Howling Moon Part 31

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Raphael's breath caught in his throat, his body throbbed with an aching, desperate need as he stared at the beauty standing before him. Moonlight bleached her skin milk white, soft shadows emphasizing the curve of calf and thigh, the soft flesh of her abdomen and belly and the sweet, heavy mounds of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She stood before him wearing only her silk stockings and heels. Slowly, gracefully, she dropped to her knees. He gasped as with sure fingers she unfastened his trousers so that she could take him into her mouth.

CAT WAITED AT the curb outside the office building. The city wasn't completely still. Christmas decorations sparkled, and the sound of canned Christmas carols filled the air. In the distance she could hear muted laughter and the sounds of a Salvation Army bell ringer, and of a homeless man bedding down for the night in the doorway of an abandoned shop just across the street. But the crowds were much thinner than usual, even for a week-night. the curb outside the office building. The city wasn't completely still. Christmas decorations sparkled, and the sound of canned Christmas carols filled the air. In the distance she could hear muted laughter and the sounds of a Salvation Army bell ringer, and of a homeless man bedding down for the night in the doorway of an abandoned shop just across the street. But the crowds were much thinner than usual, even for a week-night.

Most people were probably at home spending time with their families. Cat's eyes stung at the thought.

She missed her parents. h.e.l.l, she missed Violet and Ned. G.o.d how she'd laughed at the birthday serenade they'd arranged for her. It was so... them. The gifts, too, were a hoot. Violet might not be able to cope in person, but her choice of the movie posters and the books with werewolf legends showed that she was trying to adjust and was determined not to give up on her niece.

Cat wasn't giving up, either. But tomorrow was going to be the first holiday, and her first birthday without her family, and honestly she was dreading it. Oh, Holly would be there, and Raphael. It would help. But it wouldn't be the same.

Fortunately, Holly pulled up to the curb before Cat could get any more maudlin. She was driving Cerise's "new" car, an old Honda CRX that was mostly red, although the back quarter panel was primer gray. It looked more than a little battered, but Raphael and Raven had spent a great deal of time working to make sure it ran like a champ. The engine purred like a contented kitten, and was more than capable of hauling a.s.s if the need arose. Cat knew that because Raphael had taken her on a white-knuckled test drive.

"Hi." Holly climbed from the driver's side, handing Cat the keys as she walked around to get in the pa.s.senger door. "Sorry I had to come in your car. Mine wouldn't start," she explained with a sigh. "Apparently it's the starter. Raphael promised they'll fix it and give it a complete overhaul this weekend."

"No problem." Cat walked around and climbed into the driver's side of the car and strapped herself in. It still smelled strongly of cleaners and cinnamon and ever so faintly of dirty gym socks, despite the air freshener that hung with a pair of jaguar print fuzzy dice from the mirror. The former had been a necessity. The latter was a gift, from Raphael of course.

"You still miss your Geo, don't you?"

"Yeah," Holly admitted. "I miss the car, and I miss the family." Holly got a horrified look on her face when she realized that she might have been insensitive.

"It's okay, Holly," Cat a.s.sured her. "You get to. And at least there's a chance that you and your dad can patch things up eventually." Cat fought to keep the bitterness from her voice as she put the vehicle in gear and pulled away from the curb. "Are you going to call him tomorrow?"

"Maybe. I don't know."

Cat didn't push. Instead she grabbed a CD at random and slid it into the player, cranking up the volume. Punk music began blaring out of a sound system that cost nearly as much as the car itself. Cat was rewarded with her friend's smile. By the time she turned onto Colfax, she and Holly were both singing along in a rousing and slightly off-key punk rendition of the show tune "Cabaret."

Cat was grateful for the music. As much as she liked Holly, and understood that her friend needed to talk about what was going on with her family, Cat simply wasn't up to listening tonight. Yes, she sympathized. But a bitter little corner of her mind that she didn't even want to admit to kept thinking at least you at least you have have family. family. So she kept the music playing to keep herself from saying something she shouldn't. So she kept the music playing to keep herself from saying something she shouldn't.

"Can we stop by the grocery store on the way home?" Holly asked. "I need to pick up a few things for tomorrow."

"Sure, no problem," Cat agreed. She turned the car onto Sheridan and drove toward the big twenty-four-hour grocery store that was less than a block from the apartment complex. She was tired, but she really wasn't sleepy. Maybe doing something as boring and mundane as grocery shopping would help her wind down and get ready for bed. Besides, she kept finding things she needed around the house. She could pick them up while they were there.

She pulled the car into a parking spot near the entrance. The two of them walked in past freshly cut pine trees that would be very, very dead by the time Christmas actually arrived. Still, they smelled wonderful, and the scent lifted Cat's spirits as they stepped into the bright lights and bustle of a store crowded with last-minute Thanksgiving shoppers.

