Essays In Pastoral Medicine Part 17
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Actinomycosis ([Greek text], ray-fungus) is a disease caused by actinomyces, a micro-organism that partly resembles a bacterium and partly a fungus. The disease can be fatal. It is very improbable that it ever from man to man, but as a matter of prudence the priest should wash his hands in b.i.+.c.hloride after anointing such a patient.
Septicaemia, or blood-poisoning, can be brought about by different pyogenetic bacteria,--the varieties of the staphylococci (irregularly grouped cocci), streptococci (chain-cocci), pneumococci, and others.
The danger of infection is so slight that it may be neglected.
Erysipelas can be fatal, especially in alcoholics, the aged, and in chronic diseases. Erysipelas is contagious, especially if the bacteria get into an abrasion in the skin. Patients having this disease sometimes grow delirious and violent, and the priest should be careful how he handles them. Disinfect the hands after anointing such a patient.
Teta.n.u.s, or lockjaw, is not communicable except by inoculation. The bacillus, which was isolated by Kitasato, the j.a.panese bacteriologist, in 1889, is found everywhere in soil, hay dust, floors, on old nails, especially on the floors of old wooden slaughter-houses. It grows best in deep wounds {184} where it is shut off from the oxygen of the air.
Hence the danger of treading upon a nail that has been lying near the ground.
Beriberi, a disease observed especially among seamen, appears at times in our coast towns. It is always a very serious malady and sometimes it is rapidly fatal. The infective agent, which is not known, is not undoubtedly communicable from man to man, but it is carried from place to place, and it clings to s.h.i.+ps and buildings; it thrives in hot, moist, crowded places. The priest should disinfect his hands after visiting a case.
Anthrax, called also wool-sorter's disease and splenic fever, is a very fatal disease, and the bacillus is communicable to any one through an abrasion of the skin, through the intestines by swallowing it, or through the lungs by breathing it in in dust. Disinfect the hands and the shoes after visiting a patient. Be careful not to touch anything in his room.
The bacteria that cause typhoid fever, Asiatic cholera (which has been epidemic in America) and epidemic dysentery must get on the hands, or on food, or in water, and thus reach the mouth and be swallowed before they produce these diseases. Act in cholera as in anthrax, and disinfect the hands after visiting a case of typhoid.
The bubonic plague, the most fatal of all epidemic diseases, has already appeared in California and Mexico. It is caused by a specific bacillus isolated by Kitasato and Yersin in 1894. The disease is communicated by contact and it is seemingly also miasmatic.
The terrible plague of the Black Death that swept over Europe from 1347 to 1350 was a malignant form of the bubonic plague. Over 1,200,000 people died in Germany, and Italy suffered much more. In Vienna for some time about 1000 people a day died and were buried in great trenches. Venice lost 100,000 inhabitants, and London lost more than that. In both Padua and Florence only one-third of the inhabitants were left alive; at Avignon the Rhone was consecrated so that bodies might be thrown into it for burial; and s.h.i.+ps drifted about the coasts of Europe {185} with dead crews. Hecker, in his study of this plague, says that nearly one-fourth of the population of Europe died in that visitation. Civilisation was wellnigh overthrown in the panic. In Germany, Italy, and France the Jews were accused of poisoning the wells and thus causing the plague, and they were slaughtered by thousands. At Strasburg 2000 Jews were burned to death in one holocaust; at other places, as at Eslingen, in despair the Jews set fire to their synagogues and destroyed themselves. The Great Plague of London in 1665, in which 70,000 persons died, was also the bubonic plague.
The mortality is about 90 per centum in some epidemics. The bacillus leaves the body in the faeces, flies carry it to food, it thus gets to rats and mice, and it is carried from place to place. Rats, however, are commonly infected as if by a miasm before the disease appears in man. There is dispute as to the communicability of the plague from man to man by contact with fomites, but it is practically certain the disease can be thus transmitted. Kitasato once succeeded in producing the disease in animals by inoculation with dust taken in an infected house. Merely touching a patient does not apparently convey infection, yet some authorities hold that in time of epidemic the contagion is transmitted even through the air, especially on the ground floor of houses. Perhaps mosquitoes are the medium of infection, as they are inclined to fly low.
