Crazy Stupid Obsession Part 21

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"Did you ask me a question?" I stare up at him in confusion.

"Seriously?" He hits me with a fake look of annoyance. "Stop playing f.u.c.king games with me, Harlee," he growls, nipping at my bottom lip.

"I didn't realize I was," I answer truthfully.

"Will you be my f.u.c.king girlfriend or not?" He pulls back so he can study my reaction, but it's his that I can't seem to get past.

He seems...nervous.

The thought seems odd to me and yet so completely endearing at the same time. It's like we're suddenly teenagers again and he's asking me to prom, fearful that I might say no.

"That's not even a question," I interject playfully.

"Yes, it f.u.c.king is. Stop playing with me, woman," he warns, grinding himself into my core causing my entire body to zing to life. "Now answer the question." His voice drops low as his lips hover just inches from mine.

"It's not a question because you already know the answer. I belong to you, Gavin Porter. Call me whatever you want. I'm yours."

"A simple yes or no please." He gently sucks my bottom lip into his mouth, pulling a light moan from my throat.

I don't know why he needs to hear me say it. I don't know why labeling me as his girlfriend is so important to him. But I do know that there's nothing more I want to be. I meant it when I said he owned me. He has always owned me. I'm just done fighting against it now.

"Yes," I purr against his mouth, feeling his smile spread against my lips.

"Yes," he responds, more a victory statement than him repeating my words.

A soft laugh escapes my mouth as he presses into me and kisses me once more, this time with so much intensity I swear I can feel the effects of him everywhere. From the tips of my fingers to the very ends of each toe, there is not one part of my body that doesn't feel his presence.

"Now." He pulls back just far enough to meet my gaze. "How about we get out of here so we can really make up?" He raises his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

"Again, not even a question." I smile, screaming in surprise when he bends down and throws me over his shoulder with next to no effort. "Gavin!" I protest, squirming in his grasp.

"I love it when you scream my name." I can feel his body vibrate beneath me as laughter rolls through him.

"Well you know, there are much more effective ways to achieve that," I interject.

"Oh, believe me, I know. The night is still young." There is so much promise in his voice, my stomach clenches tightly in antic.i.p.ation.

He crosses the parking lot like I weigh nothing. Tossing me into the truck like a twenty-pound sack of potatoes rather than an actual person. He gives me an earth-bending smile the moment he slides in next to me, pulling me to the center of the seat so I'm sitting directly next to him.

"G.o.d. My boyfriend is so needy," I whine playfully.

"You're d.a.m.n right I am. You better f.u.c.king get used to it, too. Cause I'm not letting you get rid of me anytime soon." His smile only spreads as he stares back at me, his eyes locked firmly on mine.

As I lay next to a sleeping Gavin, watching his chest rise and fall with each deep breath he takes, I can't help but think about all the moments that led us here, to this time and place. The lows and highs, the tears and laughter. It seems like so long ago I was just a girl and he was just another guy.

I don't know when this happened. When we went from hooking up, to falling in love, to falling apart, to finding ourselves forever lost in each other.

I don't know when the scared, hesitant girl vanished and this new confident, determined woman took her place. Was it days ago when I thought I had lost Gavin forever or was it merely hours ago as I sat at the bar wis.h.i.+ng he was the one sitting next to me?

I don't know when I found myself exactly or if I can even take credit for it all.

Gavin did all the work.

All I had to do was close my eyes and hang on for dear life, praying like h.e.l.l that when I opened them again I would find myself exactly where I am. In the arms of a man who not only pushed me to my very limits but who also showed me what it meant to love.

The real kind of love. The crazy, stupid, obsessive kind of love. The kind of love that swallows you up and refuses to never let you go.

Gavin Porter didn't just consume me, he owned me from that very first night.

I told him I was his. I've never spoken a truer statement.

I have always been his...

And now, he is mine...

The End.

Want more Crazy Love?.

Find out what's next for your favorite characters and what happens when Paxton finally gets a chance to tell his story.

Crazy Stupid Perfection is coming 10/4/16.


Crazy Stupid Obsession Playlist.

A special thank you to each of these amazing artists.

Addicted- Kelly Clarkson.

All in my Head- Tori Kelly Misery- Gwen Stefani.

Close- Nick Jonas Beating Me Up- Rachel Platten.

All the Same- Sick Puppies This Close- Flyleaf Not Even Human- Angel Taylor.

Vulnerable- Secondhand Serenade Need the Sun to Break- James Bay.

H.O.L.Y.- Florida Georgia Line Heavy In Your Arms- Florence and the Machine.

Heart Go Bang- Blue October Fire Away- Chris Stapleton.


Crazy Stupid Obsession Part 21

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