Flower Master in the City Chapter 204

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Chapter 204

"Who the h.e.l.l is this? It's a monster!" Said the thunder angrily.

"I don't think monsters are abnormal!" Thunderstorm added.

"At this speed, if you go to the Olympic Games or something, you have to stay away from Lewis bolt or Liu Xiang!" Qin Yan also sighed.

"Sister Jinghua, two laps!" The voice of summer came again.

Qin Feng looks at Lei Jun who hasn't finished half a lap. He doesn't know what to say for a moment.

"Three laps!" After a while, the voice of summer came back, "sister Jinghua, how can you make Lei Jun die? Do you want to drown him or shoot him? "

Cold and indifferent to the summer, but the running Lei Jun heard this, and was almost depressed to death.

Lei Jun feels that he has run very fast, but when he finishes one lap with difficulty, he has finished five laps in summer and will finish the sixth lap.

"I don't believe this guy can run so fast all the time!" Thunder said a word.

However, thunderbolt found that there was no tendency to slow down in summer. It seemed that it was still running faster and faster. Thunderbolt had not finished the second lap, and had finished the 12th lap in summer. When thunderbolt finished the third lap, it had finished the 20th lap in summer. At this time, even the people who knew that they were fast in summer were a little shocked.

Last night, she was run by summer. She only knew that she could run faster in summer, even faster than the car. After all, there was no obvious target for comparison. But now it's different. Lei Jun is there to make comparison. She really found that summer is so fast.

Summer is still running in that circle. People gradually see only one shadow pa.s.sing in front of them. Even Lei Zhentian, an old man who has been tempered in the iron battle field, can't help but feel moved. Compared with the previous shooting and boxing skills, now this scene is even more shocking.

In the eyes of everyone, there are still some people who can do the magic shooting techniques shown in the previous summer, but it is possible to defeat Lei Jun in one move. But now, the speed of running in the summer, in the eyes of everyone, is beyond the limit of human potential, which is unimaginable.

"Sister Jinghua, it's fifty laps. Do you know how to let Lei Jun die?" The voice of summer rings again.

"No, I give up!" Lei Jun suddenly roars. At this moment, he has lost his fighting spirit completely. Fifty laps, this man has run fifty laps, but he has only run five laps, and it takes only about ten minutes. What kind of perversion can he use such a short time to run nearly fifty kilometers!

I took it. This time, Lei Jun took it completely. When he lost the shooting compet.i.tion, he was a little reluctant. Even if he lost the compet.i.tion, he still felt that he was not better than Xia Tian. But now, he is completely convinced. He knows that this man is really invincible. This man is so strong that he shouldn't exist at all It's in the world.

"Don't you run away?" In the summer, I ran around again and stopped. "I'm still warming up!"

Leng Bingbing suddenly has the intention of beating up the summer meal. Is it necessary for this scoundrel to bully people like this? Even said that he was warming up? He's a big head!

Before he came here, Leng Bingbing didn't like Lei Jun at all. But now, she really sympathizes with this man. She even believes that Lei Jun's blow today is bigger than that when he knew that the woman had run. His self-confidence, I'm afraid, has been completely destroyed by summer at this moment.

"In summer, I'm willing to gamble and give up. I'll leave it to you now. What do you want to do?" Lei Jun looked at the summer calmly. Suddenly, he seemed to care less about everything.

"Oh, you're going to die this time, aren't you?" Summer is very satisfied, "you think of a way to commit suicide, the best way to think of a more creative way."

Lei Zhentian's face changed slightly: "in summer, I will send Lei Jun to the military court. If you really want him to commit suicide, can you wait until he is punished by the military court?"

"Then what is the trouble?" Summer obviously reluctantly, "what court, at most is not a death?"? Now that he has committed suicide, there will be no need to go to a military court. "

"In summer, Lei Jun has been defeated. Why do you want him to die?" Qin Feng couldn't help saying that he knew that the old chief couldn't bear to watch his grandson die.

"So many prisoners plead guilty, but they can't go to prison without saying it. Those who are sentenced to death will also repent. Can repentance be used to plead guilty?" Summer seems to disapprove. He has been busy for such a long time. If he just let Lei Jun go, it would be too bad for him.

