A Tempest In The Night Part 45

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"I know my rep precedes me, but I've changed, Illy. Believe me, please."

"Let's have a trial period, first."

They moved in together. Beverly was happy for her and grudgingly began to soften towards Daedalus. Her brother was happy for her, too. Her father was a different story. Ilida stood her ground with him. It was her life and she wanted to live it the way that pleased her, not him, or anyone else.

Daedalus gave away most of his furniture to Goodwill. They shopped for furniture together and he taught her how to be a vampire.

Then one day she came across his little back book.


lida sat on the cement bench on the patio at Tania and Alec's penthouse apartment. They'd had dinner-sort of-a dinner without food. She was going to miss food, but she gained so much more so, she decided she would deal with it and not to gripe about what she couldn't change. I "May I join you?"

Alec's voice startled her.

"I didn't mean to scare you."

"You didn't."

He gave her the "yeah right" look. The male version of it.

"Okay, you did."

"No one should be able to sneak up on you."

"I have to work on that. You can sit here." She gestured to the empty s.p.a.ce next to her. "It's your bench, Alec."

"You seemed like you wanted to be alone."

"I was admiring the view you have from up here."

"That's why I bought the penthouse."

He had something to say to her, so she waited until he was ready to talk. She thought it was sweet, actually. The king apologizing to the acolyte. Daedalus and Alec are so much alike and neither one of them knows it.

Even sitting down Alec towered over her.

"I'm sorry I was an a.s.s earlier," Alec said hurriedly.

"You were protecting your brother."

"I could have found a better way than alienating the two of you."

"You thought I was going to take him away from you."

He looked down at her considering it, and then nodded his head. His green eyes sparkled like jade through the darkness.

"Daedalus said you are sharp."

"I'm just empathic."

"You are also modest."

"You love Daedalus and you wanted to protect your relations.h.i.+p with him. You saw me as an interloper."

"Again, I'm sorry."

He truly loves his brother she was happy to know. They had something in common now.

"All is forgiven it, Alec."

"Thank you, Ilida. Can we start over?"


"I have a proposal for you," he said.

"That sounds intriguing. I'm all ears."

"Because of the drug problem there should be a substance abuse center for addicted vampires. What if you headed it?"

"You all do things big around here," Ilida said.

"We love seeing mouths hang open like yours," Tania said, as she came up behind her.

Ilida hadn't heard Tania come out onto the terrace. Daedalus and Gauge joined them. Daedalus leaned on the cement ledge then gave her a rea.s.suring smile.

"I'm flattered and thank you, but I love helping people. I prefer to be in the trenches."

"No reason why you can't do both."

"Thank you, but you two hardly know me."

"I think Alec knows you, and I think you should consider the job," Daedalus said. "You've been restless since Tilly House was destroyed. I haven't been able to sleep during the day because you keep walking the floors."

"Take the job, Illy, or they'll keep bugging you," Gauge said.

"Thanks, Gauge," Alec said.

"Take the job," Daedalus urged her.

"Okay, all right. When will the center open up?"

"Not for another year. We have to get permits and things. You know how it is."

Man, what am I going to do in the meantime? "I could temp for a year."

"I'm not exactly dest.i.tute, Illy," Daedalus said.

She knew that and not because he flaunted his wealth. Ilida crossed her arms wanting to convey her message crystal clear to him. "I want to pay my own way."

Daedalus crouched down so that she could only hear him. "I'm getting sick of this. Would marrying you help you feel more secure?"

"Is that your idea of a marriage proposal?"

"Let's leave them alone, guys," Alec ordered.

"It is a marriage proposal. It won't get any more syrupy sweet than that."

Since when had he ever been syrupy sweet with her? She didn't want that. She wanted honesty and he gave it. A marriage proposal ... well, she pictured the bended knee deal.

Ilida waited until everyone left the patio. "For the record, I like having my own money, like you."

Daedalus angrily ate up the patio floor. "When wolves mate they share everything for life. Just remember that."

"Are you asking me to marry you?"

"I'm asking you to walk my dog," he said, irreverently.

"You don't have a dog, and are you sure?"

He stopped in front of her, hands in his pockets. His face darkened with indignation, but was controlled. "What the h.e.l.l is wrong with you, Ilida?"

"Your black book."

"Ah!" He held it up in his hand. A flash of blue light, white sparks, then orange flame swallowed up the book. All that remained was the smell of burning leather, and the realization that he was indeed serious.

He cupped her face in his hands. She loved his strong, rea.s.suring hands, and she saw the love in his eyes for her. This was much better than the bended knee deal, but she still had reservations.

"What is it?"

"Let's live together for a while and see where it takes us?"

"You don't trust me."

"I want to do this right, and I love you."

He nodded his head, but she saw the disappointment clouding his violet eyes.


"You want to make sure we're on the same page emotionally?"

"Look at our backgrounds."

"I'm not going anywhere. I can wait."

"Thank you."

"Let's get out of here," he said, as he kissed her eyes, forehead, and chin.

"We can't leave. The dinner was for us," she said between his kisses. Her knees grew weak with every kiss.

"Vampire lycanthropes have incredible s.e.x drives," Daedalus moaned into her neck. "You have to accommodate."

"Kiss me instead."

He planted a kiss on her neck then lifted his head.

"I can do that."

Later, inside the penthouse apartment, I kept a watchful eye on Gauge. After going through the first stages of Hymeneal, I knew Gauge wouldn't be far behind. We tended to mirror each other. It's only a matter of time before Gauge succ.u.mbs to the will of the Hymeneal and finds his mate. May the G.o.ds help the woman when he finds her.

"What are you worried about now, Daedalus?"

I wondered how best to answer Tania. She and Alec don't know Gauge as I do. That's partially my fault and Gauge's. If I'm out of town and the Hymeneal hits its crescendo, then he will have to depend on them until I can help him.

"I'm worried about the gathering storm."

"You mean Gauge?"

I nodded.

"Excuse me, Tania."

Gauge rubbed his neck and he moved as if he were in a cage. He slid the balcony door open and I followed him. I felt Alec, Tania's, and Illy's eyes on my back as I did so.

What's wrong with Gauge? Thank the G.o.ds I had Ilida by my side this way as well as physically. I was a sh.e.l.l without her.

A Tempest In The Night Part 45

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