The Rise of Otaku Chapter 225 - The Rainbow butterfly

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Chapter 225: Chapter 225 The Rainbow b.u.t.terfly

Translator: Doggotranslation Editor: Doggotranslation

After two days of cultivation, the surface of the rainbow bridge became fluffy, like colorful clouds, spreading from one end of the rainbow to the other of the rainbow. No wonder little Muli and other kids liked it so much. It was a real treat to slide down the rainbow bridge in a sled made by the carpenter beaver.

But every time they played on the rainbow bridge, there would always be a few flying bird knights around them to make sure that they would not fall down from the bridge. At the same time, they also had to watch out for the extreme fans, and prevent some criminals from damaging the bridge.

In just two days, they discovered some new types of criminals, one was the arsonist and the other was the rainbow bug.

Arsonists were a group of people, who loved to set things on fires, and their favorite target was the rainbow bridge. For them, to kill a rainbow bridge was the ultimate glory. However, those fluffy cotton-like things on the surface of the rainbow bridge were very easy to burn, so the fast-handed w.a.n.g absolutely forbade having any fire around the rainbow bridge.

Zhou Yu had seen an arsonist in the past, to tell the truth, with the heavy eye bags and a gloomy appearance, the one he saw looked like L in Death Note. However, this guy, while laughing like a demon, rushed forward with a Molotov c.o.c.ktail, completely ignored the guards of Luhua village, as if he despised them completely.

Even Firefly and the flying bird knights that patrolled the park, would not let this kind of criminal do whatever he liked, let alone the fast-handed w.a.n.g, who always kept his eyes on the rainbow bridge.

So, brother L was severely beaten, and the Molotov c.o.c.ktail, that he had tried his best to throw, was also easily caught by the flying bird knight, without causing any damage to the rainbow bridge. Eventually, he was sent to prison for rehabilitation. Zhou Yu was also curious if he would be converted into a talented villager. For each new type of criminal, the first one to be reformed had a high probability of obtaining talents. In the future, the same type of criminals would be mostly ordinary villagers.

The rainbow bug, which liked to sneak into the village, was harder to deal with than the reckless arsonists. This nearly transparent insect was extremely difficult to spot, and only made sounds when it moved, and if people did not pay attention to listen to the sound, they could not even hear it.

After breaking through the defense, it would hide in the thick sh.e.l.l of the rainbow bridge and start munching it like eating marshmallows. Although the body of the rainbow bug would have color after eating the colorful cloud silk, in the rainbow bridge, which was also very colorful, it became the best protective color, so it would take people a lot of effort to find them.

To prevent and control the rainbow bugs, the first line of defense was to add an outbuilding called the Radar Room to the Ying Xiu Comic Studio. The radar room would produce two radar soldiers that would guard at either end of the rainbow bridge.

Radar soldiers looked very funny. They were carrying something on their backs that looked like huge morning glory flowers, and when listening to the movement, their movement would be very slow. And when the radar soldiers appeared, the rainbow bug would immediately stop moving, their little hearts would beat rapidly, and they would be sweating all over the place when the radar soldiers were examining the bridge.

If they were unlucky, they would be caught on the spot. Of course, there were also some that successfully got away with the check. Then they would be like living in a paradise, keeping eating until they could no longer eat anymore.

Although the fast-handed w.a.n.g often patrolled the rainbow bridge and acted as the second line of defense, the probability of finding one bug would be very low at this point.

Whatever they were planting, pests were inevitable. The good news was that the rainbow bug had a very small belly, so as long as they did not invade on a large scale, it would not do much damage to the bridge. Compared to an arsonist’s damage, this kind of damage was almost nothing.

On the third day, the fast-handed w.a.n.g said that the rainbow bridge was officially mature. However, Zhou Yu could not see any differences, because the rainbow bridge was no different from yesterday.

At this time, the fast-handed w.a.n.g pointed to the new creatures, the beautiful b.u.t.terfly on the rainbow bridge and said, “that is the rainbow b.u.t.terfly. When it appears, it is a sign of full maturity of the colorful cloud silk. It means that we can start to collect the colorful cloud silk.”

The rainbow b.u.t.terfly was an evolutionary form of the rainbow bug. Because of their beautiful appearances, they were the most popular product in the ACG world. There were many items that could be made if there was an item craftsman in the village. Among the jewelry items, the top-quality item, the b.u.t.terfly Feather Crown’s main material was the rainbow b.u.t.terfly.

That was to say, that these rainbow b.u.t.terflies could be captured and sold directly to the wandering merchants of the ACG world or stored as raw materials in the warehouse, so they could be used to train the Item Craftsman in the future.

After hearing the introduction of the rainbow b.u.t.terfly, Zhou Yu asked curiously, “since the rainbow b.u.t.terfly is so good, why do you want to stop the rainbow bug?”

“The rainbow bug’s food is the colorful cloud silk, and if too much of it is consumed, the quality of the comic will deteriorate. It only makes sense to keep a few rainbow b.u.t.terflies in innocuous conditions. They can be regarded as the by-product of making the rainbow brocade, but they should not be the main product.”

After all, the fast-handed w.a.n.g was a comic artist, the comic was something that was much more sacred to him, so he would not allow himself to raise bugs. In the past, after having the comic artists, some management companies were also blinded by the profits that were brought by the rainbow b.u.t.terfly. They asked the artists not to draw comics anymore, but use all the rainbow bridges to feed rainbow bugs. In the end, the management companies indeed got a large number of rainbow b.u.t.terflies, but the price was that the artist could no longer produce rainbow seeds anymore. It would only waste the very rare fruit of creativity.

Of course, Zhou Yu would not make such a stupid mistake, after all, for him, making a good comic was the most important thing.

Then, the job in the afternoon was to catch these rainbow b.u.t.terflies.

The fast-handed w.a.n.g was harvesting the colorful cloud silk a little by little with the slik harvesting workers. This was something that Zhou Yu could not help, because the process of harvesting silk was very strict, Zhou Yu, who had a pair of big hands, would damage the colorful cloud silk, and then the quality of the comic would be declined.

So it only left with the job of catching b.u.t.terflies.

Rainbow b.u.t.terflies were easy to recognize, without the rainbow bridge as a shelter, they could be easily seen no matter where they hid. Quickly distributing a b.u.t.terfly net to each one of his kids, then sitting on the back of the flying bird knight’s mount, they began to chase those rainbow b.u.t.terflies in the air, and they even had a compet.i.tion about who caught the most b.u.t.terflies.

The prize of the compet.i.tion, however, was from Zhou Yu. Recently, he had just gotten A Recycling Jar from the chubby dragon’s treasure bowl. It doesn’t sound like an interesting item, but it could swallow anything useless and spit it out Moe Coins.

But Zhou Yu did not really need it, because he already had a warehouse where he could store many items. At the moment, although some items he could not use, he did not consider them useless, who knows he might need them in the future. Besides, it was just a small amount of coins, he was not interested in it.

However, as soon as the little Firefly saw the Jar, her eyes were instantly lit up. She had long wanted to get the recycling Jar from her old man, but she had no chance. When little Muli proposed to the recycling Jar as the prize, Zhou Yu immediately understood that it must be Firefly, this bratty girl, who incited little Muli to say it.

Fine, you can have the jar, as long as you win the compet.i.tion.

The Rise of Otaku Chapter 225 - The Rainbow butterfly

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The Rise of Otaku Chapter 225 - The Rainbow butterfly summary

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