TS Reincarnated As The Sub Heroine Chapter 18

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h.e.l.lo everyone, sorry sorry this is so late but life happens

C 18 "heroine!"

It is Fio 's point of view from the time before arriving in the kingdom.

In the desperate Alto 'That word' came Iraits.h.i.+mas.h.i.+ in the stones.

"I want you to sleep with me on occasionally." Truly, I am stupid.

At that time, I was not expecting another confession. Rather, I feel confessions from Alto are extremely annoying. Is there anyone who is happy to be given a one-way ticket to the executioner?

But, in that atmosphere, in that scene.

Me occasionally sleeping? And is multiplied by such a silly word, It was not expected. I'm living what you think, this guy is.

I thought now, when I was talking to Alto, this degree should always be something, I was irritated from the back of my heart at this time.

In that sense, I did not care until I get pushed down.

────Originally it says alcohol is present in order of when they've been frustrated not knowing this kind of reason, he of the best medicine.

If you continue talking with Alto in this miserable spiritual condition now, you will get an unpredictable result. Let's sleep in a distracted manner with sake. I will be able to talk to Alto calmly tomorrow.

The wine that the birdie had bought was left in the living room of the hideout, it is a little old because it was bought a half a year ago, but you can cure anything if you heal the belly. Drinking this is not a problem.

... It is troublesome to go to the kitchen to remove the cork. However, it is also awkward to pa.s.s Alto right now.

From that idea, I picked up the Cork and struggled to open the wine bottle with my own hands.

Really suddenly, I was pushed down by Alto.

The deployment from there was unexpected in every way.

"Fio, I like you."

It is our hero summa that our eyes are watched with seriousness about what we have been fascinated with.

Why is he attacking at this timing? Why did not you say that word in front of the kingdom? No, you have fallen in love with me for the moment, I guess it's too chorusing.

When I heard the words, I had plenty of things to say.

Generally, when people temper, they show two reactions.

Those who make a big fuss and talk more than usual, those who fail to take extra actions.

And a person who cannot think of a solution to the situation in front of me and is going to be reduced in number.

I was the latter.

Confession of a straightforward fellow after being forcibly pressed down. he held both my arms and my body was covered by Alto.

my cheeks got hotter. My heart beat faster and I cannot breathe.

At this time, I had no resistance. No, the idea of resisting in the first place has disappeared from my head. Two days ago, the memories of the pleasure deeply carved into my body revived, the regret that this fellow is overrun by this guy tightens the rustling and lower abdomen.

so. The body is pleased. I am seeking to succ.u.mb to Alto.

"─ ─ ─ ─ quietly, Fio."

Because, forcibly to such extent. It cannot be helped if you are asked for yourself and you are deprived. That is nature's affidavit. The relations.h.i.+p between men and women, no matter how aggressive it is, with the loss of the side who accepted. Once I noticed it, the game was settled.

After all it is a little disappointing. I wonder if I will go crazy dancing with his arm tonight. It is said that Alto's will be left as it is, the rise of mystery and a little dissatisfaction is rising.

------If I noticed, my desire was also leaked out of my mouth.

... he is touching my body and I'm being stimulated s.e.xuality. While feeling someone's warmth, I want to hold a deep kiss while he's giving me a hug. While feeling human skin, I want to love someone firmly.

Such, it had been openly taking a little proclivity of me.

I did not feel like hiding anything.

Even so, it is unbelievable. I said that I was conscious of Alto. Now, I did not feel uncomfortable even if forcibly attacked doing do this, I wonder why that is?

Someday, I was prepared for such a day to come. From the time, I was born as a woman, it was obvious that a man was covered, and a sunny day was coming with a man.

enough. I do not mind Alto. To this joked black harem b.a.s.t.a.r.d I just arrived at the day when the favorability was injected from the womb and became one of the heroines.

"Fio, Listen to me. From now on, I will embrace you."

I know. It is impossible for us to make any mistake as we approach this point.

"I love you, Fio, I do not want to hand you over to anyone."

I just heard that. I wonder how many people are saying this word to Alto. Yuri, Lynn, and Maya. Or maybe even maids, even to the Princess Here, this is a harem of harems.

... If Alto really said that he likes only to one person... that person would be in trouble.

"So, from today, turn to me Fio."

But I did not have the courage to question it. Because, I already lost. I cannot look away from Alto's face from a little while ago.

Oh, what time has it since? I was conscious of Alto clearly.

