Maou Gakuin No Futekigousha Chapter 244.2

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Chapter 244.2

“This is the Sojourner’s Psalm. Today’s song, too, shall be a sacred melody in which our deity dwells. Close your eyes, offer your prayers, and listen attentively to the words of the Lord.” (Irina)

Irina and the choir gracefully turned and disappeared behind the altar.

The Sojourner’s Psalm was traditionally sung by pilgrims who came to Jiorhaze from outside.

In all likelihood, those pilgrims would soon take the place of Irina and her choir.

All the believers around us did as she instructed, closing their eyes and preparing themselves to listen.

Then, a voice rang out.

『People of Jiordal, hear me out!』 (Ahid)

It was the familiar voice of a man.

『The G.o.d we desire does not exist in this world. G.o.d is merely order, not a being who will save us. The ‘Almighty Radiance,’ Eques, is a fabrication created by the first pope. The current pope, Golroana, has continued to conceal this truth to this very day.』(Ahid)

Murmurs spread throughout the crowd of believers.

That voice belonged to Ahid.

『I am Ahid Alovo Agartz, Cardinal of Jiordal. As the Oracle, I have come to reveal the truth to you. There is no G.o.d. The Almighty Radiance Equis is a complete falsehood. For proof, witness this — Today, the Sojourner’s Psalm that has continued for two thousand years will come to an end. If G.o.ds truly existed, this song would never be interrupted. Let this serve as proof that no G.o.d exists in this Underground World.』(Ahid)

Hmm. A broadcast, huh.

The Song of the Divine Dragon had effects similar to a dragon’s cry.

Since Jiorhaze was covered in a dragon’s domain, it made it difficult to pinpoint where his magic was being transmitted from.

“…The Sojourner’s Psalm will come to an end?” (Believer A)

“What is this nonsense?! We cannot trust the words of a fool who has fallen to heresy!” (Believer B)

“How dare that man still call himself a cardinal?!” (Believer C)

Whispers spread among the congregation.

“But… no one has appeared on stage…” (Believer D)

“Normally, the Psalm Choristers would have arrived by now to sing…” (Believer E)

“O Almighty Radiance Equis, please guide us…” (Believer F)

“Show us the way…”

“May you pa.s.s judgment on Ahid the heretic.” (Believer G)

The believers all offered up their prayers in unison.

However, the pilgrims who were supposed to sing the psalm never appeared on stage.

“What… could have happened…?” Ellen whispered anxiously from behind.

This had to be Ahid’s doing.

“Hmm. Elen, come with me. Let’s go speak with the choir leader and get to the bottom of this.” (Anos)

“Ah, y-yes…” (Ellen)

Holding Ellen’s hand, I focus my Magic Eyes on the back of the altar.

There was a staircase leading to the bas.e.m.e.nt.

It seemed to be hidden in a blind spot for anyone other than those on the stage.

Using , I teleported Ellen and myself to the base of the staircase.

As we quietly descended, we soon heard Irina’s voice echoing from below.

“…Ahid! Where have you taken the Psalm Choristers and Priestess Elnora, you heretic?! The G.o.ds will never forgive you for this outrage!” (Irina)

“The G.o.ds won’t forgive me? Hyahahaha! Do you still not understand? G.o.ds are nothing but order, no more than phenomena.” (Ahid)

She was arguing with Ahid.

His demeanor was noticeably different. Perhaps because he still hadn’t woken up from his nightmare. Or maybe this was just his true nature all along.

“What nonsense! Do you truly believe we would fall for such lies?!” (Irina)

“Well then, go ahead, look for them if you wish, but you will never find them.” (Ahid)

Ahid grinned smugly.

“Because Priestess Elnora is none other than myself! I’ve been using magic to disguise myself, and you completely fell for it!” (Ahid)

“…You impersonated one of the choristers…? How sinful!” (Irina)

“Sinful! Hahaha! And what of it? The Sojourner’s Psalm ends here. Finally, everyone in Jiordal will realize that there is no G.o.d. Now, it’s time. After everything I’ve done, I should finally wake up from this dream.” (Ahid)

His voice grew frenzied as he continued.