Holly grabbed one of the metal carts. Tossing her purse casually into the upper bin, she began wheeling her way methodically through the store, starting at the produce section and moving slowly through every single aisle in the store. She took her time, comparing different brands, checking prices, and riffling through an envelope from her purse that contained a thick stack of discount coupons.

Cat checked her wrist.w.a.tch. It was almost midnight. The store was emptying out, and still Holly showed no sign of wrapping it up. She was beginning to regret having agreed to the whole endeavor, and was just about to say so when Holly finally steered the overflowing cart into the checkout line.

"I think you've bought half the store!" Cat tried to make the complaint good-natured, but her impatience was beginning to get the best of her.

"I wanted to stock up the pantry," Holly explained. There was a hint of amus.e.m.e.nt in her voice and she smelled antic.i.p.atory.

"Holly "

"What?" She gave Cat a look that was all wide-eyed innocence, but there was definitely a sparkle in her big brown eyes.

"What are you up to?"

"What makes you think I'm up to anything?" Holly tried to look hurt, and failed miserably.

"Uh-huh." Cat didn't bother to keep the suspicion from her voice, but couldn't pursue it further because the cas.h.i.+er had told Holly the amount due and started up a conversation. Still, Cat had every intention of finding out just what was going on the minute they were outside the store. Unfortunately, when the time came, Holly asked for a bag boy to help them load the groceries in the car.

By the time the groceries were loaded, she had the stereo playing and was strapped in and ready- to go.

Cat waited until the bag boy was walking off with the cart before turning in her seat to face her friend. She reached over, switching off the music. "Holly, you're up to something. What's going on?"

"Cat, can we please please just go home now?" just go home now?"

"I was ready to go home an hour ago!"

"Yeah, well, I'm sorry I took so long." She didn't sound sorry. She did did sound nervous. "Next time I'll hurry, I promise." sound nervous. "Next time I'll hurry, I promise."

Cat let out a little growl of irritation. She waited, hoping her friend would say more, but Holly was staring out the pa.s.senger-side window and wouldn't meet her eyes.

"Fine. Whatever." She grumbled as she turned back in her seat and started the engine.

It only took a minute to drive the short distance to their place. Cat pulled the car into its spot under the back carport and started to help gather the groceries, but Holly waved her away. "Can you go ahead and open up the gate for me? I've got these."

Cat shook her head, but did as she was bid, crossing the frost-covered gra.s.s. She paused to unlock the deadbolt on the wrought-iron gate to the back courtyard, then moved on to Holly's back door. The movement turned on all of the light sensors, so that the lawn was bright as day. She rifled through her keys, looking for the correct one as Holly came up the sidewalk behind her, shopping bags clutched in her hands.

She found the key, turning it to unlock first the deadbolt, then the matching lock in the k.n.o.b. Reaching through the open doorway, she turned on the light.

Half a dozen familiar voices shouted "Surprise!" "Surprise!" and and "Happy birthday!" "Happy birthday!" simultaneously. simultaneously.

Cat stared, dumbstruck, her jaw hanging wide open. Raphael stood behind a kitchen table laden with presents and a large birthday cake. Raven and Emma stood arm-in-arm in front of the kitchen counter. Ivan leaned against the refrigerator, while Charles and a bodyguard Cat didn't know stood in the arched doorway that led to the living room.

Cat turned slowly to face Holly, who was practically dancing with glee. "Gotcha."

"Well, come inside!" Charles ordered. "You need to open your presents."

Cat stepped inside, reveling in the warmth of friends. Her eyes misted as she saw that Uncle Chuck had one of Aunt Amber's infamous carrot cakes with him. They all sang "Happy Birthday" off-key, as she blew out her candles. Then it was time to open the gifts. Raven gave her a brand-new locking briefcase filled with the photos he'd taken of the file. Emma had framed an original movie poster of Cat People Cat People while Holly had found an utterly luxurious bath set with every conceivable accessory (except her uncle). Ivan's gift was a necklace that had been specially crafted by a shaman he knew. She loved the gesture, and loved the comforting weight of it between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s when she slid it around her neck. while Holly had found an utterly luxurious bath set with every conceivable accessory (except her uncle). Ivan's gift was a necklace that had been specially crafted by a shaman he knew. She loved the gesture, and loved the comforting weight of it between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s when she slid it around her neck.

Only Raphael's gift remained. It was large enough that he'd leaned it against the far wall rather than putting it on the table with the rest. She gave him a quick glance, noting how very nervous and excited he was. Still, he'd s.h.i.+elded his thoughts so that she couldn't get a clue as to what lay beneath the s.h.i.+ning silver wrapping paper and big red bow. With shaking hands she grabbed the corner of the paper and pulled, ripping it away to reveal a painting. But it was not just any painting. Cat's breath caught in her throat, her eyes widened, filling with tears.

