Maou Gakuin No Futekigousha Chapter 232.2

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Chapter 232.2

The G.o.ddess of Absurdity reincarnated into a demon. G.o.ds could only reincarnate as G.o.ds, so it wouldn’t be strange if the loss of their memories was the price to pay for defying their order.

However, I couldn’t understand why I had no memory.

In that case, was everything related to Arcana and Aisha nothing more than mere coincidences?

“I don’t think so. Someone might have taken our memories.” (Anos)

“Someone like who…?” (Sasha)

“The G.o.ds?” (Misha)

“The G.o.ds are at the top of the list of those who have it out for me. But I can’t be certain of that yet. If someone working against me could steal my memory, then they would erase all memories related to themself.” (Anos)

In other words, I wouldn’t remember who the enemy was.

“An enemy who can erase Anos’s memory…?” (Misha)

“But isn’t it pretty bad that you can’t remember them?” (Sasha)

Misha and Sasha spoke, worried.

“Don’t worry, it’s not a problem. If all they erased were the memories inconvenient to themself, then tracing those lost memories will lead me to the culprit in due time.” (Anos)

The blanks in my memory were my best clues.

“We can look into it while undergoing the Selection Trial. Something might turn up by exploring the Underground World.” (Anos)

“By the way, you mentioned dealing with the Selection Trial. How are you going to do that?” Sasha asked.

“The Selection Trial is said to be formed by the Order of Trial,” Arcana answered.

“Then, does that mean we have to defeat the G.o.d of Trial?” (Sasha)

“Yes. However, the G.o.d possessing the order of the Selection Trial has never shown themself, not even before other G.o.ds. It’s a deity no one has ever seen.” (Arcana)

Aisha tilted her head.

“How will we find them?” (Misha)

“I don’t know. Even without G.o.ds, the order of the Selection Trial exists. This led some of the underground people and certain G.o.ds to think up the existence of the Almighty Radiance Equis. That is, all G.o.ds are the hands of Equis. The Selection Trial is an order brought about by Equis himself, and therefore, no one can see it.” (Arcana)

“…Uhh, so basically, the Almighty Radiance Equis isn’t an actual G.o.d but a concept thought up by the draconids?” (Sasha))

Arcana nodded at Sasha’s words.

“That’s partially correct. The Almighty Radiance might exist or might not. Belief depends on each individual.” (Arcana)

“Hmm. If the Almighty Radiance erased my memory, that would make it easy for us. “I could settle everything at once.” (Anos)

Aisha looked at me in astonishment.

“Settle everything? But if Eques exists, wouldn’t he wield the power of all G.o.ds? What would you do? It would be like fighting the world itself.”

“You’re right.” I said with a grin,

“Then I guess I’ll destroy the world.” (Anos)

Aisha recoiled in horror.

Hmm, perhaps I had a bit of a s.a.d.i.s.tic look without realizing it.

“That was just a joke. Even I wouldn’t do something like that. We’ll just have to come up with a good plan.” (Anos)

“It didn’t sound like a joke at all…” (Sasha)

“s.a.d.i.s.t…” (Misha)

I turned my gaze to Arcana.

“You mentioned earlier that there’s a G.o.d who governs memory on a larger scale than the Keeper of Dreams. Using that G.o.d’s power, we should be able to restore not just my memory, but also yours and Aisha’s.” (Anos)

At this point, this was all just speculation.

If our memories returned, the truth would become crystal clear.

“The G.o.d in question is the one who governs the order that records the footsteps of the world, the G.o.d of Traces Revalschned. It’s said that he lays dormant in the Kingdom of the Divine Dragon Jiordal.” (Arcana)

The Kingdom of the Divine Dragon Jiordal. That was Ahid’s country.

“Then that’s where we’re going.” (Anos)

“Well, in that case, it looks like we won’t be attending for a while.” (Sasha)

“Are we taking a break?” (Misha)

Sasha and Misha spoke in unison.

“Not necessarily. With the existence of the Underground World now revealed, it wouldn’t do for the future Demon Lords of Dilhade not to experience it firsthand.” (Anos)

“…I have a bad feeling about this.” (Sasha)

“…Same here…” (Misha)

“You two go on to the academy ahead of us. I’ll inform Eldmed and s.h.i.+n and then join you.”

Aisha nodded and drew a magic circle for herself.

With a flash of light, the spell was undone, and Aisha’s body split back into Misha and Sasha.

“See you later.” (Sasha)

Misha waved her hand slightly.

The two of them left my room.

Several minutes later—

Moving on to the second lecture hall of the Demon King Academy of Delsgade.

The bell signaling the start of cla.s.s chimed.

The doors opened, and with a lively step, bursting with joy, came the Conflagration King Eldmed.

s.h.i.+n, the right-hand man of the Demon King, quietly closed the door and stood beside Eldmed.

“Khahaha! Good news, good news, I’ve got good news for you all!” (Eldmed)

Raising both hands and clenching his fists, Eldmed spoke with high spirits.

“Today, we can finally hold the special cla.s.s we’ve been planning!” (Eldmed)

He leapt into the air, stomped his foot, spun his cane around, tapped it on the blackboard, and drew a magic circle.

The circle glowed, and a dozen doves flew out of it, scattering ribbons and confetti into the air.

“Today’s cla.s.s is called…!” (Eldmed)

After spinning around dramatically, Eldmed pointed his cane at the students.

“The Greater Demon King Training!!!” (Eldmed)

A magic circle appeared on the podium.

Dressed in the garb of the Demon King, I, Anos Voldigoad, appeared.

s.h.i.+n knelt down immediately, followed by Eldmed.

With a thunderous noise, the students pushed their chairs back and fell to the floor, scrambling to bow their heads.

Standing on the podium, I spoke calmly.

“I am the temporary instructor for this special cla.s.s starting today, the Demon King of Tyranny, Anos Voldigoad. Let’s skip the formalities.” (Anos)

I smiled warmly, like greeting old friends.

“It’s been a while, everyone.” (Anos)

Half of the students had a look of sheer despair on their faces.

Maou Gakuin No Futekigousha Chapter 232.2

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Maou Gakuin No Futekigousha Chapter 232.2 summary

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