Denise's Daily Dozen Part 17
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HALF-MOON: Stand with your feet together. Lift your arms out to the sides and then up toward the ceiling. Lean your body to the right side, then lean to the left and repeat. This moves your spine laterally. Time: 10 seconds on each side. Stand with your feet together. Lift your arms out to the sides and then up toward the ceiling. Lean your body to the right side, then lean to the left and repeat. This moves your spine laterally. Time: 10 seconds on each side.
SPINE STRETCHES: Stand with your feet together. Lift your arms straight up toward the ceiling and lean back slightly. These stretches are for extension and flexion. Time: 20 seconds. Stand with your feet together. Lift your arms straight up toward the ceiling and lean back slightly. These stretches are for extension and flexion. Time: 20 seconds. Squat down so your body is like a tiny ball. Straighten your legs as your upper body hangs over them with your hands on your calves or under your heels. Time: 20 seconds.
CHALLENGE: Straighten your legs completely as you hang over them. Straighten your legs completely as you hang over them.2. Rotation Spine Stretch Give your legs and back a soothing stretch.
Stand with your legs two to three feet apart, toes facing forward. Abs strong, bend over at the waist and, keeping your back flat, twist your upper body to the left. Place your right hand on the floor and extend the left hand up toward the ceiling. Time: 30 seconds. Switch sides and repeat.3. Standing Quad Stretch This is great for the front of your thighs and hip flexors that get very tight from sitting too much.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Grasp your left foot with your left hand. Bend your leg behind you, bringing the foot toward your b.u.t.tocks. Extend your right arm toward the ceiling to help you balance. Push your hips slightly forward so you feel an extra stretch in the front of the thigh. If you need help with balance, use a wall or st.u.r.dy chair. Time: 30 seconds. Switch sides and repeat.CHALLENGE: Lean your body forward and lift the leg behind you. Extend the opposite arm in front of you. Lean your body forward and lift the leg behind you. Extend the opposite arm in front of you.4. Hip and Thigh Stretch This is my favorite stretch of all time!
Stand with your feet hip-width apart, then bend the left knee and place your right ankle on your left thigh. Extend your arms up and out to the sides on a diagonal. Squat down to feel an even deeper stretch. To help with balance, hold on to a st.u.r.dy chair or use the wall. Time: 30 seconds. Switch legs and repeat.5. Warrior This strengthens your back and legs and gives you an awesome inner-thigh stretch.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. With your right foot, step out to the right side about three feet. Extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder height; your feet should be directly under your fingertips. Turn your right foot out at a forty-five-degree angle. Keeping your left leg straight, bend your right leg so it is directly in line with your ankle, forming a ninety-degree angle, and lower yourself in a lunge position. Time: 15 seconds.REVERSE WARRIOR: Hold the above Warrior pose and raise your right arm up as you slide your left hand along the back of your left leg, stopping where it's comfortable for you. Lean back slightly and look up to your right hand. Let your lower body sink into the pose as your upper body lifts up toward the ceiling. Time: 15 seconds. Hold the above Warrior pose and raise your right arm up as you slide your left hand along the back of your left leg, stopping where it's comfortable for you. Lean back slightly and look up to your right hand. Let your lower body sink into the pose as your upper body lifts up toward the ceiling. Time: 15 seconds. Switch legs and repeat both stretches.
CHALLENGE: Facing forward, place your right hand near your right toes and extend your left arm up toward the ceiling. Look up toward your left arm. Facing forward, place your right hand near your right toes and extend your left arm up toward the ceiling. Look up toward your left arm.6. Back Stretch/Camel This strengthens your thighs and improves back mobility.
Kneel on the floor but sit all the way up so your body forms a right angle. Extend your arms straight in front of you at shoulder height and lean back. Time: 15 seconds. Then release and relax for 5 seconds. Repeat twice.CHALLENGE: Lean all the way back into a back bend with your hands on your heels and your head looking up at the ceiling. Lean all the way back into a back bend with your hands on your heels and your head looking up at the ceiling.7. Abs and Back Stretch Say good-bye to back pain!
Kneel on the floor with your b.u.t.tocks resting on your heels and arms extended up toward the ceiling.
As you bend forward at the waist, tighten your abs and use your core muscles the whole way down until your hands reach the floor. Extend your arms straight above your head with palms facing down. Push down on the floor with your arms so that you feel the stretch in the sides of the arms and upper back. This is a variation of yoga's Downward Dog called the Puppy. Time: 30 seconds. Then come back up and repeat. As you come back up, use your abs, trying to keep your back as straight as possible.