Oh, how come? I may have been deceived by Alto.

Still, I could not refuse Alto somehow.

Although I was a little disappointed. Beyond that, it is exciting, tranquil, decadent and martial, as the current situation that is bitten into the body and pleasure as a woman, being depressed as a woman in Alto.

Oh, it may not be bad. Yes, I thought.

In Alto 's arms, love is pouring in and it is wrapped in a fierce flesh.

The night is over, the sky is bright. It was the morning as a peaceful wind blew down.

When you wake up with a stubbornness, there is muscular muscle there.

That's likely..., It's protein.


From the morning, a good tone reverberates.

··I was surprised. I would like to keep showing things suddenly suffering suddenly in the wake of the night. I was wondering if my hands came out.

"When you woke up ... I wonder Fio. Do you have habit of hitting my face?"

"Oh, what is that? ... O, Oh! Good morning Alto, good morning."

"What do you mean .... "sigh" No, good."

Although suddenly he was beaten up, Alto bitterly stroked my head. There is no appearance of being angry.

Hmm, is it Alto's personality, is a M?

"Hey, Fio."


You may be pleased when you hit another shot. Well it's Alto and you do not get angry that much.

Especially for meaningless violence, I sprinkled on Alto.

"From now on, please."

Yes, I was called.

· ·. Last night 's memories revived vividly.

".... Al, Aruaruto-san?"

"Alto's. Not a Aruaru Alto."

"Yesterday's WAS, reality? A dream?"

" reality? My pretty Fio."


I thought.

"Oops we did it!"


Dangerous dangerous dangerous Im so stupid Kaaaaaaaaaa! !

Why did I nod yesterday!? I was wrong somewhere!?

In the current situation, four people totally escaped from Alto and robbed it! What? Such a party collapses and it is a human race destruction project! What?

"Fio, what's wrong, let's hear it."

"Oh, no, nothing."

... Calm down, if you make noise here nothing will progress. Calm down and explore solutions.

"Oh no, that, I wonder Alto, it was yesterday's?"

"What is that with me?"

"Hey, it's me, there are .... like this, sorry ..."

"Oh, yesterday was amazing."

Well, well. Certainly, it was awfully exciting last night.

"It's not about that, how about that relations.h.i.+p between "them" and Alto?"

"Yesterday, I finally became a lover, how did I do?"

"Er, um, I wonder how I will tell that to them!"


Calm down. Put your ideas together.

Case 1: Tell straight

"We decided to go out - everyone bless me!"

"Fio's, in the you know? Next country, simulating the women of the extremities of the unfaithful partner crazy in jealousy, burn the eyes, stripped the nose, throwing in the toilet after the crus.h.i.+ng of the ear in your medicine, it seems that the queen who mocked calling it as a human pig once came. "

· ·. It is not a joke to be such an ancient Chinese torture.

Case 2: Appeal what you are not invited from yourself

"Alto Ka, because I say absolutely, I have not invited anything from myself, but it has been talked to me, it has finally become my girlfriend!"

"Well, I have not left a dust, you got to get it, Abazare."

That's all I'm flirting with. My life prognosis will be worse than telling me normal.

Case 3: Tell casually

"I am getting hungry. There seems to be a nice set meal shop around here, but I started dating with Alto, are not you going to eat the set meal at night?"

"... the menu is the ground flesh of female pigs, Ugili's, bringing in ingredients ..."

No, it is useless. Their intelligence quotient is not low enough to be overlooked by this.

Case 4: Tell while singing

"Ah-oh! La la la la! Alto and I are lovers!"

"Ra Ra Luo Lara Lara, Ra Ra Luo Lara Lara! Anger Unnamed: Sora death anger Doremifa Sola Sido!"

Oh, the words ceased to communicate. I do not think this is useless.

Thinking time, just a few seconds. It was early for conclusions to come out.

"Altolt, listen."

"I am Alto, so what is it Fio?"

"Actually, we know our relations.h.i.+p, Fio is so shy! So, let's make this secret only for two people?"

While I'm as utterly as I can, I will ask you to ask Alto. Oraora, you like me, do not you, Alto? I went out so far, I quietly nodded early.

I am right at the moment. I cannot keep in mind how it looks.

Alto was watching me with something in his eyes

TS Reincarnated As The Sub Heroine Chapter 18

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TS Reincarnated As The Sub Heroine Chapter 18 summary

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