A Christmas Wedding To Remember Part 3

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Maxine had to admit that was true. And there was more than enough to keep her busy the next day when her shop opened. The storm had pa.s.sed leaving Victoria with a cover of white snow and brilliant blue skies. Sunlight glistened off the snow causing it to sparkle as if there were diamonds in it.

Bringing, it seemed, half of Victoria through her doors for a cup of coffee or hot chocolate and a treat. Even the ones that didn't stop for coffee were ordering chocolates in record numbers.

Although she'd prepared for increased chocolate sales the kitchen was still kept busy making as many chocolates as they could. Everything from English toffee and Christmas bark to an eggnog cream that was selling well over Christmas and chocolate Santa's.

They had one pound a.s.sorted truffle boxes for sale along with a.s.sortments of truffles and chocolate covered caramels, cashew cl.u.s.ters and lazy turtles. More than one small child had been caught with her face plastered against the side of the display case looking in with wonderment.

Which was usually when Maxine would ask the parent if there were any allergies to worry about and then, offer a free sample.

"Would you like to try out my new peanut b.u.t.ter truffles," she'd ask, "or maybe an after dinner mint for your mother?"

She loved seeing their eyes go wide as they picked a special sample. And so far she hadn't had one rejection.

Her eyes widened as she looked up to see who had entered only to spot Julianna with two friends of hers. She rushed over.

"I'm so glad to see you..."

"Alive," she said with a laugh. "I understand you're to thank for that." Twenty-two, Juliana had fair skin and chocolate brown hair with golden high-lights that cascaded down her back and framed her face. Amber eyes with flecks of black and gold danced with excitement.

"Along with emergency doctors and nurses," Maxine said quickly.

"If you hadn't found me no one could have saved me. So I came to thank you personally."

Maxine was aware everyone was watching them as she gave Julianna and her friends a heart-felt smile. "I'm just glad you're all right. Anyone would've done the same."

"Maybe," Julianna said with a touch of skepticism in her voice. "But you were the one who did." She gave her a huge smile. "That's why I want you to cater my New Year's party!"

"But a" Maxine blurted out before she could stop herself. "Are you sure that's what you want? What about your wedding? And do the police know who was behind-".

"The police would like me to stay in hospital."

"I'm surprised you're out. When I talked to your father last night-".

"He told you I was still in ICU. But look at me! Do I look sick to you?"

She twirled around in the shop and truthfully Maxine had to admit she looked the picture of health. "But if you can't remember-".

"The doctors say I may never remember. I'm certainly not going to spend any longer in hospital on the off chance I might."

"And Rohan?"

"We've decided to wait a few months for our wedding." Julianna shuddered slightly. "I don't want to remember what nearly happened every time I think about our wedding." She looked again at Maxine. "Please! Say you'll do our New Year's Party. Kevin is already booked and it would mean so much."

"But, I doubt you'll be able to get a venue at this late notice," Maxine said, stalling for time.

"We'll have it at our house," Julia said with authority. "There's more than enough room and Mother's already agreed."

"I've already promised to deliver cakes to two parties."

"But you can hire more people can't you? Please! It would mean so much to me."

Against her better judgment, Maxine said yes. "I can't do something on the same scale as your wedding though. I don't have the staff, or the time."

"This will be a more casual affair. Just friends getting together to celebrate a New Year." She smiled at Maxine. "After all if you hadn't found me I might not be here at all."


"I'm thinking about seventy-five people."

"That's a lot of people at the last minute."

"You can do it." Julianna gave a small shrug. "After all it's not quite Christmas yet and New Year's is almost a week later."

Maxine hated to turn away business. "I can do it," she said but I'm not going to be able to provide a cake on the same scale as your wedding cake. And a sit down dinner is out of the question."

Julianna shrugged. "So. That's not what I want anyway." She leaned forward. "Maybe a chocolate fountain? I've seen them before!"

"With strawberries and other fruit to dip it in," her girlfriend said.

"Ooh, I love it," her other girl friend said.

"And appetizers," Julianna said. "I'll leave it to you to come up with a menu."

"You'll still have to approve it," Maxine said sharply. She knew only too well what could happen if the client hadn't had a chance to see what she was going to do ahead of time.

Julianna shrugged. "OK. Let me know what you come up with. I'm sure whatever you come up with will be good. After all, I already know the work you do."

"Give me a day and I'll come up with a plan. That way we can see if it's what you want and if we need to make changes there'll still be time. And I warn you, I'll have to pay extra staff I get in a premium to get them for New Year's 'Eve."

"Daddy will pay," Julianna said. She swept out of the shop her two girlfriends in tow.

Leaving Maxine to figure out what she needed to cater a 'small' New Year's Party for seventy-five.

Heath gave her a teasing grin. "You mean I have to give up my New Years' plans this year?"

"You were already planning on helping with the cakes we have to deliver," she said sharply.

"Sure, but I was figuring I'd be finished in time to have a games night with friends."

"Oh." Maxine said, unable to hide her disappointment. She'd been counting on having Heath to help her. "I'll have to find other people to help then. Jane didn't sound as if she had plans and..."

Heath rolled his eyes. "You know I'm in." He grinned. "I can't wait to see what the inside of their house looks like. Bet you their gaming room is b.i.t.c.hing."

"I don't know. Julianna seems more interested in shoes and shopping."

"Ah, her dad's not. And Rohan is a definite gamer."

"You can come with me when I meet up with Julianna to see the venue and finalize party plans.

As she had dinner with Grandma Ellie that night she did some brain storming.

"She wants a chocolate fountain and fruit to dip it in. And she wants it to be fun."

"That sounds like the type of event you excel in," Grandma Ellie said.

"I know. Seventy-five people is not small to ordinary people though and I've got so much on my plate already. And try finding extra help on New Year's Eve at this late date."