8. Shoulder and Triceps Stretch This yoga pose, called Needle, really stretches the middle of the back and relieves tension between the shoulder blades.
From the Puppy position, reach your left arm underneath your right armpit and extend the arm flat on the floor with the palm facing upward as you place your left shoulder on the floor. Time: 15 seconds. Switch arms and repeat.
Lie with your upper body and head down on the mat. Extend your left arm straight with the palm down. Bend your right elbow, bringing the palm toward your right shoulder. Time: 15 seconds. Switch arms and repeat.
9. Chest and Back Stretch This strengthens the muscles that line your spine to keep it young and supple while also improving your posture.
Lie on the floor on your stomach with your legs extended behind you and arms bent, your palms on the floor under your shoulders. Lift your upper body off the floor slightly. Time: 1minute.CHALLENGE: Straighten your arms and press your upper body back and off the floor. Straighten your arms and press your upper body back and off the floor.10. Downward Dog You can't get a better full-body stretch than this one.
From the chest and back stretch position, lift your hips up off the floor and straighten your arms. Stretch your heels back toward the floor. Keep your head in line with your arms. Time: 30 seconds. Take a few seconds to relax and repeat.11. Pigeon I love the way this opens the hips and releases tension.
Sit with your right leg bent in front of you so your calf is parallel to your torso, and your left leg extended straight behind you. Keep your chest lifted and your hands on the floor on either side of your leg.
Lean forward over your front leg. Time: 30 seconds. Switch legs and repeat.
12. Neck, Chest, and Shoulders These are three of my favorite stretches! They just feel so good!
NECK: Sit up tall with your legs crossed in front of you. Place your right hand on the left side of your head above your left ear and gently pull your head to the right side. Feel lengthening all through the left side of your neck. Time: 10 seconds. Switch sides and repeat.CHEST: From the same seated position, place your hands on the floor behind you and lean back. Lift your chest up toward the ceiling. Time: 20 seconds. From the same seated position, place your hands on the floor behind you and lean back. Lift your chest up toward the ceiling. Time: 20 seconds.SHOULDERS: From the same seated position, bring your right arm across your chest. Hold your elbow with your left hand. Time: 10 seconds. Repeat on the other side. From the same seated position, bring your right arm across your chest. Hold your elbow with your left hand. Time: 10 seconds. Repeat on the other side.A Dozen Tips from Denise: Healthy Rewards for Your Hard WorkSometimes staying motivated requires a little incentive. There's nothing wrong with that! The next time you get through a really tough workout, beat your previous running time, or follow your healthy-eating plan flawlessly for a straight week, give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back-do something special that's all about you! Here, some great ideas-because you'll find that a little treat goes a long way! 1. 1. Splurge on professional pampering. Get a fabulous new haircut, a mani-pedi, a facial, or a ma.s.sage. Treating your body will feel so good. Splurge on professional pampering. Get a fabulous new haircut, a mani-pedi, a facial, or a ma.s.sage. Treating your body will feel so good. 2. 2. Pamper yourself at home-there's no need to go to an expensive spa! Ask your mother or a friend to let the kids stay overnight, and spend an evening soaking in a tub filled with lavender-scented essential oil. Pamper yourself at home-there's no need to go to an expensive spa! Ask your mother or a friend to let the kids stay overnight, and spend an evening soaking in a tub filled with lavender-scented essential oil. 3. 3. If you're close to your ideal weight, shop for some new clothes to fit your incredibly shrinking body! If you're close to your ideal weight, shop for some new clothes to fit your incredibly shrinking body! 4. 4. Reward your hard work each month by picking up a new fitness accessory-a medicine ball, pedometer, or my Reward your hard work each month by picking up a new fitness accessory-a medicine ball, pedometer, or my Yoga Body Burn Yoga Body Burn DVD. DVD. 5. 5. Shop for a cute new piece of fitness wear to flatter your slimming figure. Shop for a cute new piece of fitness wear to flatter your slimming figure. 6. 6. Visit a home store and buy yourself a kitchen tool to help you prepare all those good-for-you meals. Visit a home store and buy yourself a kitchen tool to help you prepare all those good-for-you meals. 7. 7. Seek out a beautiful spot-like a park, a spot with sweeping vistas, a beach, a forest, or any place with more light-and get back to nature. Seek out a beautiful spot-like a park, a spot with sweeping vistas, a beach, a forest, or any place with more light-and get back to nature. 8. 8. Slip out of your house or office for half an hour and head to your favorite coffee bar. Spend some time with a magazine or novel that you've been dying to finish and a low-fat latte. Slip out of your house or office for half an hour and head to your favorite coffee bar. Spend some time with a magazine or novel that you've been dying to finish and a low-fat latte. 9. 9. Treat yourself to a new low-fat cookbook or cooking magazine. It's always exciting to discover new ways to eat right. Treat yourself to a new low-fat cookbook or cooking magazine. It's always exciting to discover new ways to eat right. 10. 10. Make today's cardio workout a family affair by taking a brisk walk with your husband, playing tag with your kids, or going bike riding with your best friend. Make today's cardio workout a family affair by taking a brisk walk with your husband, playing tag with your kids, or going bike riding with your best friend. 11. 11. Try something new. Borrow a new fitness DVD from the library or tag along with a friend to her favorite fitness cla.s.s. Try something new. Borrow a new fitness DVD from the library or tag along with a friend to her favorite fitness cla.s.s. 12. 12. Write yourself a letter saying how proud you are of your accomplishments and all the benefits you've reaped from this hard work. Keep this handy for days when your motivation lags. Update it regularly. Write yourself a letter saying how proud you are of your accomplishments and all the benefits you've reaped from this hard work. Keep this handy for days when your motivation lags. Update it regularly.
