Howling Moon Part 22

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"I understand that you've moved up in the world I brought you a gift, and both an apology and a request from Charles." He grinned. "Officially, I've come to ask the alpha of the Boulder pack for permission to spend some time in his territory."

"Granted, of course."

"Aren't you going to ask why?"

"I know better." Raphael drained the bottle. Bending down, he slid it into its slot in the carton and pulled out a replacement for each of them. "You're welcome to the guest room," he suggested as he pa.s.sed the bottle over.

"I appreciate the offer, but no." Ivan twisted off the lid and raised the bottle in salute. "I've a great deal to do. I'll be pressed for time as it is."


Ivan laughed, his eyes darkening with merriment. He ran a hand over his bare scalp. "You've grown up, wolf. There was a time when you'd have pestered me with questions."

Raphael shrugged. "Happens to all of us sooner or later." Grinning, he took a sip from the bottle. "I do do wonder what happened to that British accent I've heard you using the past couple of years." wonder what happened to that British accent I've heard you using the past couple of years."

"That is for acquaintances and business. Not Not for friends." Ivan's smile faded, his face growing serious. He very deliberately steered the conversation back to its original course, which meant there was something important he wanted to say. "It's a hard thing to watch sometimes, the growing up." He took a long pull of beer. Raphael waited. Ivan had always been like this. He pa.s.sed on information in his own way, in his own time. Perhaps all bears were the same. Raphael didn't know. He'd only ever met two of the ursines. for friends." Ivan's smile faded, his face growing serious. He very deliberately steered the conversation back to its original course, which meant there was something important he wanted to say. "It's a hard thing to watch sometimes, the growing up." He took a long pull of beer. Raphael waited. Ivan had always been like this. He pa.s.sed on information in his own way, in his own time. Perhaps all bears were the same. Raphael didn't know. He'd only ever met two of the ursines.

"I've known Catherine Turner since three days after she was born. Her father, Chris Turner, was one of the most brilliant minds of this, or any, time. The Turner computer empire was poised to take over the computing world. Socially, however, he was completely inept. Savant really. Janet, her mother, was intelligent, not in his cla.s.s of course, but in her own way quite as brilliant as she was beautiful. She was also ruthless enough to put Fiona to shame."

Raphael blinked in shock. n.o.body n.o.body was more ruthless than Fiona. was more ruthless than Fiona.

"Catherine inherited more than her father's brain and her mother's looks." Raphael felt Ivan watching him as the implications of that last statement struck home.

"She has presented Charles with a workable plan for eliminating the file and taking down Jack Simpson. Charles is going to move for a warrant at the next council meeting." He took another swig from the beer bottle and leaned back far enough that the wood of his chair groaned in protest. "He's also moving for her to keep the land she purchased. It'll be fenced off so that nothing short of a raptor is going to be able to get in." Ivan sighed. "Charles told me to let you know that he realizes that this the attack on Catherine and your niece is not your fault, but while he can't truly protect her from Jack, he will will see to it she's safe from the pack." He shook his ma.s.sive head. "I have never seen him so angry, Ramirez. If it were anyone other than you I think he might well have revoked the charter." see to it she's safe from the pack." He shook his ma.s.sive head. "I have never seen him so angry, Ramirez. If it were anyone other than you I think he might well have revoked the charter."

Raphael cringed. Losing a charter meant that a pack was disgraced, its members forced to scatter throughout the world, wherever anyone would take them. "I'm not sure it was the entire pack."

"No." Ivan spoke with certainty. "It wasn't." He gave Raphael a long, level look. "The Chief Justice asked me to give you his most sincere apology. He realizes that you are perfectly capable of disciplining your own pack, and asks that you forgive him for usurping that authority and executing Claire Hamilton, Lucas's secretary, for her part in the plot against his G.o.ddaughter. He meant no insult. He lost his temper."

Raphael only just managed not to choke on his beer.

"I am supposed to report to you regarding everything we learned as a result of his questioning." Ivan took a pull from his beer. "Believe me, he was morough. There is no doubt about me veracity of the information obtained."

Raphael felt the heat radiating from Ivan. The other man was wearing Wolven cologne, so there was no scent, but he couldn't keep his power from flaring with his anger.

