The Price Of Confessing To The Wrong Female Protagonist Chapter 11

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Chapter edited by: Chinthani

There was still half a year till Yunfu School's next disciple recruitment. YunGe decided to take advantage of these six months to let her disciple learn to get along with others.

She had wanted to let her disciple start with Lin Ling and Lin Pu, but unfortunately, they had gone into seclusion for a hundred years. YunGe didn't trust other people, so she could only take her disciple up to the back mountains for grinding (beating up spiritual beasts).

Everyone with spiritual veins have an instinct originating from the deepest part of their spiritual vein. This instinct helped YunGe survive when she was besieged by a tide of spiritual beasts before she had learned any skills. That was why YunGe was chosen by her master.

YunGe looked at the young Level 1 spiritual beasts below her. Tch[1], isn't this master underestimating her own disciple? Forget it. This is for the sake of her disciple's well-being! Her disciple's situation is special, so when her second disciple shows up, she would throw them at Level 2 spiritual beasts!

[1]- YG expressing her frustration.

En! Indeed, she is a master with good morals!!

“Master…” The small voice pulled back YunGe's train of thought. She looked at her disciple. Good for you, ice beast! Actually daring to bully my disciple!! I threw my disciple in there to let her bully you guys, not the other way around!

YunGe had expected her disciple to defeat the Ice spiritual beasts without a problem. She picked up her disciple whose face was glistening with tears and comforted her. Then, she kicked aside an Ice beast that opened its mouth to attempt an ice skill.

[T/N- Think of a blue Om Nom, and it uses ice attacks. I guess.]

“Are you alright?” YunGe examined her disciple and found that she was fine. Her disciple only kept burrowing deeper into her embrace.

YunGe looked at her again with both sadness and distress. Because of her disciple's innate talent, had she not known when the female lead was to show up, she would have definitely suspected her disciple to be the female lead, “Lin Yuan.” Her disciple practically has all the common female lead characteristics of melodramatic novels! However… being one to possess a pure Wood vein, you're afraid of a Level 1 Ice beast. Is this really alright?

Without waiting for YunGe to sigh, the disciple's mumbling voice came from YunGe's bosom. The disciple had buried her head inside, leaving only the furry white hat visible. “Master… I'm scared…”

YunGe's was shaken for a moment. For so long, her disciple had only said one word…

She had believed it would take a long time to hear other words from the disciple. Who would've known…

YunGe extended her hand and gently stroked her disciple's hat. Because she had been cultivating since childhood, her fingers were long and thin; the bones well-proportioned. Under the white fur, it looked more like white jade and the glossy l.u.s.ter of gems.

“It's nothing, I am here. I am always here by your side.” YunGe's voice was gentle. The disciple put her ear next to YunGe's heart and listened. She felt an irregular beat near the thoracic cavity, her mood complex, but quickly steadied.

To prove that this group of little spiritual beasts are all wimps, YunGe put down her disciple.

“Don't be afraid, I'm here by your side. No one can hurt you. Soon, you'll be able to do this by yourself, alright?” YunGe said seriously as she looked at her disciple and pinched her nose.

The disciple's eyes were already flowing with tears, as if wanting to say ‘Master, I really am scared…'

“Dearest disciple, master will watch over you. Don't be scared. If you don't want to go, you need to tell me why. What are you afraid of?”

The disciple finally couldn't hold it and rushed up. “Master…”

YunGe felt a child mistreatment kind of feeling. Her heart turned soft. Forget it, if she doesn't want to go, she won't go. The future is long[3], so there is no need to force her!

[3]- Idiom for “There will be ample time for that later”

The disciple's tears, the size of beans, began to drip incessantly, also making people want to sob spasmodically.

YunGe's heart hurt even more. She could've solved things slowly. Why did she have to be this impatient? She always knew: even when she had held her trembling disciple in her arms, the disciple had never truly requested YunGe's help. Her disciple had always buried herself deep in a coc.o.o.n, a place where onlookers couldn't see. She couldn't tell what her disciple was thinking. The disciple had a strict awareness of her own territory, that YunGe knew. In her disciple's eyes, YunGe was a very important person. To say the least, she had let YunGe into her territory. But YunGe was also an insignificant person to her, because she had never really trusted YunGe nor had she requested YunGe's help. Today, however, YunGe discovered that their relations.h.i.+p had made some progress.

“…” YunGe looked at her disciple, who cried until her face turned red. Her heart throbbed with pain; she didn't like seeing children cry, even more, crying so sadly. It was as if all the sorrow and dread flowed out with the tears.

“Be calm, we won't go, we won't go.” YunGe carried her disciple and turned to leave.

“Master…” The disciple struggled and managed to get down. YunGe saw her disciple charge towards the Ice spiritual beast not too far away.

She cried and ran at the same time. Then she fell flat on her face, right in front of the spiritual beast. She resolutely got back up and pounced on the spiritual beast, which was two times bigger than her. Indeed. She, without using any spiritual power, had directly pounced on it.

That Ice spiritual beast had been previously kicked by YunGe, so it was gloomy. So when it saw the main culprit of this disaster, it sensed danger. But then it saw a very comedic scene, that person had tripped in front of it.

The Ice spiritual beast looked at the very powerful person not so far away and looked back at the “weaker than a chicken” person that fell. It remembered the leg, and had only one thought: Run!!!

Unexpectedly, it couldn't move!!!! Then it saw that “weaker than a chicken” wimp had pounced on it. She cried while beating it up. “Master… don't throw me away… hic…”

Tears and nasal mucus flowed out together…

The Ice spiritual beast also wants to cry… it hurts… clearly, she did not use any spiritual power… now it only had enough strength to struggle. Every time it struggled, the place where it should hit was still hit… its' body hurts… the heart hurts more though…

The little Ice beast glanced at the person not so far away. Their eyes still had a trace of menace… it's heart ached more painfully… obviously, the one that is getting beat up is me!!! Even though it was struggling very violently…

YunGe watched in distress as her disciple beat up the Ice beast into a pulp. Although her disciple's small hands and calves kept waving and moving, she was still crying. What was her disciple mumbling to herself about? YunGe felt distressed but did not do anything. Right now, her disciple needed to vent her feelings!

Fortunately, because she had kicked the Ice beast, it didn't dare use spiritual power to go against her disciple. Although the little Ice beast was bigger than her disciple, their melee was evenly matched!

The disciple finally got tired. She kicked the Ice beast with one last kick and then sat on the ground. She turned around to face her master, tears continued to flow and her face was red. She merely resembled a small deer that was being abandoned. “Master… don't throw me away…”

YunGe panicked; she had thought that her disciple dashed towards the Ice beast to vent her feelings. She hadn't expected that it was because of her…

Without delay, YunGe went to hold her disciple. “I won't abandon you!”

The Ice spiritual beast next to them cried… it must carefully cultivate in the future!!!!

[T/N- “The Author has Something to Say” part is just talking about their updating schedule.]

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The Price Of Confessing To The Wrong Female Protagonist Chapter 11

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The Price Of Confessing To The Wrong Female Protagonist Chapter 11 summary

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