Howling Moon Part 10

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He watched as she did as she was told, following the scent trail along the rough ground. Raphael knew that even over the bare rocks there were clues of the doe's pa.s.sage, a scratch where hoof sc.r.a.ped stone, small tells.

But she was growing frustrated, tired and irritable in very short order. He could feel it beat against his mind. Finally, thoroughly out of sorts, she stopped at the base of a large tree. Extending her claws she began to climb upward.

What in the h.e.l.l are you doing? Raphael stopped several yards behind, and was watching her climb, his gold-flecked eyes wide with surprise.

I'm taking a look around, thank you. Your nose may be your best sense. My eyes are mine. Ah... there she is. Or should I say there they they are. There are three of them. They're about three hundred yards ahead and to the right. are. There are three of them. They're about three hundred yards ahead and to the right.

He laughed, but it came out as a series of short barks and no doubt his tail was wagging. He should have thought of this himself. All of the cats he knew hunted from the air. All right. How would you hunt them?

With or without your help?

He c.o.c.ked his head for a moment as he thought. Both.

She paused and he could tell she was considering. With, I would suggest you circle around and drive them to me. I spring from hiding and take one of them down.

And without?

I... I don't know. I mean, I could try to sneak up on them, but their ears are like satellite dishes. I don't know if I could get in close enough.

Are you hungry?

Not really. Cat dropped to the ground. The thick blanket of fallen pine needles m.u.f.fled the sound so that she landed with a barely audible plop on all four paws. She padded over to where Raphael lay in the deep shadow of large boulder.

Neither am I. Raphael looked up, over her shoulder, checking the angle of the sunlight that filtered through the trees and the lengthening shadows on the ground. We're running short of time anyway. You You have a meeting to get to. So, we'll call it a lesson and you can follow our trail and lead me back to the car. For your homework, I want you to find video footage of large cats hunting. Start with the cougars; they'll give you the best idea of what to do in this terrain. have a meeting to get to. So, we'll call it a lesson and you can follow our trail and lead me back to the car. For your homework, I want you to find video footage of large cats hunting. Start with the cougars; they'll give you the best idea of what to do in this terrain.

By the time they dressed and started back down the mountain, the shadows had lengthened to the point they had to watch closely for wildlife leaping into the roadway.

"Oh, sure!" she commented when one particularly large buck bounded out in front of them. "Now they come looking for us!"

Raphael laughed, and she joined in. He was surprised, and flattered that her laugh was a combination of warmth and delight. She really did have a terrific sense of humor, and he was constantly amazed that she was taking everything that was happening so much in stride. Yes, there were some meltdowns, but not nearly as many as he'd expected. She was handling the transition quite nicely.

Not willing to ruin the good mood, he pressed a b.u.t.ton on the dash, heard the CD player search, and then relaxed back into his seat to the strains of the soundtrack of Phantom of the Opera. Phantom of the Opera.

"How did you know this was my favorite musical?" she asked incredulously when the opening strains filled the car.

He smiled without turning to her, keeping a close eye out for deer. "I didn't. But I'm not surprised."

NED WAS WAITING on the steps of the administration building when Raphael dropped her off. on the steps of the administration building when Raphael dropped her off.

Cat leaned over, gave Raphael a quick kiss on the cheek, and climbed out of the Jeep, slamming the door behind her.

"Sorry I'm late." She apologized as Ned made his way down the stairs.

"No problem." He smiled, and it softened the harsh lines of his face. "How'd the lesson go?"

Cat scowled. "Apparently I am not a natural tracker."

"Almost n.o.body is." Ned pulled the keys to his truck from the pocket of his battered fleece-lined denim jacket and gestured for Cat to precede him to the corner of the parking lot where his truck was parked next to Violet's car. "It takes practice, and patience. Some people never get the knack of it."

"That's not exactly encouraging, Ned," Cat observed wryly.

"Don't worry." He chuckled. "You'll be fine." He hit the b.u.t.ton to unlock the truck doors before opening the pa.s.senger door for her. When she'd climbed inside and was belted in safely, he walked around the front of the vehicle and climbed inside.

"So," she asked while he slid the key in the ignition. "What's the big secret?"