"The plot originated with her. Betty Perdue breached medical ethics and told Tatya that you had an appointment for testing for a possible mating, but that she was already certain of the conclusion of the tests. Tatya, in turn, revealed the information to Claire. It seems," Ivan said dryly, "that she was concerned you might not be able to control yourself during this 'mating challenge' with her son and the boy would be killed."

Raphael remained silent. He was mulling me implications. Mike was mated, but Cat hadn't slept with him. There was a good chance he'd survive her death. With enough counseling he might even get over her eventually. With Cat dead, mere was no mating challenge. Michael's peccadillo would be moot. There was no question in his mind that the pack would consider Mike's life more valuable than Cat's, more valuable than his own if it came to it. They'd known he was mated to her. They'd known he might die. Maybe they'd believed he wouldn't. More likely they hadn't cared.

"The Chief Justice told me to tell you that in reparation to you in this, he is going to override the council's order binding you to the Boulder territory. If and when you choose to leave, you will be free to go where you will."

"Thank him for me. I wouldn't have claimed the damages, but I won't refuse the gift."

"You'd be a fool if you did. While you are many things, you are not not a fool." a fool."

"Don't be so sure. I'm feeling pretty d.a.m.ned stupid right now. How could I not have seen that it was this bad?"

Ivan laughed. "Love makes fools of us all, and mating more so." He reached past Raphael to slide his newly empty beer bottle into its slot, taking a full one in its place. "May I ask what you will do about this 'challenge' of yours?" There was a hint of reproach in the bear's voice. It was obvious to Raphael that he didn't approve.

"What do you want me to say, Ivan?" Raphael looked up then, felt the heat of anger flush his cheeks. "I don't want this. I don't want any of it. But I can't just let Lucas's son die. Santiago's my friend, and G.o.d knows I don't have many."

"Maybe not so many," Ivan agreed with a shrug. "But what you lack in quant.i.ty, you make up for in quality." There was a twinkle in his eyes again. "Speaking as one of them."

"Of course."

"The Chief Justice further orders that you provide Catherine with all of the evidence you have gathered against Jack Simpson. I am also to give you a personal message from Charles, and I quote: 'Break Catherine's heart and I'll make you wish you were never born.'" Ivan leaned forward, taking a long pull from the bottle before continuing. "I do hope that your intentions were honorable?" He made it a question, giving Raphael a hopeful look.

"They are now," Raphael answered wryly.

"Oh, good." Ivan smiled. "Because Charles isn't the only one who's fond of the woman."

"I never would've guessed."

Ivan laughed again at Raphael's dry tone. "Why don't we go inside? You can finish getting dressed and fix us dinner. I I will bring in your presents." will bring in your presents."

WEDNESDAY DAWNED COLD and clear. Cat had spent die night alternately tossing in her bed and pacing the suite. Eventually she gave up on sleep altogether, watching die bustle of die city from the window seat of her hotel bedroom. She was completely exhausted, but her racing droughts wouldn't let her rest. and clear. Cat had spent die night alternately tossing in her bed and pacing the suite. Eventually she gave up on sleep altogether, watching die bustle of die city from the window seat of her hotel bedroom. She was completely exhausted, but her racing droughts wouldn't let her rest.

She had killed a woman.

Worse, a part of her had enjoyed it.

Thinking about it was driving her mad. She needed to occupy her mind with something anything else. So she wrapped herself in me blankets from the bed and sat down in front of the laptop provided by the hotel and started working on some of the more mundane pieces of die puzzle: ordering the supplies she would need online, designing die Web site.

Having trouble sleeping?

Jack's urbane inquiry made her want to scream and throw something. What she wouldn't give give to get him to get him out of her skull. out of her skull.

You don't have to feel guilty you know. By all accounts she was a stupid little b.i.t.c.h at best. And it was was self-defense. self-defense.

And how would you know that?

I know you, you, Fiona. You show everyone that rock-hard exterior, but I've seen inside your mind. I know all your weaknesses. You have this absurd notion of "honor" and "fair play" that keeps you from doing what is necessary. It'll get you killed eventually if you don't get past it. They say the meek shall inherit the earth, but from what I've seen, it's the ruthless that survive. I tried to teach you that when I was training you for Wolven, but you've never been a very good listener. Fiona. You show everyone that rock-hard exterior, but I've seen inside your mind. I know all your weaknesses. You have this absurd notion of "honor" and "fair play" that keeps you from doing what is necessary. It'll get you killed eventually if you don't get past it. They say the meek shall inherit the earth, but from what I've seen, it's the ruthless that survive. I tried to teach you that when I was training you for Wolven, but you've never been a very good listener.

