Trinity Masters: Primal Passion Part 15

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When Price wanted something, he got it. Gunner suspected that would cause waves somewhere down the road, but for now, he didn't want to worry about the future. He was more interested in the here and now.

"You look beautiful in that dress, Deni."

She blushed, looking down at the silky white slip dress. "I feel sort of silly in it. I don't wear dresses very often."

Gunner moved toward her, knelt on the floor at her feet and opened her legs with his hands on her knees. "That's a shame. Makes it awfully easy for me to do this." He reached out, pushed the thin layer of her panties aside and pressed two fingers inside her hot, wet s.e.x.

Her eyes drifted closed and she sighed contentedly. "Maybe I should add a few more dresses to my wardrobe."

Gunner added another finger. "Maybe you should."

Price turned in his seat slightly, watching in silence as Gunner finger-f.u.c.ked their wife.

"Deni," Gunner said when her face began to flush, her hips thrusting against him, seeking more friction. He waited until her eyes opened and focused on him. "I want you."

She nodded.

Gunner reached for her, lifted her from the seat until she also knelt on the floor. He directed her between Price's outstretched legs. Price had freed his c.o.c.k while Gunner fingered Deni. When he recognized Gunner's plan, Price lifted his hips and shoved his pants to his ankles.

"I want you to suck Price's c.o.c.k while I f.u.c.k you from behind."

Deni nodded eagerly. They'd yet to discover any game their little virgin scientist wasn't willing to play. Deni bent over the seat and wrapped her hand around the base of Price's d.i.c.k.

Gunner tugged on her hips, spreading her a.s.s cheeks with his thumbs. "So f.u.c.king pretty."

Gunner let go just long enough to release himself from his own constricting pants. Price's sharp intake of breath caught his attention and he watched Deni's lips move along Price's erect flesh before parting to suck the head in deep on the first pa.s.s.

"f.u.c.k." Price reached for the silver hair sticks he'd bought her as a wedding present, pulled them out and freed Deni's thick blonde waves. His fingers tangled in Deni's tresses, tightening, using his grip to drive her mouth faster.

Gunner couldn't resist any longer. He placed his c.o.c.k at the opening of her s.e.x and shoved deep with one rough thrust.

Deni groaned and mimicked his impatient rhythm. All the finesse of the past month disappeared as the three of them moved together in sheer primal pa.s.sion. Gunner f.u.c.ked her hard, pounding into her tight p.u.s.s.y, his fingers leaving marks on her hips at his tight grip.

Price began to mumble a mantra of curse words as Deni sucked his d.i.c.k faster. "f.u.c.k, f.u.c.k, f.u.c.k. Oh, f.u.c.k yeah, baby."

Deni's climax struck the same time as Gunner's. They both jerked and tensed as he filled her with jet after jet of hot come. Exhausted, he withdrew and fell to his haunches. Deni had released Price's c.o.c.k as she came. When she reached out to resume her b.l.o.w.j.o.b, he tilted her face up and shook his head.

Then he lifted her and placed her knees on either side of his hips. "Ride me, beautiful."

Deni took his c.o.c.k inside her s.e.x and started to bounce. Price tugged at the zipper on the back of her dress and pulled the straps over her shoulders. Deni didn't wear a bra. Gunner moved closer, planting himself between Price's legs.

As Price took Deni's breast into his hand and lifted it to his lips, Gunner decided he wanted back in the game.

He ran his finger around Deni's s.e.x, feeling as Price's thick c.o.c.k pressed into her. He gathered up some of the moisture there, coating his finger with it. Then he pushed the tip into her a.n.u.s.

Deni stilled as he forged farther. Without lube, he wouldn't dare take her with more than a single finger. Deni genuinely liked a.n.a.l s.e.x and they'd both claimed her that way often. Even so, they had never been careless, never failed to prepare her properly, to make sure the act was one they could all enjoy.

Once his finger was completely lodged, he wiggled it playfully, relis.h.i.+ng the sound of her breathless laugh. Then Gunner indicated for her to continue her movements on top of Price. Deni had only started thrusting on Price once more when Gunner realized he had more to give.

Reaching down with his free hand, he cupped Price's b.a.l.l.s firmly.

Price's head flew back against the seat. "Holy f.u.c.k."

Gunner didn't halt his a.s.sault. He was in this far, he might as well keep going. He continued to apply pressure to Price's b.a.l.l.s as Deni bounced on his c.o.c.k. Gunner added more fuel to the flame burning inside Deni as he started f.u.c.king her a.s.s with his finger.

