The Imposter Part 7

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"I canna be tied down, worrit about Kate, when I should be out leading our men. This is not what is best for the Clan, and ye ken it, ye b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" Devon's fist thundered as it struck something in the room, possibly the wall or the desk.

"She's not at all bad tae look at, in fact, I wouldn't mind having her warm my bed. Ye can think of this as a favor, brother." I could imagine Collin's vindictive smile as he taunted Devon. "Let me ken your answer by morning. If I doona hear from ye, I'll make preparations to transfer the la.s.s tae the Camerons tomorrow afternoon."

"f.u.c.k you," Devon said harshly.

Numbly, I strode forward into the library, knowing that Devon was about to leave the room. I would be caught if I tried to flee down the hallway. Hearing Devon's clear aversion to marrying me had quite surprisingly hurt, his rejection stung even though I didn't want to marry either. Given the choice between him and this Cameron fellow, I was quite sure that Devon was my best option.

As I pushed though the door, both men turned, faces flushed and jaws clenched with the anger of their confrontation. I had caught them off guard.

"Kate!" Devon exclaimed, green eyes glancing nervously towards his brother.

I couldn't look at him, so I addressed Collin cordially. "I was hoping to borrow that book now that the weather has turned," I smiled shakily to cover just how uncomfortable I was.

Collin rose from behind his desk and walked briskly to the shelf across the room, deftly pulling out the volume that he had offered me earlier. He handed it to me and I reached my hand out swiftly, afraid that I was shaking.


"How much of that did ye overhear, la.s.s?" he asked directly.

"All of it," I responded, and turned on my heel as I straightened my spine and walked from the room, fighting back tears that I wasn't sure why I had.

I was trying my hardest not to panic about my current circ.u.mstances. My rouse of normalcy consisted of a rather large gla.s.s of red wine, my second this evening, and Collin's book, a reminder of what had transpired earlier in the library. I feared that this situation was my penance for a.s.suming Katherine Berks.h.i.+re's ident.i.ty. I would now be used as Collin wished to make money for the Clan. I was angry at the situation but refused to be a victim. I would find a way out of this mess. Should I escape? Where would I go? Should I try to talk Devon into marrying me in order to save myself from a far worse fate? The thought of being Devon's wife sent my blood racing.

I couldn't focus on the contents of the book and found that alcohol coupled with a boring read could not distract me from thinking the prospect of my impending forced marriage. All of this on top of the fact that I was living under the a.s.sumed ident.i.ty of a woman I knew to be dead weighed heavily on my conscience.

What would Collin do when he found out that I was a fraud? Could I keep up this rouse and allow Katherine's dowry to be collected?

I took another gulp of wine, knowing that I would pay for my overindulgence tomorrow with one h.e.l.l of a headache, but also, not letting this knowledge stop me.

The idea of marrying Devon terrified me! Devon was certainly not unappealing. In fact he was quite the opposite. His quick wit and easy demeanor coupled with his rakish long hair and muscular physique were alluring. There was a connection between us and I could not deny that the kisses that we shared had been earth-shaking. The way my body responded to his touch was unlike anything that I had ever experienced.

If I became Devon's wife, it would force me to stay permanently at McClain castle. Staying here would increase the risk that my father's men might find me. Marrying Devon would eventually expose that I was not Katherine Berks.h.i.+re. I could not keep this fraud up indefinitely. Devon would offer me a temporary sense of security and belonging, but I loathed the idea of tying him up in my web of lies. Greedily, I wanted him, but my conscience knew that I should let him go.

I gave up on reading and closed the book, resting its leather weight next to me on the settee. I took another sip of wine, noticing that my gla.s.s was quickly becoming more empty than full, savoring its fruity warmth in my mouth before swallowing it down. I leaned by head back, closed my eyes and relaxed against the high back of the settee, tired from thinking so much about a situation that I had so little control over. Maybe I could work out a plan with Devon. After walking in on his heated conversation with Collin, it was clear that he also did not wish to be wed. Maybe he would help me to escape to avoid this unwanted marriage.

"Aghemm," I startled, and turned at the sound of a throat being cleared behind me.

I raked a hand through my tousled hair and peered over the back of the settee. My eyes met Devon's and we both quickly glanced away, sensing immediately the precarious balance to our situation. He was carrying a bottle of wine and two of Collin's crystal goblets, which he sat on the small table next to me.

"May I join ye, la.s.s," he said cautiously, searching my face for an answer. There was awkwardness between us that had never been there before and I knew that he felt this too by the way that his eyes nervously scanned the alcove as he awaited my answer.

"Of course," I responded tersely, trying not to notice the way that the presence of this beautiful man affected me.

Oh, Devon. I want you so much. But now I know that you don't want me.

My heart sank.