In visiting a case of bubonic plague the priest should be as cautious as if he were attending a smallpox patient. After death by smallpox, plague, typhus, cholera, scarlatina, diphtheria, and measles the funerals should be private and the bodies should not be taken to the church.
Malta Fever, or bilious remittent fever, is found in some of the islands taken from Spain. It has a low mortality and is not contagious. Bruce in 1887 isolated the bacterium that causes it.
We do not know the cause of yellow fever despite the claims of Sanarelli that he has isolated the specific micro-organism. Recently American physicians discovered that it is transmitted from man to man by mosquitoes that belong {186} to the genus Stegomyia, the Stegomyia Fasciata especially. If a yellow fever patient is put into a room in which the mosquitoes have been killed and the doors and windows are screened, he is as harmless, as far as contagion is concerned, as a man with a broken leg. The disease is not spread by fomites.
Malaria is caused by plasmodia, which are protozoa, not bacteria, and it is carried from case to case by mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles.
So certain are we that this is the mode of infection that the expression "no anopheles, no malaria" has almost become a medical axiom. A bite from an anopheles mosquito does not cause malaria unless the particular mosquito has previously bitten a malaria patient.
The stegomyia flies and bites in the early afternoon and again at night, the anopheles flies and bites after sunset. In visiting a case of pernicious malaria or one of yellow fever avoid the bites of mosquitoes by gloves and a piece of netting, and there is no danger whatever.
The stegomyia mosquitoes are tropical and subtropical, but they can live as far north as Philadelphia and even farther. The anopheles is especially a northern insect. The ordinary culex mosquito, when it alights upon a wall, stands with its body parallel to the wall, as a house-fly stands; the anopheles mosquito stands with its tail raised from the wall at an angle. A mosquito lays its eggs in any pool of still water, and the "wrigglers" seen in an open rain-barrel are the larvae from these eggs. The larvae come to the surface of the water to get air, and they may be smothered with petroleum; but the only effective way to get rid of malaria and yellow fever is to drain or fill pools of water and marshes. Mosquitoes will breed also in the small still bights along the edges of running streams; in old tomato cans that contain rain water; in any still water, fresh or salt.
Cases of diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles, and even smallpox are not seldom found in schoolrooms, and much anxiety can be averted and the spread of infection can be wholly or in great part averted by a knowledge of disinfection.
The laity will often follow the advice of a priest in matters of hygiene when they are inclined to rebel against the regulations of health departments and the suggestions of physicians, therefore a preliminary explanation of methods for the prevention of infection in the family will be advantageous; prevention in the family is also intimately connected with prevention in the school. Methods useful in the family are useful also in convents and boarding-schools.
As regards diphtheria, the chief causes of the spread of this disease are mistaken diagnosis, imperfect isolation, incomplete disinfection, and, paradoxical though it may seem, a lack of susceptibility to the disease in a large number of children.
Many physicians are still under the grave error that diphtheria can always be recognised without the aid of the microscope, and that membranous croup commonly kills. All scientific writers upon diphtheria agree that it is caused by the Klebs-Loeffler bacillus.
They also hold that there is a disease called membranous croup, as distinct from diphtheria as typhoid is, but that membranous croup is a comparatively harmless and non-contagious disease. Two per centum is a liberal mortality in membranous croup, yet a certain cla.s.s of physicians are constantly reporting deaths from this disease. In a series of 286 cases (not deaths) diagnosed as membranous croup by physicians of New York {188} City a few years ago, Park found the diphtheria bacillus in 229, or 80 per centum. I have never examined the throat of a child dead from so-called membranous croup in which I did not find the diphtheria bacillus. This is the experience of almost every bacteriologist who has had to do with diphtheria. Some men report deaths from diphtheria as thrus.h.!.+ These deaths might just as truthfully be attributed to the wearing of linen collars.
