Blood Lines Part 2

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'Might I remind you both that my life was going well until you two became involved in it again. "The rising star of the Scottish Bar" that was me. And then you ...' I pointed at Kailash, 'decided to settle your differences with my senior partner by involving him in a s.e.x scandal and splashed it all over the papers. So what happens then? My firm gets plunged into debt because of the defamation charge going against us and unless my firm pays off its overdraft then I'll be bankrupt and unable to practise on my own? Thanks to you, Mummy dearest, I'm looking at a future of being someone else's cash cow, so don't start telling me what to do when the best thing is probably that you keep well out of things.'

Kailash didn't look fazed in the slightest. I suppose a lot worse had been said to her.

'Brodie,' she went on, as if I hadn't spoken, 'you play the cards you're dealt. If you could win carrying on the way you are making enemies left, right and centre I'd say go ahead. But you simply can't win.'

'You don't trust me?' I asked her. 'You don't trust me to do things properly?'

'Too bad,' she cut back. 'Your life is at stake now and that's far more important.'

'You're using a lot of gambling terminology, Kailash,' I commented, trying to move the conversation on. 'Are the rumours correct?'

'Yes, they are. For once. I've taken over the Danube Street casino.'

She mentioned it as if she'd bought a new handbag. And that was the rub. I knew that all I would have to do would be to ask either of them for money to buy my way out of the firm. Lothian and St Clair would see the back of me and I would be, technically, free. I knew that Kailash and my grandad would give me as much as I needed without a second thought, but my d.a.m.ned pride insisted that I had to do it my own way. If I did rely on the money of others, who would I choose anyway? Which fortune was more acceptable to me? The one made recently by one woman's ingenuity and willingness to do anything to survive, or the other based on old, aristocratic money handed down through the ages? I told myself it wasn't a choice I was ready to make.

'Enough of these diversionary tactics. Kailash can't you see what she's doing?' Lord MacGregor was shouting.

He was a great lawyer in his time, my grandad, but the judge in him took over now. There was only one person in charge in his drawing room and it was clear that it wasn't going to be me.

'Brodie the only route open to you is to take a position as a sheriff. Put in a few years in the lower courts and then get a seat in the College of Justice. Join the family firm and become a judge. It would make me very proud to see you wear the red robes.'

'Easy as that, is it?' I asked. 'Just say what you want and it all comes together? Even for your annoying b.a.s.t.a.r.d granddaughter?'

He looked slightly fl.u.s.tered. Unusually.

'Well, the only reason I can even suggest this is that the powers-that-be are looking for more women to become judges. Political correctness or some other such b.l.o.o.d.y nonsense. It can work in your favour, my dear.'

'Follow in my father's footsteps?'

'If it will save you from being ruined, then yes, do whatever you have to continue.' Kailash joined in the shouting match.

'Some people would bite their arm off for the chance we are offering you.' Grandad's voice was raised.

We. I didn't want to know about Kailash's involvement. Thinking about what favours she was pulling in on my behalf made my blood run cold. No one likes to think about their mother having s.e.x, much less for money or other favours. It was enough to keep me in therapy for years.

My grandad's next words made that thought disappear.

'Bridget Nicholson is wining and dining as we speak. That girl is desperate to be elevated to the bench.'

'Girl? She was born middle-aged, and she's certainly looked it ever since I've known her. She's probably excited by the huge pension.'

'Whatever her reasons are, Brodie, could you really imagine yourself and bowing before Lady Nicholson?'

And there he had it my hot b.u.t.ton.

I didn't want it, but I was b.l.o.o.d.y sure I didn't want Bridget Nicholson to have it either.

Chapter Three.

'Have you been sleeping there all night?'

It's surprising how sharp and hard a ball of rolled-up paper is when it hits you in the face. I had been sleeping, head down on my gla.s.s-topped desk, and I could feel the drool running freely from the side of my mouth.

'Was I snoring?'

'Like a pig in clover and the resemblance doesn't stop there. Did you go home last night or have you been working in the office all night?' Lavender looked sniffily around my office, which was littered with files.

'When I finished at St Leonard's with the custodies, it was hardly worth going home. I was busy at the weekend and I hadn't had time to prepare the trial files properly.' The mere mention of the word 'weekend' made my mouth go dry Lavender Ironside wasn't just the best secretary in the firm, she also knew me inside out and I was terrified she'd make me spill the beans about Jack.

'If you employed an a.s.sistant they could do some of the preparation,' she pointed out.

'You know we can't afford it,' I replied.

Lavender snorted. 'I know the money that comes in for criminal fees you're paying more than your fair share into the partners' p.i.s.sing pot. Why don't you ask the others to cut down on their expenses and get the overdraft down?'

'If I had the energy, I'd laugh, Lav.' The very thought of the rest of them walking to work or taking clients to McDonald's was risible. 'I need some caffeine would you?'

I knew that I must still be looking pathetic when Lavender switched the coffee machine on without a murmur. I wouldn't get away without a few comments, though.

'For all your money, Brodie, I wouldn't have your life.'

'Is that some sick joke, Lav? You of all people know I'm skint.'

