Reborn As Vegeta 12 The Plot Thickens

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Author Note: Here Come Nine Chapters, I was on a *Beeping* roll. Still can't stop writing this one right now, having too much fun. The quick pacing of the story is my favorite thing about this one, I imagine I'll be in Dragon Ball Super between chapters 50 and 60.


Halfway across the Milkyway, a particular purple and white colored Fost Demon stood staring out at a barren planet with a devilish grin across his purple lips.

As the Frost-Demon stared out lifeless planet before him, a young Soldier from the P.T.O entered the bridge of the mother s.h.i.+p, saluting the Frost Demon, the blond-haired, pale-blue skinned soldier bowed down on a single knee before he said, "Lord Cooler, we have destroyed all the life forms on the planet and harvest the seed before destroying the tree!"

"How many did you collect, Salza!?" Cooler said as he turned around.

"Unfortunately those Crusher Pirates ate many of them and wasted the greater portion," Salza explained.

Cooler shook his head and repeated himself, this time with a colder and more threatening tone, "How many did you collect?"

"Sir, only one remained!" Salza held out a cloth that contained the Fruit from the Tree of Might and winced waiting for Cooler's punishment.

Cooler waved his hand and pulled them into his hand, pulling the cloth open with his Ki, Cooler picked up the surface of the skin was light orange color, and looks similar to that of the durian fruit, Cooler ate one and suddenly felt his Ki explode inside his body.

"HAHAHA!" Cooler yelled out in joy, after eating the fruit his power had multiplied several times over, his original power level was 470-Million, and now his new power level had peaked around 7.125-Billion, multiplying his power level by fifteen times.

"HAHAHA, I'm am the strongest being alive! Even Father can no longer defeat me!" Cooler declared as he could feel his new strength still growing.

Another of Cooler's men came into the bridge and bowed before saying, "Lord Cooler, the trajectory and destination of Frieza's course was confirmed by our s.h.i.+p's computer! Frieza's s.h.i.+p is headed for a low-level planet called Earth, based on the scans, the highest recorded power level on the planet is 10."

Cooler tilted his head and thought, "What's my little brother up to, why would he even bother to go to such a weak planet?"

"Sir, the planet Earth just so happens to fit the environment for growing the Tree of Might!" The soldier added in.

Cooler smiled, "Plot a course for Earth! It's been a while since I've seen my brother."

The soldiers nodded their heads and got back to work, Cooler held the seed in his hand and began laughing as their s.p.a.ce s.h.i.+p shot off towards earth.


Vegeta appeared at Goku's house and met up with everybody, and since Bardock was in charge of the Training Grounds, the fact he ended up living next to Goku and Chichi meant that the rest of the Sayians chose to live nearby as well.

Vegeta and Goku were surprised to see that they now had 4 new Super Saiyans, Bardock, Gine, Radditz, and Nappa had all gained their new forms one after the other.

Only Bardock and Radditz had managed to perfect the Super Saiyan form or at least were near mastery as they both were still in the Super Saiyan state.

Chichi and Gohan had gotten much stronger as well, however, they were still a little off from becoming a Super Saiyan.

Goku was happy to see so many strong people that he could fight against and was even happier to see how much his family had grown.

Everyone's new base Power-Level...

Chichi: 1.5 Million.

Gohan: 1.1 Million.

Bardock: 16 Million.

Gine: 14 Million.

Radditz: 15.9 Million

Nappa: 13.4 Million

Turles: 1 Million

Vegeta threw Krillin and Piccolo inside the Training Grounds and cranked up the time difference to max before he had Goku take Turles, Chichi, and Gohan to Namek to unlock their potentials, and when they returned, they all had a Power Level of 7-8 Million that it was constantly on the rise.

He then threw them into the Training Grounds as well until their power levels started to settle. For the next few days, Vegeta and Goku took it easy, other than the occasional training session, they spent most of their time with their significant others.

Vegeta appeared inside Capsule Corp. and saw Bulma working on one of the PTO Mother s.h.i.+ps belonging to Vegeta, as well as all the additional equipment such as the regeneration pods, navigation mechanisms, and the engines.

He snuck up behind her and placed his arms around her waist and hugged her, Bulma jumped, but once she realized that it was Vegeta she smiled.

"Back from training!?" Bulma asked.

Vegeta smiled and berried his head into the back of Bulma's neck, he realized that his hight was slightly taller than Bulma now, he thought it may be thanks to the Training Grounds helping to improve his body, or that his new planet played some part in it as well.

"It's the lighter gravity, maybe that's why Broly and Radditz grew so tall. I've been on high gravity level planets most my life after all," Vegeta thought as he laughed. "I guess I have to go pick them up someday."

Bulma turned around and said, "So you wanna spend the night?"

Vegeta grinned and said, "Depends, you willing to become a Saiyan?"

Bulma blushed, "I told you that we would have to have a kid for that to happen."

Bulma's theory turned out to be true after they slept together the first time, Vegeta made sure that they didn't have Trunks just yet, and even though they didn't use protection, she didn't become a Saiyan.

"So why don't you just be mine already?" Vegeta asked with a sly smile on his face.

Bulma blushed and said, "Did you just propose!?"

Vegeta nodded his head, "Wanna be my Queen!?"

Bulma gave a fl.u.s.tered response and a funny reaction as her facial expressions went from surprised, happy, and embarra.s.sed, she then hid her face in his chest and mumbled, "m~m~h~m~m!"

