Reborn As Vegeta 25 True Super Saiyan God Red

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Vegeta opened the laptop and saw a large sphere on the screen it showed every star and its movement throughout the universe.

Vegeta smiled as he said, "Earth."

The computer beep and zoomed in on planet earth, a list popped up showing Earth's Stats, such as; Location: Milkyway Galaxy, Solar System: Sol, Star: The Sun, Intelligent Life: Humanoid, Average Intelligence Rating: Mid Cla.s.s, Average Power Level Rating: Low Tier Mortal Raking.

"This is amazing!" Bulma said with stars in her eyes, "What a great wish honey!" Bulma gave Vegeta a kiss on the cheek. "Now we can find anything we want in s.p.a.ce!"

"Search for nearest intelligent lifeforms," Vegeta smiled as he commanded.

The computer hummed as it ran over to Planet Salada, which used to be close to where Venus was, now closer into the habitable zone, Planet Salada showed up alongside its moon, Luna; the information given was about the same as Earth's, all except Average Power Level Rating, which was rated as Low Tier Heaven Ranking.

Vegeta tilted his head and smiled, "Okay, search for planet Metamor."

The view quickly pulled back and traveled all the way to the Andromeda Galaxy it ended up on a planet surrounding a ma.s.sive Brown Dwarf way out in the cold region of a star in that is a rather large Red Dwarf Star, normally Brown Dwarfs are dark in color, however, this one was unusually hot and had a vibrant white atmosphere.

A dozen planets circling it had several habitable living environments, planet Metamor was the largest of them, the stats read...

Location: Andromeda Galaxy.

Solar System: Meta.

Star: Metatron.

Intelligent Life: Humanoid.

Average Intelligence Rating: High Cla.s.s.

Average Power Level Rating: High Tier Earth Raking.

Vegeta smiled and sent his senses out off in the direction of Planet Metamor, after a few seconds he smiled as he said, "Now that's one technique down, let's see if I can't find his place." Vegeta paused and then sighed, "He should be sleeping, so perhaps I can ask Whis to train me."

"Well, what now?" Goku asked.

"Search for Beerus Planet," Vegeta announced as the screen pulled out the very edge of the expanding universe to show a small piece of land that was no bigger than their moon. The lower part has a shape similar to a square pyramid flipped upside-down, and the top is made of a giant thick dead tree with a number of buildings on it. Several buildings of the temple are located on the giant tree. Living on around the temple are several kinds of animals, including birds and b.u.t.terflies. Around the temple is a gigantic lake that includes several kinds of sea creatures.

The status read...

Location: North Edge of the Universe.

Solar System: G.o.d of Destruction.

Stars: 7 Brothers.

Intelligent Life: Humanoid, Aquatic.

Average Intelligence Rating: G.o.d Cla.s.s.

Average Power Level Rating: High Tier G.o.d Raking.

As they read the words, Whis who was sitting next to the oracle fish smiled, "Oh, my!" Whis said in surprise.

"What is it?" The Oracle Fish asked.

"Someone is looking at us," Whis said as he stared into his staff, "Well if it isn't Prince Vegeta, oh, what's this the Saiyans survived?"

Vegeta turned to his family and said, "Kakorot and I will head to the G.o.d of Destruction's planet and ask for training." He then suddenly teleported to the G.o.d of Destruction's planet with Goku using their instant transmission.

Everyone wished them luck and turned to go train, they wouldn't let them fight alone.

Once Vegeta and Goku appeared over the small planet, Vegeta quickly spotted Whis sitting on a nearby tree stump.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Prince Vegeta, and who is this, a fellow Saiyan of yours?" Whis said as he stood up.

Vegeta bowed and said, Honorable Angel Whis, this is Kakorot a Saiyan who grew up on Earth, I have come here to ask for your training!"

Vegeta saw that Goku was scratching his head and said, "I'm Goku, are you the G.o.d of Destruction? Are you Powerful?!"

Vegeta grabbed Goku's head and forced him to bow, Whis smiled and started laughing, "Hohoho, what an innocent man, no Goku, I am not the G.o.d of Destruction."