On the other hand, according to Baginsky of Berlin, Martin of Paris, Park of New York, and Morse of Boston, from 20 to 50 per centum of the cases admitted even to diphtheria hospitals have not diphtheria at all. Bacteriologists find that about 35 per centum of the cases reported by physicians to be diphtheria are really nothing but tonsilitis or pharyngitis, with now and then a case of membranous croup. Without a bacteriological diagnosis, therefore, 35 families in each 100 quarantined (where quarantine laws exist) are unjustly quarantined and subjected to the trouble and expense of useless disinfection. The suffering this can cause to a poor family, whose small business is often ruined by quarantine, is a matter for very serious consideration. Again, no matter what experience a physician may have had, he can not in many cases differentiate diphtheria in its early stages, or in children of good resisting power, from comparatively harmless throat affections. The extraordinary resisting power against diphtheria shown by some children and adults has been described by Wa.s.sermann (_Zeitschrift f. Hyg._, 19 B., 3 H.). He found one series of 17 children, from one and a half to eleven years of age, and 34 adults, in which 11 children and 28 adults were not only immune to diphtheria, but some of them had enough ant.i.toxin in their blood to neutralise a tenfold fatal dose of diphtheria toxin. This explains many mysterious outbreaks of diphtheria: such immune persons are infected and they carry about the disease unconsciously because they are not ill themselves. I have seen a mother kiss a child dying of malignant diphtheria and the woman did not get even a sore throat, but I know of another case exactly like this in which the mother died from the infection.
There are bad cases of diphtheria which the experienced physician can diagnose as soon as he enters the patient's room without even looking at the throat, but the lighter cases that are dangerous are not easily recognised. I have seen two children of a family in Was.h.i.+ngton attacked with a slight throat soreness after one child had died of diphtheria in the house. The cases of these two children would never even suggest diphtheria if that first child had not had the disease.
Both these patients died within ten days of syncope without the formation of any membrane, but the diphtheria bacillus was present microscopically. To the moment of death there was nothing in the symptoms of these two children to show diphtheria to the naked eye.
From a personal experience with more than 800 cases of diphtheria in hospitals and as a medical inspector, I feel certain that light attacks of diphtheria can not be diagnosed without the aid of the microscope.
The immunity mentioned above explains the fact that the Klebs-Loeffler bacillus is sometimes found in healthy throats, and the person that has such a throat is really more dangerous than a patient that is ill with diphtheria, because we cannot guard ourselves against him.
School-children at times have what appears to be mere sore throat but which is really diphtheria in the naturally immune.
All cases of sore throat in school-children should be examined bacteriologically, but unfortunately the bacteriological examination for diphtheria is a complicated process which requires an expert bacteriologist and a laboratory. The cost of a laboratory fitted for this diagnosis alone is not great, but it is not easy to persuade small city governments that they need such plants.
The only resource, then, is to treat every suspicious case of sore throat as if the disease were really diphtheria, until a diagnosis is established as near the truth as possible. Children that are afflicted with throat inflammations should be kept from school. The people should be taught the necessity of isolation and disinfection; they should be warned against patent disinfectants, and told to ask competent physicians to advise them in disinfection.
Diphtheria is not directly caused by unhygienic surroundings. A disregard for hygiene disposes a child for infection if the child is exposed to the bacillus. The specific germ must be introduced into the patient's mouth or nostrils. When a child is infected with diphtheria the breath is not a medium of contagion. The sputum, spat out or coughed out, is a means whereby the disease is spread. The bacillus is in the patient's mouth and nostrils; it gets upon his hands by contact, upon eating utensils, upon whatever touches the mouth of the sick person. The bacillus does not float in the air of even the sick-room, except in those cases where dried sputum is stirred up by sweeping or attrition of other kinds.