The engine turned over on the first try, and Ned reached down to switch the heater onto high.

"You mean you haven't guessed?" He ran his right hand through his hair. Cat caught a glimpse of a silver and turquoise ring. She'd been with Violet when her aunt had picked it out for him a few weeks ago, and was pleased to see him wearing it.

"I have an idea." She turned to him with a smile. "But "

Ned put the truck in gear, checking the mirrors before backing out of the parking spot. "Fine. I'll fess up. I'm thinking of proposing to your aunt."

Cat gave a huge grin and reached over to touch his arm. "That's wonderful. wonderful. I'm so happy for you. I just know she'll say yes." I'm so happy for you. I just know she'll say yes."

Ned's face reddened a little. "Thanks." He turned the wheel, taking the truck onto the access road that led off of pack property, but instead of turning left toward town, he turned right. "Yeah, I think she'll say yes, too. But there's a problem."

"A problem? What?"

"Your aunt has money. I don't. And while I know she'd never say anything, I think it's important that a man and a woman enter a relations.h.i.+p on equal footing."

Cat opened her mouth to answer, but he waved her to silence.

"So, I've been checking into selling my property up in the mountains. I hate to part with it. It's been in the family for generations. But it's a nice place, and should be worth a fair amount, prices being what they are." A new scent rose off of him, filling the truck. Angry. He smelled angry. But for the life of her Cat couldn't figure out why.

Ned turned the truck onto the ramp that joined the access road back up to the highway. When they'd merged safely into traffic he continued what he was saying.

"Anyway, it occurred to me that all things considered, you might be wanting a place of your own to hunt. So I thought that maybe I'd take you up there, let you take a look around."

He risked a glance at her that was both nervous and hopeful. "I figure, if you you bought the place, it would still bought the place, it would still be be in the family, so to speak. And Violet tells me you don't plan on going back to California..." He let the words trickle off into a nervous silence. in the family, so to speak. And Violet tells me you don't plan on going back to California..." He let the words trickle off into a nervous silence.

"Wow." Cat wasn't sure what to think or say. On the one hand, mountain real estate was obviously a good investment, and G.o.d knew she could afford it. But that comment about keeping the land "in the family" meant that resale probably wouldn't be an option unless she was ready and willing to truly p.i.s.s off her aunt's husband.

But she didn't have any place else to be. It would would be a good idea to own land to hunt on. be a good idea to own land to hunt on.

The thought that she'd be close to Raphael popped into her mind unbidden.

"I don't have open access to the estate for two more years, so I'd have to check with the trustee. But Uncle Chuck is a reasonable man. If you quote a fair price I'm sure he'll go along with it."

Ned smiled, and she saw some of the tension leave his shoulders. "We'll go up and give you a good look at it first. Don't want you to go into anything blind. But it's a nice place. Worth more man what I'm asking for it, too."

It was still daylight when they pulled up the gravel drive, but the sun was sinking in the west, its dying rays painting the sky vivid oranges and purples. In the east, the first stars were visible.

The automatic lights came on, illuminating a stone walkway that led up to a large A-frame house. A deck ran along three sides of the building, its weathered wood blending gently with the gray and tan stone of the huge fireplace that took up most of the north side of the building and pale gray siding. The second-floor balcony jutted out to protect the front entrance.

Ned led her up the sidewalk, but rather than take her inside, he walked along the outer deck until they stood against the deck railing facing west, overlooking a wide meadow backlit by a spectacular sunset. It was gorgeous, utterly breathtaking.

"Wow." Cat knew Ned had deliberately timed their visit so that she'd see the sunset and be sold on the place. She knew she'd been manipulated. It didn't matter. There was a wildness about the place, and at the same time a sense of peace peace that called to something deep in her soul. She took in a slow breath of cold, clean air, letting it out slowly, watching it puff like smoke in front of her mouth. that called to something deep in her soul. She took in a slow breath of cold, clean air, letting it out slowly, watching it puff like smoke in front of her mouth.

"Well?" Ned s.h.i.+fted his weight nervously from one foot to the other.

"It's gorgeous, but you already knew that."

"Would you be interested?"

"That," she teased gently, "will depend on the price. But I'll ask Charles to come check out the place."

