From Fish To Dragon 143 The Final Battle X

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A booming echo of a dragon's roar shook heaven and earth itself. A large stadium, filled with hundreds of people inside was shaking as if an earthquake had struck.

High in the skies, four silhouettes could be seen facing each other. One of them was glowing in a bright s.h.i.+ning golden light, while another was s.h.i.+ning silver. If one were to look closely, they would see that the two were actually divine dragons!

The two remaining silhouettes were also s.h.i.+ning. One completely in pitch-black darkness, the other, blinding holy rays of light. The two were also dragons if one observed. The four dragons were simultaneously glowing brightly, while bringing out all the remaining power within their bodies.

While the four rays of light were continuously s.h.i.+ning brighter and brighter, the clouds around them dispersed, leaving behind a clear sky. With the sky gradually getting dark, the four dragons seemed like four illuminating stars in the sky.

The energy being released from each of them was incredibly powerful, enough to easily destroy an entire continent on their own. One could only imagine how devastating the destruction caused by them would be if they were to release it all at once.

On the ground, hundreds of meters below, a young man was looking up, as his gaze seemed to pierce through the clouds itself. Around him, his friends got back while trying to keep themselves balanced due to the shaking.

A handsome young man beside the former spoke; "You guys head up, I'll stay here and protect you all."

The three people behind looked at the young man, one of them was a young lady replied; "You should come too, or let us help."

"No, you're too weak to do anything. Yang Chen is out of energy, he can't help even if he wanted to, Now go, I can't protect you if you're down here." he denied her.

One of the remaining two grabbed her shoulder and shook his head. He pulled her back, as the three of them headed up towards the stands where they would be under the protection of the old men watching.

She knew that his words were right and didn't refute. On the other side, Sun Zhan and his other team members did the same, going up the stands to join the crowd where it was safer.

Once they were gone, the handsome young man called out his partner. A large golden tiger with black wings appeared on the stage. It immediately moved out, knowing what its master wanted.

It flapped its wings and flew into the air above the stadium. From the tips of its wings, golden-blue ice was released around the ceiling. What was it doing? It was obviously building a huge ice dome to protect everyone within.

Shortly afterward, the dome was formed, extremely st.u.r.dy but allowed one to see outside from within, and not the other way.

Since the drones in the sky were still up, those within could still see what was happening despite being s.h.i.+elded by a dome of ice.

Moving up a bit, a group of old men were discussing amongst themselves. "These kids, aren't they forgetting that we're here too? Building a huge ice dome wasn't necessary at all, but it was good that they considered it."


High in the skies above, four pillars of light that reached high into the heavens were seen. The four pillars of light were obviously the four dragons that were unleas.h.i.+ng their full powers.

It had been a minute or so since this had happened. Now, the four dragons would soon deliver their final attack.


The twin black and white dragons uttered a thundering roar. Their bodies enveloped by lights, released a beam of light that contained all their powers within. The attacks were obviously aimed at the golden and silver dragons that resembled the Qiulong and the Yinglong of eastern legends.


The drones in the sky were destroyed by the shockwave that came along with the pure beams of elemental power. Those watching below could no longer observe the ending.


Instead of releasing an attack, the Qiulong and Yinglong both roared in unison. The two dragons both released their strongest abilities at the same time. Once they did so, everything seemed to be frozen.

Whether it was the beams of light that aimed at them, to the birds that were flying away in fright over ten kilometers away. From the fish inside the seas, to the humans that were going about with their daily lives.

It was as though time itself had been frozen.

Why was it so? Because time was indeed frozen. The Qiulong used its most powerful ability, allowing it to stop time completely. Its golden body, with a slowly dimming golden s.h.i.+ne flew towards the Mystic Holy Dragon, that was frozen in time.

The Yinglong's silver body too started moving. It hadn't been frozen in time like everything else. The Qiulong had intentionally done so. At the same time, it had released its strongest ability as well.

s.p.a.ce Freezing.

It was an ability similar to time stopping. Everything that was in its s.p.a.ce would be frozen completely, as if time had stopped for them. This ability was slightly weaker than the Qiulong's time stop, but its duration was a little longer. With the combined powers of both dragons, nothing but themselves in this world could move.

As they got closer to their foes, the energy within their bodies concentrated on their claws, delivering a single attack that would end this battle. With little time left before their ability was lifted, they came close and struck.

Bang! Bang!

One, two, tens of times, hundreds of times, thousands of times. Their claws never stopped striking as fast and as powerfully as they could, time and s.p.a.ce quickly resumed.


Split! Split!


The beams of light were fired off into the distance, while the two dragons started falling from the skies like meteors with their injury filled bodies. As for the Qiulong and Yinglong, they were still in the sky, looking down below from above.

With every bit of their power used up, they were barely able to hold onto their dragon forms.

Down below, no one knew what happened. As time had returned to normal, nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. The birds continued flying, while humans continued their daily lives.

It was as if nothing had happened. As for those watching down below, they could see two falling silhouettes heading for them. The ice dome was released, disappearing instantly as if it were never there.

The handsome young man, called Ye Qin noticed as he breathed with a sense of relief. As for his opponent, 'her' eyes widened with a look of shock for a brief moment, before returning to its usual poker face.

As they were falling, the Enigmatic Photon Dragon, and the Mystic Holy Dragon turned into beams of light and flew towards their master. High in the sky, the Qiulong and Yinglong roared with all their might, piercing the heavens above, before turning into beams of gold and silver light and returned to Ye Qin.

From Fish To Dragon 143 The Final Battle X

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From Fish To Dragon 143 The Final Battle X summary

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