Time stood still as they each reached for their climax, wild animals seeking satiation and not caring how they got it. Price came first, his fingers tightening on Deni's waist. Then Deni screamed out her release before collapsing against Price's chest.

Gunner didn't move from his place on the floor, though he removed his hands from his lovers.

Price's gaze captured his and held it. Then Price slowly nodded. Gunner understood. Maybe not tonight, h.e.l.l, maybe not even this year, but somewhere down the road, he and Price would be mapping a new path, one unlike anything either of them had ever experienced.

Deni lifted her head, glancing at Gunner over her shoulder. She s.h.i.+fted off Price's lap, claimed the center of the backseat and beckoned Gunner to join them.

She took both of their hands in hers and Gunner wondered at the sudden seriousness on her face.

"I just wanted to say that I love you. Both of you. I've never really said that to anyone, and I know you both sort of got stuck with me, but I was hoping maybe you..."

Her voice faded away, and Gunner realized she actually looked worried that they didn't feel the same way.

Gunner squeezed her hand and turned her face toward his with a finger on her chin. "I love you too, Deni. So much it hurts sometimes. You're my friend, my lover. My wife. I feel so lucky to have you in my life."

A smile covered her face as he bent to kiss her. It was a slow, sweet, gentle melding of lips. He hoped she'd be able to feel the truth of his words through the touch.

As they parted, Price was there. He reached for her and pulled their pet.i.te lover onto his large lap. "I think I first started to fall in love with you at the lab the day we met. You were a white-hot mess with those safety hanging on your nose, the pencils in your hair, the dead cellphone in your purse. Deep inside, I couldn't help but think this woman needs me. And I need her. I lived most of my life dating perfect women. Women with cla.s.sic beauty, poise, flawless manners, the right upbringing-"

"Wow. This took a bad turn," Deni teased.

Price grinned. "What I'm saying is, I thought they were perfect because of all those superficial, stupid things. The fact is you're the perfect one."

Deni smiled. "Perfect is a h.e.l.l of a lot better than special."

Price laughed. "You're both. And more. G.o.d, Denise. You're everything to me."

She wiped her eyes, not bothering to hide the tears their words had produced. Gunner had come to recognize her happy crying. "You both said that a lot better than me."

Gunner grinned. "It's not a contest. It'll never be that between us."

"Just love?" she asked.

Gunner nodded. "And laughter. And maybe half a dozen kids."

"And lots of games of hide and seek," Price added.

Deni wrapped her arms around both of their necks and pulled them closer until the three of them were only a breath away from each other. "I love you. Now, how soon until we can head to the island?"


The Grand Master walked down the long corridor and released a sigh of relief. The triad of Price, Gunner and Deni had caused him a few sleepless nights as he considered how much could be lost if things didn't go well. Seeing them today at the binding ceremony, recognizing the unmistakable love in their eyes, had set his mind at ease.

He entered his chambers, walked to his desk and sat. Before he could call the next trinity to the altar, there was a member in need of help. Marco Polin and Damon Corzo had been playing with fire for years. College friends, they'd joined the Trinity Masters together and then used the fact that they would one day be placed in an arranged-marriage menage as an excuse to indulge.

Marco was a world famous cello player who had done more to make cla.s.sical music s.e.xy than anyone in the past hundred years. Damon had been groomed for law practically from childbirth and was one of the youngest partners in a heavy-hitting international firm. In a few more years, he would be a judge and in a prime position to help further the vision of the Trinity Masters.

But Damon was being blackmailed. His predilection for sharing pretty women-sometimes two or three at a time-with Marco had caught up with them. Photos of the two of them and some showgirls romping on a bed in Vegas had been delivered to Damon with a demand for a million dollars.

Unless the blackmailer could be found, Damon would never sit on the bench, and Marco's career, which was built on the back of the courtly love of the world's women, would be over, eliminating an important artistic voice.

But catching a blackmailer was no easy thing. There was only one Trinity Master who might be able to do it.

The Grand Master opened the file. Tasha Kash, born Natasha Kasharin, daughter of Russian spies, was a secret weapon of the United States government both abroad and domestically, and possibly the most dangerous member of the Trinity Masters.

The Grand Master had served as the leader of this secret society for nearly a decade, inheriting the position from his father. In all those years, he'd yet to make a match that didn't take.

While that track record was impressive, it was also frightening. With each successful match, he felt more and more pressure to succeed.

And this next triad may be the riskiest one ever.


Trinity Masters: Primal Passion Part 15

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