The Rise of Otaku Chapter 305 - Star Map”

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Chapter 305: Chapter 305 “Star Map”

Translator: Doggotranslation

Depending on the choice of game genre, the games that appeared at the end would also be different. Take “Star Map” as an example, if Zhou Yu chose “the simulation”, then it would probably be made into a pet simulation game or economic simulation game, but if he chose the card game genre, so Star Map would definitely be made into a card battle game like Yu-Gi-Oh!.

Because Zhou Yu always compared the game that was going to come out with Yu-Gi-Oh, so he thought that the mechanism of the game would probably be like Yu-Gi-Oh, and only the cards would be different. But he didn’t expect that Star Map would be such a big game.

It was too big!

It was just a card game on PC, how come it needed 20 gigabytes of storage s.p.a.ce? After getting the disc for installation, and seeing the required storage s.p.a.ce, Zhou Yu was completely shocked by it. If every game produced by the six-pointed star disc was this big, then he would have to store them in the disc in the future. Because with his computer’s storage, he would not only be able to store a few games like this.

After finally installing it, he started the game to check what kind of game it would need such a big s.p.a.ce.

Upon starting the game, it was first a CG video, narrating an ancient myth story and showing the pictures of ancient murals in the background. It slowly introduced the world background in the game a little by little giving players a feeling of entering a Xianxia world.

In this world, there was a game called ‘Star Map’ that was prevalent among human beings, and the protagonist of the game has aspired to become the best ‘Star Map Master’ since he was young. One night, he ran away from home like a foolish teenager and embarked on the road of the Star Map master.

If it weren’t for the plot armor, he would have been sold by other people already.

But due to Zhou Xiaoxiao’s existence, the atmosphere of the whole game was warm and sweet, and the game itself was also like a fairy tale, so there were no bad antagonists. At present, the only major villains were a group of bad guys who wanted to steal the “Star G.o.d Cup”, but no one knew why they wanted to steal it.

The Star G.o.d Cup was a compet.i.tion held every four years nationwide. Winners could get the Star G.o.d Cup and enter the temple to accept Star G.o.d’s instructions.

After watching the starting plot, Zhou Yu finally entered the game and knew why the game was so big.

The map was too big! Just the first town alone, it would take a long time to completely explore it. Then the protagonist received a Star Map Disc and the first set of cards from a mysterious person, and then officially embarked on the path of a Star Map Master.

The following story in the first town was basically the introduction of the gameplay. Apart from familiarizing with the rules of card battles, the most important thing was the acquisition of cards. In this world, even if you fight against other people, you won’t be able to get your opponent’s cards. Apart from buying cards in the store and the cards given by the main storyline, the only way to get cards was to collect various materials in the wild to synthesize or upgrade cards.

This was probably the most interesting thing in the first town.

There were also monsters in the wild. However, players were not required to defeat them but only solve some questions. Those questions were more like puzzles. After answering or solving the puzzle correctly, players could use the blank star map card to capture the monsters.

The monsters in the card could not be upgraded no matter how many times they partic.i.p.ated in the battle. They could only be upgraded by collecting the required materials. The higher level the monster was, the higher level the star map card was needed, so drawing star map cards also became an important skill.

In card battles, battle monster cards were very common, so there was no need to talk about that, but the cards like trap cards, magic cards were also very important, so in addition to collecting battle monsters, players must also visit the hermits in the wild to get these important cards.

All in all, the beginning of the game was a card collection game. The settings of physical strength and hunger were similar to the survival game, which made the game more realistic.

The richness and variety of monsters and the huge number of hidden elements really made Zhou Yu feel amazed. After playing for a whole week, he still wasn’t bored with it. Because there were a lot of cards that he hadn’t collected.

But there was one thing that made this game very annoying, it was that some cards were very difficult to get. There were even problems that required players to solve mathematical questions. Although it did not require players to write down all the process of solving the questions, for students with poor grades like Zhou Yu, this was clearly a very difficult challenge.

Zhou Yu was a student with poor grades, and because of his OCD, it made him very frustrated if he could not collect all the cards. In desperation, he could only ask for help from other people. Carpenter Beaver was a good guy, and it was very good at math. In terms of the literature questions, he could only find Oba. In terms of the chubby dragon prince, not only did he not offer any help, but he would always taunt Zhou Yu on the side.

Speaking of which, Zhou Yu was never alone when he played games. His children would always watch him playing the game while talking to each other on the side.

As an open-world game, the main story of “Star Map” was actually not long. If players focused on the main storyline and they were good at playing games, they could beat the final boss without having a very strong deck, and it would only take them five-six hours to finish the main storyline. However, if they looked at the completion of the whole story of the game after the completion of the main story, they would find that only about 15% of the story was completed.

The fun of this game lies in the rich side stories and the huge number of different cards. It would take a lot of time to collect all of them.

With a huge open-world map, the perfect rendering effect, and rich hidden elements, it could be clearly seen that the game was very good. Compared with the simple tire-level game, the picture, the story, and the gameplay have been improved a lot.

It seemed like he would be able to have a lot of fun in the future. As long as he had enough stories, he would always have a good game like this to play.

Ever since the concept art of The Heartless Girl was released by the amus.e.m.e.nt park online, Gao Shu from the Otaku gaming has been waiting for the good news from Zhou Yu. Most of the previous games were casual games, but from the concept arts of “The Heartless Girl”, and with the ability of the studio behind Zhou Yu, Gao Shu could tell that this was definitely going to be a masterpiece.

However, after waiting for a long time, when he finally got the news, it was not the long-awaited “heartless girl”, but a game developed by Hu Tu studio, a game development studio that Zhou Yu had just revealed its name to the public recently.

No one knew what was wrong with Zhou Yu. In the past, he didn’t want to give his team a proper name. He would only give his team some strange names like the brothel Taoist, and other kinds of Taoists. And it seemed like only after the works were refined to a certain extent, would they be given a name to approve their ability.

So did this mean that this Hu Tu studio has made a great masterpiece a step ahead of other teams?

Gao Shu couldn’t hold back his curiosity and wanted to try out the game immediately.

The Rise of Otaku Chapter 305 - Star Map”

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The Rise of Otaku Chapter 305 - Star Map” summary

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