It was so amazingly lifelike. She almost expected her parents to step out of the frame. Nothing could have been more perfect. She turned to Raphael, wanting to say something, but unable to come up with the right words. "I... you..." Her mouth moved, but nothing coherent would come out. She could tell he understood, though, by the look on his face as he stepped forward to take her into his arms. As she hugged him tight she whispered, "I love you. It's amazing. Thank you."

THE PARTY HAD ended shortly before dawn with everyone agreeing to meet back here at three for a full Thanksgiving dinner with each guest providing a side dish while Raphael cooked the main course, a honey-baked ham. ended shortly before dawn with everyone agreeing to meet back here at three for a full Thanksgiving dinner with each guest providing a side dish while Raphael cooked the main course, a honey-baked ham.

It took a long time for Cat to fall asleep. It felt good to be curled up with Raphael, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart beating, basking in his scent and the warmth of his body next to hers.

She loved him. It wasn't just l.u.s.t, although heaven knew that was part of it. But it was so much more: warmth, kindness, absolute acceptance, and mutual respect. Cat finally understood what her father meant when he'd said of her mother: "It was like I found a part of myself I hadn't realized was missing."

"You okay?" Raphael spoke into her hair.

"Fine." She s.h.i.+fted her head to look up at him. "Happy even. Now tell me about this contest you and Raven were talking about."

Raphael chuckled. "When Raven was a teenager, I was getting ready to put on some music after dinner, and he started giving me a hard time about one of the songs I like. So I threw one of the really bad ones he listened to in his face... and well, it just kind of moved on from there until now every year we compete to see who can come up with the best bad bad songs that have actually made it onto the radio." songs that have actually made it onto the radio."

"The best bad songs?"

"Oh, yeah. Just wait till you hear it. I've got some amazing stuff lined up this year."

"Oh, goody."

Raphael laughed.

They lay together in silence. Everything was all right. She wasn't even dreading the holiday dinner without her parents. Oh, nothing would keep her from missing them, but having Raphael here helped more than she would have believed possible. Eventually she dozed. For the moment at least she was happy and content.

It was the calm before the storm.

RAPHAEL FELT AS though he might smother from the power that surged and flowed in a skin-crawling rush in the close confines of the car. The days between Thanksgiving and the full moon had pa.s.sed in a blur. Originally Raphael and Holly had been going to go up to the mountain alone. There had been a change of plans. Now they were the ones to meet Cat at the mall. He was driving the Mitsubis.h.i.+ at just above the speed limit. He didn't want to get stopped by the police right now. Not with the sun lowering toward the horizon and the full moon calling for his beast to come out and play. though he might smother from the power that surged and flowed in a skin-crawling rush in the close confines of the car. The days between Thanksgiving and the full moon had pa.s.sed in a blur. Originally Raphael and Holly had been going to go up to the mountain alone. There had been a change of plans. Now they were the ones to meet Cat at the mall. He was driving the Mitsubis.h.i.+ at just above the speed limit. He didn't want to get stopped by the police right now. Not with the sun lowering toward the horizon and the full moon calling for his beast to come out and play.

He was afraid. He could admit that to himself. He was afraid for Holly, afraid what losing her would do to his brother, to Raven, and to Cat. They loved her so very much. Losing Maria had nearly destroyed Jake. He'd have killed himself if he hadn't had his daughters to think of, and the restaurant business to immerse himself in. Now his daughters were grown, gone, and had lives of their own. The business was crippled with debt. Raphael wasn't sure his brother would be willing to go on if he lost youngest daughter.

He tried rea.s.suring himself by saying that she had wolves in her ancestry for generations, and that three of the best healers in the world would be there tonight. But that didn't keep his stomach from roiling, or his gut from clenching with fear.

The power surged, biting at his skin like fire ants. Raphael pressed the gas pedal farther to the floor as they cleared the outer edge of the city and merged onto the highway leading out to the mountains.

The drive seemed to take forever, until he could pull the car to a stop at the gate to Cat's property. The sun hadn't fully set, but it was sinking toward the horizon, painting the western clouds orange and blood red.

Cat climbed from the car, pulling the keys from her pocket. She unlocked the gate, swinging it open wide enough for the car to pull through, closing and locking it behind.

Gravel crunched beneath the tires as he pulled up the curving driveway to the front of the house with Cat following on foot.

Holly climbed from the car and started toward the meadow, walking as though bemused to where three large furred shapes waited in the shadows. Raven, Betty, and Tatya had changed early, hunted, and come cross-country in wolf form. Having fed, they would all three be at full strength when the time came. And the time would be soon.