"He's been here. Many times. I don't think it will be a problem. Thank you." He said the next words with difficulty and more than a hint of sadness. "I love it here."

"I know. Are you sure sure you want to sell?" you want to sell?"

Ned nodded firmly. "I may love this place, but I love Violet more."

RAPHAEL DIDN'T FEEL much like cooking, so he decided to make the short drive up to Wolf's Run. The bar was a pack business run by Larry Carmichael, a family member and biker, had an att.i.tude, a sawed-off shotgun loaded with silver shot and a pair of silver knives. Raphael figured that the reason everybody was well behaved was they didn't want to get shot and/or eighty-sixed from the only Sazi bar in two states. much like cooking, so he decided to make the short drive up to Wolf's Run. The bar was a pack business run by Larry Carmichael, a family member and biker, had an att.i.tude, a sawed-off shotgun loaded with silver shot and a pair of silver knives. Raphael figured that the reason everybody was well behaved was they didn't want to get shot and/or eighty-sixed from the only Sazi bar in two states.

Tonight was far enough after the moon that most of the crowd had as much control over their beasts as they ever would. He'd stopped by to say hi to Tatya, who sat with Mike at a table near the front of the room. She'd told him that Lucas had announced he was running late but was on his way up, and offered to let Raphael join them.

"No thanks," he declined with a smile, choosing instead to take a seat at the end of the bar.

He was in the bathroom getting rid of his third and fourth beers when he thought he heard Ned's voice, and Cat's. He didn't catch exactly what they said, but he heard Tatya's response clear as a bell.

"You can't do that! The pack has the right of first refusal."

"Yes, and you refused. So I can, and will, sell my land to whomever else I d.a.m.ned well please."

s.h.i.+t! Raphael dove out the door, zipping his trousers as he went. Someone got in his way, he didn't look to see who. He shoved him blindly aside, trying to get across the room in time. Instead, he was still on the other side of the bar when Tatya took a swing at the human, only to have Cat protect him by stepping between them. Raphael dove out the door, zipping his trousers as he went. Someone got in his way, he didn't look to see who. He shoved him blindly aside, trying to get across the room in time. Instead, he was still on the other side of the bar when Tatya took a swing at the human, only to have Cat protect him by stepping between them.

People were moving, shoving themselves back from the table as they prepared to support their Alpha Female in battle.

"No!" Raphael shouted, throwing his power behind the word. He used his magic in a desperate attempt to freeze not only Tatya, but everyone in the room. Raphael shouted, throwing his power behind the word. He used his magic in a desperate attempt to freeze not only Tatya, but everyone in the room.

It worked.

Raphael stared, transfixed at the tableaux. Tatya's fist was frozen in the instant of contact with Cat's jaw, her entire body twisted into the punch, her face distorted and ugly with rage. Ned, leaned, off balance, steadying himself with one hand against the fireplace, Cat's hand still pus.h.i.+ng at his chest. All over the room, people were utterly motionless, even their throats stilled, so that the only sounds were harsh breathing, the hissing of food on the grill in the kitchen, and the blaring of Lynyrd Skynyrd on the jukebox.

Raphael walked over to where Mike was caught half-standing, an expression of utter horror on his face. Only his eyes moved. They followed Raphael's every motion. It was a strange, disquieting thing to see, and Raphael had to suppress a shudder. It would ruin the threat to let them see how shocked he was they might scent it, but some of them didn't have particularly good noses, and the scent of burning food covered a mult.i.tude of sins.

Raphael caught Tatya's gaze, felt the rage burning in those blue eyes s.h.i.+ft to him. There was a silent demand demand to that look. A demand he deliberately ignored. to that look. A demand he deliberately ignored.

He kept his voice calm. He didn't want anyone here to guess that he was as surprised as they were that he'd managed this. "Mike, I'm going to let you loose. I want you to call your father. Tell him to get his a.s.s up here, that we have a situation."

Raphael concentrated, very carefully, slowly letting the boy have his freedom. A shudder ran over Mike's body as he stared, wide-eyed, at first one person then another.

"Mike, your dad?"

"Right." He took out his cell phone and hit the speed dial. Raphael, meanwhile walked over to the bar. Reaching up, he took the shotgun from the hands of the bartender and set it gently on the bar top.

