Eros Destroying The Multiverse 76 Plan For Hide And Seek

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Once word got out Eros the prince was the one who brought out the formulas many clans sought an audience with him. However the Sacred family went on locked down. Everyone was shocked until Director Yang Xin informed everyone that the elders were in the midst of closed door training and which made Eros in charge of for the time being. He is using this time to restructure everything from the ground up.

First the Eros changed the rules for the Sacred family. Their was bi yearly compet.i.tion within the sacred family. the younger generation, the older generation compet.i.tion is separate. First the branches are based on what cla.s.s you are. If you make a certain rank the better it is for you. It doesn't matter who your parents are. The only thing that matter is your strength.

Eros made a reward system room based on accomplishments. The rewards are weapons, techniques cultivation techniques, G.o.d tier spirit beast, and more. The more deeds you do for Glory City the more rewarded you get. For example making genius cla.s.s, breaking through to silver rank, or even teaching a cla.s.s earns you points. The points are automatically added and it is impossible to fool the system. You are able to challenge people for points but you can't challenge someone lower realm than you without a elder approval. You also can't steal other points from another.

Then there is the mentor program. Every person will have a mentor this person will educate them and guide their cultivation. The mentor will be responsible for what ever the mentored does.

Eros also changed what they call rank if you a bronze your a Private (Stratiotis), Silver rank Corporate (Dekaneas) Gold Rank Sargent (Lochias), Black gold rank Staff Sargent (Epilochias) and Legend Sergeant Major (Archilochias). The kids are exempt from the ranking till they start school at ages 12-13. but they are required to get education on the world and see people doing their jobs. Alchemist and others have their own tier not based on fighting. Eros also made new Sacred Family laws. The higher rank you get more privileges but you have more responsibilities too.

Eros even had a boot camp for bronze rank and to become an adult you have to perform a test.

While Eros made the Family militarize it wasn't just serious. They became closer and had fun together. The younger generation would complain with each other party sometimes but always showed respect to elders and people of higher position then them even if they were weaker than them or commoners.

Eros had greek military uniforms made. Each rank you have additional protection showing off what rank you are. The uniforms can only be worn by Sacred family and cant be pa.s.sed on to another user. Girls seemed to find the men more attractive now that they have uniforms and the women looked even more attractive to men too. There was many other things too.

When the rest of Glory City found out about these new changes they were shocked and didn't know what to make of it. Some wanted to do similar but weren't able to the biggest thing that everyone was surprise about is the Sacred family foundation. Eros took 10 percent of his profit hes earning from the medicine and donating it to the school to allow students who can't afford to enter.

Once Shen Hong broke through to legend rank Eros had one of his men to contact the major and n.o.ble patriarchs and let them know of a meeting he wants to have with them in a week only bringing the direct heir of their family and to keep the meeting a secret. He also had Gu Yan and Yang Xin attend too

***Leaders.h.i.+p secret meeting ***

Around a round table in hidden location is the Snow Wind, Divine, Sacred Family, Huyan, Hong Yue, Ao Cloud, and the Winged Dragon family Patriarch and their next heir.

They were all wondering why the Sacred family has called them there.

When everyone was finally there, Eros appeared out of nowhere and looked around and nodded

Everyone was shocked at seeing this handsome boy appear out of nowhere.

"Good I'm glad to meet you all. I am Shen Eros and I am the one who called you here."

"You're Shen Eros?" the patriach of the Hong Yue Family asked as he inspected Eros surprise the boy seemed to be gold rank

"yeah and why did you call us here" The Ao Patriarch said

"I'm also curious why didn't you invite the other n.o.ble families and kept a secret. " the Wing Dragon family patriarch added"

The three Major family heads didn't say anything

"geeze stop with the 20 questions I just got here. Give me a second to explain something first then ask a question. d.a.m.n it. "

Ninger, Ziyun and Xin all laughed quietly to themselves because they know his personality.

"sigh first of all I called you all here to get a basic understanding on what your plans for the future."

"Plans for the future?"

'why did you have us meet in secret then' they all thought

"yeah such as hope and dreams. How much do you know about cultivation. What is the highest rank you can get, are there any other human civilizations out there? I want to know what you all think"

"This is pointless, I thought you were a genus but I guess you were lucky to find the formals or something. " Hong Yue heir said

"Little boy I think you must have more important stuff to talk about than basic information. Legend is the greatest strength and the reason glory city was establish was to protect the last remaining humanity" A woman named Huyan Lanruo daughter of Huyan Xiong the patrirach of the Huyan family. Her body is extremely hot and s.e.xy. Especially the twin peaks in front of her chest. Those are simply domineering. The white silk dress simply could not cover the deep ravine, and they would quiver when walking. Her eyes displayed trace of loveliness. She is also very upfront and bold with a short temper. It seems that she is a bit spoiled and pampered by her father, who has difficulty in controlling her.

"First don't call me boy and City lord is all that true?" All eyes turned to him

Ye Zong who had his eyes closed just nodded "That is the highest rank in recorded history"

"*sigh are you really related to Ziyun? I mean shes really smart."


"never mind ok first of all if Legend the highest rank you can get then why does Ye Mo train? the reason is there is a higher realm above Legend"

The room was loud and shocked Ninger and Ziyun already heard about this from Eros so they weren't surprise

"that impossible there no way that there isn't any other realms"

"ok calm down d.a.m.n it. Let me continue. acting like a bunch of monkeys in the zoo. Let me finish everything then you can ask question alright...good. There are Legend isn't the highest rank you can go to in this world for example a demiG.o.d. A DemiG.o.d is a legend rank expert in here that has cultivated the Power of Law and reached the highest point. In this world, they can not go higher unless they are able to become a Spiritual G.o.d

"What is the power of Law?" Ziyun asked

"Yeah and what is a Spiritual G.o.d? Ning'er followed up

"what great questions see this is a good question at the right time" The girl blushed

'What the h.e.l.l isn't he just playing favorites'

"the power of law is the extremely pure type of Soul Force that is used by those that cultivate a law. Every law has its own energy and when it is cultivated by an individual it fuses with them. It is with this that the Spiritual G.o.ds are able to break through into the Heavenly Fate Realm. However just cultivating the power of law is insufficient by itself to reach this higher level.