Goku turned to Vegeta, "I thought we were going to ask the G.o.d of Destruction for training."

Vegeta shook his head, "Beerus? Train you? Hohoho, what a funny Saiyan."

Vegeta pointed to Whis, "Listen Goku, this man is the person who trains G.o.ds of Destructions."

Goku's eyes lit up, "Does that mean you're stronger?"

"Yes, by quite a bit actually." Whis bragged.

"Yahoo!" Goku shouted as he jumped into the air, "If we get training from someone so strong, then those Androids will be a piece of cake!"

"I'm sorry, but I'd never said that I would train you two," Whis stated with a peaceful smile on his face.

Goku came back down and said, "Please! What would it take to get you to train us?"

"Are you trying to become the next G.o.d of Destruction?" Whis inquired.

Goku's head pulled back, "Um, no, I just wanna get strong and fight strong people!"

"Oh, and do you share this sentiment Vegeta?" Whis asked looking over at him.

"More or less, I simply wish to be the strongest being to have absolute freedom," Vegeta said tilting his head.

Whis then shook his head up and down, "Admirable, and honest." his eyes suddenly grew sharp, "But...the answer is still no. You have given me no incentive to want to train you."

Vegeta grinned, "What if I promised food so good, that you would die wanting to know where it came from?"

Whis's eyebrows perked up, "Ooh, and you have such a thing?"

Seeing what Vegeta was doing, Goku chimed in, "It's true, where we come from has the best food in the Milkyway, hands down!"

Whis smiled, "Okay, but if you're lying to me, I kill you both right here and now!"

Goku gulped, Vegeta shook and pulled out a bunch of meals that came from Earth, as they were stored after cooking, they were still fresh.

Smelling it, Goku gulped and held back as he watched Whis do the same, Vegeta grinned and said, "Well, go ahead."

Whis started in on some roasted pig, after chewing into it his eyes turned to stars, "De~wic~ious!" Whis began to try several others.

After a while Goku started to eat as well, Vegeta stared at him with anger, "What? I'm Hungry."

After letting out a sigh of resignation, Vegeta pulled out even more food and joined them, it didn't take long for them to finish off everything, Whis stood up and wiped his lips with a handkerchief, "Well, you certainly didn't lie, this is most definitely the most delicious feast I've ever taken part of."

Vegeta and Goku stood up, "So does that mean you'll train us?"

"Well, a promise is a promise," Whis said as he pointed his staff at them, "First I need to see how strong you are, please don't hold back."

Goku and Vegeta looked at each other and nodded, they both transformed into Super Saiyan 4's and started to shake Beerus's planet.

"Oh, my, I haven't seen this in many eons." Whis said with a smile on his face, "A physique that has touched the G.o.dly realm is indeed impressive."

Vegeta then said, "You got to go first last time Kakorot, it's my turn."

"Oh, come on Vegeta! Pretty Please!" Goku pleaded with his hands clenched together.

"Ufufu, why don't you both come at me with everything you have." Whis smiled and made his staff disappear before taking a combative stance.

Goku and Vegeta felt s.h.i.+vers run down their tail, "Danger!"

Whis moved forward in a flash and appeared in front of them, "If you won't make the first move..."

Goku and Vegeta punched out, Whis smiled and raised his finger, the force from the blow shook the entire planet as they came to a stop, "Impressive, but you have a lot to learn." Whis held their hands in place using only a slight amount of his energy.

The two struggled against his strength and started to go all out in a flurry of punches and kicks, Whis dodged left and right, his entire body a blur that could barely be seen by the two Saiyan warriors.

Goku suddenly received a powerful punch to his gut that made him fall forward, while Vegeta was kicked across the face and sent falling into the nearby water.

It didn't take long for the two to shake off the damage and jump back into battle, Whis smiled and said, "You two have trained well, I can tell how refined your martial arts are, but you are lacking a lot to be compared to a G.o.d."