In the distance the moon rose, its magic sliding in a smooth, erotic touch over his body, calling to the animal within. Raphael shuddered in response. It felt so good, so right to be here, tonight. He turned to look at Cat. She smiled, but strain showed around her eyes and he could scent the ammonia of her fear, see the pulse pounding in that slender throat.

Why don't you go ahead and go on to the meadow. I've got to set the spell for the perimeter.

What kind of spell?

An aversion and an alarm. The aversion focuses and reflects fear. Any human or lesser Sazi who tries to come here will feel unreasoning terror to the point where he can't can't continue. continue.

The alarm.

That gives me warning in case someone does manage to breach the perimeter, so I can head him off before he sees something he shouldn't.

Cat stepped forward, pulling him into a tight hug. He held her against him, his hand stroking her hair as he tried to comfort her, ease her trembling. "I love you, Raphael." The words were almost desperate.

"I love you, too." He put one finger underneath her chin, tilting it upward so she was forced to look him in the eye. "It will be all right" He forced confidence into the words, trying to make them both believe him.

"Of course it will." She forced herself to smile up at him. "Now go set your perimeter and get your a.s.s out to that meadow. I don't want things to start without you."

Cat walked up to the house, letting herself in the front door. She still wasn't completely comfortable being naked in front of many people. She judged it to be much better to change here, privately, and join the others in cat form. Moving through the house by moonlight, she crossed to the French doors, sliding them open for her eventual exit. She stepped away from the windows, into the deep shadows of the living room area, and stripped. She folded the clothes, stacking them neatly on the fireplace mantel, then stepped to the center of tire room and called her magic.

Always before there had been a shock of pain when she called the power to change. Tonight, it felt natural, right, and good. There was no flash, no smell of burning or ozone. One moment she was Catherine, the next, the cat.

On silent feet she padded out of the house. She moved with casual grace, leaping easily from the edge of the deck. She didn't run until she heard the first of the screams.

Cat nearly flew across long gra.s.s shadowed by the s.h.i.+fting clouds. She felt Raphael's spell slam into place like the closing of a vault door, felt him s.h.i.+ft forms and run full out toward the field.

They arrived at nearly the same time from opposite directions, joining the others to form a rough circle with Holly at its center.

Holly was writhing in the tall gra.s.s, screaming as fast as she could draw breath. Her bones broke and rebroke as her body started to change, then s.h.i.+fted back to its familiar human shape. Thick gray fur sprouted from her skin, only to pull back and recede below the surface. She struggled onto her hands and knees, the whites of her eyes a solid red from ruptured blood vessels. Throwing back her head, she howled, her face elongating, reshaping.

Cat felt Raphael pull power, pull strength from her and throw it into his niece's body. This time when her legs broke they stayed in wolf configuration, while her upper body stubbornly remained human. He pulled again, desperately dragging every ounce of their combined energy out and throwing it into her.

Cat's eyes dimmed. She stumbled, falling gracelessly to the ground. Nor was she alone. Betty collapsed in a dead faint. Cat forced her eyes open. She watched in terror as Raven threw everything he had into his cousin, again and again, until there was nothing left for him to give and he, too, fell unconscious.

Tatya staggered, but stubbornly remained upright. Cat could feel her pulling power from somewhere beyond their circle, pulling it, and shoving it into the b.l.o.o.d.y mess in the center of the circle that was neither human nor wolf and barely breathing.

The clouds parted, the light of the full moon s.h.i.+ning full on the thing that was Holly. She gave one last, lingering scream as the moonlight dragged the wolf from her skin. But it didn't move.

Consciousness faded to black.

Catherine had no idea how long it was before she felt Raphael's, presence in her mind. Knew he was alive and moving. She hurt. The pain wasn't localized. Every cell of her body ached equally, and there were no words to express the exhaustion she felt.

Are they... It was hard to form a coherent thought to form the words. Speech was definitely beyond her.

We're all alive. More or less. Eventually we'll even be all right. Can you move?

Not yet.

Stay still then. Rest. You need to eat. There's a cooler in the trunk of the car with meat in it.

Just like last month. Cat closed her eyes.

Cat awoke to the smell of meat. Someone, probably Raphael, had placed a huge chunk of uncooked hamburger beneath her nose. Before she even opened her eyes she snapped up a mouthful. It tasted wondrous, and the fact that it was fully ground meant that she could swallow without the exertion of chewing. A good thing since she barely had the strength to open her jaws.

She felt Raphael's hand stroking her fur. "You're going to be all right, baby, and so are Holly, Raven, and the others."


"I'm fine. Tired as h.e.l.l. But I'm fine."

Cat forced her eyes open. The moon was still up, but it had moved well across the sky. Lucas sat not far away in human form.

A silver-gray wolf Cat a.s.sumed must be Tatya lay with her head across his lap. He stroked her fur with slow, even movements of his left hand while he fed bites of burger to her with his right.


Howling Moon Part 31

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