"What was that?" Vegeta asked teasingly.

Bulma gripped his clothes and lifted her head up and shouted with a red face, "YES! Vegeta I'll marry you!"

Vegeta smiled and gave her a kiss, "I'm not one for jewelry, and I don't exactly know what good tastes are when comes to picking a ring, so I just got a couple of golden bands."

Vegeta pulled them out of his pocket, thanks to all the technology he provided Capsule Corp., they just ended up giving him a black card so he could spend money on whatever he wanted.

Bulma held out her hand, "You know I don't care about that stuff."

Vegeta smiled and put on the ring, and then Bulma put Vegeta's ring on his finger.

She started to tear up happily, Vegeta picked her up and said, "Do you want to go to bed now."

Bulma nodded her head before she said, "Let me take a shower."

Vegeta grinned, "Let me join you!"

Bulma didn't even get a chance to respond before he teleported her to the bathroom, Vegeta started to remove her top, after taking off the s.h.i.+rt he kissed her and slowly removed his own clothing.

Bulma helped him out and started to remove his pants, Vegeta turned the water on and set it to shower.

Bulma had her legs wrapped around his waist while Vegeta groped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, he moved her into the shower and continued to kiss her before slowly lowering her hips onto his member.

Bulma moaned as she felt her lover fill her up, she slowly rocked her hips back and forth as the water from the shower covered her body.

Vegeta had to be gentle with Bulma or let her take control, so he leaned back slightly and started to pump lightly, Bulma moaned out in surprise and bit down on her lip before she had her first o.r.g.a.s.m.

Vegeta grinned as he felt her shake, seeing his att.i.tude made Bulma put on a grumpy face before pus.h.i.+ng him down.

Placing her hands on his chest, Bulma smiled as she started to lift her waist and drop down as fast as she could, Vegeta reached up and grabbed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and fondled them while Bulma started to moan out loudly.

Vegeta could feel himself getting close, so he started to help her out and pick up his pace, Bulma shouted, "Harder, it's okay."

Vegeta felt his hair stand on end, he grabbed her hands and locked fingers with her, Vegeta started to move even faster, Bulma's facial expression was in a daze when all of the sudden she shouted, "I'm c.u.mming!"

Vegeta felt himself let go and fill her up, Bulma moaned out loudly as she fell forward and quivered as she felt his load warming her insides.

She started to feel a tingling sensation in her tail bone, Bulma was surprised to suddenly feel an extra appendage moving behind her back.

Vegeta smiled with a wondrous sensation because he knew what this meant, however, Bulma's hair color stayed the same, he didn't know if this was normal because Chichi had black hair to begin with, but, Bulma's gene for hair had apparently overpowered the Saiyan's genetic marker.

Vegeta smiled as Bulma inspected her body, "I have a tail, and this strength, wow do all Saiyan's feel like this!?" Bulma started to tear up realizing that this meant that she was with child now.

Vegeta smiled and sat up, "I'm not done."

Bulma made an eeping noise as Vegeta started to move, the two indulged themselves for several hours longer, after they finished, Bulma laid on top of Vegeta's chest and slept deeper than she ever had in her life, and Vegeta let out a sigh of joy as he fell asleep.

The next morning the two stayed together most of the day, Bulma was looking at samples of her own blood when Vegeta sensed Krillin and Piccolo returning from Namek.

Vegeta gave Bulma a large supply of Sensu Beans so she could control her hunger, and then gave Bulma a kiss before he said, "I'll be right back."

Vegeta teleported to Goku's house to see Krillin and Piccolo standing side by side, their power levels were each around 13 Million, Vegeta smiled and nodded his head in approval.

He was about to speak when everyone sensed a powerful Ki enter their solar system.

Vegeta grinned and then started laughing, "He's here!"

Goku was looking up at the sky, "Incredible, if we couldn't turn Super Saiyan, then..."

"Everyone you know and love would be killed by him Kakorot," Vegeta responded.

Piccolo gripped his fist, "To think there was someone so strong in this universe."

Vegeta looked over at Piccolo and saw that his demeanor was much calmer, Vegeta guessed that his time on Namek must have cooled his head a bit.

Krillin exuded a confidence Vegeta had never seen before, Krillin and Piccolo had spent almost 10 years inside the training grounds and competed with the other Saiyans in constant combat to improve, they had to train harder and fight harder every step of the way.

Vegeta then said, "Listen up, Frieza has an entire army coming with him, he won't spare your family or your world, Frieza will attempt to kill everyone if they don't bow to him."

Vegeta then looked to Goku and said, "Kakorot, I know you don't approve of killing your opponents, but if you hold back against any of these PTO members, innocent people will pay for it."

Vegeta could see Goku's internal struggle when he sighed, "Think about it like this, you may be killing them, but, their souls will remain and get an earlier start on reincarnating with a clean soul." Vegeta then gave Goku a bit of an explanation to what happens to a sinner in the Home for Infinite Losers.

Everyone shook, especially Piccolo, unknowing to Vegeta this furthered his desire to rid the darkness from his heart.

Vegeta then teleported everyone to a barren wasteland out in the middle of nowhere, Vegeta then raised his power level to 50 Thousand, signaling the scouters on Frieza's s.h.i.+p in the distance.

Reborn As Vegeta 12 The Plot Thickens

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