"I came prepared, but I see that you started without me," he chuckled as he surveyed my nearly empty gla.s.s, uncorked the wine and filled his own with ruby liquid. He took a deep drag of the wine, savoring it in his mouth for a few seconds before swallowing.

"Well, la.s.s, this is quite uncomfortable, is it no?" he said, acknowledging the strangeness of our situation. He raised the bottle of wine in invitation and I handed him my gla.s.s to refill.

"Yes. Yes it is," I responded, nodding in agreement, thankful that I wasn't the only one on edge.

He took another deep swallow of wine and set the bottle down on the table between us. My eyes lingered on his lips. His lips set in a hard line as he began to talk. I remembered how lovely it had felt to kiss him.

"I'm sorry about what ye heard this morning, between my brother and I. I'd not intended ye to be there. I'm sorry."

Now he focused on his gla.s.s, refusing to make eye contact with me.

"I could tell," I said, surprised at the harsh tone of my voice. He had made his thoughts about marrying me quite clear. Quite clear indeed.

"It was not as ye thought. I mean, it's not that I don't want tae marry ye." His eyes met mine and held my gaze with an intense stare.

"Devon, there's no need to lie. It was quite clear that you don't want to marry me, and believe me, I don't blame you." I was not in the mood for excuses. "I don't want to marry you either if that makes you feel any better." I responded tartly, subconsciously admitting that my statement was a lie.

He smiled. "A blow straight to my heart," he said, clasping his hand to his chest.

"I've come to explain why I don't want to marry ye. I think that ye deserve an explanation."

I straightened myself on the settee and looked directly into his green eyes. "You do not need to give me an excuse, Devon McClain. Whatever your reason is, I don't need an explanation. You have no responsibility to me as far as I am concerned." I had liked Devon from our first encounter in the great hall, in fact, I had been immediately attracted to him, yet I refused to allow him to be drawn further into my complicated situation.

Meeting my stare head on, the intensity in Devon's eyes dared me to look away and I noted the manner in which he clenched his angular jaw as he searched for the correct words to respond with.

"Yer right, Kate. I've nae responsibility to ye and certainly no claim upon ye. But I do fancy ye, and I'll put a claim on ye if need be so that I can offer ye my protection."

"I don't need protection," I challenged his argument, but my traitorous heart sped up at the implication of his words.

"When it comes to my brother, all women need protection. He sees you as a p.a.w.n in his game. A possession tae use for profit," he said firmly, meeting my gaze. "Collin will force ye tae marry, either tae me or the Cameron. Ye deserve more than that, Kate."

The seriousness of his tone struck me.

"Collin knows that I doona want tae take a wife, that is part of the reason that he is forcing me tae wed ye. He takes great joy in controlling my life and it makes him feel powerful tae control me in such a way. He also kens that when the Cameron finds out that I've taken ye tae wife, he will be enraged. He'll take it as a personal insult, d.a.m.n the b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Most likely he will try to kill me himself." Devon's brows furrowed together as he contemplated the situation.

"Why does the Cameron Laird want to marry me?" I questioned, not grasping the reasons behind the Laird, currently at war with the McLains, wanting to have Katherine Berks.h.i.+re for his wife.

"Money, mostly. But also, he's been seeking an alliance with yer Da for years. He wants to secure an alliance with the Berks.h.i.+res to secure a valuable trade route."

"So he thinks that marrying me will help him align with my father?" I questioned, feeling strange claiming Kate Berks.h.i.+re's father as mine.

"That's what he's hoping. Yer father chose my Da over the Cameron initially, and I'm sure Cameron is happy tae have a second chance tae take ye tae wife."

My stomach began to feel queasy the more we spoke about Katherine Berks.h.i.+re's father and her prospects of marriage. I knew that I would not be able to hide under her ident.i.ty for much longer.

"Don't marry me, Devon. Hide me away. Help me escape," I pleaded, imploring him to help me elude this situation all together.

"It's no that easy la.s.s. If it were, I'd have already stolen ye away. Collin has his guards posted about the keep. They've been watching my every move. Have ye no noticed them watching ye as well? Ye are a very valuable possession tae my brother."

Now I knew the reason for the constant presence around me in the keep. This explained the eyes that I felt following me as I moved about the halls. They had been watching us both.

"Why would your own brother do this to you? Can't you just go talk to him again?"

"He's made up his mind, Kate. Ye ken that Collin and I have never quite got on. I was very close with my Da, something that my brother was intensely jealous of." Devon paused, swirling the wine in his gla.s.s. He brought the gla.s.s to his lips, inhaled deeply and took a large gulp of wine. "I willna allow him tae control my life," the tone of his voice was firm, serious. "But I promise ye, Kate, that if ye become my wife, ye will have my protection, body and soul."