I'm not not Fiona, insisted Cat. Fiona, insisted Cat.

Of course. I keep forgetting, new ident.i.ties and all that. But you'll always be Fiona to me, kitten. Oh, and before I forget, darling, your anniversary gift is down at the front desk, something to remind you of me.

Just like that, he was gone. Almost against her will she glanced over at the phone. Sure enough, the red light was blinking, telling her she had a message. He'd been been here? Dear G.o.d! It was bad enough that he talked to her, but that he could pull information out of her head just that easily. He knew where she was staying had known long enough to send a flipping here? Dear G.o.d! It was bad enough that he talked to her, but that he could pull information out of her head just that easily. He knew where she was staying had known long enough to send a flipping gift. Your anniversary gift is down at the front desk. gift. Your anniversary gift is down at the front desk.

Cat shuddered, pulling the blankets tight around her. She couldn't stop s.h.i.+vering. Jack was insane, completely f.u.c.king futz. And if things kept up the way they were going, she wouldn't be far behind him.

The cell phone Charles gave her rang, rattling as it vibrated atop the coffee table. Cat unwound from the blankets, walking over to take the call.


"Cat, it's Raphael."

It sounded like Raphael all right. But then again, he usually just spoke to her mind to mind. It was easier.

"I know you've decided to go to ground for a while. I even think it's a good idea. But there's some pack business I need to take care of, and I want you there when I do."

"After yesterday? I don't think so!"

He sighed. "Yesterday is the biggest part of it that, the challenge, and the incident with Ned. Please, Cat? Raven and I will be there, and Charles. We won't let anything happen to you."

I don't like this, Raphael. She thought the words directly in his mind, mostly as a test. If he answered her thoughts she'd be able to tell if it was really him. She wasn't sure why, but she just knew knew she would. she would.

If you decide to come, Raven's agreed to drive the limo, and Ivan will act as your bodyguard. It was Raphael all right. Cat could dimly sense the thoughts and emotions behind his words. He was frustrated and angry, but beneath all that he was sad. Something about yesterday had grieved him. It wasn't just having had to kill, she could tell. But he'd s.h.i.+elded his thoughts too tightly for her to see what was was wrong. wrong.


Charles is more worried about your safety than his. Frankly so am I. I wouldn't ask this if it wasn't important.

All right. She sighed heavily. When exactly is this fiasco supposed to take place?

Tonight at seven.

What am I supposed to wear?

Not casual, but not too dressy, either. Business clothes would be best.


Raven will be in front of the hotel waiting with the limo at five thirty.

You know where I am?

When you can see my thoughts, I can see yours, too. With that rather alarming thought he cut the mental connection, leaving Cat feeling guilty and like a nosy fool.

"ARE YOU CERTAIN that Ramirez is well and truly mated to her? You smelled the bond personally?" that Ramirez is well and truly mated to her? You smelled the bond personally?"

"I'm positive, but there's a small... wrinkle you might not have considered..."

Jack paused, waiting for the lightly accented Russian voice to continue over the phone. When it didn't, he prompted with an irritable snarl. "Well, out with it! What is this wrinkle?" wrinkle?"

"The woman appears to be mated to Ramirez as well. It's a double mating. How would you like me to proc "

He hung up the phone with a whisper, while the room spun around him. Mated. She was mated. And to that... that son of a "No. No, for this... she must be punished." For this disregard of his... desire? Wish? No, order, order, she would pay, and pay dearly. He reached across his desk and caressed the bow on the model s.h.i.+p that had taken hundreds of hours to create. Every sc.r.a.p of wood hand carved, every line on every mast absolutely perfect. How many hours of dreaming of his revenge against Ramirez had he put into this model? He lifted it up and turned it around so the overhead lights glowed through the nearly transparent sails. she would pay, and pay dearly. He reached across his desk and caressed the bow on the model s.h.i.+p that had taken hundreds of hours to create. Every sc.r.a.p of wood hand carved, every line on every mast absolutely perfect. How many hours of dreaming of his revenge against Ramirez had he put into this model? He lifted it up and turned it around so the overhead lights glowed through the nearly transparent sails.

With a vicious snarl and feline hiss, he crumpled the s.h.i.+p into slivers and threw it against the wall hard enough to dent the plaster.