Sensing the power of law is easy but people are stupid all it takes is to empty yourself and let your heart become pure and clean like the heavens and earth. The power of law will then sense your sincere heart and accept you...I'm f.u.c.king with you all you have to do is be near someone or something that has representing the law and get insight from it. Once I teach you bending you will have understanding of it.

Each law is formed by their own mysterious inscription patterns and work together to create the world's structure. This is why it is so difficult in the Divine Continent to break into the Heavenly Fate Realm.

Spiritual G.o.ds are cultivators in the Divine Continent Domain that are able to partly break into the Heavenly Fate Realm rank by merging with a law from the heavens and earth. The power of a spiritual G.o.d is not enough alone to break into the higher realms. so its like limiting yourself..ok now to the ranks .

Heavenly Fate Realm is next. In order to reach this realm, normally a legend rank expert would cultivate the Power of Heaven. However, in the Divine Continent Domain the only way for a person to reach this realm is through cultivating a law to become a Spiritual G.o.d.

Demon Beasts are also able to break into this realm by becoming spiritual G.o.ds. It was when a demon beast moved into the Heavenly Fate Realm that ultimately lead to the demon riot and the Age of Darkness. well according to my research.

As a cultivator reaches this realm, they form something called a "Fate Soul" in their soul realm. If they died, they would only lose one of these Fate Soul instead of facing a true death.

the power of heaven I spoke of is a type of energy similar to Soul Force and Law Energy. Just as with Law Energy, it is separated into elemental types, however it is more powerful the law energy and is considered the most fundamental of all energy. It can only be cultivated by someone who has broken into legend rank. Only those who have comprehended Heavenly Energy can break through Legend rank and step into the Heavenly Fate Realm. A person's Spiritual Root determines their talent in cultivating Heavenly energy

Heavenly Star Realm is the rank above Heavenly Fate Realm and is also broken into nine stages.Each of these stages is marked by the formation of a Fate Star.

Eros went over all the other ranks and a estimate to how to get there"

The room was quiet. Everyone was breathing heavy the city lord finally asked how Eros knows this

"huh didn't you know?" Eros looks at his father and Shen Hong nods

"well truth is I'm not from Glory city I'm actually a slave" Eros explained how he was born slave and Moon Lee who was Shen Hong wife saved him and she took care of him and gave him the name Shen and adopted son. He also explained how he got out with the new knowledge...he also took out a drawn map of the area

'so she was still alive thank G.o.d...' the city lord looked at his old friend and smiled "So are you waiting for the power to go back or something?"

"no its not that simple I can't alert the guards one mistake and mom will be killed. Besides if I do something I'm afraid the Demon Lord will do something to Glory city while I'm away


"yeah " Eros explained how he stayed alive" the problem is each clan has Dark guild members in it. Don't you find it strange how the Dark guild acquired some of our medicine already" The room was shocked

"wait you said that every clan that why you had us meet in secret?"

"Duh you just figured that out. ignorance really must be bliss. "

'this kid every word is a insult'

"Ok my plan is simple let them come to us and trap him there. I will give you cultivation techniques to help you all grown and put Inscription Patterns on the medicine bottles. to know where it is going ..don't worry I'll show you how to do it. I'll also make Enchanting,Battle and Array Inscription for you too. This way we can trap and protect Glory City.. My plan is like this"

{Enchanting-Inscribed on armor or weapons in order to greatly enhance their combat abilities. These appear to have a lasting effect.

Battle-Usually inscribed on Inscription Pattern scrolls, but can be on other items. These appear to have an strong effect that must be activated.

Arrays-Large and complex inscription patterns that are used for powerful techniques and effect an area}

"This was way to much this boy is like a genus monster...well he explained that he inherit his power and technique but I feel there is more to the story than meets the eye.' all of these crafty old men were thinking this

Eros then gave each of the n.o.ble family some cultivation techniques and inscriptions that will aid their growth. till it was the major families and the Wing Dragon family. Eros gave them each cultivation techniques and injected them with knowledge on how to bend. Wing Dragon Air bending because air is the element of freedom and of having no earthly attachments, while based in Buddhist philosophy it fits really well with artisans' adventerous spirit...ok Ninger wanted to be free than be bonded by her family is why I gave them it. plus alot of their jobs are Artisans

Sacred family is the most rational so firebending...I already taught them it

Divine family I gave Water bending, its is all about letting your emotions flow and redirecting your opponents attacks to be your own attacks. Idealists are the best type at letting their emotions not get all bottled up, and in my experience are also the most pa.s.sive aggresive and that is so the Divine family

and finally the guardians of Glory City the Snow Wind family. Earth bending. The entire art of earth bending is based around being stubborn and facing problems head on, stereotypical traits of guardians. I gave them also different Inscription Patterns.

During the meeting Eros also apologize for his family forgery of the Inscription and also gave cultivation techniques to the school while a lower grade than the one he gave the n.o.ble families it still will help the Glory city grow.

While The people were upset of the lie and the violation of the law. Due to Eros and the great deeds he has done they were pardon..

Then two weeks fly by and then Eros wakes up and is excited because today is the day Xui is going to start teaching.

Eros Destroying The Multiverse 76 Plan For Hide And Seek

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Eros Destroying The Multiverse 76 Plan For Hide And Seek summary

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