The sentiment of this statement and all that it implied struck me deeply. I was flattered that any man would defend me with his life, and the way that Devon spoke of his body and soul made me feel warm inside. What would it be like to allow someone to protect me in that way, I wondered?

"Ye won't have to be worrit about that Cameron b.a.s.t.a.r.d or my brother," he said, taking a final gulp of wine before uncorking the bottle and refilling his gla.s.s. "It's not that I don't want tae marry ye la.s.s. The problem is that I have nothing tae offer ye as a husband," he said, speaking directly into my eyes, imploring me to understand. "I'm a warrior, a leader of men. It's all I know. It's what my Da trained me for."

"What..." I started, and Devon quickly interjected before I could finish my question.

"I need to get this out, Kate. Just listen and I'll explain," he looked at me directly, green eyes gleaming. This was clearly difficult for him, and he took a deep breath, collecting his thoughts before continuing. "I'm the spare. My Da had an heir and a spare, and as the spare, I have nothing. Nay land, nay home, not much in the way of money or means tae provide for a wife. I've nothing tae offer ye. I've spent my life as a warrior and a wanderer, always seeking tae be away from here as much as possible." I could feel the angst in his voice as he continued. "Collin knows this. He knows that a wife is a luxury that I canna afford."

I was touched by his sincerity and surprised at his reason for wis.h.i.+ng not to be married. Without thinking, I reached out and touched his hand, feeling him jerk under my touch. He always seemed to be so deeply affected by my presence and my touch. My hand seemed small and light in contrast to his large, work-hardened masculine hand. I squeezed his hand in a.s.surance as I looked into his eyes, willing him to continue.

"He's come up with a tidy solution tae two of his problems with this marriage. By forcing us tae wed, he can secure your dowry for the McClain coffers and he thinks that having a wife will settle me down so that he can keep a watchful eye on me. Plus, angering the Cameron by forcing us tae wed is an added bonus for my brother."

"We won't have to settle down. You could keep doing what you do, and well, I guess I can stay here when you're gone," I said, trying to offer a solution. I was surprised to find that suddenly I did want this marriage and the security that it would offer me. When Devon had vowed to protect me, I had believed him. I also wanted to avoid marriage to the Cameron laird at all costs.

"It's not that easy, Kate. If ye become my wife, your welcome will be soon worn out at the keep. I'd never leave ye in such a dangerous place. There's been much unrest since my Da died and I fear that Collin wouldna treat ye kindly. Once he has the dowry in hand, yer safety and health will nae longer be of much concern tae him."

"d.a.m.n him!" I said, starting to understand the complexity of Devon's relations.h.i.+p with his older brother.

My exclamation caused Devon to smile and chuckle under his breath. "I've never heard a la.s.s speak like ye do, except for maybe down at the harbor. Maybe yer not fit tae wed with a mouth like that," he chided.

My face flushed pink and I was suddenly embarra.s.sed by my un-ladylike outburst.

"Collin will know that I would do anything tae protect my wife and I a.s.sure you that he would use ye against me if given the chance. In fact, I'm surprise he hasna killed me himself."

"Your brother would really kill you?" I exclaimed in disbelief.

"Och, aye! And without a second thought or a bit of guilt! Devon laughed. "Collin desperately needs a son. He's without an heir to his Lairds.h.i.+p, and as such, if something happens to him, I become Laird."

"And so he seeks to remove you as a threat," I said, deepening my understanding of the ever present tension between the brothers.

"I imagine he dreams of me plotting his demise and smothering his bairns tae secure my right," Devon said, eyes down cast at his now empty gla.s.s. He reached for the bottle of wine and topped my gla.s.s off before refilling his own.

"So, to ease his mind, he would kill you?" I questioned, taken aback such ruthlessness between brothers.

"Aye, or even more conveniently, anger the Camerons so that they will take care of the deed for him. If I weren't so deft with a sword, I'd probably no have made it tae the ripe age of twenty-six. Do ye understand my plight now, la.s.s?" his eyes quarried my own. "It's not that I don't want ye, but that I canna have ye. I couldna live with myself, knowing that I had marrit ye for selfish reasons, dragging ye into G.o.d knows what kind of danger."

"What selfish reasons?" I asked, color flus.h.i.+ng my face from my boldness.

Devon raked his hand through his hair and looked up at me from beneath his heavy lashes. "I want ye, Kate," he admitted huskily as his eyes held my gaze. "I ken that it's selfish and most likely a deadly sin, but when ye look at me and when ye kiss me, I feel like I might die from the shear joy of it," he confessed, reaching out to brush my cheek with the palm of his hand.

My heart beat faster in response to his open confession and I bit my lip to repress a smile.

Devon leaned forward and claimed my lips in the most gentle of kisses, causing my heart to race faster in response to his touch, his lips against mine.

