Kiss Of The Wolf Part 12

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until the birds rose in squawking from the trees and Landry jumped out of the car to investigate the ruckus.

"Keep it down, Arceneaux," he said gruffly. "You're scaring the prisoner." Remy took Dana by the hands and danced her in a circle, ignoring his blanket as it went sailing off into a mud puddle. "Now, ain't that just the d.a.m.nedest shame," he drawled. "Let's give him something else to think about, shall we?"

And he kissed her until the cypress trees spun overhead.

Dear Reader, I'm very excited to introduce my first work for Harlequin/Silhouette, "Kiss of the Wolf." When editor Leslie Wainger approached me about contributing to a dark fantasy anthology, I jumped at the chance. I've always considered her a leading light in the world of paranormal romance.

I knew immediately what I wanted to write-an idea that had been floating around in my head for years. After doing a number of historical paranormal novels, I was eager to return to a contemporary setting. I'd always been fascinated by southern Louisiana and Acadian culture. And since werewolves and the bayou just seem to go together, it was natural for me to combine the two in a story based on my loup-garou series.

Remy Arceneaux is a bit of a rogue and an outsider. He and his brother Tristan have "reputations" in the town of Grand Marais; their names are connected with the mysterious disappearance of a local woman. It takes the arrival of Dana St. Cyr, a sophisticated doctor from San Francisco, to break open the mystery and uncover Remy's secrets. But can their love survive the truth?

I hope that you enjoyed Kiss of the Wolf as much as I enjoyed writing it. I love to hear from readers. You can reach me at

Sincerely, Susan Krinard.


Kiss Of The Wolf Part 12

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