She considered her options. 'Well, even for your body I wouldn't have your life well, I might consider it.' Lavender self-consciously smoothed her hands over her rounded rump before continuing. Like a hound dog she turned on a sixpence for all her flaws, I loved her to bits, and knew that it was reciprocated. She presented me with a steaming cup of strong black coffee before delivering the killer punch.

'You've been s.h.a.gging this weekend haven't you?' Her bright blue eyes were hungry for details.

'Come on, Brodie, share don't spare my blushes.'

'Your interest in other people's s.e.x lives is, frankly, obscene.' I tried to sound superior, but we'd had too many of these conversations in the past to take the moral high ground.

'Oooh, you're not denying it then?'

'I didn't admit anything I was merely commenting on your unhealthy obsession with second-hand s.e.x.'

'Do I know him?'

She pressed her face into mine, and for some bizarre reason sniffed as if she believed she would get his scent.

'What the h.e.l.l do you think you are doing, Lavender?'

'Trying to get inside your aura.'

'My what?' Lavender came up with the oddest things sometimes. I'd known her ever since I was a student doing part-time work at the firm and she was a secretary there over the years we had become friends much more than workmates, and I trusted her more than I trusted myself at times but she was still strange on occasion.

'You know that I've been going to the College of Parapsychology to increase my psychic ability,' she said, as if she'd just signed up for woodworking. 'Well, this weekend I went to an introductory course on psychometry.'

Keeping up with Lavender's fads was quite beyond me. I adopted my usual tactics I put my feet up on the desk and switched off.

'I found I was good at reading people's auras probably because it works at an emotional level.'

If Lavender was trying to imply she was good at sensing other people's feelings she was either lying to herself or ignoring mine. Knowing her, she would simply be disregarding my desire for privacy.

'This man the one you won't tell me about he's very drawn to you, you'd be surprised at the depth of his feelings.' Her head moved from side to side like a snake as she read me.

'Was it Joe? Did you sleep with Joe?'

I ignored her, but she continued undeterred.

'Brodie, did you know that feelings get trapped inside material items? So ...'

There was a long pause whilst she stood up, before she pounced like a cat.

'All I have to do is figure out what you were wearing when you were with him. And, unlike most women, you only seem to have one pair of shoes.'

She s.n.a.t.c.hed my shoe off my foot. She held it aloft and ran round the office, avoiding the piles of files and law books that were scattered on the floor. Those shoes could tell a tale or two, she was right there.

'I'm not in the mood, Lavender.'

'You were in the b.l.o.o.d.y mood on Friday night,' she snapped back. 'And Jack Deans is a p.i.s.shead.'

I was impressed and it must have showed on my face.

'And you need to stop drinking so much. I saw you go off with him. You were like a b.i.t.c.h in heat, dragging him out the door, too busy to notice anybody watching you.'

'So much for your aura-reading, Lavender; you're just a nosy cow, aren't you?'

The shoe hit me on the arm. There was no time for explanations or apologies as the agency lawyers started to appear and Lavender went to pour the coffee.

This was where recent events started to hit home. The Edinburgh Bar's latest meeting had concluded I was to be shunned sent to Coventry. This decision went beyond social niceties; it was an unwritten rule that members of the Bar watched each other's backs. No one can be in two places at once, but often the court diary decreed that I was in two or three courts at 10 a.m. I might have a deferred sentence in Court Four, a plea in mitigation in Court Two, and a trial in Court One. I would turn up at Courts Four and Two; ask the clerk in Court Two to hold back my plea in mitigation until the end of the roll in Court Four I would expect another lawyer to cover the call-over for me gratis. At 10 a.m. on the morning of a trial that is a.s.signed to a court, the sheriff has the case called. This involves the clerk shouting out the name of the accused person to make sure that he has turned up. If they fail to appear, a warrant is taken for their arrest; it's purely administrative and anyone who wears a gown can do it. The practice was that if a fellow lawyer was in another court, then I would stand up for them. But as the Bar had taken the huff with me, it meant I had to get cover for every single case I had in court even if I was only there for five minutes. They kept trying to trip me up, hoping that if I didn't have cover I'd be found in contempt of court thus losing my practising certificate and my livelihood.

I needed to use agency solicitors because I couldn't afford to hire full-time a.s.sistants. I hired the agents on a daily basis. They got a higher rate of pay than full-time a.s.sistants would, but I only paid them to do the things that I couldn't do myself. I had been working ridiculous hours lately, but even I recognised that I couldn't be in two courts at once.

As a rule, firms were reluctant to use agency solicitors because they were loose cannons. Most lawyers didn't choose to be agents, they went down that route because some setback had forced them out of private practice.

I preferred to think of my agents as outsiders. I needed my agents to take s.h.i.+t from the Edinburgh Bar and they were tough enough to do it trainees were not. Typically, Robert Girvan appeared first. Sober and freshly dressed, he was the odd man out. Handsome, intelligent, personable he made my flesh creep. He was my dark doppelganger. If everything went t.i.ts over a.r.s.e, then I would be like Robert Girvan. I kept him around as a cautionary tale to myself; whenever I felt like slacking off, his face would flash before mine and I would keep going.