SUNDAY'S DAILY DOZEN MEAL PLANSFrom your own efforts, you will make a difference and you will feel good about yourself!
Week One Sunday Daily Dozen Meal Plan If Sundays used to mean indulgent brunches-read high-fat high-fat and and high-calorie high-calorie-don't worry. Today's meals are rich and satisfying and good for you, too. Topping healthy waffles with fresh kiwi gives them a tangy flavor and makes them feel a little bit special. The hearty black bean soup to accompany your lunch lets you reap the endless benefits of beans. Research says beans may help your heart by regulating your blood pressure, decreasing levels of unhealthy hormones, and sopping up cholesterol-your bad cholesterol goes down and your good cholesterol goes up.
A All you can ask of yourself is that you try your very best!
2 whole-grain frozen waffles (toasted) (2 grain) 1 kiwi, topping (1 fruit) LUNCH.
Roasted Turkey Roll-Ups with Sliced Avocado (1 protein + 1 healthy fat) 2 cups low-sodium Amy's Organic Black Bean Vegetable Soup (2 veggie + 1 protein) 1 medium apple (1 fruit) Roasted Turkey Roll-Ups with Sliced Avocado1 teaspoon Dijon mustard (spicy is a favorite of mine)3 ounces roasted turkey breast avocado, slicedSpread the mustard on the individual slices of turkey breast, place sliced avocado in the turkey, roll up, and enjoy!
grapefruit (1 fruit) Men add: grapefruit and 1 tablespoon almonds (1 fruit + 1 healthy fat) grapefruit and 1 tablespoon almonds (1 fruit + 1 healthy fat) DINNER.
Marinated Flank Steak Kebabs and Baked Potato (1 protein + 3 veggie) Marinated Flank Steak Kebabs and Baked Potato1 medium Idaho potato4 ounces broiled flank steak1 red, yellow, or orange bell pepper1 cup white b.u.t.ton mushrooms1 tablespoon olive oil1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar1 fresh rosemary sprigSalt and pepper, to tasteb.u.t.ter spray (optional)Preheat the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. Clean the skin of the potato, poke a few holes in it with a fork, and place it in the oven for approximately 30 to 40 minutes, or until it can be pierced with a sharp knife. Cut the flank steak into 1-inch cubes. Wash and cut all the vegetables into approximate 1-inch pieces. Mix the olive oil, balsamic vinegar, rosemary, salt, and pepper in a separate bowl. Skewer the steak cubes and vegetables, alternating steak, pepper, and mushroom until the skewers are full. Brush marinade over the skewers and grill until the steak is cooked all the way through. If desired, spritz the potato with b.u.t.ter spray, and add salt and pepper to taste. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT!And that includes your skin. Experts say that certain highly processed foods and those with refined sugars may be a complexion problem for those who are Keep your skin glowing and gorgeous by eating whole grains, lean sources of protein, and lots of vitamin-rich produce, as well as at least eight 8-ounce of water a day.
