From Fish To Dragon 145 Return Ii

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Upon their return to the academy, Ye Qin and his team were treated like small celebrities within the academy. Everywhere they went, the students would stare at them.

It was no surprise, Ye Qin had led his team and rose through the ranks to reach the number one spot. His fame was almost as great as the twins of the student council. It had now been a few days since their return to the academy.

With this, the end of the year was coming. Soon, their first year at the Nine Peaks academy would be over, making them another year older.

Arriving at the Battle peak, they looked for the peak master but to no avail. Since this was the case, they had no reason to stay and went for the Medicine peak. When they arrived, the peak master and his granddaughter welcomed them.

"Welcome back, I heard of the things you two did. A job well done." the peak master said.

"Congratulations." his granddaughter added.

"En, we would like to stay here for a few days to discuss some things." Ye Qin replied. "Of course, you're welcome to stay." the old peak master nodded in agreement.


In the darkness of the night, Ye Qin and w.a.n.g Tao sat on wooden stools within the peak master's wooden hut. Across from them was the peak master, who sat down to talk.

"So what did you want to talk about? She's already gone home." he asked.

"Well, first I want to ask how the research is going." Ye Qin spoke first.

"Well, I left it with some people, but so far there has been no progress. In fact, they don't even know how to go about in doing the research. It's been kept and secured, but that's all."

"Hmm, I thought so as well. Since we don't have much of an idea right now, I'll leave it in your hands. We'll need to do some research of our own, if we have an idea, we'll inform you. I have another request."

"Go on."

"I'd like a few items from your garden. Of course, it won't be for free." Ye Qin requested.

"Take it, I'm getting old anyways, my granddaughter doesn't have any use for them, if you do just take all of it. After all my years with them, I still haven't made anything major. Since that's the case, it's better left in your hands." the peak master agreed.

"This…" w.a.n.g Tao uttered.

"Then… we'll accept. Thank you." the two brothers said their thanks.

"No problems, I presume the two of you will head off again?"

Hearing this, the two brothers nodded.

"Indeed, we have some things to do, if we find more of them, we will bring them back." w.a.n.g Tao nodded.

"That's fine. But I think you should stay until the end of next week."

"Huh? Why?" w.a.n.g Tao asked.

"You'll find out then." the peak master replied, as he got up to mash up some plants. As for Ye Qin and w.a.n.g Tao, they were puzzled by the peak master's suggestion.

There weren't any events happening within the academy, they had no idea what was happening at the end of the week after, but since it was so, they would stay as they were told.


Roar! Roar!

A large tortoise that resembled a dragon roared. On its back, five different elements erupted all at once, aiming for the nine monsters hundreds of meters away.

In the skies, of a large open field filled with nothing but an endless meadow and mountains, nine figures could be seen in the distance, across from the dragon-like tortoise.

Of the nine figures, seven of them were large, eastern divine dragons that were over twenty meters in length each. The last two, were tigers. A golden tiger with black wings, as well as a tigress that was purple from head to toe.

On the ground, three humans were seen standing next to each other. One of them was an old man, while the other two were young men who weren't even twenty years of age.

"You two have improved since then." the old man spoke.

"Of course, with you helping us train everyday, it would be weird if we didn't." one of the two young men replied.

After that brief exchange, the three humans stopped speaking and looked up to observe the battle above.

The dragon-like tortoise was surrounded in five elements. The seven dragons each held a different element. When the attack of the tortoise was coming, they rotated to cancel it out, by using a stronger element with the advantage.

Of course, this advantage didn't mean much, in the face of a much stronger opponent. The seven dragons worked together to neutralise the five elements, while the golden and purple tigers attacked.


A dual beam of golden-blue as well as purple, fused together and went straight for the tortoise. In front of it, a wall of earth and wood stood erect in thin air, blocking the beam.

Crack! Crack!

The wall was shaking, as it slowly began to crumble under the continuous flow of energy from the two tigers. The seven dragons roared, they came together and fired off a beam that contained all their elements in one, aiming straight for the tortoise.


The wall of earth was pierced through, two beams of energy were now coming for it from different directions. As the two beams gradually came closer, the tortoise moved its body, and tucked itself inside its sh.e.l.l.

Bang! Whizz!

The twin beams. .h.i.t the tortoise at the same time. In the air, the tortoise's sh.e.l.l was struck. However, even under the combined might of nine monsters, its sh.e.l.l was completely unscathed. It's sh.e.l.l was only pushed back, by a few meters.

Its defence was simply astonis.h.i.+ng. It seemed as though no attack could penetrate its absolute defence. Once the two beams of energy dispersed, its legs, tail, and head popped out of its sh.e.l.l, returning to its former glory.

From Fish To Dragon 145 Return Ii

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From Fish To Dragon 145 Return Ii summary

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