples was sucked into a hot, wet mouth. Her legs were nudged apart, and her hips bowed up off the bed when fingers slid through her wet folds from top to bottom and back again.

Shed never felt such coveting in her life. Her p.u.s.s.y clenched, cream weeping from her hole, and she heard a growl of approval. The mattress between her legs dipped as Taylor moved, and once more she felt humid breath caressing her c.u.n.t. Michael continued to thrust his tongue in and out of her mouth, swirling the muscle along and around hers, and all the while Sin suckled on one hard, aching nipple while plucking on the other one.

And then she was keening in the back of her throat. Taylor laved the tip of his tongue over her c.l.i.t while r.i.m.m.i.n.g her p.u.s.s.y with a thick finger. The simmering heat began to build, but she still felt so empty even though all three of them were touching, kissing, and loving on her.

She was the one who broke the kiss when she was in danger of pa.s.sing out from lack of oxygen, but it didnt seem to faze Michael in the least. He s.h.i.+fted her hair aside and began to lick and nibble along her neck and nip at her earlobe. Sin was still alternating between her nipples.

The yearning building inside her was nearly too intense. She had never felt so hungry, needy. It was a primal, animalistic craving that normally may have sent her running in the opposite direction, but running was far from her mind. Mari needed their touches like she needed air to breathe. Their hands and mouths caused such a fervor she almost felt sweltered by it.

One of Taylors fingers finally pushed up inside her. His digit sc.r.a.ped along her walls, lighting up even more nerve endings. She gasped and then moaned as he pumped his finger in and out of her p.u.s.s.y a few times and then groaned when he added another one. The wet tissues of her c.u.n.t stretched, more cream wept out, and she began to rock her hips in time to his thrusting rhythm.

Pressure began to build, which caused her simmering blood to change to a boil as it moved thickly through her body. Mari was on fire, and the heat felt like it was singeing her from the inside. And then she was shooting toward the stars.

Taylor sucked her c.l.i.t into his mouth as he finger-f.u.c.ked her with smooth, hard, deep strokes. Her internal walls were so taut, and her legs began shaking. Just as the explosion detonated, Michael covered her mouth, thrusting his tongue into her crevice. Her cry was m.u.f.fled as she quaked and quivered in a paroxysm of bliss so profound tears leaked from the corners of her eyes.

The contractions seemed to last for a long time, with Taylor continuing to glide his fingers in and out of her contracting c.u.n.t. When the last bit of pleasure was wrung from her and the occasional aftershock rocked her, she realized her eyes were closed, and that Michael was no longer kissing her. Sin had released her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and was now stroking up and down her arm and side to hip before caressing back up.

She looked down to find Taylor watching her avidly, his fingers still buried deep inside her and his chin resting on her upper thigh.

"You are the s.e.xiest woman. I love watching you come." Taylors voice was a little garbled and his eyes were a glowing gold, but it was the ravenous look in his eyes that had her just satiated body reacting with renewed hunger.

"Im going to make love to you now, baby." Taylor eased his fingers from her p.u.s.s.y, making her jerk and moan. "And then Im going to claim you. I cant wait another moment, Mari. I need you so bad."

Mari drew in a ragged breath and nodded. She wanted his c.o.c.k inside her, stroking her to those euphoric heights again. She was so famished for him, for all of them, she started shaking.

Michael kissed the side of her neck before helping her sit up and moving out from beneath her. When she saw his eyes were also glowing, she turned to look at Sin. He was breathing hard and stroking his c.o.c.k. She licked her lips when she caught sight of the drop of liquid glistening on the tip of his p.e.n.i.s and wondered what it would taste like, wondered if shed like it. But she pushed that insecurity away. She liked everything about these three men. No, that wasnt right. "Like" was a too weak a word, but she wasnt sure she wanted to use the other L word. At least not right now.

Taylor moved to his hands and knees and crawled up over her body. Even though they werent touching, she could feel the heat emanating off of him. She ran her eyes over the bulging muscles in his arms, shoulders, and chest, before ogling his washboard abs. When she got to his groin, she felt her eyes widen. With his legs spread wide as he straddled her, his c.o.c.k and b.a.l.l.s hanging down, they looked so much bigger than before. But this time she wasnt nervous at his size. She was downright eager to have that big, fat c.o.c.k filling up her c.u.n.t.