"Larry, I'm going to let you loose now. The alpha's on his way up here to deal with this. I'm going to hold everybody in place, but I don't want the bar to burn down because you can't deal with the stuff in the kitchen." He gave the other man a meaningful look. "Don't do anything stupid."

Raphael released his grip slowly, watching to make sure the other man wouldn't do anything... unfortunate. Larry was fully human, but that didn't mean he wasn't a threat. He was a big man, strong and rangy. His bushy mustache was iron gray as was the hair he wore pulled back into a ponytail with multiple ties in the style favored by bikers. Tattoos covered the length of his arms that wasn't covered by a skintight Harley-Davidson T-s.h.i.+rt. He might be human, but he was one tough mother, and everybody in the pack knew it. You did not not give Larry Carmichael s.h.i.+t, and you did not cause a disturbance in his bar. Not if you wanted to stay healthy. give Larry Carmichael s.h.i.+t, and you did not cause a disturbance in his bar. Not if you wanted to stay healthy.

When he finally could move freely, he nodded in acknowledgment to Raphael. "Neat trick. Didn't know you could do that."

"Never had to before." Raphael made his tone sound more casual than he felt.

Larry nodded again and walked through the swinging doors into the kitchen. Raphael could hear him bustling around back there. When he reappeared about ten minutes later, he was carrying two large platters. Both held ma.s.sive porterhouse steaks, rare enough to still be b.l.o.o.d.y. He set the first one on the bar in front of Raphael. He placed the second in front of the stool beside him.

When Raphael raised an eyebrow in silent inquiry, Larry's answer was simple. "Lucas is coming up. There's trouble. He's p.i.s.sed. I'm human. I'm thinking feeding him, getting him a drink might not be such a bad thing."

Raphael snorted with appreciation. When the bartender gestured toward the shotgun, Raphael nodded, giving tacit permission for him to put it back behind the bar where it belonged. "Probably better just get him a bottle. Put it on my tab."

"You don't have a tab tonight, Ramirez."

" 'Scuse me?"

"I'm no fool. If you hadn't hauled a.s.s and gotten out here when you did they would've trashed the place. Tonight, your drinks are on me."


Both men looked up at the crunch of gravel. Lucas had arrived. Michael disappeared through the bathroom door. Larry busied himself bussing tables around the living statues that littered the bar. Raphael sipped his beer, trying not to show his nerves, or the effort he was expending to hold the entire bar motionless. When Lucas walked in, Raphael was able to meet him with calm eyes.

Lucas stopped just inside the doorway, his hazel eyes taking in everything, from Tatiana's raised fist to Cat's snarling defiance. Every person was frozen in precisely the position he'd taken when Raphael had stepped out of the bathroom. Only their eyes moved, many showing far too much white as they panicked at not being able to control their own bodies.

He walked around a woman's crouched form to make his way to the seat waiting for him at the bar. "Thank you, Larry," Lucas murmured before picking up a tumbler of neat Scotch and raising it a salute directed at Raphael. "You have no idea how much I've been needing this." He took a long pull from his drink and set about cutting into his steak.

"Uhm... Lucas?" Lucas?" Raphael made a vague gesture to the room. Raphael made a vague gesture to the room.

He shrugged, as though he expected no less from Raphael. "Are you having any trouble holding them?"

"Not really," Raphael answered.

"Are you hurting them?"

"No. A couple of them are a little panicked and you can smell that most of them are p.i.s.sed. But, no, I'm not hurting them."

"Then," Lucas bared his teeth in a vicious smile and turned toward the room so that everyone could see it, "they can d.a.m.ned d.a.m.ned well well wait wait till I've had my dinner." till I've had my dinner."

The look Larry gave Raphael over Lucas's head spoke volumes. Raphael waited in silence. When the Alpha was ready, he spoke.

"All right. Larry, correct me if I'm wrong. Judging from the positioning, Cat and Ned walk in and are heading to the empty table in the corner, with Cat in the lead."

"Right," Larry agreed.

"My wife stops them. They argue. Ned says something and Tatya takes a swing at him."

Howling Moon Part 10

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