With that said, Whis went on the offense, every punch, kick, and blast sent their way broke bones and caused severe injuries, Vegeta quickly cast Re-Heal on them and jumped back into fighting, surprising Whis once more, "You can use magic, how interesting."

Vegeta and Goku looked at each other and nodded their heads, they then looked back to Whis and used their power up techniques.

"Kaio-Ken Times 100!" Goku shouted.

"Kokoro-Ken Times 100!" Vegeta joined in.

Whis's eyes went wide, "My, my, my! This is impressive."

Vegeta and Goku went straight back into attacking, the ground shook as their fight looked like they were teleporting across the entire area, every time they re-appeared, their attacks caused ma.s.sive shockwaves to spill out into the universe.

Whis then appeared behind them and tapped the back of their necks, they instantly reverted back to their base forms and fell to the ground while unconscious, Whis stopped their fall and smiled, "Such potential these Saiyans have."

After healing them, both Vegeta and Goku woke up with a surprised expression, letting out a laugh, Goku jumped up and shouted, "That was awesome!"

Vegeta stood up and asked, "So will you train us?"

Whis smiled and nodded his head, "Yes, I will train you, as long as you keep that food coming."

With that done, Vegeta began to question Whis on how to achieve G.o.d Ki, when Whis heard what he was doing for training he smiled, "You're on the right track Vegeta, however, when you empty your body, the G.o.d Ki isn't just going to magically appear, you have to use your Ki Center to like conversion reactor, make the new Ki thousands of trillions of times denser."

Like a bolt of lightning running through his brain, Vegeta grinned as he quickly emptied his body of Ki and sat down to meditate.

Seeing Whis reaction, Goku saw that he was on the right track and copied Vegeta as he too emptied out his Ki.

They trained for days doing this after their training routine, every time they renewed their Ki supply, it was dozens of times thicker, and more jampacked with energy than ever before.

Vegeta smiled as he shot up, his body quickly transformed into Super Saiyan 4 and caused the universe around them to shake, lightning storms filled the planet, and even Beerus's room was starting to rock.

Goku just a few seconds behind Vegeta also started to power up as well.

Vegeta shouted to the sky as his Aura started to turn a flame color, and his hair turned vibrant red as it shortened down to his base form's style, his body slimmed down slightly and he was still covered in his Super Saiyan 4 fur, but he didn't have long hair anymore, and the fur on his body had turned into the same color as his hair.

Just like Vegeta, Goku had achieved the True Super Saiyan G.o.d form beside them, their bodies rippled with unimaginable power causing Whis to clap his hands, "My word, this certainly is G.o.d Ki, and so powerful too!"

Their Ki sent ripples although out the heavenly realm as well, the Kai's alerted to the powerful G.o.ds being born in the distance sent s.h.i.+vers down their spines, King Kai smiled with joy as he realized that both of his pupils had achieved G.o.dhood!

A loud explosion went off in Beerus's sleeping Chambers, he woke up with a growl and shouted, "Whis! What the h.e.l.l is shaking my..." Sensing the frightening energy outside Beerus grinned with excitement, he sensed the two Saiyan G.o.ds floating next to Whis.

"Now, wait a sec, they look kind of familiar..." Beerus suddenly jumped up, "Ahh! My vision!" quickly das.h.i.+ng outside, he sent his G.o.d Ki out as a challenge.

Now that Goku and Vegeta had achieved their G.o.d Forms they could sense Beerus's power approaching, Goku s.h.i.+vered in excitement as he saw the G.o.d of Destruction approaching him, Vegeta, on the other hand, was filling up with rage as he stared down Beerus.

"Whis, why didn't you tell me we had visitors?" Beerus said in a joyful tune as he floated up next to him.

He looked over the two Super Saiyan G.o.ds and smiled, "Well, well, well, if it isn't little Prince Vegeta, it's been a long time."

Vegeta grunted, and with an ultrquick flash of movement, he shot his arm out and slugged Beerus on the face.

Reborn As Vegeta 25 True Super Saiyan God Red

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Reborn As Vegeta 25 True Super Saiyan God Red summary

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