The Rise Of Phoenixes Chapter 131

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Chapter 131

The Imperial Study had already been renovated and repaired with not a scratch in view, though Feng Zhiwei did step incredibly carefully as she crossed the threshold, much to the Tian Sheng Emperor’s amus.e.m.e.nt.

Ning Yi sat in a high-backed seat to His Majesty’s right, his expression and posture somewhat lax and his face pale. It was not cold, but he rested his back against a cotton pillow; and his hair draped loosely over his shoulders, framing his white face and dark eyes. Feng Zhiwei was surprised that Ning Yi was at the Imperial Palace so late, and when Ning Yi turned his gorgeous eyes he met her gaze for a moment before turning away.

Servants brought in ginseng soup and the Tian Sheng Emperor carefully served Ning Yi, gesturing him to remain sitting: “Rest, don’t stand.”

Feng Zhiwei paused — she had not heard that this guy was ill.

“Thank you Father Emperor.” Ning Yi replied, still bending his upper body in a half bow as he slowly sipped from his soup, not paying any mind to Feng Zhiwei.

Feng Zhiwei still carried the pain of the dagger wound around with her, but others could only see her blooming smile as she presented a scroll.

The Tian Sheng Emperor spread the scroll open and happily read: “South Sea Pirate Locations!”

Feng Zhiwei gestured to Yan Huais.h.i.+ — brother, it’s your turn now.

“Your Majesty, the South Sea Yan Family has devoted many years and much manpower and resources, and after our long experience in overseas business, we have completed this South Sea Pirate Locations Map.” Yan Huais.h.i.+ explained confidently, “All the South Sea Pirates are shown on this map.”

At these words, even Ning Yi had to lean over and inspect the map. He turned an eye to Feng Zhiwei, and Feng Zhiwei smiled sincerely and guilelessly at him.

“Good!” The Tian Sheng Emperor called out admiringly, slapping the table. “Yi-er, head to Hao Yun Palace immediately. Dispatch the fastest horse and deliver this information to the South Sea General... wait... why are there so few?”

His Majesty examined the map once more, frowning. A glow of understanding came over his eyes.


The Tian Sheng Emperor slapped his desk in anger, tossing the lamp and letters to the floor as the attending servant hurriedly knelt and begged for pardon.

“Chang Family’s shamelessness knows no bounds!” Veins protruded from the Tian Sheng Emperor’s face. “To suppress these little pirates they’ve spent how many years and still failed? They come every year begging money and grain and allotment for their military! And what are the numbers they present every year of the pirates they’ve suppressed?”

“I’m afraid they are the heads of innocent South Sea civilians.” Feng Zhiwei replied, adding fuel to the fire.

The Tian Sheng Emperor’s hand and lips trembled from his fury. He turned to Ning Yi, “Yi-er, what do you think?”

Ning Yi took the map into hand and calmly replied: “The Chang Family have failed their duties, this is unquestionable. This is simply proof of their crimes... but for Master Wei to present this map at so late an hour, he surely has a brilliant plan. Father Emperor may as well listen.”

Ning Yi’s eyes moved from the map and met Feng Zhiwei’s once more, and once more they both turned away.

Both of them understood the circ.u.mstance at hand. The supposed pirates had been running rampant throughout the South Sea for many years and every year the Imperial Court dispatched vast amounts of money and grain and gave generous allotments for the expansion of the army. At its peak, almost a third of the annual revenue was diverted to the South Sea, and the Chang Family and Minnan Commissioner had used this to grow rich and powerful.

The Yan Family was now revealing that the pirate situation was not as serious as the Chang Family claimed, but this disclosure might be part of the Chang Family’s scheme. In the future, if the Chang Family fell, whoever took their position would never grow to the same power as they had. Coincidentally, the one set to take over as Minnan General was Ning Yi’s man.

Feng Zhiwei knew that Ning Yi understood all this, but he did not make any trouble and generously left the opportunity for her. She had not expected this, and now the speech she had prepared was unnecessary.

Ning Yi lowered his eyes and slowly brushed aside the tea leaves in his cup... since you want to recklessly climb, there’s no fun in stopping you. Since it is like this, I will conquer you in the realms of your expertise.

Their eyes only met for a second, and then Feng Zhiwei smiled and turned to the Emperor once more, saying: “Why dispatch our army or move the South Sea Troops from the far away Ling Shui Pa.s.s? This will only waste manpower and money, and once our troops have s.h.i.+fted, this will leave a vulnerability in the Chang Ning Va.s.sal State. The South Sea region has many large local families founded on sea trade; they’ve long since grown weary of the Chang Family pirate alliance and yearn for an opportunity to serve the country. Your Majesty need only give them a t.i.tle and these rich family’s will move their forces to easily suppress the isolated pirates now that the Chang Family has abandoned them. This way, the Imperial Court will save money and allow our troops to maintain their vigil, and the South Sea Families will get their long desired opportunity to rid themselves of this headache. Is this plan not perfect?”

“Good.” The Tian Sheng Emperor praised, his eyes gleaming. He smiled at Feng Zhiwei and Yan Huais.h.i.+. “We will call the Cabinet to come up with a decree tomorrow. Your effort is greatly appreciated.”

Feng Zhiwei smiled and stood, praising His Majesty for his keen intelligence and excellent judgement before bidding farewell. Ning Yi stood as she moved to leave, saying: “I will escort my house’s meritorious minister.”

Feng Zhiwei tilted her head as he said ‘my house’ in a quiet and smiling voice, but the Tian Sheng Emperor paid no mind to the exchange. The Emperor was in a great mood after saving money and manpower, so he gestured his acceptance, reminding Ning Yi once more: “Your wound is not healed, be careful.”

Feng Zhiwei pouted, thinking that this man was faking a show once more.

As they headed out, Ning Yi walked extremely slowly, and Feng Zhiwei could only suppress her impatience and walk slowly by his side. Ning Yi examined the girl beside him, thinking that if this girl had any merit, it was that she was incredibly fake. A hundred percent fake, and because of her perpetual mask, she would never throw petulant tantrums.

As Feng Zhiwei lowered her head and quietly walked beside her, a mild smile on her face as she clenched her hands impotently inside her sleeves, Ning Yi’s mood suddenly improved.

Yan Huais.h.i.+ felt something off and hurriedly dragged a servant and excused himself. The other attendants were also very astute and quickly fled into the distance.

With no one around them, Feng Zhiwei could finally stop pretending.

She immediately left Ning Yi’s side, smiling as she spoke: “Hehe I do not dare let His Highness escort me so far. Hehe please stay, please stay, this minor minister can escort himself. Until we meet again, farewell.”

Ning Yi grabbed her sleeve, but Feng Zhiwei was not surprised and jabbed her elbow backwards. She heard a cry of pain, but she paid it no mind as she moved away; however, Ning Yi refused to let go and pulled her back, forcing Feng Zhiwei to twist her waist, and now it was her time to cry out in pain.

She gasped angrily and held her wound, turning to glare furiously at Ning Yi only to see him also gasping, leaning pale-faced against the wall.

Their eyes met, and one asked: “Are you really injured?”

The other asked at the same time: “What’s wrong with you?”

The Rise Of Phoenixes Chapter 131

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The Rise Of Phoenixes Chapter 131 summary

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