Without conscious thought, she reached down and glided the tips of her fingers over the smooth-as-a-babys-bottom head and sighed with appreciation of the heat scorching her skin. She reached down a little more and wrapped her hand around the thick shaft and pumped up and down a few times.

Mari startled when he clasped her wrist, but looked up to meet his gaze.

"As much as I want your hands on me, baby, Im too excited right now."

Another s.h.i.+ver wracked her body at the deep, husky cadence of his voice as it washed over her. Her skin broke out in goose b.u.mps when he grabbed her other wrist in his hand and then lifted both arms above her head and placed them on the mattress. She opened her mouth to protest, but she didnt get to voice the first word because Taylor leaned down and took her mouth in a rapacious kiss.

Maris eyes fluttered closed, and she gave herself up to his care. She wanted him to do anything and everything he wanted with her. The taste of her own cream on his mouth, his tongue, wasnt the turn-off she thought it would be. In fact, it only seemed to make her more aroused, more eager.

She felt him s.h.i.+ft, and then his legs nudged hers wider apart and his body came down on top of hers. She moaned at the skin-to-skin contact, the heat of his body pressed against hers, but was pleased that he kept most of his weight off of her. The hair on his chest tickled and abraded her nipples, making them feel even more sensitive, and she couldnt seem to stop helping herself to more of the exquisite sensations. Mari moved her chest from side to side, demanding more pleasure as he continued to kiss her, but then whimpered with frustration as he lifted his head.

He moved again, and when the tip of his hard c.o.c.k brushed against her entrance, she widened her legs even more, begging him without words to fill her as they stared into each others eyes.

And he did.

The broad head of his p.e.n.i.s pushed through her slick, tight entrance, and when he paused, she once more lifted her hands from the mattress, reaching for him. He growled low in his throat, got up onto his knees, and gripped her wrists again. This time, instead of pus.h.i.+ng her arms back down and releasing her, he held them down before he thrust in a little deeper.

Mari couldnt seem to catch a decent breath. Her heart was racing and she was panting so hard she wondered if she was hyperventilating.

Taylor began to rock his hips a little faster, withdrawing and driving back in deeper every time he pressed forward, until his big hard c.o.c.k was embedded deeply, stretching her internal muscles like theyd never been stretched before. He held still for a moment or two before he drew back to the tip and thrust forward again.

She moaned and bowed her hips up to meet him, needing more speed and more depth from his stroking c.o.c.k.

"Dont move," Taylor growled.

Her closed lids opened, and when she met his gaze once more she could tell he was barely hanging on to his control by a thread. It excited her even more to see him so close to the edge, and the little devil on her shoulder appeared, goading her to provoke him.

Through half-closed, pa.s.sion-heavy eyes, she watched him as she wriggled her hips and used her internal muscles to clamp down tightly around him.

Taylor roared, withdrew from her body, and before she could speak, flipped her over onto her belly, then wrapped an arm around her hips and hauled her to her hands and knees.

He covered her whole body with his as his c.o.c.k slid through her wet folds, and then he surged in deep with one hard thrust. Mari cried out with pleasure as her c.u.n.t stretched, and she whimpered when his teeth clamped down on the skin at the crook of her neck and shoulder. He didnt break the skin, but she knew she had pushed him close to the edge of his control and relished in the fact she was able to do so.

Then he started moving. He didnt start out slow like he had before. This time he surged in and out of her p.u.s.s.y with deep, hard, fast thrusts. The pressure began to build right away, and even though she tried to hold still, she couldnt. The fire was too great to ignore, and she met him thrust for thrust, pus.h.i.+ng her hips back into him, causing their bodies to slap together.

Her arms and legs began to shake, her toes curled, and the inferno grew to a heat so extreme she wasnt sure she would survive it. The ache in her womb was nearly too intense, but she relished every ache, every nerve careening out of her control.

Mari was rus.h.i.+ng toward the pinnacle with no way to stop it. Not that she wanted to. Even though her eyes were open, she couldnt see a thing. Nothing came out of her open mouth but gasping breaths, her voice lost in the maelstrom of heat and need.

And then she was screaming.

Sugar Creek: Marigold's Werewolf Mates Part 7

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Sugar Creek: Marigold's Werewolf Mates Part 7 summary

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