"Grandpa, Qin Feng, you don't have to say that you should die. I feel a little tired. It's a good thing to die." Lei Jun's calm voice came. After being completely destroyed by summer, he felt that he had no motivation to survive. Before, he always said that he was not afraid of death, but in fact, the reason why he was not afraid of death, in the final a.n.a.lysis, was still afraid of death, because he knew that only if he was not afraid of death, he could survive.

When he was on a mission at the border, he was not afraid of death, but in essence, he wanted to survive. However, his strong will to survive still owes to his ability to survive again and again. Now, Lei Jun has completely lost this will to survive. For him, death seems to be a relief.

"Little brother, I know Lei Jun has done a lot of wrong things, but after all, he is still not guilty to death. I hope that you can give him a chance to correct his mistake, and I can a.s.sure you that I will send him to the military court, so that he can get a fair trial, and will never s.h.i.+eld him. Do you think that's ok?" Lei Zhentian looked at summer with sincere tone, and even a hint of request.

Summer still does not relax: "no, I said, we must do."

"Don't go too far in summer. My grandfather talks to you like this. What else do you want?" Thunder is very angry. When did his grandfather talk to people in such a low voice?

"How does your grandfather talk to me have something to do with it? I already said that it has nothing to do with him. Lei Jun's idiot kidnapped my wife and robbed my sister Jinghua, so he should die. Do you think I can't count? "

"You..." What else does thunder want to say? Thunderstorm is also angry.

"In summer, why are you so persistent? Sun Xinxin and lengbingbing didn't suffer any loss either. In fact, you don't have any loss, do you? " Qin Feng is also a little unhappy.

"When I have a loss, even if I kill all of you, is that still useful?" Summer is very unhappy, "do you know what prevention is?"

"Summer, I see..." Ye Shaoxiong can't help talking. He also feels that summer is too inhumane.

"Well, that's the way it should be. That's it." Lei Zhentian suddenly opens his mouth. At this moment, he seems to be ten years old. "The white haired people give the black haired people their lives."

There was silence all around. Seeing the old general who had fought in the battlefield and killed countless enemies in the past, ye Shaoxiong could not help but sigh. To tell the truth, he did not have much sympathy for Lei Jun, but he really respected the old man. He did not want to see that the old man had to suffer from the pain of white haired people sending black haired people.

However, ye Shaoxiong has no way. He has tried to change his mind in summer, but he failed.

"In summer, I don't even have the idea to kill people. Suicide is even more creative. In this way, I'll shoot my head off." Lei Jun has already picked up his pistol and pointed at his head. "If you think that's OK, I'll shoot."

Before summer could speak, Lei Jun looked at his two younger brothers and said, "thunder, thunderstorm, Grandpa and parents will take care of you two and fight for my morale. Also, remember, after I die, the grudges between our Lei family and summer will be written off. Do you understand?"

Thunder and thunderstorm were biting their teeth, but they didn't speak. Seeing big brother was forced to die in summer, how could they not revenge?

Even if the other side is stronger, they will not give up. They believe that there will always be someone stronger than summer in the world.

"Summer, or, forget it?" Sun Xinxin can't help but offer advice at this time.

"Sister Xin, don't be afraid. Suicide is nothing. If you dare not see it, turn around." Summer comforts sun Xinxin, but obviously does not stop.

Lei Zhentian sighed again. Looking at Lei Jun with his gun pointed at his head, he felt a little sad for a while. He thought that he killed thousands of enemies, but today, he can only watch his grandson die in front of him?

Just after hearing sun Xinxin's words, Lei Zhentian still had a glimmer of hope in his heart. He thought that sun Xinxin might let summer change his mind. However, the fact was totally different from what he imagined.

After staring at Lei Jun for the last time, Lei Zhentian finally turned around. He couldn't see his grandson's head being shot. Although he had shot the enemy's head many times and was calm, he was his own grandson. He couldn't look down.

"Well, since there's no idea of suicide, you can kill yourself." This time in summer, he was sentenced to death by Lei Jun.

At this moment, thunder, thunderstorm and even Qin Feng and Qin Yan, including sun Xinxin, turned their heads and dared not see the scene.

"Good!" Lei Jun answered a word very simply, his eyes slowly swept over the crowd, and finally fell on Grandpa's tall back. At the last moment of his life, he suddenly found that in his impression, Grandpa's straight body, at the moment, actually had a little rickets.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry to disappoint you." Lei Jun shed a tear from the corner of his eye, and his fingers slightly pushed the trigger.

Flower Master in the City Chapter 204

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Flower Master in the City Chapter 204 summary

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