His seer was going to pay for not warning him of this possibility. Yes, dear, faithful Muriel was going to see just what happens when Jack Simpson or, more precisely, Colecos, the legendary jaguar G.o.d of Mayapan, was well and truly angry. angry.

RAPHAEL SET THE phone back in its cradle. She'd come. That was a relief. He hadn't been sure she'd be willing. Nor would he have blamed her. It was a terrible risk, and he hated to ask it of her. But if there was to be any hope of them working things out with the pack so that she could be safe, her presence at tonight's meeting was necessary. Still, he hadn't been able to hide his relief when Charles had insisted on not only being there, but on having Ivan and Raven acting as security as well. Until the pack severed their ties to Lucas and acknowledged Raphael as their alpha there were limits on the amount of magical power he had at his disposal to control them. phone back in its cradle. She'd come. That was a relief. He hadn't been sure she'd be willing. Nor would he have blamed her. It was a terrible risk, and he hated to ask it of her. But if there was to be any hope of them working things out with the pack so that she could be safe, her presence at tonight's meeting was necessary. Still, he hadn't been able to hide his relief when Charles had insisted on not only being there, but on having Ivan and Raven acting as security as well. Until the pack severed their ties to Lucas and acknowledged Raphael as their alpha there were limits on the amount of magical power he had at his disposal to control them.

Raphael used his thumb and forefinger to rub the bridge of his nose. He had the mother of all headaches, and his body wasn't keeping up with healing it.

It was going to be a long day. He had a lot to get done, and not a lot of help to do it. Claire was dead, as was one of the other secretaries. Sally was the only one left and she didn't know any of the pa.s.swords, or where the files were. Worse, she alternately cringed and groveled, or burst into tears, so that Raphael felt like a monster for losing patience with her.

Raphael's musings were interrupted by a tap on the door. It was Emma, dressed in a white wool coat with a red beret and matching leather gloves. Her cheeks were red from the cold, but her eyes were sparkling. "Do you have a minute?"

Raphael smiled. "For you, always."

She walked over to the guest chair and dropped the cell phone on his desk. "You forgot it at the house this morning and it's been ringing like crazy."

"Thanks for bringing it by."

"It wasn't any trouble. I wanted to speak to you anyway." She smiled. "Something's come up and I need to fly back to New England and visit with my mother for a few days."

Raphael made a protesting noise, but she waved him to silence.

"I was hoping," hoping," she cringed, and started again. "I know it's terribly rude of me to invite myself but Raven seemed to think it would be all right." She took a deep breath and said the next sentence very quickly. "Could I possibly join the two of you for Thanksgiving next week?" she cringed, and started again. "I know it's terribly rude of me to invite myself but Raven seemed to think it would be all right." She took a deep breath and said the next sentence very quickly. "Could I possibly join the two of you for Thanksgiving next week?"

"Of course! I was planning on your being here."

"I don't want to impose " She looked at him a little helplessly.

"Don't be silly." Raphael rose from his seat behind the desk and walked around so that he was standing right in front of her. He very deliberately perched on the edge of the desktop so that they were looking eye-to-eye. "You are always always welcome here, Emma." welcome here, Emma."

"Thank you. You don't know how much I appreciate you saying that."

Actually, he probably did. Until Raven had come to live with him as a teenager, most holidays for Raphael had been spent either as an awkward tag-along, or lonely. He recognized the symptoms in the way Emma held herself, her tone of voice.

"Will you be inviting Cat?"

"I don't know that she'll be available." He said it sadly. He wanted her with him, and not just for the holidays. He wanted to look into those deep green eyes every morning when he woke, and last thing every night. But even if the mating was mutual, she was a cat. She could choose to leave. Under the circ.u.mstances, he wouldn't even blame her if she did.

"Yesterday wasn't your fault! She can't possibly blame you for that."

He took a deep breath, his emotions switching quickly from sadness to anger. "They were my people. I'm responsible."

"You haven't even officially taken power yet!" Emma protested.

"And what a way to start." Raphael tried to keep the bitterness from his voice, but didn't succeed.

"I'm sorry." She reached over to cover his hand with hers.

"Don't be. Not your fault." He squeezed her hand then let it go. He stood, giving her a warm smile. "Just make sure you make it back for the holiday. I'm fixing a big meal with all the"

Howling Moon Part 22

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