From Fish To Dragon 128 The Second Round Part 7

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Throughout a radius of a thousand meters, not a single sound was heard. If a pin dropped during this time, everyone would be able to hear it even tens of meters away.

A handsome youth of nineteen along with his partner had utterly destroyed his opponent. It only took a single moment for it all to end.

A few moments later, the sound of clapping was heard. A single young man who was equally as handsome started clapping right next to the other youth.

Once he started, a youth in the stands started clapping as well.

Slowly, a third, a fourth, a fifth person started clapping. Eventually, the entire stage was filled with the sound of clapping. Everyone here this day who had seen the battle had clapped for the youth.

From this day, a new figure would s.h.i.+ne within the younger generation of the nation.

Step! Step!

Ye Qin walked up to his opponent on the other side. He took a quick glance at the other four which they knew he what he meant. The leader of the monks stayed in his spot.

"Congratulations," he said.

"It was a good battle." Ye Qin replied.

"F*ck! You beat me with a single attack and you dare say that it was a good battle?!"

If only Ye Qin had known what was going on in the mind of his opponent when he said that sentence.

"I think we can be friends, I know of a way for you to become stronger. Come see me at the Nine Peaks if you're interested." Ye Qin told him.

As for why he told this to his opponent, it was simple. Earlier, when he had seen the Demon Abbot, he could see that its grade could increase, not only that, it was also able to be evolved at any time. In fact, the other four monks could have their grades upgraded as well, unfortunately they couldn't be evolved any further.

Seeing the potential of the Demon Abbot, Ye Qin wanted to create another powerful figure for the human race in the future. No matter how strong he was, Ye Qin and w.a.n.g Tao wouldn't be able to defeat the monsters on the other side on their own.

Currently, they were probably only able to barely contend against the Crowned Blackwing that had defeated them both easily just a few months prior. In the future, he would need allies that would come with him in the future.

Not only that, while the battle was taking place, at the same time, but Ye Qin, w.a.n.g Tao and Sun Zhan's...o...b.. were also s.h.i.+ning brightly within the storage s.p.a.ce. The three of them felt it at the same time, while one of the orbs that Ye Qin had kept was reacting to the Demon Abbot.

With all this in mind, Ye Qin made up his mind to help out his opponent. Heading back, the four monks spoke to their leader as Ye Qin made his way.

The clapping only stopped when the youth made his way back up to join those that were seated in the stands. With a single battle, he made his name known within the minds of every person there on that day.

Sitting in the stands, Ye Qin was given a thumbs up by w.a.n.g Tao who grinned. "Stop grinning, it's gross," he told the latter.

"Okay, hehe that was quite the flex." w.a.n.g Tao continued.

"Who's the one that beat up two opponents at the same time again?" Ye Qin replied.

Cough! Cough!

"Say, let's not talk about me okay?"

After that brief exchange, the two brothers said nothing more and waited for the next match to start. After all, it will be yet another exciting battle. The current number one and number two universities will be going up against each other!

"Hehehe, don't forget to give me the money later!" the Nine Peaks headmaster laughed loudly in his seat.

The headmasters who had made a bet and owed him money frowned as they saw his money-hungry expression.

Now, the stage was ruined during their battle. With two large craters and half the stadium split, the battle between the War G.o.d Academy and Heaven's Gate would be delayed until the repairs are over.

Fortunately, the repairs didn't take long. Only an hour later, was the entire stadium back to normal as if the battles that had taken place had actually not taken place at all.

Everything was back in its place. Finally, the next battle would take place. Whichever side lost, would battle against the Battle Temple, while the winner would battle against the Nine Peaks. Of course, during this time, Ye Qin planned to improve the strength of the Battle Temple after observing Sun Zhan and 'her'.

After all, it had been a year since they had last seen each other. With the Great Sage by his side, Sun Zhan should be much stronger than a year ago, while in 'her' case, she was already much stronger than Ye Qin and w.a.n.g Tao combined that year.

By now, her strength should've increased even further, it was just the extent of her growth that interested Ye Qin. After this, he would know what to do in the future and plan for it.

Down below, Sun Zhan and his group stood in an orderly fas.h.i.+on. He stood beside 'her' as well as his teammates and faced their opponents. On the other side, Tang Yaling stood next to a young man.

The young man could be described as ordinary, black hair, brown eyes, an ordinary face. The only thing that made him stand out was that he was the leader of Heaven's Gate this time.

Both teams faced each other as they prepared to begin to engage in battle.

From Fish To Dragon 128 The Second Round Part 7

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From Fish To Dragon 128 The Second Round Part 7 summary

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