After The Funeral Part 16

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was in danger of prosecution. It is only my impression but

I have some experience in these matters. Defaulting solici tors, I regret to say, are not entirely uncommon. I can only

tell you that I would not have cared to entrust my own funds

to George, and I suspect that Richard Abernethie, a very

shrewd judge of men, was dissatisfied with his nephew and

placed no reliance on him.

"His mother," the lawyer continued, "was a good-looking,

rather foolish girl and she married a man of what I should call

dubious character." He sighed. "The Abernethie girls were

not good choosers."

I-Ie paused and then went on:

"As for Rosamund, she is a lovely nitwit. I really cannot

see her smas.h.i.+ng Cora's head in with a hatchet I Her husband,

Michael Shane, is something of a dark horse--he's a man with

ambition and also a man of overweening vanity I should say.

But really I know very little about him. I have no reason to

suspect him of a brutal crime or of a carefully planned poison ing, but until I know that he really,was doing what he says

he was doing I cannot rule him out.'

"But you have no doubts about the wife ? '

"No--no--there is a certain rather startling callousness...

but no, I really cannot envisage the hatchet. She is a fragile

looking creature."

"And beautiful I" said Poirot with a faint cynical smile.

"And the other niece ?"

"Susan ? She is a very different type from Rosamund--a

girl of remarkable ability, I should say. She and her husband

were at home together that day. I said (falsely) that I had

tried to get them on the telephone on the afternoon in question.

Greg said very quickly that the telephone had been out of

order all day. He had tried to get someone and fa[led."

"So again it is not conclusive You cannot eliminate as you hoped to do What is the husband like ?"

"I find him hard to make out. He has a somewhat unpleasing personality though one cannot say exactly why he makes this impression. As for Susan"

"Yes ?"

"Susan reminds me of her uncle. She has the vigour, the drive, the mental capacity of Richard Abernethie. It may be my fancy that she lacks some of the kindliness and the warmth of my old friend."

"Women are never kind," remarked Poirot. "Though they can sometimes be tender. She loves her husband ?"

"Devotedly, I should say. But really, Poirot, I can't believeI won't believe for one moment that Susan "

"You prefer George ?" said Poirot. "It is natural I As

for me, I am not so sentimental about beautiful young ladies.

Now tell me about your visit to the older generation ?"

Mr. Entwhistle described his visit to Timothy and Maude at some length. Poirot summarised the result.

"So Mrs. Abernethie is a good mechanic. She knows all

about the inside of a car. And Mr. Abernethie is not the

invalid he likes to think himself. He goes out for walks and is,

according to you, capable of vigorous action. He is also a

bit of an ego maniac and he resented his brother's success and

superior character."

"He spoke very affectionately of Cora."

"And ridiculed her silly remark after the funeral. What

of the sixth beneficiary ?"

"Helen ? Mrs. Leo ? I do not suspect her for a moment.

In any case, her innocence will be easy to prove. She was at

Enderby. With three servants in the house."

"Eh bien, my friend," said Poirot. "Let us be practical.

Vvat do you want me to do ?"

After The Funeral Part 16

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