Eros Destroying The Multiverse 126 How You Doing!

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As Eros was about to call the Dark elf suddenly one of the Adventure guild guys continued to talk with him. Eros had forgotten about his existence.

He probably saying something like this is the first time they called all adventures to war

Guild guy: This will be the first time in fifteen years that we've had to gather the adventurers of the Guild to fight for the Empire. Recently, the skirmishes between the two countries have grown


Eros: The two countries have fought before?

Guild guy: Well, this country has a parliament while the Republic of p.u.s.s.y has an absolute monarchy. Despite the differences in our governments, the Republic of p.u.s.s.y and the Penny Empire have always had rather close relations."

Eros: I see.

Wait wasn't this country called the p.u.s.s.y nation...huh I guess I might have to leave this country to go to the real p.u.s.s.y nation...

Guild guy: But you really do seem quite calm. Are you experienced with fighting in larger battles?

Eros: yeah I've been through many wars...I can say I never been defeated in battle

wait isn't the place I'm going to Ester new territory...hmm looks like I'll be doing some more night crawling...or kidnapping a princess from her castle. Oh I know, I'm going to invade her castle and push her down.


{Sophia POV}

(Sophia just received the letter Eros wrote to her)

This is bad. Eros-san has been drafted.

Sophia: W-What should I do

As might be expected, I don't know what to do. I went to Ester-sama's room to speak with Rebeccsan about everything that's happening. She was busy tidying up the room but told me the basics of what's happening.

What should I do?

What should I do?

What should I do?

No, I can't act like this.

Sophia: …it won't do any good for me to start panicking.

I should eat lunch so I can calm down.

Eros was able to defeat a dragon so I'm sure he'll be fine. He'll be right back in no time.

Then he'll come back from battle and aggressively push me down

(she imagines him ravaging her in the dead of night)

Sophia: Anyway, I should go see what they're serving in the kitchen


The atmosphere in the carriage, while we were traveling, wasn't good.

The carriage was full of militia soldiers heading to battle, so it really shouldn't be surprising that it's like this.

But I don't like this. At times like this, a song is needed to inspire the troops

Eros starts singing

Raise Your Flag

Under pressure, you are waiting for direction

Going on the road without your mind

All mislead they give ignoring our decisions

Killing yourself your soul we have inside

{Man with a mission-Raise your flag}

It was strange but all of them felt different after Eros sung. They had energy and more power than ever...

Everyone looked at Eros and felt strange inside of them. Eros smiled at them and then turned to the Dark elf

she appears to be around twenty years old. Her legs, a.s.s, and b.r.e.a.s.t.s are all large. She was wearing light armor with the most notable piece of her equipment being a large sword that was sitting next to her. I'm guessing she's a warrior.

She had long silver hair that extended down to her waist and her flawless brown skin was very s.e.xy. She also had intelligent, sharp eyes. Her height was around 170 cm. She's a fine woman.

Her armor was covering everything I wanted to see, but I could still wors.h.i.+p the rest of her exposed skin. I was still able to see the top of her lovely b.r.e.a.s.t.s that were being pushed up by her armor, her tight a.s.s was also somewhat exposed, as well as her thick thighs. As a man, I can't resist looking. Thank you very much. Her dark skin is truly irresistible. I want to see her face covered in c.u.m.

The woman I had been staring at began to speak.

Dark elf: Oi, for a while now you've been staring at me.

Eros: I'm sorry. You're just too beautiful….

Dark elf: Is it that unusual? Seeing a Dark Elf getting involved in a human's fight.

Eros: I'm wouldn't know I'm not human...see this tail

Eros moves his tail

Dark elf: eh

Eros: wow I decided I'm going to f.u.c.k you and make you my wife by the end of the war

Dark elf: huh

She never in her life had heard a claim so bold

Dark elf: So you're attracted to my body

Eros: Yup ain't nothing wrong with that. Yours attracted to my body. That's why you have been staring at my body and my little brother

She looks away and stops talking...she felt uneasy talking to this he was a lion ready to pounce her as soon as she lets her guard down but she had to ask

Dark elf: are you staring at this too

She points to her slave collar

Dark elf: I am a slave of the Guild. I was originally an adventurer and joined a party. That led to me losing my freedom. I was treated pretty well when we were at peace, but now that a war has begun I'm forced to be here.