Calories: 1,229 kcal 1,229 kcal Calories: Calories: 1,446 kcal 1,446 kcal Total Fat: 24 g 24 g Total Fat: Total Fat: 38 g 38 g Saturated Fat: 7 g 7 g Saturated Fat: Saturated Fat: 7 g 7 g Total Carbohydrate: 215 g Total Carbohydrate Total Carbohydrate: 228 g Protein: 64 g 64 g Protein: Protein: 71 g 71 g Sodium: 1,096 mg 1,096 mg Sodium: Sodium: 1,109 mg 1,109 mg Fiber: 51 g 51 g Fiber: Fiber: 55 g 55 g
3 protein 3 protein 3 protein 5 veggie 5 veggie 5 veggie 3 fruit 4 fruit 4 fruit 2 grain 2 grain 2 grain 1 healthy fat 2 healthy fat 2 healthy fat
Week Two Sunday Daily Dozen Meal Plan The road to success has many tempting parking places and rest stops. Just keep going! That's not too hard when you've got a menu that's filled with delicious foods. Today's certainly is. The Breakfast Burrito is a spicy way to start the day, and you're getting the benefits of protein, carbs, and even antioxidants like lycopene from the salsa. For lunch, a protein-topped salad helps you make it through the afternoon without your stomach growling. And for dinner you've got the very light and low-cal halibut along with quinoa, a grain that boasts more protein than most others. In fact, it's considered a complete protein because it has all the essential amino acids.
N Nothing feels better than the time after a workout. It's a great feeling of self-accomplishment. You overcame procrastination.
Breakfast Burrito (women: 1 protein + 1 grain; 1 protein + 1 grain; men: men: 2 protein + 1 grain) 2 protein + 1 grain) 1 cup strawberries (1 fruit) Men add: 1 cup skim milk (1 protein) 1 cup skim milk (1 protein) MORNING SNACK.
1 medium apple (1 fruit) 1 tablespoon natural peanut b.u.t.ter (1 healthy fat) Breakfast Burrito1 sprouted grain tortilla1 egg plus 1 egg white, scrambledMen add: 1 egg, scrambled1 tablespoon salsaWarm the tortilla in microwave for 30 seconds. Add cooked eggs to the tortilla, top with salsa, and roll up.
Salad with Turkey & Feta (2 veggie + 1 protein + 2 healthy fat) 1 medium orange (1 fruit) AFTERNOON SNACK.
cup grapes ( fruit) Men add: 1 granola bar (no more than 200 calories) (1 grain) 1 granola bar (no more than 200 calories) (1 grain) Salad with Turkey & Feta Salad with Turkey & Feta2 cups baby spinach cup chopped cuc.u.mber2 ounces roasted turkey breast2 tablespoons crumbled low-fat feta cheese2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil2 teaspoons balsamic vinegarIn a large bowl, combine the spinach, cuc.u.mber, turkey, and feta. Drizzle with oil and vinegar.CELEBRATE SUCCESSLife is too short not to celebrate the many wonderful reasons we have to be happy! We're all too quick to put ourselves down for "cheating" on our diets or skipping a night at the gym, but we forget about celebrating the many positives in our lives, as well as the small victories we achieve daily. Congratulating yourself along your weight loss journey-every time you complete a difficult workout, lose a pound, or stay strong and stick to your diet during a tempting situation-will help keep you motivated!
Baked Halibut with Quinoa (women: 1 protein + 1 veggie; 1 protein + 1 veggie; men: men: 1 protein +1 veggie) 1 protein +1 veggie) Baked Halibut with Quinoa Baked Halibut with Quinoa1 cup quinoa2 cups chicken brothWomen: 4 ounces halibutMen: 5 ounces halibut1 teaspoon Very Very Teriyaki sauce1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil tablespoon olive oil1 cup pea pods1 teaspoon black sesame seedsPreheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Rinse the quinoa. Pour the chicken broth into a medium saucepan and bring to a boil. Once it's boiling, add the rinsed quinoa, reduce to a simmer, and cook for approximately 20 minutes, or until all the liquid is absorbed. Meanwhile, spray a black iron skillet with nonstick spray. Add the halibut, drizzle with teriyaki sauce, and place the skillet in the preheated oven. Bake for 20 minutes. While it bakes, add the sesame oil and olive oil to a saute pan and turn the heat to medium. Add the pea pods and toss to coat. Add the black sesame seeds and cook until the pea pods are tender, but still crisp when broken. Serve the halibut on top of the quinoa.
