You Cannot Afford To Offend My Woman Chapter 669 (Home)

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Chapter 669 (Home)

Upon hearing these words, w.a.n.g Dabao felt comfortable in his heart. It was a kind of pride to have such an excellent woman like Bai Cixin being comfortable for him.

He directly embraced his wife's fragrant shoulder and said boldly, "Wife, buy whatever you want today."

"Are you being so generous?" Bai Cixin leaned against her husband, her face filled with happiness. She wished they could live like this forever.

"Of course! You're my wife. If I don't spend money on you, then who else?" w.a.n.g Dabao said confidently.

"Husband, I love you."

w.a.n.g Dabao felt ecstatic inside. His wife had never said such words before, and now he was willing to do anything for her.

Other men around him saw w.a.n.g Dabao's generosity and the look of happiness on his wife's face, and they also wanted to follow suit. However, their pockets...


Some men who were shopping with their wives felt awkward. Compared to w.a.n.g Dabao's extravagance, they felt...

That night, the couple had a great time. After shopping at the mall, they went for supper and even took a late-night stroll while chatting.

When they returned home, pa.s.sion ignited.

Even the little golden retriever couldn't bear to watch and trembled in a corner.

The morning sunlight was always so warm. w.a.n.g Dabao rubbed his eyes and suddenly thought of something. He immediately reached out and embraced.

When he touched that soft and delicate body, w.a.n.g Dabao let out a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Bai Cixin would leave without a word, carrying all the burdens by himself.

"Wife, it's eight o'clock," w.a.n.g Dabao whispered.

Bai Cixin hugged her husband's chest and said, "Let me sleep a little longer."

"But didn't you say we were going to the amus.e.m.e.nt park today?" w.a.n.g Dabao pinched his wife's nose playfully, finding her beautiful and adorable.

"Let me sleep for five more minutes, please~" his wife coquettishly pleaded. He couldn't resist her.

Husband and wife snuggled together, enjoying the pleasant morning. Even if they might not have such leisurely mornings in the future, as long as they could be together, it didn't matter where they went.

After five minutes, Bai Cixin got up. She really kept her promise.

"Dabao, Xiao Bao has p.o.o.ped and peed. Come clean it up."

"Oh, I'm coming."

They named the little golden retriever Xiao Bao, and w.a.n.g Dabao didn't mind. As long as his wife was happy. [Da Bao is Big Bao, and Xiao Bao is Little Bao.]

The two had breakfast at home, and then Bai Cixin took Dabao and Xiao Bao out. They were going to the amus.e.m.e.nt park today.

This time, w.a.n.g Dabao was responsible for driving, while Bai Cixin held Xiao Bao and played with him. "Xiao Bao, remember to protect our home and bite anyone who tries to harm us."

The little guy looked confused, looking at his female owner.

w.a.n.g Dabao smiled, but upon closer observation, his smile seemed somewhat forced.

"Dabao, I want to eat ice cream, hamburgers, and all kinds of snacks later," Bai Cixin said in a spoiled tone.

w.a.n.g Dabao teased, "What about losing weight?"

"I'm not going to lose weight anymore. Besides, you won't dislike me," Bai Cixin replied.

"Who said that? I will dislike you."

"How dare you! I'll immediately run away with Xiao Bao."


With a relaxed atmosphere, the couple went to Happy Valley. Ever since the Demoness was eliminated in the Voidless Realm, men dared to go out and flirt with girls. All entertainment venues were packed, with men venting their frustrations and women venting about their days without men.

On this day, w.a.n.g Dabao played various things with Bai Cixin.

Bai Cixin even rode the carousel, showing her overflowing girlishness.

w.a.n.g Dabao captured his wife's genuine smile in his phone, a woman he didn't want to forget in this lifetime.

In the following days, the couple visited all the attractions around Gao Hai City, leaving the joyful laughter of the two everywhere they went.

Half a month pa.s.sed in the blink of an eye. It was the happiest time w.a.n.g Dabao had ever experienced. All worries were left behind, and he played with his beloved woman.

Bai Cixin felt the same way. Although the time given was short, it fulfilled her husband's request. Ordinary life was truly good, with no pressure at all. You could do whatever you wanted. It was wonderful...

"Dabao, I've been very happy these past few days," Bai Cixin murmured, leaning against her husband's chest.

w.a.n.g Dabao paused after hearing her words. "Wife, do you like this kind of life?"

"I do," Bai Cixin truly liked it.

"Then can we continue living like this?" w.a.n.g Dabao pleaded, not wanting his wife to go down a desperate path. Why couldn't they live a good life?

Bai Cixin touched Xiao Bao's head gently and said softly, "Dabao, I've been pursuing my whole life. Maybe when I get tired or have achieved enough, I will stop. I hope you and Xiao Bao can live a good life."

The real reason Bai Cixin bought a dog was to give her husband something to rely on. Just like when he saw Xiao Bao, it reminded him of her.

"Wife, I don't have the habit of living alone. Either we live together or die together! On the road to the afterlife, we'll walk together!"

Tears instantly welled up in Bai Cixin's eyes.

"We'll be together in the next life."

w.a.n.g Dabao tightly held his wife's hand and affirmed, "Not just the next life, but every life. You have to accompany me."

"Yes, I'll accompany you in every life," Bai Cixin said softly, tears sliding down her beautiful face.

The couple embraced each other for a long time...

Bai Cixin's gaze gradually became resolute. "Let's go find Qing Tiandi."

"Okay," w.a.n.g Dabao nodded.

The couple walked back to the bedroom and changed into clean clothes.

Looking at his wife dressed in white, w.a.n.g Dabao chuckled, "I love seeing you like this the most."

Bai Cixin smiled and stood in front of her husband, straightening his tie. "I love your handsome appearance too."

The couple shared a smile and held hands as they walked downstairs.

Putting on their shoes and stepping out of the house.

"Woof woof woof!"

Xiao Bao chased after them all the way, then obediently squatted at the villa's entrance, seemingly waiting for the two owners to come back again.

Bai Cixin bent down slightly and caressed Xiao Bao, saying, "Little guy, I'm sorry, but we can't take care of you anymore."

Xiao Bao couldn't understand what Bai Cixin was saying, but wagged its tail, seemingly enjoying the touch from its owner.

w.a.n.g Dabao had already started the car, watching his wife bid farewell to Xiao Bao.

Finally, Bai Cixin gently stroked Xiao Bao one last time, then turned and got into the car. w.a.n.g Dabao furrowed his brow, looking at Xiao Bao crouching at the doorstep. Perhaps it would wait for him and his wife to come home again.

Gently stepping on the accelerator, the couple slowly left their home.

Home is warm.

But in the future,

It might be cold.

"Woof woof woof!"

The sound of barking came from behind, and w.a.n.g Dabao saw Xiao Bao suddenly catching up through the rearview mirror. Although it was still small, it didn't give up chasing after its family.

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You Cannot Afford To Offend My Woman Chapter 669 (Home)

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You Cannot Afford To Offend My Woman Chapter 669 (Home) summary

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