Eros then grabs her hands and kisses them like a knight

Eros: Well don't worry my princess. I swear I will protect you from any harm and free you from slavery. Anyone who is your enemy is my enemy. I am your knight so have no fear...

She looks at Eros conflicted

Dark elf: Why would you say that. You don't even know me

Eros smiles at her

Eros: I fell for you which means our souls are bonded

Dark elf: I-I see.

The Dark Elf leaned back against the carriage wall and muttered something under her breath.

I'll just stay quiet for the rest of the trip and violate this Dark Elf's b.r.e.a.s.t.s and thighs with my eyes.

This girl's jiggly bombsh.e.l.l body is the best.


It took around five full days by carriage to reach Ester's territory.

I've also heard that it would take an additional ten days to reach the capital city of the p.u.s.s.y Republic from here. I'm really able to understand why the n.o.ble mage wanted so desperately to create a faster airs.h.i.+p

By the way, Tricklis is the largest city in the Fitz-Clarence territory. (ester family)

Kalis is the most well known and diverse city in this country, but Tricklis is mostly filled with locals. Of course, the size of this city can't really compare to Kalis. Nevertheless, this city has managed to flourish as it is the focal point of any trade and diplomacy between the p.u.s.s.y Republic and the Penny Empire.

In the centre of the city, I could see a large, circular castle that resembled the castle in Kalis. Even when we were still in the carriage, I could see countless market stalls and a seemingly endless amount of people along the streets. Both the width of the main road and the number of people walking alongside the road was great. The main street looked as crowded as Athens

Due to the monsters and thieves that exist outside of this city, they're forced to become something resembling a city-state. The imposing walls that encircled the city really showed the distance and distrust that existed between this city and the p.u.s.s.y Republic.

I've heard that these skirmishes shouldn't last for very long, but just imagining these two ma.s.sive powers going to war is a terrible thought. Any merchants traveling to or from either country must travel through here. This city exists to allow those two countries to coexist.

Ester-chan was awarded an extremely troubling piece of land. Though these are just my own selfish thoughts, I feel like Ester accepted this land thinking this would greatly improve her family's position.

Eros then went along with everyone else in the carriage to Kalis guild where Eros was told he was going to the front lines...the equipment they provided the frontier people was...subpar

At the counter next to me, the Dark Elf was arguing with another receptionist

Dark elf: What's this supposed to be!? This is the equipment you're giving us on the frontlines!?"

Guild guy: Is this not good enough for you? If so, then why not bring your own equipment, slave."

Dark Elf: What did you say!? Don't f.u.c.k around with me!"

Guild guy: Just go out there and get on the white carriage. You're in the way!

Eros steps in front of the Dark Elf

Guild guy: Wh-what do you have a problem

Eros: Kowtow to her and apologize to her

Guild guy: apologize to a dirty dark elf slave haha what are you

Eros: well then there is no need to say anything else because you're already dead

Guild guy: what are you...*boom

His body exploded shocking everyone

Eros shakes his head regretful

Eros: I told you to apologize

He looked at the Dark elf and gave a normal looking sword

Eros: it's a Zanpakutō...its a soul will be a weapon which will get stronger with the will have special powers...

The dark elf wasn't sure if she believed him but then thought of a second ago and he just killed that guy in a second shocking her

I then used this moment to rub her a.s.s causing her to hurry to the carriage

Eros wonders why she's acting like a virgin and a thought accord to him

She probably was betrayed by the person she trusted causing her to have issues with relations.h.i.+ps...hmm I guess I have to f.u.c.k her gentle then...f.u.c.k...Why couldn't she be an M like Darkness

Eros Destroying The Multiverse 126 How You Doing!

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Eros Destroying The Multiverse 126 How You Doing! summary

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