'Brodie.' He nodded in my direction as he took his suit jacket off to stop it crus.h.i.+ng, laying it carefully on my desk. Censure flicked through his eyes as he surveyed my mess.

'Are you checking out my backside?' he asked Lavender as she handed him the coffee.

'Absolutely, Robert and you've been working out. Good boy.'

'Buns of steel, that's me I've got to be careful how I sit.'

Silently I agreed with him, but for different reasons beneath his joking, my overriding impression of Girvan was that he was a.n.a.lly retentive.

I could already hear the shuffling and coughing in the corridor that meant one thing. Lavender stood at the ready with a double espresso in one hand and a couple of paracetamol in the other.

Eddie Gibb was about to arrive.

His entrance didn't disappoint. His sandy hair was messier than mine, and his suit jacket hung off his shoulders as if he had shrunk in the night. Eddie, like all of us, carried his court gown over his arm. The main difference being that Eddie's was a nasty shade of green. I surmised that it was some strange yeast growth from all the beer that had been spilled upon it as it lay discarded in some spit-and-sawdust pub that would still sell him drink.

Of course, that wasn't the image Lavender saw. Her eyes lit up as she looked upon his craggy wee face. Why did I employ this waster? Not just because of Lavender. Eddie Gibb sober was quite simply the greatest court lawyer I have ever seen. He never looked at a file during a trial, saying that it confused him. Eddie questioned and probed police witnesses until they cried. Right-wing judges were putty in his hand and, at that moment just before any case collapsed, Eddie always believed he was at his best.

There was someone missing.

'Where's David? Did you instruct him, Lavender?' I asked. I was beginning to get anxious. It was past 8 a.m. and we hadn't started the court meeting yet. We had trials set down for courts outside Edinburgh and they needed to be handed out and discussed so that the agent could arrive on time.

'I phoned him last night to confirm he would be here, but there was no answer. It seems Edinburgh has turned into Sodom and Gomorrah everyone's having s.e.x except me.'

Lavender looked at Eddie wistfully. I ignored her and so did he.

'Well, to be fair, every weekend's pretty much like that for David,' commented Eddie before Lavender could rugby tackle him to the ground with her demands.

'Maybe this weekend was different,' added Robert Girvan. 'He told me he's met a soul mate at the Fire Island club and he wants to spend some time basking in young love's delusion. I hope he's got the sense to lock up his valuables.'

This was a recurring pattern with David. He'd married young in an effort to convince his mother he wasn't gay, and as soon as she was lukewarm in her grave, he was off with the scoutmaster. Like all his relations.h.i.+ps, it didn't last long. David couldn't decide whether he was a s.l.u.t or a hopeless romantic. It didn't b.l.o.o.d.y matter I was one body down.

'Don't worry I've taken care of it.' Lavender bristled with efficiency. 'I've instructed Laura McGuigan.'

Everyone groaned.

Laura McGuigan was an absolute b.i.t.c.h. The only female agent used by the firm, she tended to work as a criminal a.s.sistant for her boyfriend, Neville Boardman. This was a man whose only personality trait was his dandruff. Under normal circ.u.mstances, Neville's chronic eczema would elicit sympathy, but as chairman of the Edinburgh Bar a.s.sociation, he was one of my main adversaries. I wasn't the only one to detest him, though, and the fact that Laura had now defected away from him made me want to believe that she might be open to leading the swing against Neville and the Bar a.s.sociation.

Maybe I needed someone like that around, someone two-faced, more than I was willing to admit.

On cue, Laura walked in. We shuffled a little uneasily in case she had heard us, but she would be so grateful for the work after leaving her meal ticket, both professionally and personally, that she wouldn't say anything anyway. Her silver s.h.i.+ny suit looked as if she had raided a Next January sale twenty years ago. I had to hand it to her she had tried with her remaining wisps of hair, which were carefully plastered down with Vaseline by the looks of it.

As Lavender handed out the court files, Laura smiled at me and I felt incredibly uneasy.

'We still have a problem,' Lavender said.

'We do?'

I looked around and saw the appropriate files in the correct hands. I checked my photocopy of the court diary again. 'It's not in there. I haven't entered it.'

It's a sackable offence not to enter a date in the court diary. Lavender knew this to be the case not because she had ever been careless enough to do it, but because she had heard me rant on about it ad nauseam.

She waited a few seconds before announcing, 'I didn't put it in there because I don't think you should do it. Tanya Hayder's been lifted. She was taken into Leith police station this morning. She won't get legal aid, she's no money, we have no one to appear for her, and she's going away for a long time, so it's not an investment, Brodie. You can't represent her it's not just your a.r.s.e you're trying to keep out of the fire I need this firm to survive too. I don't have a rich grandad to support me.' I knew why Lav was doing this, why she was twisting the knife; but we both knew it wouldn't work. Tanya Hayder and I went way back. Irrespective of whether it had been put in the diary or not, I would be there for her regardless of the cost, and we all knew it.

Blood Lines Part 2

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