Calories: 1,257 kcal 1,257 kcal Calories: Calories: 1,596 kcal 1,596 kcal Total Fat: 39 g 39 g Total Fat: Total Fat: 49 g 49 g Saturated Fat: 10 g 10 g Saturated Fat: Saturated Fat: 13 g 13 g Total Carbohydrate: 146 g Total Carbohydrate Total Carbohydrate: 187 g Protein: 87 g 87 g Protein: Protein: 106 g 106 g Sodium: 1,495 mg 1,495 mg Sodium: Sodium: 1,712 mg 1,712 mg Fiber: 28 g 28 g Fiber: Fiber: 30 g 30 g
3 protein 5 protein 5 protein 3 veggie 3 veggie 3 veggie 3 fruit 3 fruit 3 fruit 3 grain 3 grain 3 grain 3 healthy fat 3 healthy fat 3 healthy fat
Week Three Sunday Daily Dozen Meal Plan Your great food choices today are your rewards tomorrow. Plan ahead!
By now you know what a powerhouse oatmeal is, but did you know there are endless numbers of ways to prepare it? Today you'll sprinkle on cinnamon and raisins, though a quarter cup of any dried fruit-like cranberries, sliced prunes, or chopped dates-will do. The taste of this morning's fruit medley snack-which contains melon, mango, pineapple, and berries-will make you feel as if you're on a tropical getaway while energizing you at the same time with all its nutrients. Add protein and calcium-rich yogurt and you'll be sweetly satisfied all morning long. The Chicken & Pepper Flatbread for lunch is so easy to make and yet it's also extremely satisfying. Something about that gooey cheese just really hits the spot! And I also love the Citrus Marinated Chicken Kebabs for dinner. They're so juicy and have a unique flavor thanks to the honey, pineapple, and curry powder combination. The pineapple adds a sweet taste and is loaded with vitamins B1, B6, and C as well as fiber, while the curry powder contains compounds believed to have cancer-fighting benefits. The onions also offer an array of nutrients including chromium, folate, pota.s.sium, and phosphorus and are believed to stave off an array of diseases, too. But that's not the only reason that I often make enough of this chicken dish so that we have leftovers. It's because it's so delicious that it leaves my family asking for more!
ENJOY THE RIDE! ENJOY THE RIDE!One of my favorite sayings is "The joy is truly in the journey." Learning about yourself and taking pride in your small accomplishments along the way is all part of the experience. Sure, there are tough times, but it's all part of the effort to change your life for the better. I encourage you to soak up as much of the experience as you can and to include the important people in your life in your journey as well.
1 cup cooked oatmeal (prepared with water) (1 grain) cup raisins, for topping (1 fruit) 1 teaspoon cinnamon, for topping Men add: cup oatmeal ( grain) cup oatmeal ( grain) MORNING SNACK.
1 cup fruit medley (melon, pineapple, mango, berries, etc.) (1 fruit) 1 cup nonfat vanilla yogurt (1 protein) LUNCH.
Chicken & Pepper Flatbread (1 grain + 2 protein + veggie) 1 pear (1 fruit) Chicken & Pepper Flatbread1 whole wheat pita or Flatout bread3 ounces diced grilled chicken breast cup sliced bell pepper (any color) cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese teaspoon dried oreganoPreheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Place the pita on a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil. Top with the chicken, pepper, and cheese. Sprinkle with oregano and bake until the cheese is melted and bubbly.
1 sliced bell pepper (1 veggie) 2 tablespoons almonds (1 healthy fat) Men add: 2 tablespoons almonds (1 healthy fat) 2 tablespoons almonds (1 healthy fat) DINNER.
Citrus Marinated Chicken Kebabs (1 protein + fruit + 1 veggie) 1 medium baked potato (1 veggie) Citrus Marinated Chicken Kebabs small can frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed2 tablespoons honey1 tablespoon curry powder cup low-fat Italian salad dressing cup pickled jalapeno peppers, including 1 tablespoon juice4 ounces boneless, skinless chicken breast, cut into 1-inch cubes cup 1-inch-diced pineapple cup 1-inch-diced red onionIn a large resealable bag, add the orange juice concentrate, honey, curry, dressing, and peppers. Add the chicken to the bag, seal, and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. Preheat the grill or a grill pan to medium-high. Place the marinated chicken, pineapple, and onion on skewers and grill for 3 to 4 minutes per side until the chicken is cooked through.
Calories: 1,392 kcal 1,392 kcal Calories: Calories: 1,709 kcal 1,709 kcal Total Fat: 37 g 37 g Total Fat: Total Fat: 45 g 45 g Saturated Fat: 10 g 10 g Saturated Fat: Saturated Fat: 11 g 11 g Total Carbohydrate: 185 g Total Carbohydrate Total Carbohydrate: 233 g Protein: 88 g 88 g Protein: Protein: 103 g 103 g Sodium: 583 mg 583 mg Sodium: Sodium: 741 mg 741 mg Fiber: 30 g 30 g Fiber: Fiber: 34 g 34 g
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