In a boarding-school or family when a diphtheria patient is found, select a room set off as far as possible from the rooms commonly used, and before putting the patient into this room remove all curtains, upholstered furniture and carpets from it that are not so cheap or so worn that they may be destroyed after the patient's convalescence, or which are of such texture that they will not be destroyed by water or disinfection by heat. In any case the less there is in the room the easier the disinfection will be.
Use the mattress upon which the patient had slept before you discovered the nature of the disease. Books should be removed, because an infected book can not be disinfected except upon the outside. The room is not to be swept while the patient is in it,--dust may be wiped up with a damp cloth. The cloth is to be disinfected before it is sent out of the room.
The popular notions regarding sulphur as a disinfectant after diphtheria are erroneous. Sulphur fumes in certain definite quant.i.ties will disinfect after smallpox, scarlet fever, measles, and some other diseases; these fumes will also kill the diphtheria bacillus, if the bacillus is wet and exposed directly; but if it is buried in sputum or in clothing the fumes will have no effect whatever upon it. The disinfectants to use are acid b.i.+.c.hloride of mercury and heat.
Formaldehyde does not penetrate well enough to be reliable in diphtheria.
When the patient is taken to the room prepared, let a mixture of one ounce of b.i.+.c.hloride of mercury in the powdered form, in two ounces of common hydrochloric acid (not the dilute hydrochloric acid used in medicine), be obtained. This is a violent poison, and it must be kept out of the reach of children and careless persons. Two teaspoonfuls of this solution in an ordinary wooden bucket filled with water to within two inches of the rim makes the disinfecting mixture. A wooden washtub nearly filled with this disinfectant, mixed in the bucket as directed, should be kept near the door of the room, and all towels, sheets, and soiled linen must be soaked in this tub for twenty-four hours. After that any one may handle these articles with perfect safety. The articles that have been soaked for twenty-four hours should be rinsed in ordinary water to remove the acid, and they may then be washed. The nurse should not touch the outside of the tub with infected articles while putting these in the disinfectant. Do not make the disinfectant stronger than directed here, or it will destroy the articles soaked in it, and for the same reason do not leave them in it longer than twenty-four hours.
If the attendant can be kept isolated with the patient there will be less liability of carrying the infection through the house. In a majority of cases in families, however, the mother is obliged to care for the patient and to attend also to her household duties. In the last case, let her keep near the door of the room a cotton wrapper which can be put on over her dress whenever she enters the room. She had better tie a towel over her hair. In the room a china-stone basin should be kept, containing a gallon of water, in which there is a teaspoonful of the acid b.i.+.c.hloride. Every time the attendant touches the patient let her wash her hands in this mixture, using no soap. She should remove her finger rings or they will be blackened. The patient should not be handled except when absolutely necessary, to avoid needless exposure to infection; it is also injurious to a child ill with diphtheria to lift it up. The nurse's covering wrapper should be soaked in the tub as often as possible. Some ignorant persons give as an excuse for a lack of care in {192} handling patients having contagious diseases like diphtheria, that they are not afraid of the infection. Fear has nothing to do with the matter.
Food is to be taken to the door of the sick-room by some one other than the attendant. The tray should not be carried into the room.
After the meal, take to the door a pan containing water, and let the attendant set the dishes, knives and forks, and the food handled by the child, under the water without touching the rim or sides of the dish-pan. Then any one may carry the pan to the kitchen, where it is to be set upon the stove, and the water holding the dishes and the rejected food is boiled for an hour. After that process the contents of the pan are safe, and they may be handled for was.h.i.+ng. Cloths used in wiping the mouth of the patient are to be wrapped in paper and burned. Dejecta should be covered with fresh chlorinated lime, one part to two of water.