"You've got Heath, Marcus and Ally, haven't you?"

Grandma Ellie was her biggest supporter and often came up with some great ideas. In her seventies she was as sharp as ever and always busy with friends and family or at work on her art. She'd been instrumental in getting Maxine business when she started catering having lived in Victoria for most of her adult life.

"Ally has plans with her boyfriend that night. I can't ask her to change them at this late date."

"Have you decided what direction you're going to go in?"

"I told her I couldn't do a cake on the same scale as her wedding and she's OK with that.

"So do hors d'oeuvres then have a dessert bar."

Maxine's mind began to whir. "Something simple and I'd have to figure on nine or ten for each person so seven, eight hundred hor d ouevres. Then for dessert the chocolate fountain and fruit. I could get Heath to come up with a dessert bar and we've got some cupcake stands we could put around. Of course I'll have to see the room she'll be having it in first."

"Young people love pizza and hamburgers," Grandma Ellie said as served up pork tenderloin with oven roasted potatoes and gravy along with some honey glazed carrots.

"That wouldn't be too hard. I could do up pizzas the day before and have them ready to fire into the oven when we get there. Maybe some meat lovers for the guys and something different like smoked salmon and cream cheese for anyone who wants a change along with some vegetarian."

She paused for a minute to have a bite of her Grandma Ellie's pork tenderloin. "Mm, this is the best ever," she said groaning. "Seriously if you opened up a restaurant tomorrow you'd have people lined up around the block."

Grandma Ellie laughed. "I'm glad you like it. At this stage of my life, though, I want to spend my time with family and friends or working on my art." She paused for a minute, "of course if I meet that special someone..." she smiled.

But Grandma Ellie had been a widow since her grandfather died six years ago. While she was a serial dater, dating everyone from her karate instructor to someone she'd met taking dance lessons she'd never met anyone who could compare with Maxine's grandfather and she wasn't willing to settle.

"Did you have a chance to read your mother's latest email? She'll be expecting us to pick her up at noon on Christmas Eve."

"Noon," Maxine said, a touch of horror in her voice. "But I've got deliveries to make. I thought she was coming in at six." Not that she didn't love her mother. She did. They didn't have a lot of time to visit though and Maxine wanted to show her mother just how much she'd changed; that she really could run her own business, her own life.

"So, we can pick her up and then make the deliveries."

"We'll have too," Maxine said mentally re-arranging her day. Her clients counted on her being there personally to set up the special cakes she made.

She could make the Christmas Eve brunch cake earlier and Heath could stay behind to make any last minute fixes or changes. The other one could be delivered a little later than she'd originally planned. It wasn't ideal but it would work.

And she was looking forward to seeing her mother again!

"You don't think she'll want to spend the afternoon relaxing after her trip do you?"

Grandma Ellie snorted. "Not likely. I've never known your mother to spend a minute more relaxing than she absolutely had to. She hasn't had a chance to see you in action! Something tells me she'll want to see everything."

Which meant she might want some time to relax before the day was out. Maxine did love her mother. Just a it was complicated. Sometimes they seemed to get along better when they weren't together.

Her mother had already been upset when her local news station had reported on Julianna's brush with death. She'd been on the phone before Maxine knew she'd made the news.

"Darling, at least this time they're not considering you a suspect. You simply have to stop having incidents like this at your events."

"It wasn't something I planned Mother," she'd said more sharply than she intended.

"I realize that, but you've had enough," her mother's voice took on a note of distaste, "deaths at events catered by you earlier this year. You have to make sure you're not involved in any more."

"You're not seriously suggesting I had any way of knowing anything like this was going to happen are you?" she'd said.

"Of course not dear but maybe you can hire more security for future events. Just until these 'events' stop happening at occasions you've catered."

"I'd already convinced Kevin he needed more security for the wedding-"

"So you did know there was potential for trouble," her mother had declared triumphantly.

"I knew there was some bad blood between the families. Certainly I never saw anything like this happening!"

"As a business owner you have to prepare for the worst! Darling I have a media consultant who's an absolute genius at risk management. You simply must talk to her."

"Mother you're talking about someone who specializes in publicity for oil spills and other disasters. I'm just a caterer. I'm not going to turn events catered by me into affairs patrolled by armed guards. And I'm not going to employ a media spin expert."

"Darling, if you'd just-"

"No. Mother I'm not going to talk about it." She'd hung up. Which made her all the more anxious about picking her mother up only to dash off to make deliveries.

Although, of all people, her mother should understand. And she might. She'd probably even enjoy it. If Maxine were to allow her to take over and do it her way.

She took a deep breath in, aware her Grandma Ellie was watching her. "I do love her."

"And she loves you," Grandma Ellie said. "You need to learn how to relax with your mother."

"You just said she doesn't like to relax," Maxine pointed out.

"Neither of you do," Grandma Ellie said. "The truth is you're more like than either of you like to admit."

"Bite your tongue," Maxine said.

Grandma Ellie just smiled at her. "Maybe I'll be able to talk her into spending the afternoon Christmas shopping with me after we've picked her up."

Maxine gave her grandmother a look of heartfelt thanks. "That would be perfect!"

"I can't promise," Grandma Ellie said. "But I'll try."

Which was good enough for Maxine. Maybe, just maybe, she'd make it through Christmas without having a nervous breakdown.

Or maybe not she thought the next day as record business filled her store front and threatened to have them out of Christmas goodies leaving customers disappointed before the day was over.

It was all hands on deck with Jane filling orders and taking payments along with the help of Ally while Maxine divided her time between the kitchen where Heath had a production line going of Chocolate Yule logs while Marcus was finis.h.i.+ng up a batch of truffles.

A Christmas Wedding To Remember Part 3

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