He pulled away slightly and said, "And it's because I want ye sae badly, because of my selfish desires, that I'm afraid."

I knew for a fact that Devon McClain was never afraid of anything.

Although I found Devon devilishly s.e.xy, and had been attracted to both his wit and his body from our first encounter, I had no claim on this man. The offer of his protection was enticing and I was secretly pleased to discover that he did in fact want me, but felt that he couldn't have me due to his situation. I had my own selfish reasons for suddenly wanting to marry Devon McClain. I was beginning to believe that I needed Devon. I was also beginning to believe that I might in fact want to marry him.

I looked at Devon and at the desire that was so evident in his eyes, and I was emboldened by what I saw. Leaning forward, I traced the curve of his masculine jaw, the bristle of his stubble tickling my fingers. "I have my own selfish reasons, Devon McClain, and...I want you too," I confessed, surprising myself.

His lips curled in the beginning of a smile and I pressed my lips to his, eliciting a low growl of approval from deep in his throat. His kiss was more urgent now, more demanding, and I opened my mouth in response. His tongue drove into my mouth, staking claim as it dueled with my own. My arms were around his neck, toying with his hair as I welcomed his desirous kiss, meeting his need with my own. It was true. I wanted him back, d.a.m.n the consequences.

Devon broke the kiss, breathing heavily. I felt wanton and free, having admitted so openly my attraction, having kissed him back so freely. Devon straightened and pulled away from me, trying to collect his thoughts. He appeared to be as shaken by our kiss as I was.

"Well, la.s.s, I think that there is something that I need tae ask ye," intense green eyes studied me over the rim of his wine gla.s.s as he took a deep dreg of wine. "I ken that this isna what ye had planned," he breathed out slowly, trying to collect his thoughts. "I ken that ye thought that ye were coming here tae marry the laird, and now ye might be stuck with me, penniless lout that I am. I thought that even though we have little choice in this matter, that if we do go though with it, I should ask ye will ye have me as yer husband?"

He set his gla.s.s on the table and moved from the settee. Then the beautiful man before me dropped slowly to one knee. He looked directly into my eyes, and asked me with palpable sincerity, "Will ye marry me, Kate?"

I almost choked on my wine.

Chapter Eight.

"Ye look lovely, la.s.s," Collin greeted me as I entered the small stone chapel.

"Like a lamb being led to slaughter?" I smiled my broadest smile, sarcasm heavy in my voice. I did not like Collin and loathed the fact that he was to shortly become my brother-in-law.

"Weel, that's not exactly what I was thinking. I canna even give ye a compliment on yer wedding day?" he feigned innocence and good will in a most lame attempt. "Ye are to become my good-sister today. I'd hoped that we could patch up our poor relations and start fresh."

"How convenient for you," my voice was cold and dismissive. I had no love for this man and could not find it within myself to entertain his empty attempts at conversation. "I need a few moments to get ready," I said, looking towards the door of the enclave, encouraging Collin to take his leave.

"As ye wish, but doona take tae long," he said, as he turned around and walked briskly from the room.

The small enclave towards the back of the chapel was flooded with maids, who fluttered about me making last minute preparations for the ceremony. My cheeks were pinched for color and my hair held so many pins that my scalp ached from their weight.

"I think that'll do mistress," Milly clucked and she added a final pin to secure a stray curl. She stood back to admire her handiwork, and then bent down to adjust a fold in my midnight blue satin gown. "This must have cost him a fortune," she murmured as she brushed at the fabric, willing it to lie perfectly as it cascaded to the floor.

"Cost who a fortune?" I inquired, "I know that the Laird wants to get rid of me, so I'm sure that he would pay a pretty penny to have me dressed up if that is what it takes to collect my dowry!"

"Och, la.s.s! The Laird wouldna have cared if you wore your s.h.i.+ft tae be marrit! He was hard pressed to allow the wedding to take place here at the chapel, but Devon insisted that ye be wed in Kirk. Rumor was that the Laird wanted the two of ye marrit by the priest as quickly and quietly as possible. He wanted this deal neatly tied up."

"So Devon refused?" I questioned.

"Aye. He caused quite a fuss, yellin' at his brother, threatening him with all sorts of awful things. When these two go after each other, they cause a commotion fit to tear down the keep! Brothers will squabble ye ken, but these two ha never got on well. Collin being the oldest, and feeling like his poor mam was replaced when the Laird marrit Devon's mam and started a new family. Collin never forgave his Da for that, but what's a man to do when his wife dies? Ye cannot begrudge a man, especially a Laird, the desire for a new wife to warm his bed."

"I suppose that was hard for Collin. How old was he when his mother died?" I followed, continuing the conversation in an effort to remove the thought from my head of the immanency of me being a wife, and the expectation of warming my husband's bed.

The Imposter Part 7

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