“Now… Wake up! Wake up from this dream! There is no G.o.d!! The Almighty Equis does not exist in this world! Wake up…!!” (Ahid)

“You madman…! Face the wrath of the G.o.ds!”(Irina)

A punching sound echoed.

“GAHAAH…!” (Ahid)

As I descended the last few steps, I saw Ahid pinned to the ground by Irina’s choir.

“…Why? Why can’t I wake up even after all this…!! This is supposed to be a dream, why can’t I wake up…?! Why isn’t the dream ending?! After all this?! Why can’t I wake up…?!” (Ahd)

Irina and the choir members impaled him with their swords, pinning his body to the ground.

“Gagh…!” (Ahid)

Even as his body was covered in blood from the many sword wounds he had sustained, Ahid’s expression was distorted in crazed disbelief, and he glared at the choir with hollow eyes.


Ahid’s body ignited in flames, and the fire spread to the choir members around him.

“Kyaaaaahhhh…!!” (Irina)

Ahid, with his limbs still impaled by swords, forced himself to stand, and spewed flames from his mouth.

“WHY?! WHY IS THAT…?!” (Ahid)

But before the flames could reach them, my Magic Eyes of Destruction eradicated his fiery attack in an instant.

“Wha…what…?” (Ahid)

“Shouldn’t you realize it by now, Ahid? This is reality. You’ve exposed all the lies you’ve been piling up and lost everything because of it. It’s time to accept the truth.” (Anos)

“…Misfit…” (Ahid)

Ahid clenched his teeth in frustration.

“No… No!! This is a dream! It has to be! There’s no way this absurd reality could be true…!!” (Ahid)

He opened his mouth wide, preparing to unleash another torrent of flames.

But I was already upon him before he could even act.

“Gah…! Urgh!” (Ahid)

My right arm plunged into Ahid’s stomach.

But something felt strange when it did.

“…This is a dream… right? It must be a dream… Otherwise, it doesn’t make sense, does it? If it isn’t, then all my efforts would be in vain… The position of Cardinal that I worked so hard to obtain, the power of controlling the G.o.ds, the followers who move at my command… Do you know how much effort I put into achieving all of that?!” (Ahid)

“What you gained through lies is nothing more than a sham. That’s why you’ve been consumed by a nightmare. You never truly possessed anything from the beginning.” (Anos)

With a squelch, I crushed his organs in my hand.

Then his body turned to dust.

Hmm. Just as I thought.

Even with the power of , I couldn’t grasp his source.

“A fake created by magic, huh. The real one must be elsewhere.” (Anos)

“Are you alright, Irina-san?” (Ellen)

Ellen extended her hand to the fallen Irina, who was burned.

She took her hand and rose to her feet.

“These wounds are nothing. More importantly, we must perform the sojourner’s Psalm immediately…” (Irina)

“But, Captain, finding a pilgrim capable of performing the sacred song at this point is impossible…” (Choir member A)

“No, there is a way. Surely, this is the G.o.ds’ will.” (Irina)

Irina stared at Ellen.

“Eh…?” (Ellen)

“Please, Ellen. I know you are qualified to fulfill the duty of the holy Psalm Chorister. Please, we pray that you help us…” (Irina)

“W… What?! But… There’s no time left for me to practice…” (Ellen)

Irina gently shook her head.

“Your country’s song will suffice. Dilhade, was it? The Sojourner’s Psalm is a ritual that brings a new wind of song to Jiorhaze. If you can share your song, the one from the Demon King’s Choir, and your traditions with this land, that will be enough. Please, Ellen, I beg you.” (Irina)

Irina bowed deeply.

Ellen looked at me timidly.

“I, myself, am curious to see how your song resonates with these people from underground who believe in G.o.ds.” (Anos) freē

With just those words, the hesitation in Ellen’s eyes vanished.

“I understand, Irina-san. I’m not sure how much I can do, but…” (Ellen)

“Are you going to do it?” (Irina)

Ellen nodded.

“This is my way of repaying you for letting me hear your sacred song yesterday. Now, please listen to our country’s song, a song about the Demon King who wishes for peace.” (Ellen)

Maou Gakuin No Futekigousha Chapter 244.2

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Maou Gakuin No Futekigousha Chapter 244.2 summary

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