After the patient begins to convalesce the danger of infection grows greater. When the membrane has disappeared, and the child is able to run about the room, the attendant ceases commonly to use the throat-spray because the process is troublesome. In such cases the diphtheria bacillus remains in the patient's mouth for some time--from a few days to weeks. During the most of this time the child is as dangerous to others as it was while it was ill. In one case in my own experience, the bacillus remained present for eleven weeks from the date of diagnosis, and I then lost sight of the child. In the tenth week the bacillus present when in pure culture killed a guinea-pig in thirty-six hours. This is, of course, an exceptional occurrence; but the routine practice is to keep the patient isolated for three weeks after the membrane has disappeared, unless a bacteriological examination shows that the bacillus is absent. The bacillus remains after the use of ant.i.toxin just as if ant.i.toxin had not been used.
When a child is to be released from the sick-room, bathe it carefully with soaped warm water, was.h.i.+ng out the hair and under the finger-nails carefully. Then wet a towel with the disinfectant (the acid b.i.+.c.hloride of mercury,--a {193} teaspoonful to a gallon of water) and go over the body with it; afterward rinse with ordinary water. Do not let the disinfectant enter the child's mouth or eyes. Next, without allowing the child to touch anything in the room, especially avoiding the door-k.n.o.b, send it to another room and dress it in clothing that has not been near the sick-room. If, after this process, other children are infected, the explanation is that the child had been released too soon--before the bacillus had disappeared.
It commonly happens that a child has been going about the house for some days before a physician has been called in. In that event you have the house to disinfect. You must then wet with b.i.+.c.hloride everything the child has touched, and boil all eating utensils.
As to the disinfection of the room and its contents: the irritation of diphtheria causes a large quant.i.ty of saliva to flow from the patient's mouth; this infected saliva runs down upon the pillows and soaks into them. It may also soak into the mattress. If a town has a steam disinfecting plant, there is no trouble in dealing with bedding and carpets after diphtheria and other contagious diseases; such a plant, however, costs at the least $6000. It is safer, in the absence of steam disinfection, to destroy pillows by fire; but if these are opened and the filling put into tubs or barrels containing two teaspoonfuls of the acid b.i.+.c.hloride of mercury to each gallon of water and soaked for about two days they will be safe. The ticking in this case should be boiled in a wash-boiler, and the filling is to be rinsed before drying. The mattress is less liable to infection but it may be infected. If a piece of oil-cloth or rubber sheeting is spread beneath the bed-clothes under the patient and the mattress is kept well covered during the course of the disease, the filling of the tick will most probably be not infected. The loss of a good feather or hair mattress is considerable in the house of a poor man, and these often may be saved. To disinfect the surface of a mattress place it on chairs in a small room or in a closet and pour upon a cloth under it 500 cc. of formalin for each 1000 cubic feet of air-s.p.a.ce in the room or closet--multiply the length by the height by {194} the width of the room or closet to get the cubic feet of air-s.p.a.ce. Leave the room or closet shut tightly for twenty-four hours. The Trenner-Lee formaldehyde disinfector is a good apparatus for disinfecting. The smaller size costs twenty-five dollars.
If anything is to be sent out of a room to be burned, spread a piece of old carpet, bagging, or similar useless cloth outside the room door, set on this the articles to be destroyed, wrap them carefully in the fabric, tying all with cords; then take the bundle outside the town in a covered wagon, pour kerosene oil on the package without opening it, and set it afire. Afterward wash the wagon with the acid b.i.+.c.hloride.
Wet the furniture and floors of the room with the acid b.i.+.c.hloride. Do not merely sprinkle the solution about, flood everything with it, because the germ is killed only by direct contact; and remember that a diphtheria bacillus magnified 800 times is not larger than the eye of a needle. The b.i.+.c.hloride will spoil gilt picture-frames, therefore use a 10 per centum solution of pure carbolic acid on these and all other metallic surfaces. Coins should be boiled, and paper money should be dipped in the 10 per centum carbolic acid solution and dried at a stove. Money is frequently found in smallpox rooms under the patient's pillow.
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