From Fish To Dragon 121 Round One

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As the battle began, Black Cloud's side took the first move. As for Dixuan's side, the two brothers noticed that they had already moved even before the match had officially started.

Under the stage, small roots were being spread beneath the feet of the opposing side, ready to strike at any time.

"It seems Dixuan will win even faster than we thought." w.a.n.g Tao commented.

"What do you mean?" Jia Yazhu asked as she didn't notice anything.

"Look at the big flower." Yang Chen suddenly said.

Jia Yazhu nodded and observed the large flower monster on Dixuan's side, it took her a bit before she realized what they meant.

"I see what you mean now, I didn't even notice until just then," she said.

"Maybe you didn't eat enough carrots when you were younger." w.a.n.g Tao teased.

"Hmph," she replied as she watched.

On Black Cloud's side, the five monsters moved at the same time to attack. Dixuan's team didn't move an inch as if they were scared of the opposing team.

Just as the Dixuan team was about to take a hit, the ground erupted as the roots that were spread under the ground were all unleashed at the same time.

In an instant, the Black Cloud team was caught up in roots and was unable to move an inch. It only took an instant for the Dixuan team to defeat the Black Cloud team even with similar strength.

It was a clear display of strategy which can instantly turn the tide of the battle in your favor. The battle of the first year ended immediately while the other battles of the other years were ongoing.


After thirty minutes, the battle between both academies ended. Dixuan won 3-2 which meant they would proceed to the second round, while Black Cloud University was eliminated. After the next two schools battle, Black Cloud would battle against the team that lost in order to decide 9th and 10th place between the ten universities.

Another thirty minutes later, another team had lost and would soon battle against Black Cloud university. Thirty minutes later, Black Cloud university had lost again and placed 10th out of every university.

As for how fifth place and sixth place will be determined, it would be a battle against the top of the five non-seeded universities and the lowest-ranked of the top five seeds.

Now that the first round is over, the second round would soon begin. Since the War G.o.d Academy, Heaven's Gate, and Nine Peaks Academy were in the top three, their battles would be towards the end of the second round, which meant Ye Qin and w.a.n.g Tao would need to wait a while before it was their turn to show off.

The two other top-five academies that hadn't been introduced yet are the Battle Temple in fourth place and the fifth place is the Monster Haven university. The Battle temple focused mostly on military and battles just as the War G.o.d academy did and have been aiming to be the number one battle focused university in New China for years.

As for the Monster Haven university, it was a university where the top breeders around the country all go to. Despite focusing almost solely on monster breeding and being the most wealthy of the five academies, they were still strong enough to rank fifth out of all the universities in all of China.

This meant that Nine Peaks Academy would battle against the Battle Temple in the second round, while the Monster Haven team will face the top of the lesser five academies.


Two hours later, it was noon and everyone was provided lunch along with a short ten-minute break. Sun Zhan took this chance to come over to chat with Ye Qin and w.a.n.g Tao during the break.

"It's been a while." Ye Qin told him.

"It has been indeed, I can tell that you must be stronger than last year. It will be a while before I can see you two show off." Sun Zhan replied.

"How's the sage?" w.a.n.g Tao couldn't help but ask.

It had already been over a year since their first venture into the Abandoned Lands. There, they went on a journey meeting the Great Sage as well as a battle between powerhouses during their short trip. Now, the Great Sage should be much stronger than in the past since it had followed Sun Zhan for the entire year.

"He's doing great, he can't wait to see the two of you again." Sun Zhan smiled bitterly.

"Who is this gentlemen?" Jia Yazhu behind them asked.

"This is our friend Sun Zhan." w.a.n.g Tao answered.

"h.e.l.lo there, I am Sun Zhan from the War G.o.d Academy." Sun Zhan introduced himself. Jia Yazhu took his hand and introduced herself as well.

Sun Zhan then noticed the two others who didn't say anything but only looked at him. "Hahaha, I guess you two have some unfriendly teammates, it must be hard on you," he told them.

"Well, it can't be as hard as having 'her' on your team." Ye Qin replied.

"So you two did know her, that's good. She's the leader of our team this time." Sun Zhan said.

"En, it's quite obvious, if you were the leader with your strength then the sun must have rose from the west." w.a.n.g Tao nodded.



"I'll see you guys later, I'll return to my team now." Sun Zhan said as he turned around. When he got back to his seat, it was already time for the rest of the first round to begin.

After two hours, 8th and 7th place were determined. Now, the second round would officially begin with the battle for 6th and 5th place.

From Fish To Dragon 121 Round One

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From Fish To Dragon 121 Round One summary

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